

Chapter 415 - Soul Transformation (2)

Along the way, Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and saw many cultivators with very ugly expressions that only seemed to hide their worries. Even when they met someone they knew, they would just quickly reply to each other and then head their own way.

As Wang Lin flew, he suddenly frowned. More than ten cultivators who had their divine senses linked in a mysterious way were sweeping the area.

Among these ten or so cultivators, three of them were at the Soul Formation stage and the rest were at the Nascent Soul stage.

They weren't targeting anyone specifically but seemed to be checking every cultivator.

When their scan came toward him, Wang Lin didn't have time to deal with them, so he took a step and dodged their divine senses.

None of them noticed anything wrong, so they continued to sweep the area.

Wang Lin's speed was very quick, so he arrived outside the Soul Refining Sect shortly after. The sect protection formation was already activated. It formed a black cloud around the sect, and this cloud looked like it was filled with ghosts.

Waves of screams would occasionally come from the cloud. This place looked very daunting, almost like it was the underworld.

None of the cultivators of Pilu were willing to come near here, so they would always take a detour around this place.

When Wang Lin saw the sect protection formation, he let out a sigh of relief. This meant that everything inside the sect was still safe. He activated the soul sealing technique and opened his mouth to spit out a strand of black gas that turned into the 30-foot-tall soul flag.

"Enter!" Wang Lin pointed at the flag and it began to move. It quickly wrapped around Wang Lin and brought him through the formation.

The moment the flag charged toward the black fog, the soul fragments made room to allow Wang Lin through. Then Wang Lin and the flag disappeared deep within the Soul Refining Sect's formation.

Soon after, the black cloud returned to normal; the passage that had opened up was quickly sealed.

There weren't many changes since Wang Lin was last here, but there seemed to be even fewer disciples now; only 10% of them were present.

Looking at the distance, of the nine golden rings, only three remained…

"You have returned…" An ancient voice came from the void. A blood ring suddenly appeared before Wang Lin and then Du Tian walked out of it.

Du Tian looked even older than before and his entire body was giving off a thick death aura. The current him looked so different from the last time Wang Lin had seen him.

"Senior, you…" Wang Lin's eyes became serious as he examined Du Tian. He let out a sigh as he saw that Du Tian's lifespan was almost at its end.

"You saw through it… It's no problem; I still have a few years of life left. I won't die too soon." Du Tian let out a laugh, and as he laughed, the death aura around him seemed to lessen.

"Not bad. In these short years, your cultivation level has increased a lot. You have already reached the point where you have to absorb celestial spiritual energy and refine your body. If you have a large amount of celestial jades, then it is only a matter of time before you reach the Soul Transformation stage!" Du Tian took a closer look at Wang Lin. What he saw shocked him and made his eyes shine brightly.

Wang Lin pondered a bit before asking, "Does senior have any celestial jades?"

Du Tian looked toward the sky and laughed. "What a guy you are, Ceng Niu. You came back to the Soul Refining Sect only for celestial jades. If you had enough celestial jades, I'm afraid you wouldn't even have returned."

Wang Lin faintly smiled and shook his head. "I would still return for the one-billion-soul soul flag."

Du Tian's eyes lit up. He looked at Wang Lin with an appreciative gaze and smiled. "Good, the one-billion-soul soul flag is yours. My soul fragment will also be yours in a few years; heck, even the entire Soul Refining Sect is yours! If you don't like this place, you can give up on the Soul Refining Sect here, but you have to remember how good I was to you and you have to keep your promise.

"This old man only wants you to promise one thing and that is to keep the one-billion-soul soul flag safe. As long as this soul flag is safe, then my Soul Refining Sect still exists. This planet is too small to hold someone like you, Ceng Niu. When you leave, you must find a place suitable for my Soul Refining Sect to grow once more. You must also build 999 heaven-reaching towers to complete my Soul Refining Sect's dream of becoming a rank 6 cultivation country.

"Listen well, Ceng Niu!"

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. There was nothing free in this world, so if you wanted something, you would have to pay a price. After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin agreed with Du Tian's words. He nodded and said, "I can do it!"

Du Tian carefully looked at Wang Lin before letting out a sigh. He looked into the sky and thought, "Senior apprentice brother, I have gambled everything on your prediction. I hope I won't lose everything on this bet…"

He took a deep breath, waved his sleeves, and said, "Follow me!"

With that, he led the way and Wang Lin followed closely behind.

The two of them moved like lightning as they passed through the Soul Refining Sect and arrived at the back mountain.

Du Tian sent out a seal, causing the surroundings to tremble and a black vortex to suddenly appear. The vortex had black lightning coursing through it, and then a dangerous aura quickly spread from inside it.

"This is the forbidden area of my Soul Refining Sect. Only those who have mastered the soul sealing technique are allowed in here, so bringing you here doesn't break the sect's law." After Du Tian finished speaking, he disappeared into the vortex.

Wang Lin pondered a bit. Although his expression remained calm, he put up his guard as he carefully followed Du Tian inside.

The moment he entered the vortex, he felt like he was entering a transfer array. His vision blurred, and when he could see clearly again, he was inside a cave.

This cave wasn't very large. On the wall before him were more than 30 tablets made of celestial jade.

"These are tablets for all of the past Soul Transformation cultivators of the Soul Refining Sect." Du Tian bowed to those tablets.

Wang Lin also bowed.

A hint of joy entered Du Tian's eyes and he faintly nodded. Then he walked to the side and pressed his hand on a wall. Shortly after, rumbling sounds came from all directions.

"Ceng Niu, sit down in the lotus position. My Soul Refining Sect doesn't have many celestial jades left. Although we had a lot saved up when we came over from Planet Four Saints, after tens of thousands of years and more than 30 Soul Transformation cultivators, our supply has long been used up. The remaining jades are what my senior apprentice brother and I got from the Celestial Realm when we were young. I'm afraid that they aren't enough for you. However, you don't have to worry; even if this isn't enough, I'll just bring you out to steal some. No matter what, you must reach the Soul Transformation stage soon.

"My Soul Refining Sect has never worried about not having enough celestial jades because when someone is ready to reach the Soul Transformation stage, we just pick a sect and bring the one-billion-soul soul flag to steal what we need. If one sect isn't enough, we will visit two sects; if two aren't enough, then we will go to a third sect. Sooner or later, we will get enough celestial jades."

"When I reached the Soul Transformations stage, my teacher took the one-billion-soul soul flag and stole from all of the sects in three rank 5 cultivation countries." As Du Tian spoke, there was pride in his eyes.

Wang Lin could only bitterly smile after hearing this. He thought that the Soul Refining Sect sure was tyrannical. The one-billion-soul soul flag was something even the Suzaku dreaded. With it, the Soul Refining Sect could sweep the planet and no one would dare to stop them. No wonder they were able to produce so many Soul Transformation cultivators; all of the celestial jades they used were stolen from others.

At this moment, the rumbling got even louder and the ground began to crack. Then two blocks of celestial jade, each one the size of a person, came up from underground.

Rich celestial spiritual energy began to fill the area. Wang Lin took a closer look and found that the quality of these two celestial jades wasn't as good as the quality of his jades. However, they were simply massive, so they naturally contained more celestial spiritual energy.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and began to absorb the celestial spiritual energy.

One piece of jade was in front of Wang Lin and the other was behind him. They both emitted rich celestial spiritual energy which he absorbed at an incredible pace. It was as if his body was a large vortex.

The celestial spiritual energy coming from the celestial jades was so rich that it became a visible white line that connected the jades and Wang Lin.

Du Tian, who was standing on the side, nodded. He slapped his bag of holding and took out seven small, white flags. He threw them out and the seven white flags landed around Wang Lin.

Strands of white gas came out from the white flags, linking them together to form an irregular shape.

Du Tian pointed at the air and said, "Stand!"

White lines came out from the lines connecting the white flags and completely surrounded Wang Lin.

"Ceng Niu, with this formation, the speed at which you can absorb and convert your spiritual energy will increase. This old man has never held back on you."

An endless amount of celestial spiritual energy entered his body and his body constantly refined it, causing the spiritual energy inside him to change.

Wang Lin gradually forgot about the passage of time and completely emerged himself in absorbing celestial spiritual energy and converting his spiritual energy. Throughout this process, he gained a deep understanding of celestial spiritual energy.

Reaching the Soul Transformation stage means a change in quality for cultivators. Only by converting spiritual energy and controlling celestial spiritual energy can one truly be considered a powerhouse.

Soul Transformation cultivators can control celestial spiritual energy, so many treasures that use spiritual energy become useless because they can't withstand celestial spiritual energy.

Similarly, there are some treasures that can't be activated with spiritual energy at all; they can only be activated by celestial spiritual energy.

The celestial sword and War God Chariot were like this.

With the passage of time, no matter how many celestial jades there were, they would eventually be absorbed. On this day, there were gentle crackling sounds as cracks appeared on the two jades.

Chapter 416 - Tradition

Cracks began to appear on the two slabs of celestial jade. The cracks began to spread and then the jades slowly turned grey.

On this day, the last strand of celestial spiritual energy was extracted from the celestial jade in front of Wang Lin. With a bang, the slab of jade collapsed into small pieces, forming a small hill of dust before him.

At the same time, the celestial jade behind him also collapsed.

Wang Lin's hair flowed in the air without any wind. The amount of celestial spiritual energy in his body was now countless times higher than before. A powerful aura began to spread from his body, knocking away the seven white flags because they couldn't withstand it.

Wang Lin slowly raised his head. When he stood up, his eyes released a golden light before calming down.

"I've completed ? of the process…" Wang Lin's eyes landed on Du Tian, who was sitting in the corner.

Du Tian opened his eyes and smiled. "Good, now follow me while I take you to go steal some celestial jades. Although things are a mess due to the war, some war can't stop this tradition of my Soul Refining Sect."

Du Tian laughed as he ripped open the space before him, creating a black vortex that he walked into.

Wang Lin let out a faint smile as he followed him into the vortex.

When they reappeared, they were already in the sky outside of the Soul Refining Sect. Du Tian had his hands behind his back as he flew forward riding on a cloud.

As Wang Lin casually followed behind Du Tian, he felt how the celestial spiritual energy had changed his body.

There wasn't much spiritual energy left in his body at the moment; a majority of it had been converted to celestial spiritual energy. However, he had to fill his body to the brim with celestial spiritual energy, so he still needed a large amount of celestial jades to reach the Soul Transformation stage.

There was a swarm on the western side of Pilu. This was a land of death where you couldn't see a living person within a radius of 10,000 kilometers.

This place was a haven for insects. There were a lot of poisonous insects living here that even some cultivators wouldn't dare to mess with.

Here one could often seen large swarms of insects moving around. They were the kings here.

There were other types of beasts inside the swarm that were also poisonous. However, they couldn't match the insects, so they spent most of their time inside the swarm and would normally not come out.

All of the cultivators in Pilu knew not to take a step into the swarm. It was not forbidden because it was dangerous but because this land was the home of the Demonic Insect Sect.

The Demonic Insect Sect was located in a swamp.

The Demonic Insect Sect was a very strange sect. Instead of having a main sect hall, its buildings and structures were scattered across the swamp.

There were a few spots that were solid ground. It was in these spots that the disciples of the Demonic Insect Sect lived. They lived in these scattered areas that were spread across the entire swamp.

The disciples of the Demonic Insect Sect didn't have much sense of camaraderie with each other. Their cultivation method was related to insects, so the large amount of poisonous insects in the swamp did make it more convenient for them.

On this day, two figures appeared in the sky above the edge of the swamp. One of the two was old and the other was young. The old man was wearing a black robe, his hair was grey, and he was very skinny. He had his hands behind his back, his eyes were cold, and he exuded an aura that caused all of the insects to run away in terror.

The person beside him was a young man. He was wearing white and had his hair casually flowing behind him. Although he wasn't handsome, he had this abnormal aura to him. His eyes were especially clear; one look from them could shake a person's heart.

These two were Du Tian and Wang Lin.

It was clear that Du Tian was very familiar with this place, because he led Wang Lin directly here. He looked at the swamp below him and sighed. "Ceng Niu, even though they are all hiding like rats, don't look down on the Demonic Insect Sect members. Let me tell you that these people must all have been filthy rich in their previous lives. When my teacher brought me here, the amount of celestial jades we stole was more than three times what we took from the other sects."

With that, he reached out to the void and the one-billion-soul soul flag appeared in his hand. After grabbing the one-billion-soul soul flag, Du Tian's aura changed completely. He stared at the swamp below him and waved the flag. Countless soul fragments immediately flew out and covered the area. The sky changed colors and time seemed to have stopped.

The entire area was surrounded by soul fragments which constantly let out ghostly wails. The sound waves of these wails spread across the entire swamp. They were no weaker than attacks from magic treasures.

More than ten golden-purple soul fragments charged out with excitement in their eyes and rushed forward without any commands. All of the poisonous insects ran as if they had met their natural enemy.

Du Tian's eyes lit up and he shouted, "Mice of the Demonic Insect Sect, your grandfather Du Tian has come! The rule is the same as usual: quickly hand over the celestial jades!"

After Wang Lin heard this, he couldn't help but laugh out loud. Could there even have been some rule set for stealing celestial jades?

Wang Lin didn't know that the Soul Refining Sect was used to being this bossy. Back when Du Tian's master brought him here, his master said the same thing, and it was rumored that his master's master also said something similar.

In short, there was indeed a rule to this.

A few angry roars came from the swarm before two people flew out. The soul fragments tried to stop them, but they were all knocked back by their auras.

However, the two of them knew what to do; they merely pushed the soul fragments back without injuring them.

One was an old man who was wearing a purple robe and had two blood-red scorpions around him. He quickly shouted, "Old ghost Du Tian, there are no more celestial jades!"

The other person was an old woman wearing a palace dress. Although her face was filled with wrinkles, her eyes were bright. She coughed to cut off the purple-robed old man, then she looked at Du Tian and said, "Old ghost Du Tian, we can't give you any celestial jades. When the Forsaken Immortal Clan attacked, I was seriously injured and required a lot of celestial jades to finally recover. Considering the future, we can't give you any."

Du Tian's eyes became serious and then his gaze landed on the old woman. He pointed at his forehead and the death aura he had been suppressing was released. He said, with a hoarse voice, "Yan Hong, I have less than two years left to live."

The old woman trembled and her expression changed slightly.

The purple-robed old man's expression became ugly and he muttered, "You people of the Soul Refining Sect are all crazy. When your lifespan is almost up, you take the one-billion-soul soul flag and steal celestial jades from people…"

Du Tian laughed and said, "That is correct. I only have less than two years left to live, so I naturally don't fear death. Give me celestial jades and I'll leave. If you don't give me any, I won't fight with you, but I'll wipe out all the poisonous insects in this swamp.

The purple-robed old man laughed in anger and was about to speak when the old woman coughed and said, "Old ghost, why be like this? Not only can the two of us can wipe out your Soul Refining Sect, this junior beside you will die for sure."

Wang Lin let out a faint smile as his right hand pointed to the air and the celestial sword flew out with a swing. Wang Lin used a strand of celestial spiritual energy in that swing. Although he hadn't reached the Soul Transformation stage, he could still use a bit of celestial spiritual energy.

The celestial sword naturally needed celestial spiritual energy to be used. Once celestial spiritual energy was used, it released a blinding, golden light and exuded celestial pressure. The sword energy descended like lightning.

The old woman's expression greatly changed as she reached for her bag of holding and took out a turtle shell to block the sword energy.


A loud bang could be heard as the turtle shell turned to dust when it stopped the sword energy.

The old woman's expression was very ugly. Even the purple-robed old man's expression was ugly as he stared at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin slowly asked, "Do you two still think I'll die for sure today?"

The old woman said, with a serious tone, "Who are you?!" That sword energy just now contained celestial spiritual energy, but she wasn't surprised about that. She had already noticed that Wang Lin was at the step between the Soul Formation and Soul Transformation stages.

She didn't consider this kind of cultivator a threat, but she could have never imagined that he would have a celestial treasure.

No matter what quality, as long as a treasure uses spiritual energy, it's called a spirit treasure.

At the same time, treasures that use celestial spiritual energy are called celestial treasures.

The so called celestial treasures are treasures that can withstand the power of celestial spiritual energy and perfectly display its power. This kind of treasure is very rare. The only thing most Soul Transformation cultivators want other than reaching the Ascendant stage is to find a celestial treasure for themselves.

Among Soul Transformation cultivators, having a celestial treasure and not having one is a huge difference. With a celestial treasure one can use celestial spiritual energy to its full potential, but if one doesn't have one, they have to use it with their techniques, which are always weaker than treasures.

In addition, there are some treasures that lie somewhere in between spirit and celestial treasures. They can be activated with both types of energy, and although they can't fully utilize the power of celestial spiritual energy, they are much more powerful than treasures that use spiritual energy. These types of treasures are called pseudo celestial treasures.

The one-billion-soul soul flag and restriction flag are considered pseudo celestial treasures.

Chapter 417 - The second battle with the Forsaken Immortal Clan begins

Wang Lin smiled at the old woman's question and said, "I'm Ceng Niu."

The old woman's expression changed. She looked at Wang Lin and said, "To kill Xue Yue's Li Yuanfeng and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor at only the Soul Formation stage… Today this old woman indeed can't kill you."

The old woman let out a sigh. Although she was at the late stage of Soul Transformation and could easily kill Wang Lin, she had no chance of doing so with Du Tian present.

After looking at the old man beside her, she let out another sigh in her heart.

The purple-robed old man beside the woman had a gloomy expression on his face. He was at the early stage of Soul Transformation. He knew that he could have killed Li Yuanfeng without question, but against the Giant Demon Clan ancestor, it would be very difficult to win. However, this young man before him managed to kill both. Although Wang Lin wasn't a Soul Transformation cultivator yet, he already saw Wang Lin as someone of the same cultivation level.

Du Tian let out a laugh. He was very satisfied with Wang Lin's actions. People of the Soul Refining Sect should be like this.

Du Tian said, "Let's not waste anymore time. According to the rules, give me half of your celestial jades!"

The old woman pondered a bit. She then looked at Du Tian for a bit before her eyes lit up and she said, "I can give you half our celestial jades, but with the battle with the Forsaken Immortal Clan at hand, if my Demonic Insect Sect is in danger, you must help us at once!"

Du Tian looked at the old woman and said, "That will depend on how many celestial jades you give me."

The old woman bitterly smiled. She took out a bag of holding and threw it at Du Tain without even looking at it. She said, "This should satisfy you."

Du Tian caught the bag. After he scanned it with his divine sense, his expression became strange. He looked at the old woman and said, "You people of the Demonic Insect Sect really were filthy rich in the past. My master took so many celestial jades from you guys, but you still have this many. Did you guys find some way to gather them?"

The old woman calmly said, "You don't need to know about this. Remember our agreement." With that, she flew off into the distance.

The purple-robed elder looked at Wang Lin once more before clasping his hands at him and leaving.

Just like this, Du Tain took Wang Lin across Pilu and stole a large number of celestial jades. Along the way, Wang Lin really got to see just how tyrannical Du Tian really was. Du Tian would take out the one-billion-soul soul flag and demand celestial jades. If they didn't give him any, he would release the soul fragments and use what little time he had left to mess with the sect.

The Soul Refining Sect's notoriety was well known. The other two sects of Pilu were really angry, but since the Soul Refining Sect has always done this, they handed the celestial jades over in the end.

Du Tian slapped his bag of holding and smiled at Wang Lin. "See all of this? This is how my Soul Refining Sect has acted for tens of thousands of years. When you own the one-billion-soul soul flag, you must do the same or else you'll drag down my Soul Refining Sect's name."

Although his body was filled with death aura, Wang Lin could sense some relief in Du Tian's heart.

"A long time ago, an ancestor of my Soul Refining Sect wanted to reach the Ascendant stage. The amount of celestial jades he needed was many times more than what you require. Finally, after sweeping the entire planet, he went to the country of Suzaku. With the one-billion-soul soul flag, even the Ascendant cultivators wouldn't carelessly act against him. As a result, he was able to take celestial jades by force," Du Tian said.

Wang Lin bitterly smiled. He could feel the headache that the Ascendant cultivators of Suzaku back then had. Giving the celestial jades away made it feel like they were gifting someone free money.

After all, every generation that held the one-billion-soul soul flag was a tyrant.

Wang Lin secretly thought, "I think I see how this Soul Refining Sect went from a rank 5 cultivation country to only a sect now…"

"However, that ancestor failed and still died in the end. In truth, I don't agree with his actions; unless it is absolutely needed, it is better not to mess with Ascendant cultivators. He would've been better off doing what we are doing right now. With this flag, we can go through a rank 5 cultivation country and steal from any sect we see. Even if we meet powerful cultivators of the Forsaken Immortal Clan, it won't matter."

Wang Lin bitterly smiled once more.

Du Tian's tyrannical actions weren't limited to Pilu. In fact, Du Tian was fairly reserved in Pilu. After all, they were all neighbors, so he couldn't push them too far.

However, the moment they left Pilu, Wang Lin finally got to see just how tyrannical Du Tian could be.

In three months of time, Du Tian took Wang Lin across four rank 5 cultivation countries. When they left, it was like a locust swarm had gone by. Even some cultivation families were affected and had to hand over the few celestial jades they had.

As for the sects, Du Tian didn't even say anything before taking out the one-billion-soul soul flag. The soul fragments would cover the sects and then more than ten Soul Transformation soul fragments would come out. This was not an attack any sect in a rank 5 cultivation country could resist.

Du Tian collected a large number of celestial jades and placed them in a bag of holding.

In the fourth rank 5 cultivation country, Du Tian finally aroused a reaction from the local cultivators. Four Soul Transformation cultivators banded together to attack Du Tian.

This time, Wang Lin finally recognized just how strong the one-billion-soul soul flag was.

Wang Lin didn't even have time to act before the four of them were beaten back. This was only because Du Tian didn't want to kill anyone; otherwise, one of them would have definitely become another primary soul for the soul flag.

With how tyrannical Du Tian was acting in the last two years of his life, Wang Lin had to take out his straw hat and use it to cover his appearance.

This was to prevent all of the sects that they had stolen from from looking for him in the future.

Four rank 5 cultivation countries, 13 sects, and more than 100 cultivation families. Counting the ones in Pilu, that is 16 sects in total.

In these three months, Du Tian stole a large number of celestial jades from them. On this day, Du Tian stopped.

Du Tian said to Wang Lin, in a serious tone, "This many celestial jades should be enough for you to reach the Soul Transformation stage. Maybe there will even be some left over. In the future, if you want to raise your cultivation level, you will have to get your own celestial jades. Remember, in the cultivation world, especially for Soul Transformation cultivators, the only way to get celestial jades is to steal. No matter how many disciples you send to the Celestial Realm, you won't get enough celestial jades."

Wang Lin nodded. He had no issues with stealing, but he didn't agree with Du Tian's methods. He believed that he should either take everything or not steal at all.

Perhaps the process would be a lot more difficult, but the number of celestial jades in their possession would be more than double what they currently had.

After obtaining enough celestial jades, Du Tian took Wang Lin and rushed back to the Soul Refining Sect. He was going to protect Wang Lin so he could break through to the Soul Transformation stage safely.

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Du Tian let out a sigh and said, "Planet Suzaku is too small. When I was young, I left the planet once and went to Tian Yun. That planet is ten times larger than planet Suzaku. There are a lot of sects there and naturally more celestial jades. If it wasn't for that fact I wasn't strong enough, it would have felt good to steal from the sects there. It is said that among the cultivation alliance, there are many rank 6 cultivation countries that organize raids to steal from other cultivation planets."

"Planet Tian Yun…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

Du Tian said, "That Tian Yunzi on planet Tian Yun has a very high cultivation level. It is said he even has a seat in the cultivation alliance. That is not something the small Zhuque Zi can compare with."

Wang Lin pondered a bit. Just as he was about to ask more, Du Tian's expression changed and he looked into the distance. Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and turned his head.

A black fog was closing in from the horizon and devouring clouds on the way. The black fog was so large that one couldn't see where it ended.

A powerful aura of tattoo power slowly spread out.

"Forsaken Immortal Clan!" Du Tian's eyes lit up.

During their time together, Wang Lin had talked with Du Tian and learned that several years ago, the Immortal Forsaken Clan gathered a large amount of people and directly started their attack on the continent of Suzaku.

Countless cultivators died during that battle. Some shamans from the Forsaken Immortal Clan who were as powerful as Ascendant cultivators fought with Zhuque Zi and the other two Ascendant cultivators.

This battle lasted for three years and then the Forsaken Immortal Clan retreated. They took over the rank 3 cultivation countries and began this slow battle with the country of Suzaku.

In this battle, two people rose above all others: Liu Mei and Qian Feng.

Liu Mei, with her peerless beauty, had caught the eyes of all the young male cultivators. Her cultivation level was also very high; she was at the mid stage of Soul Transformation. This made her even more eye-catching.

The moment she appeared, she completely suppressed Red Butterfly's fame and became the new heavens' daughter.

It seemed like no one was paying attention to Red Butterfly anymore.

What got everyone talking even more was that she was the personal disciple of the current Suzaku and a candidate to become the next Suzaku.

The moment she appeared, she caught several seven-leaf shamans. She was even able to capture an eight-leaf shaman who was as powerful as a late stage Soul Transformation cultivator.

As a result, her fame skyrocketed.

There was one more thing about her that caught everyone's attention. The rumors went like this: she was kind and had a pure heart yet was still able to reach this level of cultivation. She had never killed a person in her life; even when she fought against the Forsaken Immortal Clan, she only captured them and didn't kill them.

With all of these good qualities, she naturally caught everyone's attention. Whenever she appeared, all of the surrounding cultivators respectfully obeyed her orders.

Even in battles that they were destined to lose, when she appeared, all of the cultivators present would regain their vigor and then win the battle with her help.

This woman was considered one of the twin geniuses of this generation.

The other genius was Qian Feng. He was very handsome and had a dignified appearance. His cultivation level was also at the mid stage of Soul Transformation. There was no trace of arrogance on him and he was very morally upright, just, and mild-mannered.

Qian Feng suddenly appeared in the second year of the Forsaken Immortal Clan's attack.

Chapter 418 - The true power of the 1 billion soul soul flag

The moment he appeared, he immediately killed several powerful Forsaken Immortal Clan members and fought with the Forsaken Immortal Clan's junior master. All of this immediately shook the entire planet.

The battle between the two of them was a battle between each side's next generation's leader.

Although Qian Feng didn't win and the battle ended in a tie, his fame soared through the heavens. Only after this battle did everyone know that he was Liu Mei's senior apprentice brother and a disciple of the current Suzaku. He was ranked second under Liu Mei.

In addition, he had another identity that caught everyone's attention.

This person was the descendant of the previous generation's Suzaku.

Qian Feng was like a bright moon in the battle against the Forsaken Immortal Clan. In the end, he signed an agreement with the junior master of the Forsaken Immortal Clan. The country of Suzaku handed over all rank 3 cultivation countries so that the Forsaken Immortal Clan would suspend their attack.

Du Tian's eyes lit up as he stared at the large, black cloud coming in from the distance and said, in a deep tone, "The Forsaken Immortal Clan has started their second attack. Ceng Niu, I can feel that a shaman as powerful as a mid stage Soul Transformation cultivator is within that black cloud. As for whether there is an Ascendant cultivator or not, I don't know. Bring out the sub-flag and we'll charge over!"

Wang Lin's expression remained calm as he looked at the black cloud. He reached out, causing the one-billion-soul soul sub-flag to appear. After he grabbed the flag, black fog came out of it and wrapped around Wang Lin.

Du Tian also took out the one-billion-soul soul flag. With a wave, he wrapped himself in black fog as well and charged toward the black cloud with Wang Lin. As they traveled, they were surrounded by sonic booms and the wailing of soul fragments.

Waves of roars suddenly came the black cloud as a large number of Forsaken Immortal Clan members appeared charged out. At this moment, Du Tian and Wang Lin charged directly into the black cloud.

Just as the Forsaken Immortal Clan members were about to attack, a shout came from within the black cloud and the Forsaken Immortal Clan members stopped and opened up a passage.

A middle-aged man in a palace robe without any tattoos on his body walked out from the black cloud. Beside him followed a hunchbacked old man. The old man's expression was gloomy and he would occasionally cough a few times.

Wang Lin immediately recognized this old man as the person who had chased him into the spatial rift and then was left trapped inside.

The feud between the two of them was great, so if he recognized Wang Lin, he wouldn't give up until he died. However, Wang Lin was wearing the straw hat and was wrapped in the soul flag, so that person couldn't recognize him.

"Soul Refining Sect!" the middle-aged man whispered as his eyes lit up. He moved forward and blocked Du Tian and Wang Lin.

"You two from the Soul Refining Sect, stay!" The-middle aged man smiled and waved his hand.


A loud bang rang out. With just a simple wave, an invisible force suddenly appeared and trapped Du Tian and Wang Lin like they were in a cage.

Wang Lin's expression slightly changed. Under this invisible force, he felt a very strong sense of danger.

"Nine-leaf shaman!" Du Tian's voice came from inside the soul flag.

However, the soul flag surrounding Du Tian released countless soul fragments and then the 13 golden-purple primary souls descended like gods.

Du Tian shouted, "Charge!"

The soul fragments suddenly became crazy as they charged in all directions. This was especially true for the 13 Soul Transformation soul fragments. All of the Forsaken Immortal Clan members under Soul Transformation level strength died in just one touch from the 13 fragments.

The middle-aged man frowned. He had just reached the nine-leaf stage, so he was equal to an early stage Ascendant cultivator. However, he had never seen the terrifying power of the one-billion-soul soul flag. He had only read about it in the records of the war tens of thousands of years ago and knew that it was the weapon that the Forsaken Immortal Clan dread the most.

Now that he saw it, his expression darkened. He waved his hand, causing the black cloud to back off. The Forsaken Immortal Clan members inside the cloud created an opening in the middle.

Du Tian laughed as he brought Wang Lin to charge out of the black cloud and into the distance.

"Mu Ye, you bring the clan members to meet up with junior master. I'm going to test the power of the one-billion-soul soul flag," the middle-aged man commanded, before chasing after Du Tian.

The hunchbacked old man nodded as he led the clan members to reform the black cloud. When they finished, they continued to move forward.

Du Tian flew away and then suddenly paused. "The nine-leaf shaman is following us. Ceng Niu, watch carefully and see why Ascendant cultivators fear the one-billion-soul soul flag."

As Du Tian spoke, he turned around to face the Forsaken Immortal Clan member. A rainbow arched across the sky and arrived before him. It was the middle-aged man.

Du Tian didn't waste time talking. His hand formed a seal and he spat out some blood. "500 million souls and 13 primary souls, appear!"

The sky suddenly darkened as if the entire sky was covered by something and the earth became hell.

An endless amount of wailing from the soul fragments began to echo around them.

The soul fragments flew out of the soul flag one by one, covering the entire area. The 13 golden-purple soul fragments stared at the middle-aged man that had appeared.

"Watch carefully. This is the proper way to use the soul flag. Thirteen soul formation!" Du Tian shouted as the black fog surrounding him turned back into the 30-foot flag. Then he waved it.

The 500 million soul fragments began to move in a mysterious manner around the 13 primary souls and formed a large formation that surrounded Wang Lin, Du Tian, and the middle-aged man…

Even with Wang Lin's understanding of formations, he was only able to see through bits of it and couldn't study it in detail.

"Soul refining!" Du Tian shouted as he reached out.

The formation suddenly trembled as all of the soul fragments let out a unified sound. This sound was like some kind of spell.

Shortly after, a black aura came out from amidst the soul fragments and formed a giant hand. This giant hand was doing the same thing Du Tian was doing; it was as if it was his avatar.

As Du Tian reached out, a white figure appeared around the middle-aged man. It was his soul. At this moment, the giant hand descended.

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up. He didn't use any treasure as he pointed at the air and said one word: "Stop!"

With a bang, the large hand suddenly stopped and remained motionless.

The middle-aged man extended his arm and then five different-colored lights gathered in his hand.

"Cauldron!" The five lights immediately shattered and formed five cauldrons around the middle-aged man.

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Then then he muttered, "Refine!" The five large cauldrons trembled as strange tattoos appeared around them. The tattoos flashed as they rotated around the cauldrons.

The five large cauldrons formed five large vortexes inside the formation.

An ancient aura filled the formation and then some of the soul fragments were pulled into the vortexes.

Du Tian's expression remained calm as he said, "You are indeed a nine-leaf shaman, and you have some skill. Thirteen primary souls, gather!"

The formation suddenly changed again as the 500 million soul fragments gathered toward the 13 primary souls, then the 13 primary souls started to become solid.

The 500 million soul fragments fused with the 13 primary souls, giving them each the power of a late stage Soul Transformation cultivator. They even had celestial spiritual energy inside their bodies.

This time the middle-aged man's expression finally changed.

Du Tian's eyes were cold as he said. "It's not over yet. Thirteen primary souls, fuse into one!"

The 13 primary souls suddenly moved, creating countless afterimages. When the afterimages disappeared, the souls had fused into one.

500 million soul fragments and 13 primary souls refined into one soul.

The moment this soul appeared, the sky changed colors.

"Ascendant…" The middle-aged man sucked in a breath of cold air.

All of the primary souls in the one-billion-soul soul flag were Soul Transformation ancestors of the Soul Refining Sect. The one regret they all had was being unable to reach the Ascendant stage. They couldn't achieve it when they were alive, and this desire grew stronger in their death.

In the end, the desire of all the soul fragments allowed them to fuse and create a power that matched an Ascendant cultivator.

This wasn't even the full power of the one-billion-soul soul flag, only a part of it.

This power was enough to fight against early stage Ascendant cultivators but was no match for late stage Ascendant cultivators like the current Suzaku. What the current Suzaku was really scared of was the power of all 36 primary souls, especially the fourth one.

Du Tian stared at the middle-aged man and coldly said, "Scram. I won't kill you today. My Soul Refining Sect won't participate in the war between you and the country of Suzaku!"

The middle-aged man's expression was very dark and the anger in his heart grew. With his cultivation level, if Du Tian didn't have the one-billion-soul soul flag, he could have easily killed Du Tian already.

He stared at Du Tian as he pondered. After a bit, he said, "Just this kind of power isn't enough to threaten me. Could the one-billion-soul soul flag only have this kind of power?"

Du Tian laughed as his eyes lit up and said, "Ten primary souls, appear!"

He waved the soul flag in his hand and then ten more Soul Transformation primary souls flew out.

This time the middle-aged man bitterly smiled. At this moment, he finally understood why his clan dreaded the one-billion-soul soul flag so much.

The middle-aged man said, "Since the Soul Refining Sect is not going to participate in the war, then I'll speak for the Forsaken Immortal Clan and promise that we won't even take a single step into the Soul Refining Sect!"

With that, he clasped his hands at Du Tian and carefully left.

Du Tian waved the soul flag to retrieve all the soul fragments and quickly left with Wang Lin.

"One-billion-soul soul flag…" After witnessing what had just happened, Wang Lin's eyes were filled with passion. The world was large, and with that flag, he could go anywhere!

Chapter 419 - Second generation Suzaku? Situ Nan?

With arrogance in his voice Du Tian said, "This is the power of my Soul Refining Sect's one-billion-soul soul flag. What do you think?"

Wang Lin replied, "Very powerful!"

Du Tian laughed and said, "There isn't really a proper way to use the soul flag. For example, the sixth generation ancestor was good with formations, so he used it to create formations."

As Du Tian rushed back to Pilu, he told Wang Lin more about the one-billion-soul soul flag. "The tenth generation ancestor's domain was devour, so he used the soul flag to devour souls to make himself stronger against enemies."

"However, the one skill that the one-billion-soul soul flag always has is fusion. The Ascendant soul you saw was created by fusion. Although it can't last forever, it can fight against an Ascendant cultivator for one incense stick of time."

"However, none of these are the flag's real aces. What can really threaten Ascendant cultivators is the fourth primary soul. In tens of thousands of years, the fourth soul has only appeared once. When that happened, my sect's last early stage Ascendant ancestor was fighting together with the second generation Suzaku against four late stage Ascendant cultivators from other planets."

While stealing celestial jades was the main reason they came out, Du Tian also wanted to teach Wang Lin about the one-billion-soul soul flag so that he can better control it two years from now.

Du Tian didn't hold anything back from Wang Lin; he treated Wang Lin like a real direct disciple.

These secrets about the soul flag were normally only passed down from master to disciple. Although Du Tian and Wang Lin were not officially master and disciple, their relationship was similar to that.

Wang Lin's eyes became serious as he asked, "Together with the second generation Suzaku?"

Du Tian nodded. "After beating the Forsaken Immortal Clan, the first generation Suzaku sacrificed himself along with several late stage Ascendant cultivators to seal the Forsaken Immortal Clan. Then he appointed someone as the second generation Suzaku."

"This person was very talented and outstanding, very different from all the future Suzakus after him. He didn't suppress any rank 5 cultivation countries and while he only ruled for a short 1000 years, he had a higher cultivation level than every Suzaku that came after. It is said that he was already one step into the the realm after Ascendant and was only half a step from the next step."

"This person was no doubt the number one expert in the history of planet Suzaku!"

After hearing this, Wang Lin's heart trembled. He thought about the one thing that Situ Nan had always said, which was that he was the number one expert of planet Suzaku.

"What was his name?"

Du Tian shook his head. "It has been far too long for anyone to still remember his name; we only remember him as the second generation Suzaku. Maybe the current Suzaku knows."

Wang Lin continued to ask, "What happened to him in the end?"

Du Tian slowly said, "His whereabouts are unknown." Du Tian sighed and continued, "It is rumored that the battle against those foreign cultivators wasn't any less intense than the battle against the Forsaken Immortal Clan's ancestral spirit. In the end, my Soul Refining Sect's ancestor wasn't a match; after all, he was only an early stage Ascendant cultivator. He used the fourth soul to get out alive and killed one of the foreign cultivators. However, the fourth soul took heavy damage and has been in deep sleep ever since. According to my calculations, it should have almost fully recovered by now."

"Although the battle was won, the second generation Suzaku was hunted down by the foreign cultivators and disappeared."

Wang Lin's heart trembled. He remembered when Situ Nan told him that he fought against some foreign cultivators.

Eventually, his body was destroyed by them, but his Nascent Soul escaped into the heaven defying bead and then his life was saved.

Situ Nan's hatred for those people could only be considered monstrous.

According to Du Tian's story, the second generation Suzaku's fate was very similar to Situ Nan's.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and his eyes lit up. He had a grudge against the current Suzaku; if Situ were to awaken, would he help the current Suzaku…

Du Tian looked at Wang Lin and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Wang Lin pondered a bit and asked, "With the war between the Forsaken Immortal Clan and the country of Suzaku going on right now, if the second generation Suzaku was still alive, would he help the current Suzaku?"

Du Tian laughed and shook his head. "Let's not count on the possibility of the second generation Suzaku being alive, but if he was, he wouldn't help the current generation Suzaku because there is no connection between them. It is rumored that the second generation Suzaku was very arrogant; if it wasn't for the fact that he owed the first generation Suzaku, he would have already left the planet to hone himself elsewhere."

Wang Lin nodded. His eyes lit up and he asked, "How many generations of Suzakus have there been?"

Du Tian snorted and said, "The current Suzaku is the 14th generation, and the one I hate the most."

Wang Lin pondered a bit before suddenly asking, "Senior, the Forsaken Immortal Ancestral spirit you talked about earlier, what is that?"

Du Tian shook his head and said, "I don't know what it is either and I have only seen the records from the sect. Back then, during the big war with the Forsaken Immortal Clan, this ancestral spirit appeared and caused a large amount of Ascendant cultivators to die. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. The continent of Suzaku is close. Let us hurry so you can reach the Soul Transformation stage." With that, Du Tian suddenly sped up.

In these few short months, Du Tian took Wang Lin across almost half of the planet. Now they could see the continent of Suzaku appearing before them.

"That's right, the ancestor recorded one of the names of the four foreign cultivators. That person said that he was from planet Five Elements and was called Na Duo[1. Na Duo appears in chapter 248]. Yes, that should be correct. Once we go back, I'll give you the jade with the records."

"Na Duo!" Wang Lin's body trembled.

"What is wrong with you?" Du Tian turned toward Wang Lin and looked at him with a questioning gaze.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and said, "I have met this Na Duo."

Du Tian was startled. His eyes lit up and he asked, "You've met Na Duo?"

Wang Lin told Du Tian about the matter regarding Na Duo.

"Interesting! An old monster that has lived for tens of thousands of years must have broken past the Ascendant stage and touched the next step. Otherwise, it would be impossible to live until now!"

The two of them flew very fast across the sky and soon arrived in the northern part of the Suzaku continent.

Just at this moment, Wang Lin's eyes became serious. Du Tian seemed to have noticed even earlier, because he grabbed Wang Lin and backed up.

A green light screen had appeared on the edge of the continent of Suzaku and it covered the entire continent.

"The Suzaku formation!" Du Tian's expression was ugly.

The Suzaku formation was the most powerful formation on the planet. It could be big or small, but when used at full power, it could cover the planet to protect it from foreign cultivators or beasts that lived in the void.

At its smallest, it could shield just one person and be extremely powerful.

"It looks like the country of Suzaku is very determined to win against the Forsaken Immortal Clan. The amount of spirit stones required to activate the Suzaku formation is beyond imagination and a lot of celestial jades are required to use its power. Hehe, enough to match a late stage Ascendant cultivator." Du Tian's eyes lit up and he pointed forward. A strand of black gas came out from his finger and landed on the green light screen.

The moment the black gas got close, the green light screen trembled and formed a green fist that punched the black gas.


After a loud bang, the black gas disappeared and the fist returned to the green light screen.

Du Tian sneered. "It even contains the blood of the Giant Demon Clan, so the formation has the power of the Giant Demon Clan bloodline."

"You shouldn't have left so much trouble behind when you went to the Giant Demon Clan; if I had gone personally, I would have killed them all to prevent any retaliation in the future. When the Forsaken Immortal Clan attacked, the Suzaku's second disciple, Qian Feng, went to the Giant Demon Clan, unsealed them, and moved them all to the country of Suzaku."

"I was wondering why the country of Suzaku was being so generous, but it seems they were after the Giant Demon Clan's blood. With this much Giant Demon Clan blood, this formation contains some power from their bloodline power."

Wang Lin remained silent. With Chi Hu there, there was no way he could have killed them all.

Du Tian's eyes became cold as he stared at the Suzaku formation and shouted, "The Suzaku formation has surrounded the entire continent. There must be someone controlling the formation every 5,000 kilometers. Come out for this old man or else I'm going to make an opening before the Forsaken Immortal Clan even arrives!"

"This old man's patience has limits! I will only give you three breaths of time!"

Two breaths later, a figure appeared inside the green light screen. This person had long hair, wore a white robe, and was very handsome, but he exuded a hint of evil. Overall, he gave off a mysterious charm.

This person let out a smile and said, "Senior, please don't be angry. Since you asked junior to come out, junior will come out."

Du Tian coldly said, "Open the formation!"

"As you've ordered." The evil-looking young man raised his hand and pointed at the green light screen. A hole opened up and Du Tian snorted as he entered the continent of Suzaku.

Wang Lin closely followed.

However, just at this moment, the evil-looking young man's eyes lit up and he waved his hand, causing the green light screen to close. Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He was stuck outside.

"Junior, you are courting death!" Du Tian's eyes became cold as he looked at the evil-looking young man.

This person didn't show any fear as he let out a gentle smile and said, "Senior, please don't be angry; I just want to fight with fellow cultivator Ceng Niu who shook the entire planet. Ceng Niu, do you dare to fight with me?"

The evil-looking young man looked at Wang Lin, who was outside the green light screen.

"Who are you?" Wang Lin frowned.

"Fellow cultivator Ceng Niu, although it is the first time we meet, I know a lot about you. My concubine Red Butterfly just can't stop thinking about you." The evil-looking young man let out a smile.

"Qian Feng!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

Chapter 420 - Qian Feng

The evil-looking young man gently nodded and said, "I didn't think brother Ceng knew my name. I believe it was my mischievous junior apprentice sister that told you. She must have said a lot of bad things about me."

With a cold voice, Du Tian said, "Enough. Qian Feng, open the formation. I don't have time to waste with you. If you don't open it now, you will stay here forever."

Qian Feng laughed. "Senior, I don't have any ill intent. Could it be that the successor senior chose doesn't even have the guts to fight with me? Senior can rest assured; I won't use any killing moves, we will only be sparing."

Du Tian sneered. He raised his hand and was about to use a spell when Wang Lin said, "Okay, I'll fight with you.

Qian Feng's eyes lit up. He let out a laugh as he walked out of the green light screen. He stopped ten feet away from Wang Lin and smiled. "Good. No wonder brother Ceng is someone who killed Li Yuanfeng and the Giant Demon Clan ancestor…"

Wang Lin didn't waste words with this person. The moment Qian Feng walked out, Wang Lin took out his celestial sword, activated his celestial spiritual energy, and slashed down on Qian Feng, cutting his sentence short. Although this was the first time Wang Lin had met Qian Feng, he had no good feelings toward him. The first move Wang Lin made was with 120% of his power.

This slice was clean and as fast as lightning.

Qian Feng's eyes became cold. He didn't use any treasure but pointed at the air before him.


A loud bang echoed in the sky. This slice from Wang Lin contained celestial spiritual energy, making the celestial sword several times more powerful than before. This move also contained all of the celestial spiritual energy Wang Lin could use at once, so its power was astonishing.

Qian Feng was forced back 1000 feet before he could get rid of the force from the celestial sword. His expression was no longer calm; his eyes were cold and glowing as he stared at Wang Lin's celestial sword. "Celestial treasure!"

His right index finger was trembling as a stream of blood dripped down from its tip. His entire right arm was also completely numb.

Qian Feng didn't expect Wang Lin to attack with full power on the first strike.

After pushing Qian Feng back with one slash, Wang Lin opened his mouth to spit out a ray of black light. He caught it in his hand and it turned into the one-billion-soul soul flag. With a wave, all of the soul fragments flew out.

Wang Lin knew that he couldn't win against Qian Feng. After all, Qian Feng was at the mid stage of Soul Transformation. The only way to approach this was to act first and attack Qian Feng so fast that he wouldn't know how to react.

The moment the soul fragments appeared, Wang Lin quickly said, "Devour!"

There were 12 primary souls among the countless soul fragments. They let out dark smiles as they pounced toward Qian Feng.

From the moment Qian Feng walked out of the green light screen to being surrounded by the countless soul fragments, it all happened in very quickly. So fast in fact that Qian Feng felt like he didn't know what to do.

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After all, he didn't understand Wang Lin and had been looking down upon him in his heart. Otherwise, with his cultivation level, there was no way he would give Wang Lin the chance to use the soul flag.

And from his point of view, Wang Lin was simply too despicable. With his status, no matter who he faced, the opponent would at least talk with him for a bit before starting the fight. However, this Wang Lin unexpectedly cut him off and attacked him the moment he came out. This type of action was no different from a sneak attack.

Even back when he fought against the Forsaken Immortal Clan's junior master, he wasn't in such an embarrassing position.

This scene made Du Tian very happy. He began to laugh out loud and thought, "This Ceng Niu really has the essence of my Soul Refining Sect. If one is going to act, then one must take the best opportunity."

At this moment, Qian Feng was surrounded by the one-billion-soul soul sub-flag. The countless soul fragments created a powerful pressure, especially the 12 primary soul which were very dangerous to him.

The gentleness disappeared from Qian Feng's face and was replaced with a trace of hostility. He slapped his bag of holding and a fiery red awl came out.

"Suzaku awl!" Du Tian frowned. He thought that the current Suzaku was really spoiling this Qian Feng or else he wouldn't have given Qian Feng this kind of treasure.

Du Tian sent out a voice transmission. "Ceng Niu, that treasure belongs to Zhuque Zi. It is considered a pseudo celestial treasure, so it's very powerful."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He was a very decisive person, so at this moment, his eyes became cold as he said, "Explode!"

With one word, 100 million soul fragments immediately exploded.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The explosion of 100 million soul fragments created a destructive force beyond imagination, causing Qian Feng's expression to change greatly. Without any hesitation, he put away the awl and sat down in the lotus position. The entire Suzaku formation flickered and disappeared before reappearing in front of Qian Feng.

Right now his body was emitting a powerful green light. A powerful vortex then came out of his body and absorbed all of the force from the explosion.

The powerful impact from the 100 million souls exploding caused the green light to tremble violently, and Qian Feng, who was inside, coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Wang Lin secretly sighed as he waved his hand and called back the 12 primary souls. Now that the Suzaku formation was gone, he calmly entered the continent and stood beside Du Tian.

After the 12 primary souls returned, Wang Lin's one-billion-soul soul sub-flag turned into a strand of black gas and exited his origin soul. It went back to Du Tian and returned to the real one-billion-soul soul flag.

Wang Lin's sub-flag's two uses were up.

Du Tian eyes became cold. He raised his hand and then lowered it. Right now he couldn't kill Qian Feng as he had the Suzaku formation around him. Unless he used the fourth soul, there was no way to break the Suzaku formation that was now only protecting one person.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm. It was as if the battle earlier had never taken place.

After three breaths of time, the green light screen disappeared and Qian Feng walked out of it with a gloomy expression. He stared at Wang Lin with anger and frustration on his face. However, he immediately suppressed his emotions. After taking a deep breath, the gentle expression returned to his face. He said, "Brother Ceng sure has some skill! I have learned much from this."

Wang Lin calmly said, "No problem!" His gaze paused at the forest not far away, then he let out a sigh and flew toward the Soul Refining Sect.

Du Tian let out a mischievous smile as he looked at Qian Feng, then he casually scanned the forest not far away before disappearing toward the Soul Refining Sect.

The anger in Qian Feng's eyes returned. He clenched his fists as he stared at where Wang Lin went and shouted, "Red Butterfly, come out!"

A person wearing a red dress walked out. She was very beautiful and graceful. However, her eyes were filled with confusion and loss as if she were a puppet without a soul.

When Red Butterfly arrived beside Qian Feng, he suddenly turned around and pointed at Red Butterfly's forehead. Her face immediately became deathly pale as her lifeforce was quickly drained.

Qian Feng had the opposite reaction; his face became red. All of the injuries he had suffered earlier quickly recovered and in the blink of an eye he was fully healed.

He withdrew his hand and looked at the wound on his finger. There was still blood coming out of that wound.

"Lick it clean!" Qian Feng raised his finger next to Red Butterfly. Red Butterfly opened her small mouth, put Qian Feng's finger into her mouth, and gently licked it with her tongue…

Qian Feng didn't even look at Red Butterfly but continued to stare at where Wang Lin disappeared to and muttered to himself, "Wang Lin, you dare to hurt me? You are dead! Teacher is getting old and confused; why else would he have sent junior apprentice sister to go take your dao heart? Your domain is mine, and junior apprentice sister's domain is mine too. Even teacher's domain, if I can find a way, I will devour it too…"

"This Ceng Niu's soul flag is too powerful. That old man Du Tian is also getting old, but instead of giving it to the country of Suzaku, he is giving it to Ceng Niu! However, the soul flag has already caught teacher's attention and he is determined to get it. I want to see how much longer you can last!"

Wang Lin and Du Tian quickly returned to the Soul Refining Sect.

The Soul Refining Sect was just as they left it. When they returned, Du Tian didn't stop for a break before taking Wang Lin straight to the back mountain.

Once inside, Du Tian handed a bag of holding over to Wang Lin. He looked at Wang Lin and said, "Focus only on reaching the Soul Transformation stage. With me guarding you, as long as I'm alive, no one will bother you!"

Wang Lin stared at Du Tian. After a while, he whispered, "Thank you!"

Du Tian laughed and waved his hand. "No need to thank me, just remember what you promised me."

Wang Lin took a deep breath and seriously said, "Senior, rest assured!"

Du Tian nodded and disappeared from the cave. When he reappeared, he was outside the cave. He sat down with his divine sense spread out and began to guard Wang Lin.

The one-billion-soul soul flag silently flapped before him.

"This Ceng Niu really has guts. To make the soul flag explode… Luckily, he only had the sub-flag, so all of the soul fragments were just illusions created by the main flag. Although 100 million soul fragments exploded there, they weren't destroyed. I'd be really heartbroken if they were real."

Du Tian looked at the flag and thought of the past. He didn't look like he was looking at a treasure but at his seniors.

A hint of sadness appeared in Du Tian's eyes as he whispered, "Ancestors of the Soul Refining Sect, junior Du Tian is about to come meet you all."

He pointed on the one-billion-soul soul flag and one primary soul flew out. This soul had a gentle expression and exuded the air of a celestial.

Du Tian stared at the soul. He sighed and muttered to himself, "Senior apprentice brother, I don't know if I'm right or wrong to hand the soul flag over to Ceng Niu. However, with the battle between the Forsaken Immortal Clan and the country of Suzaku, our Soul Refining Sect will be hard to save. But this Ceng Niu will leave the planet, so he can help my Soul Refining Sect start again elsewhere. Maybe that is the true meaning behind your prediction…"

Du Tian looked at the gentle primary soul and whispered, "I have lived my life not hoping to live forever but to die in peace. All of the previous ancestors of my Soul Refining Sect willingly gave up going back into the reincarnation cycle and wiped out their consciousnesses to become primary souls. I, Du Tian, won't be any different! Senior apprentice brother, wait for me! I'll join you soon!"

Chapter 421 - Soul Transformation

Wang Lin sat in the lotus position inside the cave and took out the bag Du Tian had given him. After scanning it with his divine sense, his expression became strange.

He knew that Du Tian had taken a lot of celestial jades, but he didn't know the exact number. Whenever those sects handed over the celestial jades, Du Tian would instantly put them inside this bag.

Now that he saw them, he couldn't help but feel shocked.

"This tiny bag contains more than 100 times the celestial jades I got from the Celestial Realm… No wonder this Soul Refining Sect has had so many Soul Transformation cultivators."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He shook the bag and then a large number of celestial jades surrounded him. In an instant, the cave was filled with rich celestial spiritual energy.

This was only a portion of what was in the bag. Wang Lin carefully put the bag away and began to cultivate to absorb the celestial spiritual energy.

The celestial spiritual energy flooded into his body and began to refine the spiritual energy inside him. Wang Lin had already experienced this before, so he easily started it again to begin his breakthrough to the Soul Transformation stage.

As a large amount of celestial spiritual energy entered his body, all of the spiritual energy inside him condensed into a ball. This ball was like a cultivator's golden core, but the difference was like heaven and earth.

Three days later, the celestial jades around Wang Lin turned grey and cracks appeared on them, then they finally turned to dust. Wang Lin didn't hesitate to slap the bag once more. He took out a large number of celestial jades again.

The absorption of celestial spiritual energy never stopped. It quickly entered Wang Lin's body to refine the spiritual energy inside him as well as his flesh and bones.

The first step to the Soul Transformation stage is to completely refine the body so that it can withstand the power of celestial spiritual energy.

Before the Celestial Realm collapsed, there was no need to do all of this. All they had to do was go into the spirit cleansing pool for a few months to rid themselves of their mortal bodies and obtain one that could withstand celestial spiritual energy.

However, now that the Celestial Realm is destroyed and the spirit cleansing pools are gone, cultivators need a large number of celestial jades to remove their mortal roots.

When one's mortal roots are completely removed, the first step is complete. The second step is for one's origin soul to go from non corporeal to corporeal.

Although it can't replace the physical body, a corporeal origin soul is several times more powerful and has the ability to protect itself.

A way to look at it is like this: the Nascent Soul is like a baby and the origin soul is the baby growing up to become a youth. Next, the Soul Transformation stage brings about a mysterious change. The youth grows up into a powerful young adult with weapons in his hands. At this stage, the origin soul is far more powerful than an origin soul at the Soul Formation stage.

Situ Nan's soul being so large is a sign that he has broken past the Soul Transformation stage. Even an Ascendant cultivator's soul is the same size as a Soul Transformation cultivator's. Only when one breaks past the Ascendant stage to the next step will there be other changes.

However, that level was too far for Wang Lin to consider.

Time slowly passed. A large number of the celestial jades in his bag had already been absorbed, and surrounding him were marks of celestial jades that had turned to dust.

The ball of spiritual energy in his dantain cracked on this day and a powerful suction force came from the crack. All of the celestial spiritual energy Wang Lin had absorbed was sucked in.

Even the celestial jades he had just taken out turned to dust as the celestial spiritual energy from them was sucked into that crack.

The ball of spiritual energy gradually changed colors. It had started out green and was now glowing gold.

Wang Lin's mind was still clear, so he calmly watched the change in his body as if he was watching someone else.

Shortly after, when all of the celestial spiritual energy was absorbed by the ball of spiritual energy, the ball became completely golden. If one were to pull it out of his body, it would look exactly like a golden core.

Just at this moment, the golden core trembled and then more and more cracks appeared on it. Then, with a bang, all of the celestial spiritual energy in Wang Lin's body rushed outwards and pushed his origin soul out until it was three inches away from him. He tried to return it, but there was a powerful force preventing him.

Wang Lin's origin soul floated above his body. When he looked down, he could see all the changes happening to his origin soul.

When the golden core shattered, the force of the celestial spiritual energy shattered all of the meridians in his body. Right now his body was like an empty shell filled with celestial spiritual energy.

All of the pores on his body opened and released strands of celestial spiritual energy.

Shortly after, all of the celestial spiritual energy that came out of his pores went back into his body through his orifices. This process turned into a cycle.

Wang Lin's body gradually became transparent and then his clothes slowly disappeared. His two bags of holding fell to the ground.

The celestial spiritual energy slowly formed meridians inside his body. These meridians were made of celestial spiritual energy, so they would naturally be able to withstand the power of celestial spiritual energy.

The flesh on his body started to change too as celestial spiritual energy began to ingrain into this body. Right now he looked like a celestial being.

This process of changing his entire body lasted an unknown amount of time. For this whole period of time, Wang Lin's origin soul was floating above his body. He tried countless times to re-enter his body but was stopped outside. It was as if the body no longer belonged to him and he could not fuse with it anymore.

On this day, his body began to release a fragrance. This fragrance was very alluring; it was as if some spirit herb had just been unearthed

The fragrance floated out of the cave, causing Du Tian's eyes to light up. His eyes revealed a glint of admiration and he sighed. "The first step to the Soul Transformation stage, body refinement, is complete. Now it's time for the second step, origin soul refining."

His hand formed a seal, then a black light immediately surrounded the cave and prevented the fragrance from spreading.

"The fragrance that results from completing the first step of the Soul Transformation stage attracts powerful beasts and devils that want to possess the body. However, my Soul Refining Sect specializes in souls, so it's fine if those devils don't come, but if they do, then they can become food for the one-billion-soul soul flag.

"I'm not afraid of those beasts either. The Soul Refining Sect's protection formation can keep them all outside. There hasn't been a beast that could make me scared yet."

This one dangerous trial of reaching the Soul Transformation stage was nothing to Wang Lin with Du Tian protecting him, but for those rogue cultivators or weak sects, it was life-threatening.

During the transformation, the origin soul is forced out of the body and the body is left defenseless. If there are some powerful devils or souls around, they can easily possess or devour the body.

Even beasts are very interested in a body that has just reached the Soul Transformation stage. To them, the body is like a natural treasure, and devouring it would increase their strength.

Once the origin soul returns to the body and claims the energy inside, then the body becomes useless to the beasts.

Inside the cave, Wang Lin reached out with his origin soul and took out a large number of celestial jades. This time the celestial spiritual energy wasn't absorbed by the body but by his origin soul.

A very comfortable feeling filled Wang Lin's soul. He could feel the celestial spiritual energy enter his origin soul, causing it to become larger and more corporeal.

At this moment, Wang Lin understood that once his origin soul becomes corporeal, he will be able to re-enter his body and he will have successfully reached the Soul Transformation stage.

It takes a very long time for the origin soul to become corporeal.

Outside the cave, Du Tian's eyes lit up and he waved his left hand. A golden-purple primary soul flew out, grabbed a black, rogue soul, and dragged it into the soul flag.

Du Tian muttered, "This is already the 19th one already. Unfortunately, they are all Soul Formation soul fragments. If there was a Soul Transformation one, then the soul flag would have another primary soul."

Just at this moment, a golden-purple light flew in from the distance. The protection formation didn't stop it, so it charged directly to the cave.

Du Tian's eyes lit up and he let out a laugh. He had made it so that the formation wouldn't stop souls. That was why they had been getting in.

"Good, come!" Du Tian's eyes lit up and he moved. He jumped into the air and reached toward the golden-purple soul.

The golden-purple light disappeared and dodged Du Tian's hand, then it charged toward the cave.

Seeing that the soul fragment was about to enter the cave, Du Tian quickly moved and in an instant appeared before the soul fragment. He laughed. "Unfortunately, you haven't reached the Soul Transformation stage; you are only at the border. You won't be able to escape!" His hand form a seal and a giant vortex appeared.

Du Tian shouted, "Soul vortex!" The soul fragment let out a scream and quickly backed up, but Du Tian was one step ahead. He said, "Capture!"

A powerful suction force came from the vortex and the golden-purple soul fragment was dragged toward the vortex.

Du Tian let out a smile, but just at this moment, a loud bang came from the Soul Refining Sect's protection formation. The formation trembled and then completely collapsed.

This loud bang immediately echoed throughout the Soul Refining Sect. Even the three main mountains trembled as a large number of rocks fell off and cracks appeared on them, terrifying the disciples inside.

In the sky, a red figure wearing a red robe appeared. This figure gave off an unimaginably powerful aura.

At this moment, the sky lost its color and only this figure existed.

"Zhuque Zi!" Du Tian's expression was very ugly. He didn't have time to play with this soul fragment, so he waved the one-billion-soul soul flag and captured it.

Chapter 422 - Zhuque Zi

"Du Tian!" Zhuque Zi was wearing a fiery-red robe and his hair was moving without any wind. Although he looked ancient, he still exuded a very oppressive aura.

This person casually stood there as the sky darkened. All of the light was coming from his fiery robe, completely displaying his dominance over planet Suzaku.

One couldn't feel a strand of spiritual energy or even celestial spiritual energy in his body, but early stage Ascendant cultivators would be forced to retreat, and even mid stage Ascendant old monsters would unconsciously back up.

He was the only late stage Ascendant cultivator on plant Suzaku.

The true ruler of planet Suzaku!

Zhuque Zi calmly said, "Back then, my country of Suzaku made an agreement with your Soul Refining Sect. When the country of Suzaku is in danger, you must lend us the one-billion-soul soul flag. Today this old man is here to borrow the flag. Du Tian, bring it here!"

"Nonsense!" Du Tian gripped the one-billion-soul soul flag tightly as he stared at Zhuque Zi and shouted, "How come I have never heard of this agreement from any of the ancestors before? Old thief Zhuque, if you want to steal it, just come and take it; no need to put on this disgusting act."

Zhuque Zi looked at Du Tian, shook his head slightly, and sighed. "This matter was decided between the first generation Suzaku and your founding ancestor, so it's natural that you don't know about, but I found out about it in some old records. Today I'm not here to steal but to borrow!" With that, he reached out. The sky changed colors and red light gathered from all directions. The red light formed a giant red hand that pressed down toward Du Tian.

Du Tian shouted, "Old thief!" He waved the soul flag and without any hesitation released all one billion soul fragments. Aside from the fourth soul, the remaining 35 primary souls were also sent out.

Everything 100 kilometers was covered in soul fragments. Their screams and shrills filled the area.

The combined voice of the one billion soul fragments was more powerful than any soundwave treasure. The earth within 100 kilometers began to tremble and the surrounding mountains collapsed.

The 35 primary souls of the one billion soul fragment all had fierce expressions as they tore the red hand to pieces. Then they surrounded Zhuque Zi and stared at him viciously.

Zhuque Zi looked at the surrounding one billion soul fragments. His pupils shrank slightly as he calmly said, "Du Tian, since you remain so stubborn, this old man will have to punish you in place of your ancestors. I said I only wanted to borrow the one-billion-soul soul flag, so I'll borrow it and then I will return it to you."

Du Tian laughed with mockery in his eyes. "Borrow? How long do you want to borrow it for?"

Zhuque Zi's expression was serious as he said, "Lend it to the country of Suzaku for 10,000 years. After 10,000 years, we will naturally return it."

"Old thief Zhuque, my Soul Refining Sect has a saying: if the the flag is here, the sect still exists. If you want it, you can try to take it!" Du Tian's eyes became cold as his hands formed a seal and then he pointed at Zhuque Zi.


The surrounding one billion soul fragments immediately began to gather on the 35 primary souls and then the primary souls began to fuse with each other.

Zhuque Zi's eyes lit up. He couldn't allow this fusion to continue. He reached out and a red feather appeared in his hand.

He sent the feather forward, then it suddenly began to burn and release a ghostly light.

"Holy Suzaku Flame!" Zhuque Zi's ancient voice boomed from his mouth.

The burning feather trembled and suddenly collapsed. A surge of fire began to spread with the feather as the center and immediately covered the surrounding 100 kilometers.

The power of this flame was unimaginable. The three mountains of the Soul Refining Sect were turned into black, viscous liquid. However, this liquid quickly turned to gas.

Even the cave Wang Lin was in disappeared, and Wang Lin disappeared along with the cave.

The entire Soul Refining Sect disappeared from planet Suzaku. The hundreds of disciples and even the three Soul Formation elders hiding in the three golden rings weren't able to escape this calamity.

The 35 primary soul fragments that were about to fuse were also surrounded by the fire. Black gas was floating up from their bodies and they all had painful expressions on their faces.

"Holy Suzaku Flame…" Du Tian's face was very ugly. There were three ancient jades floating around him. They were blocking the flame.

Zhuque Zi's expression was calm as he slowly said, "Du Tian, the heavens are just. I originally didn't want to do this, but you've forced me!"

Du Tian took a deep breath, bit the tip of his tongue, spat out a large mouthful of blood, and sat down in the lotus position. Then his hand formed a seal and he said, "Soul escape!"

Du Tian wasn't his original name but his daoist name that his teacher had given him. He once told Wang Lin that all users of the soul flag have different ways of using it, and his special method was escaping.

The 35 primary souls released a green light and then disappeared from within the fire. When they reappeared, they were before Du Tian.

"What's this?" Zhuque Zi was surprised.

"Fuse!" Du Tian spat out more blood. This time the blood landed on one of the primary souls. Then, in an instant, the 34 other primary souls fused with it.

In the blink of an eye, an aura that could match Zhuque Zi appeared and the sky seemed to have been split in two. The left side was fiery red, representing Zhuque Zi.

The right side was black, representing the late stage Ascendant soul formed by the 35 primary souls and one billion soul fragments.

The moment this soul fragment appeared, it waved its hand, pushing all of the flames that were on the right side to the left side.

Like the sky, the ground was split between black and red.

Zhuque Zi's pupils shrank. His expression was a bit ugly as he stared at the soul and said, "Not bad. With that power, it can be considered the top treasure of planet Suzaku."

Du Tian's face was deathly pale. He only had less than two years left, and now that he had used the soul flag's fusion technique, he was almost out of time. He softly whispered, "Kill him!"

The late stage Ascendant soul fragment didn't go forward but raised its hand. A rumbling sound came from all directions as clouds gathered to form a human-shaped body.

This body was made of clouds and at a glance was no different from a mortal.

The Ascendant soul fragment took a step forward and fused with the body made of clouds. The cloud person opened his ghostly eyes and stared at Zhuque Zi.

"To form a body from the clouds, that is indeed only something late stage Ascendant cultivators can do! However, you are created from fusion. I want to see how long you can last!" Zhuque Zi's expression was ugly.

With that, he waved his hand. A red light appeared in front of him and transformed into a short, red sword.

The moment the sword appeared, the flame on the ground was sucked into the sword.

"This sword is very ancient and no one knows its true name. The first generation Suzaku got it and named it the Suzaku Sword." With that, Zhuque Zi pointed at the sword with his right hand.

The flying sword immediately glowed red as if it were filled with celestial spiritual energy. This sword was no different from the sword of a celestial.

This sword was a celestial treasure.

The cloud person's eyes lit up and he waved his right hand. His entire right hand flew off and became a sword that was the same as the Suzaku Sword. Aside from the color, it looked exactly the same as the Suzaku Sword; even the enormous amount of celestial spiritual energy was the same.

Then he pointed at Zhuque Zi and the small, white sword shot forth.

The red and white swords collided with each other like meteors. After a series of collisions, the white sword was clearly no match and was pushed back. However, the red sword had taken hits from the white sword's powerful celestial spiritual energy, so it was slowed down.

The cloud person stared at Zhuque Zi and let out a faint smile. Then his cloud body collapsed to form eight more copies of the exact same sword. Each one of them contained an enormous amount of celestial spiritual energy. The eight swords shot out at once. Three of them went after the Suzaku Sword and the remaining five went toward Zhuque Zi.

Zhuque Zi's expression was ugly as he backed up few hundred feet. He slapped his bag of holding to take out a gourd, then he muttered, "Collect!"

The five swords were surrounded by a powerful force and then, in the blink of an eye, were trapped inside the gourd.

Zhuque Zi's eyes lit up. He was about to use the gourd to collect the three other swords, but just at that moment, he heard crackling sounds coming from the gourd. A second later, a heaven-shattering sound escaped from it.

With a bang, the gourd shattered. The five swords flew out and stabbed toward Zhuque Zi without any hesitation.

At the same time, the swords that were fighting the Suzaku Sword seemed to have received an order, because they ditched the Suzaku Sword and quickly flew over.

Zhuque Zi's expression changed greatly and he quickly backed up.

It was not that he was no match, but the soul formed by the soul flag was filled with death and was attacking him without any regard for its own safety. Although he was confident he could win, he would definitely be injured. Normally it wouldn't matter, but right now he didn't have much lifespan left either. If he was injured here, his lifespan would shorten.

Another important matter was that the second battle with the Forsaken Immortal Clan had already begun. If he got injured here, it would be very unfortunate.