

Chapter 385: Weird Creature

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The evolvers were so close to the creature that the snail suddenly turned into a snake with wings and left its shell, throwing itself at one of the evolvers.

The person quickly wielded his broadsword at the snake. Yang Yongcheng and the other person also started to attack.

The rat snake did not even try to dodge and let the weapons cut into its meat.

The evolvers became overjoyed. Currently, their fitness index should be over thirty. With a sacred-blood weapon, they might not be able to cut the shell, but they believed the weapons should hurt the soft meat. However, as their weapons hit the meat, they realized how wrong they were. The thin blade cut the soft meat as if it had cut into glue. Not only was the meat intact, but all the force they used on the weapons was also absorbed.

Then, the red snake suddenly changed its shape. The red meat moved like liquid and wrapped the three weapons up.

The evolver's tried to retrieve their weapons, but found it was impossible. The weapons were bundled together with a strong force that they could not be taken out. What was more frightening was that the red meat started to develop tentacles looking like snakeheads, moving toward the guys.

The evolvers had to give up their weapons and come back. When they tried to summon their beast soul weapons, they found it was no longer possible. The three weapons were wrapped inside the red meat and melting.

All three evolvers became irritated. Initially, they thought after their evolution, they could pose threats to the creature. However, the moment they launched their attacks, they lost three sacred-blood beast soul weapons.

The red meat did not stop its attack. Its body could be twisted into any shape to attack in any form, making it impossible for people to defend themselves.

On the other hand, the three evolvers did not dare to touch it. They didn't even dare to use their weapons and were suddenly trapped in an awkward position. Once the red meat touched them, even their armor started to melt, which looked horrendous.

Fortunately, although the creature came very fast after coming out of the shell, it was not as fast as the cursed wolf. Otherwise, the three revolvers would have died a million times.

Even so, the evolvers were hardly able to make it to the place where Han Sen and Ning Yue were hiding.

Han Sen shapeshifted into fairy queen and seized the cursed wolf dagger, wanting to go out and help the evolvers. In fact, he was trying to look for an opportunity to kill the creature himself.

Before Han Sen dashed out, Ning Yue pulled him and said calmly, "Don't hurry. This is not the time. Wait for them to draw the creature here, find a good spot, and make sure you kill it in one strike."

Han Sen glanced at Ning Yue and saw the guy had a blank face, as if he was chatting in his living room. The fact that Ning Yue was not nervous at all made Han Sen feel that the three evolvers were nothing to him.

Seeing through Han Sen's thoughts, Ning Yue said calmly, "If you go out now, then the risks they are taking will be wasted."

Before Han Sen replied, Ning Yue summoned a slim sword and walked toward the creature.

Han Sen was surprised. Ning Yue was so sick and had not evolved yet, so why would he go there himself?

Holding the slim sword, Ning Yue quickly stabbed at the creature at an incredible speed, which actually hit it. His sword was not stuck in the red meat either.

Impressive, this Ning Yue. Although they are twins, he is much stronger than Son of Heaven. Han Sen felt a bit shocked. He could tell that Ning Yue had not evolved, but Ning Yue was able to distract the creature and avoid its attacks. In addition, his sword skills were unexpected. Although he only had one move, he always attacked in the most surprising angle. Only his sword could be retrieved from the red meat which none of the evolvers dared to touch. Although the creature was not hurt by his sword, it became irritated.

Under the extremely intense circumstance, Ning Yue looked so calm that Han Sen could not tell that he was in a deadly battle.

The behaviors of the evolvers became more and more organized since Ning Yue joined them. They moved around the creature and gradually led it to Han Sen.

It is such a shame that Ning Yue has poor fitness level. His fitness index should be around fifteen, the number of a normal person with sacred geno points maxed out. Even with the cursed wolf dagger, I don't think he could kill the creature.

After watching for a while, Han Sen learned that speed should be Ning Yue's main strength, which should be around twenty, while his other items should be around fifteen.

Seeing that the creature was led to him, Han Sen gripped his dagger. He had been watching long enough to determine the fitness level of the creature.

As long as Han Sen did not use Heresy Mantra and Overload, he could injure the creature with the dagger but could not kill it, which was what Han Sen wanted. He could not kill the creature in front of the group.

Eventually, the creature approached Han Sen. Han Sen dashed out without hesitation and quickly slashed the dagger at the meat.

The meat that the evolvers could not hurt using sacred-blood weapons was cut deeply by Han Sen's dagger. The injury was about 3 inch deep and blood immediately flowed. The creature screeched and quickly shrank its body.

To everyone's surprise, after the red meat contracted, the injury disappeared as if it was glued up.

Han Sen joined the rest of the group. However, it seemed that the creature was scared by the cursed wolf dagger and did not dare to touch it again. It kept moving away from Han Sen and attacked the rest.

Although Han Sen found opportunities to stab it a few more times, it was useless. The red meat had an incredible ability to cure itself.

"That's it. My shapeshifting time limit is up," exclaimed an evolver.

Ning Yue's pupils contracted. He commanded coldly, "Let's retreat."

Hearing Ning Yue, the evolvers started to go back together with the young master. However, Han Sen marched forward instead, making his way to the creature.

Chapter 386: Who Is in Charge

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen more or less had learned the strengths and shortcomings of the creature. This was exactly the opportunity he had been waiting for—the shapeshifting time limit of the evolvers was up, so that they no longer dared to fight the creature closely. As long as Han Sen could face the creature alone, he will have his opportunity.

"Mr. Han, let's go back first. We will organize another campaign," Ning Yue exclaimed at Han Sen with his brows knitted.

"It's okay. You go back first. It fears my dagger, so I can try again," replied Han Sen, throwing himself at the red meat.

Ning Yue failed to talk Han Sen out of it and surprisingly came back as well, helping Han Sen distract the creature.

However, the evolver' could no longer take the pressure of going over the time limit. They quickly turned back to themselves and became much weaker, which made the situation direr.

"Ouch!" An evolver's arm was swept across by the red meat, and his muscle suddenly melted, his bones exposed.

Han Sen took this opportunity to make another cut at the red meat. This time, it seemed he had cut a vital part of the creature, which immediately screeched and returned to its shell, never coming out again.

Han Sen approached the shell and quickly cut at it.


Han Sen felt a strong force came through, almost made it impossible for him to hold the dagger, while the shell was only left with a white mark.

"Let me try with dagger!" Yang Yongcheng approached Han Sen and yelled.

Han Sen did not answer, backed up, and looked at the rest of the group. His attitude was evident.

"Mr. Han, I will not lie to you. You should be able to see that this creature is significantly different from all the creatures we have seen. Maybe it is a being beyond sacred-blood creatures. If we are able to get its beast soul and meet, human beings will make another leap in the evolution history. Your strength is not enough to break its shell. You can choose to lend us the dagger or sell it to us. After we succeed, you can have half of the benefits," said Ning Yue.

Before Han Sen replied, a tentacle of the red meat reached from under the shell at an evolver. That person was paying attention to Han Sen's reaction and did not dodge in time. He was caught by the red meat and quickly drawn into the shell.

Blood was spilled, and screams were heard. The person became quiet in a moment, shocking the rest of the group.

As Ning Yue was about to say something, the creature moved toward the cliff with the shell on its back. Han Sen uses of the dagger to slice the red meat exposed under the shell, which did not do much because the injury healed quickly.

The creature continued to the cliff which was shaped like a reversed pyramid. The creature quickly went down and glued itself to the mountain wall, while none of the humans had such ability.

"Mr. Han, what do you think of my suggestion?" Ning Yue asked.

"I'm sorry. I'm not interested in lending or selling the dagger," Han Sen said quietly.

"Five sacred-blood beast souls for the dagger. And you still get to keep half of the meat after we kill the creature..." Ning Yue said and suddenly stabbed the sword at Han Sen's throat.

This move was so unexpected in the middle of a sentence that even an evolver like Yang Yongcheng would probably have been killed.

However, Han Sen was an expert in this aspect. The moment when Ning Yue moved, Han Sen had wielded his dagger as well.


Ning Yue sword was cut in half by the cursed wolf dagger. Ning Yue looked surprised, but did not stop attacking Han Sen.

Yang Yongcheng and the other evolvers were helping Ning Yue as well. It seemed that they had decided to kill Han Sen.

"Huangfu Pingqing said you are someone who always go by the rules. It seems that she is mistaken." Han Sen moved around the three persons, using the dagger to defend himself.

"I only go by the rules because I don't want others to fear me and misunderstand me. You are not someone who fears me though." Ning Yue was extremely calm. He summoned another slim sword. Although it seemed to be of a different style, it was still a sacred-blood beast soul.

"Even if you kill me, you will not be able to obtain the dagger," said Han Sen.

"I'd rather not have it than let others have it." Ning Yue's sword became more and more swift and deadly.

The two evolvers also did their best to attack Han Sen in the fiercest way possible.

"Huangfu Pingqing was right. You are indeed a scary person. However, there is one thing that you did wrong," Han Sen dodged several attacks and said.

"What is that?" Ning Yue did not stop his sword.

"You misunderstood who is in charge here," Han Sen said calmly. He suddenly held the dagger backward and his footwork became extremely odd.

His heart beat like an engine, and Han Sen was no longer who he was a moment ago.

The moment Han Sen passed by Ning Yue, the dagger in his hand moved like water, cutting the spear in Yang Yongcheng's hand. In a flash, Han Sen moved to the other evolver and beheaded him. Blood sputtered everywhere.

Ning Yue froze for a second. Yang Yongcheng yelped.

They could not imagine that Han Sen could improve his strength so tremendously in a sudden. When besieged by two evolvers and Ning Yue, Han Sen even killed an evolver.

"You are also an evolver!" Yang Yongcheng widened his eyes. Unless Han Sen was an evolver, Yang Yongcheng could not explain Han Sen's speed and strength.

"You found out too late." Han Sen moved like wind, dashing past Yang Yongcheng.

Yang Yongcheng became shocked. With his speed, he could not even move away in time. All he could do was to summon a broadsword to block Han Sen's dagger.


Both the dagger and Yang Yongcheng's neck were cut by the cursed wolf dagger as if they were made of tofu. The blade was broken, and the man was killed. The body without its head fell to the ground.

Ning Yue watched Han Sen. As calm as him, his heart sank. After all the calculation, he failed to predict Han Sen's strength.

At the ring of the VIP section, Han Sen only showed how sharp the dagger was. Ning Yue did not know that Han Sen had the strength of an evolver as well.

"I am right that we are the same type of people." Ning Yue smiled unexpectedly. He had better judgment than Yang Yongcheng who was already an evolver and he did not plan to run away, because he knew very clearly that his speed was much worse than Han Sen's. Maybe as he turned around, his head would no longer be on his shoulders.

Chapter 387: Blood Snail Beast Soul

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Any last word?" Han Sen did not reply but asked.

Ning Yue coughed and said, "Maybe you do not know that there is a type of beast soul called doppelgänger. The person standing in front of you is merely a doppelgänger. Even if you kill me right away, you will only be destroying a beast soul. So how about we have a nice talk instead?"

Han Sen did not speak but walked toward Ning Yue with the dagger in his hand.

"If you do not believe me, I could prove it to you that I am just a beast soul," Ning Yue said to Han Sen with his brows knitted.

"I believe you," said Han Sen and immediately beheaded Ning Yue with his dagger.

In Faith Shelter, Ning Yue who was drinking tea muttered to himself, "There goes my only sacred-blood doppelgänger beast soul. My teacher is right, I am still not calm enough."

Ning Yue took a sip of his tea but could not stop thinking about Han Sen.

Watching "Ning Yue's body" disappearing in front of him, Han Sen was not upset, but pleased. He had guessed what a beast soul doppelgänger could do. After witnessing how amazing Ning Yue's doppelgänger was, Han Sen was very glad that he had the beetle knight.

However, it was not an urgent matter. Han Sen quickly summoned the wings of purple feathered Dragon and flew down the cliff.

Han Sen had learned everything about the creature and knew that he could kill it.

The cursed wolf dagger, forty-three super geno points, Heresy Mantra and Overload, together gave Han Sen the ability to fight some super creatures.

Golden growler was clearly beyond the Han Sen's ability. However, this giant snail was a weaker super creature. It was more or less on the same level as the cursed wolf, which Han Sen could kill.

Han Sen flew down the cliff and saw the giant snail had already made its way half down the cliff.

Han Sen flapped his wings and kicked at the shell, trying to send the snail down the cliff.

However, the creature attached itself to the stone and did not move at all. Han Sen's foot, on the other hand, was almost dislocated.

Han Sen again used the cursed wolf dagger to cut at the jade shell of the creature. With both Heresy Mantra and Overload reaching his extreme, Han Sen was equipped with incredible strength.

The cursed wolf dagger moved across the air and hit the shell, making the sound of metal.

The shell was left with an inch-deep mark. The bouncing effect was also diverted by Han Sen.

Ding ding ding!

In the air, Han Sen repeatedly cut the jade shell, making an inch-deep mark each time. Very soon, the marks were all over the jade shell.

The creature turned itself again into tentacles, trying to tie Han Sen up. However, the dagger kept cutting at the tentacles, none of which managed to approach Han Sen.

Left... right... left... right...

With extremely fierce strength, the dagger kept cutting the jade shell and deepening the marks on the shell. The metal sounds were almost nonstop.


Eventually, after taking hundreds or thousands of hits, the jade shell was broken by the dagger into pieces and fell underneath the cliff.

Without the protection of the jade shell, the red meat issued a screech and threw itself at Han Sen in the form of tentacles.

Han Sen looked extremely calm. He wielded his dagger and cut off all the tentacles, approaching the vital part of the red meat at the same time.


Han Sen's strike broke the red meat and sliced off the two eyes of the creature. The creature suddenly screamed. It could no longer attach its body to the cliff and fell.

"Super creature blood snail killed. Beast soul of super creature blood snail gained. Life essence available. Meat inedible."

Hearing the voice in his mind, Han Sen almost moaned in happiness. It was indeed a super creature. He not only gained its life essence, but also had the beast soul.

"Amazing!" Han Sen was in a great mood. When he reached the bottom of the valley, the body of the blood snail was almost all gone. A red crystal the size of the fist fell on the ground.

Han Sen took the red crystal and started to lick it. The crystal melted into blood like liquid and Han Sen swallowed greedily.

"Life essence of super creature blood snail eaten. One super geno point gained."

"Life essence of super creature blood snail eaten. One super geno point gained."


Hearing the pleasing voice and feeling the warm streams filling his body, Han Sen felt on top of the world. It was almost like he was in heaven.

The life essence of the blood snail provided nine super geno points for Han Sen. Adding to the forty-three points he already had, Han Sen currently had fifty-two super geno points and his fitness was further enhanced.

Humans in First God's Sanctuary could reach fifteen in fitness index when maxing out on all four types of geno points. Most people would be able to reach twenty in some respects, which was already the limits humans could reach in First God's Sanctuary.

After evolving, people like this would gain a sacred body, which would enhance their fitness index to around thirty. At that time, they could reach nearly 40 in one or two aspects.

However, Han Sen had not evolved yet, and his fitness index had already passed twenty by a lot. However, all aspects of Han Sen's fitness were rather balanced.

Han Sen calculated based on his own condition. When he maxed out on sacred geno points and super geno points, his fitness index should be over thirty without any additional enhancement, which would be the same as an evolver with a sacred body.

Han Sen was looking forward to experiencing the evolution and having his physique enhanced. At that point, his fitness should be reaching an incredible level. In addition, the foundation would mean the world to his future development. It would determine how he performed after becoming a surpasser or demigod. Han Sen did not want to miss any opportunities. He wanted to evolve at his best.

The fitness level of a mutant evolver was around twenty, and the fitness level of a sacred-blood evolver was around thirty. So how about a super evolver?

The first super body in mankind, the thought made Han Sen's blood boil. He wished he could immediately fill up his super geno points and become a super evolver.

Chapter 388: Super Pet Armor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen found a hidden spot and started to appreciate his newly gained super beast soul in excitement.

Type of beast soul of super creature blood snail: pet armor.

"Pet armor? Is this beast soul used on pets?" Han Sen had never heard of such a beast soul

Feeling puzzled, Han Sen hesitated and summoned Meowth. He then used the super pet armor on Meowth.

All of a sudden, the shadow of blood snail was attached to Meowth and then turned into a translucent jade shell, covering the entire body of Meowth, which now looked like a jade statue.

"Run, Meowth!" Han Sen wondered whether Meowth could still run fast wearing such armor.

Meowth roared and set out like a lightning bolt. In an instant, Meowth was almost 200 feet away, even faster than it was before.

Han Sen was surprised. It seemed that the pet armor did not affect Meowth's speed but enhanced its fitness.

Han Sen called Meowth back and beat it hard. It seemed that the super pet armor had incredible defense, which was much better than Han Sen's sacred-blood armor.

Without using the cursed wolf dagger, Han Sen could not even break the super pet armor.

"Lucky... I have been so lucky. With the super pet armor, Meowth should be able to take attacks from some of the super creatures. With such a super pet as my tank, I do not need to probe and take the risks on my own when hunting another super creature." Han Sen became overjoyed and kissed Meowth on its forehead.

Han Sen summoned the golden rock worm king and holy angel, trying to equip them with the super pet armor.

"Pet not transformed yet. Unable to use the armor." Han Sen got a hint telling him it could not be used.

Only transformed pets could use the super pet armor. Fortunately, the golden rock worm king should be transforming soon.

Han Sen thought he should kill one or two sacred-blood creatures to feed the golden rock worm king.

However, Han Sen was not in the mood. He was thinking about something else, which was the ability of the beetle knight. Ning Yue had shown him the power of a doppelgänger beast soul. Having spent many days with Ning Yue, Han Sen was not even able to tell it was just a doppelgänger. This kind of ability was simply unbelievable, which was also quite meaningful to Han Sen.

He was about to evolve, and the beast souls belonging to Dollar were less and less useful. Although he could sell them using Dollar's name, the things he got in return would still be traced back to Han Sen.

With the doppelgänger, Han Sen could be two persons at the same time and purchase the beast souls Dollar sold. No one had to know the connection between himself and Dollar, which was perfect.

Han Sen could not wait to know whether the beetle knight would work in the same way as Ning Yue's doppelgänger beast soul.

Han Sen went back to Faith Shelter overnight and teleported back to Blackhawk. He then went to the restroom in his dormitory. Watching his reflection in the mirror, Han Sen summoned the beetle knight again. Previously, the beetle knight could not be summoned. However, this time it came out of Han Sen's mind.

Without a pause, the beetle knight entered the mirror. A ripple appeared in the mirror as the beetle knight walked inside. After the beetle knight was in the mirror, it integrated itself with Han Sen's reflection and walked out of the mirror.

Looking at the beetle knight that looked exactly like himself, Han Sen opened his mouth wide and could not begin to describe the excitement he was feeling.

After a series of experiments, Han Sen felt more and more thrilled. He could even manipulate the beetle knight's body from the beast soul's perspective.

Although the beetle knight had become Han Sen, its physique was still the same as the beast soul, vastly different from Han Sen's.

To Han Sen's satisfaction, the doppelgänger could use beast souls like a normal human being, as long as Han Sen transferred the beast souls to it.

It is exactly what I think. This way, Dollar's identity would no longer be an issue. Han Sen was wondering how he could transfer Dollar's beast souls to himself without exposing his secret. However, he could only do that when he returned to Steel Armor Shelter. Otherwise, people would still connect him with Dollar.

The next morning, Han Sen was preparing to go back to Steel Armor Shelter. Since he had already killed the super creature and antagonized Ning Yue, it was no longer a good idea to stay in Faith Shelter.

"Mr. Han, how about we find a place to talk?" Before Han Sen left Faith Shelter, Ning Yue was standing in front of him, with a gentle smile per usual, as if nothing had happened between Han Sen and him.

"Is there anything to talk about between us?" Han Sen looked around and did not see any suspicious person.

"I am alone, and you could decide where we have the talk," Ning Yue smiled and said. "Mr. Han, competition and business should not be mixed. If you have already killed the creature, I am willing to pay for the meat. If you're willing to sell the beast soul, it would be even better. I can accept any price you name."

"Young master, do you really think I could kill the creature alone?" Han Sen licked his lips and said.

"Previously I did not believe that. However, after that day, I no longer dared to think so. You are not an ordinary person," said Ning Yue earnestly.

"Young master, you give me too much credit. However, I am not as strong as you think." Han Sen paused and said, "you know clearly when I came back and whether I had brought any meat back. What more do I need to say?"

Naturally, Ning Yue knew what Han Sen meant. The creature was huge and had a lot of meat. Han Sen returned on the same day. If he had obtained the meat, it was impossible for him to finish eating it. However, Han Sen brought nothing back.

"But the creature disappeared," Ning Yue stared into Han Sen's eyes and said.

"I had also gone down to the Valley and did not find the creature. If you're asking me where it went, I would have to let you down again." Han Sen was not afraid that Ning Yue would not believe him. So far, no one knew that the body of a super creature would disappear after being killed. No matter how smart Ning Yue was, he would not know there was no meat to begin with.

Ning Yue watched Han Sen for a while but could tell nothing. He chuckled and asked, "What's your plan later? How about we continue to collaborate?"

"No, thank you. To be honest, I am scared." Han Sen waved his hand and walked toward the exit of the shelter, "I will go back to Steel Armor Shelter. Forget about the collaboration. I am too old for that kind of thrill."

Chapter 389: The Plan to Max Out Sacred Geno Points

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ning Yue did not stop Han Sen but still sent for someone to follow him. Although Han Sen felt he was followed, he did not mean to get rid of the tail. Han Sen returned to Steel Armor Shelter as usual.

Ning Yue received the message and frowned. Is it true that he did not kill the super creature?

The super creature had at least 400 pounds of meat. In such a short amount of time, it was impossible for Han Sen to finish the meat. If he hid the meat somewhere, then he should not have gone back to Steel Armor Shelter.

After all, meat went bad easily. If Han Sen hid the meat away, after he returned from Steel Armor Shelter, the meat would no longer be edible.

If he had not killed the creature, where did the creature go? Ning Yue felt something was wrong but could not tell what.

Han Sen went back to Steel Armor Shelter, wondering where he could kill a few sacred-blood creatures to max out his sacred geno points and help the golden rock worm king transform.

Maybe I should go to the devil Desert. Han Sen was still thinking about the sacred-blood fox king and the sacred-blood black-feathered beast king. Either would make a great snack for the worm king.

Han Sen had always wanted to kill the fox king but had never found a good opportunity. A while back, he was unable to kill it. When he was capable of killing it, he could not find the creature.

The sacred-blood black-feathered beast king was a creature that could produce a rare flying sacred-blood beast soul. It was quite a shame that Han Sen did not kill it last time.

If Han Sen could gain the beast soul of the sacred-blood black-feathered beast king, he could sell the wings of the purple-feathered dragon, which had been seen by too many people.

Since Han Sen had reached a conclusion, he did not go back to Steel Armor Shelter, but went to Devil Desert directly.

"Foxes... Black-feathered beasts... Where are you..." Han Sen rode on the back of the golden rock worm king and entered the Devil Desert.

Although the golden rock worm king had not transformed yet, it was of a significant size and marched much faster in the sand compared to Meowth.

Entering the desert again, Han Sen did not know how to describe his feeling. He used to be chased by the sacred-blood fox king in despair but could kill it with a single shot these days, no matter how sly it was.

Shortly after Han Sen entered the Devil Desert, he saw many dead creatures. It seemed that some people had already cleared the path.

As Han Sen was wondering if he should choose a different direction, he heard roars of creatures and shouting of humans. Since the sounds were not far, Han Sen commanded the golden rock worm king to go over there.

Han Sen saw the group of people who were hunting. The group was led by Yuan and Qing.

The golden rock worm king was so eye-catching that Yuan and Qing saw it from afar. They recognized that it was Han Sen's pet and felt relieved. Since they were hunting rock snakes, they did not say hi and fought harder.

The group was quite organized as if they were soldiers. It was easy for them to hunt the rock snakes, so Han Sen did not join them, but watched on a dune nearby.

Watching Qing and Yuan slaughtering the creatures, Han Sen felt so much time had passed. These two boys were rookies who he used to instruct and protect. However, they had become masters who could defend themselves, which made Han Sen feel a bit emotional.

Have I grown old? Han Sen touched his chin, which was very smooth, and was reminded that he was only nearly 20 years old.

Because he had practiced Jadeskin, Han Sen had very tender skin like a teenage girl. Even he had been exposed to wind and sunshine in the wild for some time, his skin still remained soft and fair.

This is too obvious a feature. Han Sen thought. If he did not have erection every morning, he wondered if he would become a woman if he kept practicing this hyper geno art.

Han Sen looked around eighteen years old, younger than he actually was. Fortunately, he had manly facial features. Otherwise, he might be mistaken for a woman for real. After all, it was so rare for a guy to have skin like this.

"Brother, how come you're here?" As Han Sen was deep in his thought. Yuan and Qing had finished hunting the rock snakes and walked over to Han Sen.

"I plan to hunt some sacred-blood creatures in Devil Desert and max out my sacred geno points. Didn't expect to see you here," Han Sen came off from the back of the golden rock worm king and said with a smile.

"Oh, you're going deeper into the desert? Take us with you! We will just watch you and don't worry about us stealing your creatures," Yuan said, looking at Han Sen expectantly.

"Okay. We can go together. You can hunt the creatures as well, which should be fun," Han Sen smiled and said.

Han Sen was actually thinking, sorry, Yuan and Qing. Kill as many as mutant creatures you want, but sacred-blood creatures are all mine.

Currently, Han Sen was equipped with a sacred-blood bow and arrow. With his archery skills and strength, a sacred-blood creature could not even take an arrow from him. It was impossible that the boys could snatch a sacred-blood creature from Han Sen.

"Ha-ha, then we will do our best. Don't be pissed if we snatch a creature from you," said Yuan, grinning.

"Don't worry. I am not that far from maxing out on sacred geno points and can wait one day or two. In addition, it will not be easy for you to steal creatures from me. If you have that kind of ability, I will be more happy than mad," Han Sen said with a smile.

"Maxing out on sacred geno points is not a big deal at all, not to mention you have not achieved that yet," said the young man with his lips curled. The young man was about seventeen years old and had a butch haircut. It seemed he was unhappy with the fact that Han Sen was treating them like kids.

"No big deal indeed. I entered God's Sanctuary two years earlier than you did is all," Han Sen said with a smile, seeing that Yuan and Qing were blinking at him. Han Sen did not want to be too serious around a teenager.

"Entering God's Sanctuary earlier does not mean you are stronger. Since you have said we are free to hunt the creatures, let's see who could hunt a sacred-blood creature first," the teenager insisted.

"Okay," Han Sen nodded and said, still smiling.

Chapter 390: Killing a Sacred-blood Creature You Don't Even See

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The group of people continued their way into the Devil Desert. At night, when they were having a break, Yuan whispered to Han Sen when the teenager was not nearby, "Brother, Hai Yun is arrogant because his grandfather is Hai Mingwei. Don't pay him any mind."

"Senator Hai Mingwei?" Han Sen was surprised to hear that. Hai Mingwei was a senator and demigod, probably the best fighter among all humans. When Han Sen just entered God's Sanctuary, Hai Mingwei became the first human who had killed a demigod sacred-blood creature.

So far, no one could follow that example. Hai Mingwei was named the best fighter ever, and the most likely candidate of the President of the Alliance.

Han Sen had heard rumors that the Hais were one of the clans that inherited ancient martial arts, which was why Hai Mingwei could reach his level.

Yuan nodded and said, "Hai Yun is the only boy in his generation, which is why the entire clan takes his education very seriously. Since he is randomly assigned to Steel Armor Shelter, both my family and Qing's family told us to keep him safe. If anything happens to him, both of us will be responsible. Just don't pay him any mind, brother."

Han Sen nodded. He did not mean to take Hai Yun seriously anyway. However, he curiously asked, "Did the Hais really inherit ancient martial arts?"

Yuan curled his lips and said, "Most of the senators have something to do with ancient martial arts, which gave them a huge advantage when they entered God's Sanctuary. Otherwise, they would have no advantages. Those who fight on their own are basically all in the house."

"Good to know." It was the first time that Han Sen heard about these things, so he felt quite interested and asked Yuan a few more questions.

Yuan did not know much either. Some of his family members was in the House. Although they knew something about the Senate, they did not know a lot.

When they set out on the road again, Hai Yun was extremely active, killing almost all the creatures they saw. His fitness was great, and the techniques he was using were impressive, many of which Han Sen had never seen before. They were probably the secret of the Hais.

Each time Hai Yun killed a creature, he would shoot a challenging glance at Han Sen. However, Han Sen remained calm and acted as if he did not see it.

The biggest thing Hai Yun killed was one or two mutant creatures, which Han Sen was not interested in at all. He was not in the mood to play a child's game.

The third day into the desert, when they were marching, Han Sen suddenly looked surprised as he gazed at the horizon. He stopped his mount and summoned the horn bow and the bony fish arrow.

"Brother, what had happened?" Seeing Han Sen acting like that, everyone else became alarmed. However, they did not see anything nearby.

"Black-feathered beasts. The king is also here," Han Sen pointed to the horizon and said.

Han Sen was quite pleased. This was not far from where he ran into the black-feathered beasts last time. It was great that he saw them again. He would never miss this opportunity.

The rest of the group looked in the direction that Han Sen was pointing. All they could see was some black dots.

"I wonder if that is true. You are so far from the creatures. Even if you could see them, what's the point of taking out your bow? You could not even hurt an ordinary creature at such a distance, let alone a sacred-blood creature," said Hai Yun with his lips curled.

Han Sen did not reply but pulled the horn bow to its full. Aiming at the horizon for a while, Han Sen suddenly shot the bony fish arrow.

A gray shadow flew toward the sky and immediately disappeared in people's sight. No one knew where the arrow went.

Momentarily, they heard a shrill cry from afar. The group were overjoyed. Yuan looked to Han Sen and asked, "Brother, you got it?"

Han Sen nodded excitedly. The voice in his mind made him so happy that he did not know what to say.

"Sacred-blood creature black-feathered beast king killed. Beast soul of black-feathered beast king gained. Eat its meat to gain 0 to 10 sacred geno points."

Han Sen was surprised to gain the beast soul of the creature. He felt like his luck was getting better recently.

"Brother, did you really kill the sacred-blood black-feathered beast?" Qing could not believe what had happened. He stared his eyes wide, as he did not see what the black-feathered beast looked like.

Han Sen nodded. Hai Yun snorted and urged his mount to run where the arrow fell. He did not believe that before he even saw the beasts, Han Sen had already killed their sacred-blood king.

Yuan and Qing were worried about Hai Yun and quickly summoned everyone to go after him. As the group of people approached the spot, they eventually saw a tornado of black-feathered beasts hovering in the sky, screeching.

In the center of the tornado stood a boulder a hundred feet tall. A giant black-feathered beast was impaled on the boulder with an arrow, the same arrow that Han Sen shot just now.

Hai Yun widened his eyes and felt incredulous. The rest of the group were also dumbstruck. How strong must Han Sen be to kill a sacred-blood creature more than a mile away.

"In First God's Sanctuary, I believe you do not have any match," said Yuan admiringly.

Hai Yun looked at Han Sen with complex emotions. Initially, he did not think much of Han Sen, but he suddenly realized the gap between Han Sen and himself was too wide. Before he even saw the sacred-blood creature, Han Sen had already killed it, which was a hard blow in Hai Yun's face.

"There are so many masters in the Alliance. This is nothing," said Han Sen casually and quickly rushed into the black-feathered beasts, trying to snatch the body of the beast king.

The rest of the group also rushed over. Without the leadership of the beast king, the black-feathered beasts became a chaos. Most of them flew away, and the few that attacked the humans were all killed.

Han Sen quickly dashed to the boulder and took back the bony fish arrow. The body of the black-feathered beast king immediately fell to the ground, dust swirling.

Han Sen did not take the body up but summoned the golden rock worm king. He pointed at the black-feathered beast king's body and the worm king immediately threw itself at the body excitedly.

Recently, the golden rock worm king had stopped eating. It lost its interest in all meat but the meat of sacred-blood creatures. Han Sen thought it was time for the worm king to evolve. The black-feathered beast was huge in size. It would take Han Sen a long while to gain a sacred-blood geno point. He thought it was better if he just feed the whole body to the worm king.

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Chapter 391: Invincible Pet Armor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The golden rock worm king which had lost its appetite for a long time suddenly opened its mouth wide and swallowed the black-feathered beast king's body in its entirety, making the rest of the group dumbstruck.

Everyone could tell that the body indeed belonged to the sacred-blood black-feathered beast king. Originally, they thought Han Sen would save the body for himself. Who knows that Han Sen had fed the whole body to his pet. It was simply impressive.

After swallowing the black-feathered beast king, the golden rock worm king stayed still and started to squirm.

"It really is about to transform!" Han Sen became overjoyed and took the worm king back, letting it finish the transformation in his mind.

"I hope it could evolve at the same time. If I could gain a super beast and equip it with the blood the snail armor, I can basically kill any super creature." Han Sen prayed secretly to all the gods in the world, wishing that the golden rock worm king could evolve in the same way Meowth did.

"Sen, if you have maxed out on super geno points, you can sell me the sacred-blood meat. It is such a waste feeding it to your pet," said Yuan.

"It is too late. Maybe next time," Han Sen said with a smile. He did not think feeding his pet was a waste at all.

With the super pet armor, a strong pet would be a tremendous help to Han Sen. In addition, Han Sen was also expecting the golden rock worm king to evolve. Although the chance was slim, one could still hope.

"I have some private business and will not keep going. We will have to part our ways here." Han Sen planned to go to the underground cave where he used to hunt ghost butterflies. Maybe he could gain a few beast soul boomerangs.

The sacred-blood ghost butterfly boomerangs were quite useful. Although the cursed wolf dagger was good, it was a short weapon after all. And when he used sacred-blood bow and arrow, Han Sen needed time to prepare. The damage the boomerang cost and its flexibility meant a lot to Han Sen.

Since he was already close to the cave, Han Sen planned to have a look.

After parting way with Qing and Yuan, Han Sen went to check out the underground cave. Again, he saw the ghost butterflies with blue flames flickering on their wings.

Han Sen summoned Meowth, put super pet armor on it, and ordered it to rush to the butterflies.

Groups of butterflies were awakened and became fireballs rushing toward Meowth. Blue flames hit Meowth as if they had hit a glass shield and bounced off immediately.

The blue flames were flying across like fireworks, but Meowth was not hurt at all.

Hearing the voice sounding in his mind, telling him ghost butterflies killed and beast souls gained, Han Sen became overjoyed. Super pet armor was indeed outstanding.


"Sacred-blood ghost butterfly killed. Beast soul of sacred-blood ghost butterfly gained. Meat inedible."

Suddenly, Han Sen heard the voice, which made him jump with joy. Checking Meowth, Han Sen found his pet was still going forward as if nothing had happened.

"Super pet armor is simply wonderful." Han Sen had never visited the underground cave before because the sacred-blood ghost butterflies were still threatening to him. He could not even defend himself with his sacred-blood armor on.

This time, Han Sen was planning to check out the performance of the super pet armor, which did not disappoint him. The explosion of the sacred-blood ghost butterfly did not even leave any mark on the pet armor, let alone hurt Meowth. The pet armor was basically invincible.

Han Sen did not bring the rest of the group over, not because he did not want others to learn about the cave, but because he did not want them to see the super pet armor or Meowth.

Watching Meowth having fun hunting the butterflies like a kitty cat, Han Sen followed his pet delightedly, enjoying the gains without lifting a finger. All sorts of ghost butterflies were smashed against the super pet armor, contributing beast souls to Han Sen.

Meowth jumped up and down in the cave and cleared all the ghost butterflies. Han Sen summoned his newly gained sacred-blood black-feathered beast wings and followed Meowth in the air.

A pair of black wings spread on Han Sen's back, making him look like a dark angel. The speed of this pair of wings were the same as the purple-feathered dragon's.

Last time Han Sen did not make it to the end of the cave, so he wanted to see for himself what was awaiting if he went further.

"Sacred-blood ghost butterfly killed. Beast soul gained. Meat inedible."

Watching the ghost butterflies became more and more scarce, Han Sen heard another voice telling him about another sacred-blood ghost butterfly beast soul.

"Another sacred-blood one!" Han Sen saw another blue ghost butterfly in his mind, flapping its wings and looking gorgeous.

When Han Sen went deeper into the cave, there were few were ghost butterflies left. Han Sen checked his mind and found that he already had two to three hundred ghost butterfly beast souls, among which about to dozens were mutant and two were sacred-blood.

"Such a great place. However, I wonder when there will be ghost butterflies again after I wiped them out just now." Han Sen glanced at the empty underground cave and Meowth which seemed to be lamenting the fact that it could not play anymore. Deeper inside the cave, darkness prevented Han Sen to see the end.

The cave was extremely deep, and water kept flowing down. although there were some sideways, the main cave never changed its direction, but went straight down to the center of the earth.

Han Sen hesitated slightly and decided to let Meowth scout.

According to Han Sen's previous experience, there are generally very strong creatures in deep caves like this one. Since the direction was pretty straightforward, he was not worried about getting lost and was in no hurry to leave.

After more than half a day, Han Sen suddenly entered a large space. Water started to go down straight and became a waterfall.

Standing at the end of the narrow path, Han Sen could not see where the water was falling using the light of the torch. It was deep and dark and silent. Han Sen could not even tell how deep the larger cave was, given that he could not even hear the sound of the waterfall.

Han Sen looked up and his pupils suddenly contracted as his glance swept across. Using the torch, Han Sen saw someone sitting opposite him.

"Who is there?" Han Sen yelled at the person, but there was no response. Looking around vigilantly, Han Sen felt something must be wrong. He was about 100 feet from the person, so he should not be able to see the person with the dim light of the torch. The reason Han Sen was able to see the person was that the person was glowing.

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Chapter 392: Weird Dead Guy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In the beginning, Han Sen thought it was the person's clothes that were glowing. Maybe it was made of some fluorescent materials. However, very soon, Han Sen made sure that it was not the clothes, but the person himself was glowing.

After checking carefully, Han Sen was surprised to find that it was not a living person. Although it looked exactly like a living person, it was obvious that its exposed face and hands were dried up. It was impossible for a living person to have this kind of feature.

Different from a dead person or a skeleton, the man had his skin and muscles intact, although water had left his body cells. Because his skin was glowing, he did not even look like a mummy.

"Are you alive or dead? If you're alive, say something!" Han Sen was not quite sure whether the person had died.

Han Sen became curious about this dead man, wondering why he would die there in such a strange way.

Checking left and right and making sure nothing was abnormal, Han Sen flapped his wings and approached the person with caution.

While approaching the dead man, Han Sen checked him out. The clothing on the man was very strange, much different from modern clothing. The material and style of his clothing were like the ancient clothes human wore before they ever left planet Earth.

However, Han Sen decided that this idea was ridiculous. At that time, men did not even have the ability to survive in the universe, let alone teleport to God's Sanctuary.

Maybe he was just a guy who liked to dress weirdly. Han Sen thought to himself.

When he was about 20 feet from the dead man, Han Sen did not continue to approach him. Moving left and right, Han Sen observed the dead man from all angles.

A dead man that looked like he was still alive, that was the only way Han Sen could describe this person. He looked like a breathing person except for the fact that his body had dried up. However, he looked more like a statue made of jade or something, glowing with fluorescent light.

Suddenly, Han Sen's eyes were caught by something next to the left hand of the dead man, which looked like it belonged to the man.

The dead man was sitting with his legs crossed and arms hanging naturally on a platform about 6 feet long extruding from the stone wall. Beside his left hand, there was something that looked like a scroll.

At this point, Han Sen was certain that it was a dead man. Since there was no danger he could sense, Han Sen hesitated, landed on the platform, and picked up the scroll.

The scroll looked like it was made of silk, but the touch of it felt more like leather.

Han Sen looked at the dead man before he opened the scroll. There were lots of miniature characters written on the scroll, at least 30,000 characters on the 3-foot long scroll.

The majority of the characters were embroidered using some special threads, while the last portion was written by a certain kind of liquid. The handwriting of the two parts was also quite different. Han Sen believed they were from two different hands.

Han Sen tried to read the scroll but found that the characters he knew were rather limited. Some of the characters he was familiar with, but not sure if they meant what he thought they meant.

Is it some ancient language from the early days of mankind? Han Sen pondered. The universal language of the Alliance came from a certain country in the early days of mankind. However, the language had already gone through a lot of adjustments. Most people no longer recognized the older languages.

However, in artifacts like calligraphy, older languages could still be found, which seemed to be similar to the characters in the scroll.

"Quite a weird dead guy." Han Sen checked the dead man out again. The dead man was about thirty or forty years old. Although he looked dried up, Han Sen was still able to tell that he must have looked handsome when he was alive.

"Brother, since you have died already, you have no use of your belongings. I'm sure you'd rather do some charity work for a poor living guy like me." Han Sen reached his hand toward the dead man.

He was no stranger to death and did not mind doing something like this.

However, the moment Han Sen touched the clothes of the dead man, the material immediately turned into dust. Pulled by Han Sen, the clothes were immediately blown away. All of a sudden, nothing was left on the dead man's body.

"How come the clothes are so old?" Han Sen paused and looked to the person again. The dead man was naked right now, but his whole body looked sacred and solemn.

Han Sen looked the body all over and found nothing but the scroll.

I wonder who he was. There is no chance he came from the ancient times, right? Even Han Sen felt amused by his own thought.

There were very limited technologies in the ancient times. It was simply impossible for someone to teleport at that time.

In addition to the dead body, there was nothing else. Han Sen then summoned the cursed wolf dagger and cut a hole in the stone wall. He placed the body into the hole, filled the hole with rocks, and said, "Since I damaged your clothes, I will give you a place to rest. As for the scroll, you would not need it as a dead man. I will take it back to have a look. Maybe I can find out who you are and ask your family to bury you properly."

Han Sen then looked around. He did not have anywhere else to go other than the deeper cave.

Han Sen looked into the depths of the cave and tried to fly down. After flying for a few miles, he still could not see the bottom of the cave. Watching the darkness that looked like an entrance to the hell, Han Sen felt scared.

He hesitated and felt like it was unnecessary to take such risks. Han Sen flew up and went back to Devil Desert from the path where he came from.

Chapter 393: Golden Growler Again

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Han Sen spent two more days in Devil Desert and found no more sacred-blood creatures. He went to the area where the sacred-blood fox king used to be and failed to find it.

To Han Sen's surprise, golden rock worm king had accomplished its transformation.

Super Golden rock worm king: pet (evolved and transformed)

Seeing the golden rock worm king that had finished its transformation, Han Sen felt dumbstruck. Its gigantic body had become much smaller after transformation. It used to be the size of a bus but had shrunk to the size of a car.

However, the golden shell had become thicker. In addition, it had grown four pairs of sharp claws that looked like the sickle of the death. Behind its body, it had also developed a tail like a scorpion's. Behind its back, two pairs of golden wings buzzed like a bee's so fast that they were almost invisible.

Ferocious was the word Han Sen was thinking when seeing the super golden rock worm king. The worm was completely different from what it used to be.

"Evolution... Super pet..." Han Sen had become so overjoyed that he did not know how to organize his words. Although he had hope, the chance was so low that he felt surreal when his hope actually became true.

"Ha ha..." Han Sen summoned the golden rock worm king and couldn't resist laughing when seeing how good the pet looked.

"Super pet plus super pet armor, I don't know who can stop my maxing out on super geno points." Han Sen felt quite proud. He cannot wait to find more super creatures to kill.

However, it remained an issue where to find a super creature. Unlike Starry Group which had a huge intelligence network and large amounts of capital and manpower, or Ares Martial Hall which had talents in all shelters, Han Sen was on his own.

To find a super creature, the only way was to piece together fragmented information from the news on the Skynet and the platform of the special squad.

With the super rock worm king, Han Sen did not want to find a sacred-blood creature anymore. Instead, he immediately went to Steel Armor Shelter, wanting to find a super creature so that he could max out on super geno points as soon as possible.

However, before Han Sen reached Steel Armor Shelter, he felt something was wrong. Many people were fleeting from the shelter with a terrorized look. Some people were even injured.

Han Sen would not feel much if it were just a few people. However, more and more people started to flood out of the shelter, which was abnormal.

"Brother, what's happening?" Han Sen pulled someone passing by and asked.

"Creature... A creature came to the shelter..." The person said, frightened.

Han Sen paused. It was common for a creature to make its way into a shelter in Second or Third God's Sanctuary. However, in First God's Sanctuary, creatures would not even approach a shelter. Han Sen had never heard of any incidents in which a creature attacked humans in the shelter. In fact, he thought it had never happened before.

"How many creatures were in the shelter?" Han Sen asked hastily.

"One..." The guy replied.

"One? What creature?" Maybe it's a super creature? Han Sen's brows were knitted. Steel Armor Shelter was not a weak shelter. There were a lot of strong men in the shelter. One creature frightened so many people out of the shelter, which proved the strength of the creature.

"A lion... A giant golden lion..." The guy stuttered.

The words made Han Sen's hearts sink. Golden lion... Could it be that baby golden growler?

Han Sen walked faster toward Steel Armor Shelter. The closer he got to the shelter, the more people running away from the shelter he saw. Many people were injured and crying.

Han Sen also saw many people pulling dead bodies out of the shelter. It looked like there were quite a lot of casualties, since no one could have imagined a creature making its way into the shelter.

There were so many weaker people in the shelter. If it was really a super creature, Han Sen did not think they could even be able to run away.

Han Sen gritted his teeth and went against the crowds, entering Steel Armor Shelter. He saw a giant golden lion raging among the buildings of the shelter from afar.

Although many strong men were attacking it, none could stop it. The golden lion was still killing like crazy.

Golden growler... You must be the little golden growler.

Watching the grown golden growler which was as tall as a two-story building, Han Sen felt surprised and pleased.

He was pleased that he got to meet the baby golden growler again, as he now had the ability to kill it. This golden growler was simply a godsend.

However, Han Sen was surprised how big the golden growler had grown. When it moved its paw, it could easily tear down a room.

Each room was a private space equipped with a teleport device. Everyone was naturally assigned his or her room when coming to First God's Sanctuary. However, in higher God's Sanctuary, humans were completely on their own. They would need to build or fight for their own shelter, and sometimes they would even be attacked by creatures in the shelter.

Watching the golden growler crushing buildings and rooms, Han Sen's hearts raced, because the golden growler was about to reach his room in the shelter.

Han Sen did not care about anything else, but the archer crow he was feeding, which should not be revealed in public no matter what.

The golden growler stamped on the buildings and people who had not made their way out yet, looking like a vicious Dragon. Golden growler approached his own room.

Without any hesitation, Han Sen summoned the super golden rock worm king in super pet armor. He shapeshifted into the fairy queen and summoned the cursed wolf dagger. Standing on the back of the golden rock worm king, Han Sen rushed toward the golden growler.

With its four wings buzzing, the golden rock worm king looked like an alien creature, wielding its four sharp claws at the golden growler.

Han Sen was standing on the back of the worm king, his blonde hair dancing in the wind and his ruby crown shining under the sun. With the cursed wolf dagger in his hand, Han Sen fixed his gaze upon the golden growler.

Chapter 394: Solo Show

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Broken buildings and damaged bodies were everywhere. People were crying and shouting.

Those who could fight in Steel Armor Shelter, no matter which gang they were from, had all joined the fight. No one wanted to see Steel Armor Shelter ruined. If they lost their own room, which was their safe space, everything would become difficult for them in God's Sanctuary.

Especially for the large gangs and merchants, losing their rooms meant the loss of a safe warehouse or transition space, which would cost tremendous damages.

Many precious items were stored in the rooms. If ruined by the golden growler, many people would become poor overnight. Numerous arrows flew to the golden growler like a shower, which did absolutely no harm to the creature. In the eyes of the golden growler, the attack was like drizzle.

Even Little Finger who was already a first-class fighter in First God's Sanctuary could not even hurt the golden growler with a sacred-blood weapon. When hundreds of different weapons cut on the golden growler, the creature could simply shake its body to get rid of both the weapons and their owners. The golden growler was like a monster from hell, crushing and smashing everything in its way. Whoever happened to be standing under its paw would become a pool of mud immediately.

Blood flowed and became a river.

It looks like apocalypse in Steel Armor Shelter. With the screaming and howling, one would have goosebumps even it was noon.

"Retreat... Retreat..." Little Finger ordered everyone to retreat. It was not because he did not want to buy more time for the merchants and ladies who did not have much ability to fight, but because he could no longer keep fighting. In a short amount of time, the Fist Gang had already lost a few core members.

The situation of Steel Armor Gang and the Disciples was not any better than the Fist Gang. Plus, Steel Armor Gang had suffered the most loss.

Many members of the Steel Armor Gang were military school students. The education they received gave them more courage to sacrifice themselves. However, no matter how brave they were, it was simply useless in front of golden growler.

The blood made people's hearts tremble, and deaths brought despair.

At this point, even if the steel armor gang wanted to retreat, it would be too late, given how fast the golden growler was. Its giant body did not affect its speed. If no one could distract the creature, none could run away from it.

The Steel Armor Gang had become the last line of defense. As the members were becoming desperate and about to make suicidal attacks, they suddenly saw the murderous golden lion stop.

Everyone was dazed. The golden lion raised its head, staring into the sky, and had an angry look on its face.

"What could possibly cause the anger of such a frightening creature?" Everyone followed the golden lion's sight and became dumbstruck.

A monster in jade armor fell from the sky. Although it was much smaller than the golden lion, it looked even more vicious.

On the back of the armored beast stood a man with golden hair and red armor, who looked like Apollo.

"Han Sen..." Many people who knew Han Sen couldn't help but yelp.

As people were taken aback, the golden lion suddenly roared and jumped into the air, throwing itself at the golden rock worm king.

Seeing the look in the golden growler's eyes, Han Sen knew that the creature had recognized himself. The lion's eyes were filled with hatred. Han Sen was sure the creature wanted to rip himself apart.

"Let's finish everything here and now." Han Sen gripped the cursed wolf dagger in his hand, staring at the golden growler.


The golden growler clashed with the transformed golden rock worm king. Although the worm king was just about one tenth the size of golden growler, it did not back off after the clash. The eight sharp claws dug deep into the fur of the golden growler.


The golden growler felt the pain and howled. Its paw hit the golden rock worm king, knocking the worm away, which then caused several buildings to collapse.

The moment the golden growler laid its paw on the rock worm king, Han Sen's heart started to thump like a running engine, almost jumping out of his chest.

Qi and blood quickly rushed into Han Sen's body, making him burn with explosive energy.

The cursed wolf dagger almost became one with Han Sen and went toward an eye of the golden growler.

Previously, Han Sen could not even break the eyes of the baby golden growler. However, Han Sen had become much stronger. With the super beast soul cursed wolf dagger in his hand, Han Sen was not who he used to be.

The dagger was stabbed into the eye of the golden growler hard, as if it was stabbed into rubber. Han Sen used all he got and pushed the dagger inward.

"Roar!" As blood flowed, the golden growler howled, trying to hit Han Sen with its forepaw.

The moment Han Sen pierced the golden eye, he had already kicked the golden growler's face in order to retreat. When he was in the air, the worm king threw itself under Han Sen's feet, helping its master avoid the golden growler's paw.

With a bleeding eye, the golden growler had incredible hatred in its only eye left. With a roar, it quickly hit Han Sen and the golden rock worm king again at an incredible speed.

Han Sen looked cold. Stepping on the golden rock worm king's back, he dodged the paw and stabbed at its other eye.

When the golden growler tried to take its paw back to hit Han Sen, the rock worm king had already dug its claws into the lion's paw, its tail piercing its fur, making the golden growler scream.

Han Sen threw himself at the lion, piercing the other eye of the golden growler. Blood suddenly colored the golden eye red.


Growling continuously, the golden growler quickly rushed toward a direction, knocking down countless buildings. It eventually broke out of the shelter and ran away.

Watching golden growler leaving embarrassed, loud cheers exploded in the shelter. Many were shouting Han Sen's name.

However, Han Sen had no time to respond. Standing on the back of the golden rock worm king, Han Sen quickly chased after the golden growler. This time, he will not let the creature off the hook again.

Chapter 395: Super Meat

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Kill it..." Many people were shouting their hearts out, wishing they were able to kill golden growler and even alive like Han Sen. Humans had never experienced such cruelty in First God's Sanctuary. The blood of family and friends made them furious.

Buzzing its four wings, the golden rock worm king quickly went after the golden growler. When it was about to catch up with the lion, Han Sen deliberately slowed down a little bit as he did not want anyone to see him kill the golden growler. Han Sen wondered if the golden growler would disappear like other super creatures, which would look suspicious to other people.

Han Sen was confident to kill the golden growler at this point. All he needed to do was to wait for the golden growler to run to a desolated spot, which would be the moment he made his move.

Being blind, the golden growler could no longer tell which direction it was going. Its eyes were bleeding, but the blood was going back into its injuries. It looked like it was healing.

Bang bang!

All the rocks and trees were knocked away by the golden growler. The creature eventually entered Dark Swamp.

"Go deeper!" Han Sen was pleased with the fact that the creature had entered the least populated place, creating the perfect opportunity for him to kill it.

Following the golden growler into the Dark Swamp with his wings, Han Sen saw all the creatures in the lion's way knocked dead or stamped on.

The fitness level of a super creature was much higher than any other creature. Even when it was blind already, no one could hurt it unless they had a super beast soul weapon.

Watching the golden growler going deeper into the swamp where there was no one nearby, Han Sen no longer hesitated and ordered the golden rock worm king to go at the blind golden growler.

Its four wings buzzing, the golden rock worm king strangled the golden growler with its barbed tail. The tail pierced the creature's neck and the blood started to flow.

Meanwhile, the eight sharp claws the rock worm king locked the golden growler's head down, stabbing inside its skull.

The golden growler cried in despair, trying to hit the golden rock worm king with its paw. However, it only made some noises of metal on metal.

Han Sen summoned his black-feathered wings, hovering in the air and watching his pet fighting the golden growler.

The super pet in super pet armor was almost invincible. Even the golden growler could not injure the golden rock worm king. Instead, it was haunted by the worm king and attacked by eight sharp claws.

The golden hair of the lion was shaved by the claws, and bloody scars crisscrossed on its head, looking miserable.

"Let's end it here!" Seeing that the golden rock worm king could not really killed the golden growler, Han Sen gripped the dagger and rushed toward the stomach of the golden growler.

In Han Sen's hand, the cursed wolf dagger made a cut of a dozen feet long on the stomach of golden growler. Golden blood jetted out like a spring, mixed with pieces of inner organs.


The golden growler cried, waving its paws and trying to kill its enemy. However, it could no longer tell where the enemy was.

As its blood left its body, the golden growler quickly became weak. Han Sen jumped on its head and stabbed the dagger into its brain, accelerating its death.

After all, the golden growler had not grown as strong as its mother. It was only at the same level as the cursed wolf. Compared to the invincible large golden growler, it was still much lacking.

If the golden growler had become as strong as its parent, Han Sen was afraid that the entire Steel Armor Shelter would be crushed by the creature. At that point, Han Sen could not guarantee he would be able to stop it.

"Super creature golden growler killed. Beast soul of golden growler gained. Life essence available. Meat edible."

Watching the dead golden growler, Han Sen was dazed. This time, the voice was different from before. Han Sen was happy that he was able to gain the beast soul of the golden growler. However, after killing several super creatures, it was the first time the body of the creature did not disappear.

In addition, the voice had always told him that the meat of super creature was inedible, yet this time it said something different. If the meat was indeed edible, Han Sen wondered why the voice did not say it could bring him more super geno points.

In conclusion, the voice was kind of weird. Han Sen watched the creature's body with his brows knitted.

"The golden growler is different from other creatures." Han Sen quickly forgot about this issue. He was overjoyed that he had gained the super beast soul, life essence, and even the meat of the golden growler. Han Sen was surprised how lucky he was.

Han Sen had thought that he had used up his luck, given how lucky he had been recently. However, he still gained the beast soul, and even gained the body of a super creature.

Han Sen did not dare to hesitate much longer. He quickly dissected the body of the golden growler with the cursed wolf dagger, searching for its life essence.

Han Sen almost tore its entire body up to find the golden crystal in its skull. Although the golden crystal was much smaller than that of its parent, it was still the size of a basketball.

Han Sen quickly licked at the crystal. As he drank the golden liquid, he felt his entire body was on fire. Strength was instilled into his body cells, making his entire body stronger.

"Life essence of golden growler consumed. One super geno point gained."

Hearing the wonderful voice in his mind, Han Sen almost laughed out loud. He licked the crystal faster.

Hearing the voice telling him about his newly gained super geno points, Han Sen felt he was on top of the world.

The life essence of the golden growler gave Han Sen another eight super geno points. Han Sen now had sixty super geno points.

After finishing the life essence, Han Sen felt more cheerful than ever. He glanced at the meat of the golden growler.

"Since the meat could be eaten, I believe it should also give me super geno points. The body of this creature is so big that I wonder when I can finish eating it." Watching the golden growler cut into pieces by him, Han Sen felt worried.

Any piece in front of him was taller than himself. Han Sen wondered how he could eat it.

"Let me try some first." Han Sen picked a tender piece and made a thin slice. Without time to cook, Han Sen decided to taste it raw.

Chapter 396: Molested by a Pet

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Very soon, Han Sen found out sadly that the meat was as tough as ever. Han Sen chewed the meat and felt as if he was chewing calfskin. There was no way his teeth could tear up the meat.

In the end, Han Sen decided to simply swallow the meat since the slice was quite thin. However, after he swallowed it up, nothing had happened.

Even if this piece of meat did not give him any geno point, Han Sen should still be able to hear the voice telling him no geno point gained. However, after swallowing, Han Sen had heard nothing.

"What the heck?" Han Sen felt quite upset. He hesitated and summoned holy angel, wondering if she would eat it. If she could not eat it, then the meat was useless.

After seeing the meat of golden growler, holy angel was overjoyed and threw itself at the meat. Holding a piece of meat, she gobbled away.

The meat Han Sen could not even chew was easily torn into pieces by holy angel with her teeth.

"All pets would be winners at eating contests!" Han Sen was dumbstruck by the way holy angel ate. Momentarily, the little girl had already swallowed a piece of meat taller than Han Sen. Han Sen wondered where the volume went in the belly of the holy angel.

However, the holy angel did not mean to stop. She quickly went to another piece of meat and started to eat.

Han Sen saw the little girl started to grow as she ate the meat of the golden growler. Her hair became longer and chest fuller. Her legs became longer, and a pair of white wings started to grow on her back.

Han Sen felt the little girl looked more and more like the creature she used to be.

Her wings became bigger and her body more curvaceous. Jade armor started to formulate on her body as well.

"Holy angel! She really had become the holy angel!" Han Sen was dumbstruck and did not know what to say. After eating a small part of the golden growler meat, the little girl had grown into a woman.

However, the change had not stopped. The holy angel was still bearing her face in the meat. As she ate, the figure of holy angel started to shift again.

Her blonde hair became almost transparent, her white armor became golden, and even her eyes and Halo became pure gold. The holy angel turned into an elegant goddess, covered in a sacred aura.

After eating all the meat of the golden growler, the holy angel turned and walked to Han Sen. She approached Han Sen until their faces met.

Watching the gorgeous yet ice cold face of the beauty, Han Sen was wondering what she wanted to do. All of a sudden, the holy angel held Han Sen's face with both hands and covered his mouth with her red lips.

"Dammit! I am molested by a pet!" Han Sen stared his eyes wide, feeling incredulous.

As Han Sen was having complex feelings, he suddenly felt suction from the mouth of the holy angel. She sucked the piece of meat that he just swallowed out from Han Sen's stomach.

Holy angel released Han Sen and swallowed the piece of meat, which seemed to make her look more mysterious and pretty.

"Evolution of holy angel complete." Han Sen heard the voice in his mind.

Checking the data of holy angel, Han Sen was dazed.

Holy angel: super pet (can further evolve).

Han Sen could understand that the holy angel had evolved into a super creature after eating the meat of the golden growler. However, after she had already become a super pet, the system said she could even evolve further, which was beyond Han Sen's comprehension.

Han Sen had never heard that a pet beast soul could evolve twice. In addition, a super pet must be the top being in First God's Sanctuary. If the holy angel could evolve even further, what would she become?

Watching the innocent girl standing in front of him, Han Sen did not know what to think. After finishing evolution, the holy angel had dismissed her transformed state and become the little girl again, looking at Han Sen with her eyes wide.

Han Sen was shocked. Technically speaking, a pet could not decide its state for itself. Some intelligent pets could react automatically under emergencies, which was also quite rare and limited.

Dismissing its own transformed state like the holy angel was simply beyond the ability of a pet.

Han Sen regarded the holy angel with his brows knitted and took her back. Fortunately, the beast soul did not resist.

"This is so strange. I believe it's the golden growler. Other super creatures all disappeared after being killed, but the golden growler had edible meat. There must be some mysteries."

Han Sen did not have any clues.

In Steel Armor Shelter, everyone was talking about the creature and Han Sen. They had never heard about a creature attacking a shelter in First God's Sanctuary. The fact that Han Sen had chased the creature away made a lot of people in Steel Armor Shelter grateful to him.

Many people in Steel Armor Shelter posted on the Skynet about the issue, giving rise to quite a lot of attention.

The shelters in First God's Sanctuary were not built by humans, but a part of the God's Sanctuary system. No creatures dared to come close to the shelter before, yet one suddenly attacked a shelter, which naturally made breaking news.

Ning Yue was also reading about the incident. Although there was no picture or video, Ning Yue was paying a lot of attention, especially to the part about Han Sen.

After a long time, Ning Yue turned his device off and asked an old man who looked like a steward, "Is everyone ready?"

"Yes, young master. Everyone is ready, but are you really going to do that?" The old man asked Ning Yue.

"We cannot touch someone from the special squad, especially someone connected to the Qins. If we want to capture him alive, we can only do it in God's Sanctuary," Ning Yue said casually.

"But young master, you don't need to go yourself..." The old man said worriedly.

"That guy is not an ordinary person," Ning Yue said quietly and walked to the teleport device.

Chapter 397: Shocking Discovery

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Ning Yue slowly walked into the cold liquid of the evolution pool. Initially, he did not want to become an evolver so soon. Once he finished evolution, he must leave First God's Sanctuary in a short amount of time, otherwise his body would be damaged permanently.

However, Ning Yue still chose to evolve at this point. He had so many doubts about Han Sen that he felt it was worthwhile for him to evolve. Although he had summoned thirteen evolvers with their sacred geno points maxed out who worked for Starry Group in different shelters, Ning Yue still chose to evolve himself as well. Ning Yue did not want to give Han Sen any opportunity of survival. He only trusted himself with this mission.

Although Starry Group was powerful, they did not want to mess with the special squad unless they had to, especially in the case that Han Sen worked for Qin Xuan. Ning Yue could not do anything to Han Sen in the Alliance, so he had to do it in God's Sanctuary.

In the evolution pool, Ning Yue's body was undergoing significant changes. Other people only knew about Son of Heaven, while few people knew that Ning Yue was the most talented in his generation of the Nings.

Although he did not have the best health, Ning Yue was the only person who had practiced the sword skills of the family successfully.

Before God's Sanctuary was discovered, an ancestor of the Nings was one of the few people who had mastered sword skills. Their skills were called Que Yi, which had been considered a famous school since ancient times.

Since people had found God's Sanctuary, the Que Yi techniques were adapted into super geno arts and became even stronger.

However, Ning Yue did not think that. Although the super geno art was strong, Ning Yue thought his family never had another sword master like his grandfather Ning Tieyi since the invention of the super geno art.

When Ning Yue was a little boy and just started to learn to use sword, he abandoned the strong super geno art and insisted on practicing the old sword techniques.

When he just started, the techniques were not even close to the modern super geno art, but Ning Yue did not question his own decision. Two years ago, Ning Yue finally succeeded in practicing the old sword techniques and understood its essence. He eventually knew how ridiculous the adaptation was.

Initially, Ning Yue thought no one in First God's Sanctuary would be a worthy opponent for him to use the actual Que Yi sword skills. After meeting Han Sen, Ning Yue thought everything had changed.

Ning Yue had so many doubts about Han Sen. If Han Sen had become an evolver when they first met, he had been staying in First God's Sanctuary for too long, which should have already caused his body harm. No one would be so dumb.

If he had not become an evolver, he did already have the strength beyond an unevolved person. Ning Yue could only think of one possibility, which was that Han Sen had already acquired super genes.

Ning Yue even suspected that the dagger of Han Sen was a beast soul beyond sacred-blood beast soul. Otherwise, how could it be so sharp?

However, Ning Yue did not dare to tell anyone about it. Ning Yue was not the only person who was pursuing super genes, and the Nings was not the only family who knew about it. Ning Yue did not want anyone to know about Han Sen, otherwise Ning Yue himself would have even less chance.

Therefore, Ning Yue could only depend on himself even at the cost of leaving First God's Sanctuary early. He had to figure out Han Sen's secret.

Ning Yue did not want any accident. Therefore, he had used all his connections to gather the thirteen advanced fighters who were about to max out on their super geno points, help them fill their geno point count up, and make them evolve.

Ning Yue had been preparing all this, which was why he did not make a move on Han Sen. What he was waiting for was this opportunity.

After reading about the news that Han Sen had beaten the golden lion, Ning Yue was even more certain that Han Sen had acquired the power beyond sacred genes.

Meanwhile, Han Sen was drooling before the golden growler in the seventh warehouse. The beast soul of the golden growler was a mount. The super mount had not only incredible speed, but also adjustable size.

At Han Sen's command, the golden growler could be as large as a small hill. Its smallest was still the size of an elephant.

In addition, the golden growler had a tough body and an incredible ability to bear weight, which was outstanding for a mount. Han Sen wondered if the golden growler had other abilities, which he was not sure of so far.

Riding the golden growler in its smallest form in the warehouse, Han Sen felt fantastic. The ride was so comfortable like he was in an advanced private aircraft, even when the mount was running at its full speed.

"This is the ride that gets me girls!" Han Sen felt excited. Maybe he could take Ji Yanran for a ride on the golden growler sometime and maybe even do something naughty with her.

"What would the term be if we do it on the lion's back?" Han Sen wondered.

After playing around for a while, Han Sen took the golden growler back and started to look for information on the Skynet using his comlink.

After finding what he needed, Han Sen opened the scroll he took from the cave, scanned it with his comlink, and machine translated the characters into modern language using the device.

Indeed, the characters were in an ancient language, which were easily translated into the modern language. Han Sen carefully checked its content.

In the beginning, Han Sen felt quite relaxed, as he was just trying to determine where the guy was from. After a while, however, Han Sen's face became grim. Shortly, Han Sen was shocked. In the end, he couldn't even close his mouth. Han Sen could not believe what was written on the scroll was true.

"This must be a prank. How come this is possible?" After Han Sen read the content, he was appalled. However, thinking about how strange the dead body looked, maybe it was true.

"If it is true, then the entire Alliance would be shocked. It is completely against what we know so far." Han Sen could not calm himself down reading the translated text.

According to the translated text, the owner of the scroll, a.k.a. the dead man, was from ancient times when cold steel was the only weapon material. They did not even have electricity, let alone teleport devices. A man from that time could teleport into God's Sanctuary using just their body, which was hard to believe.

Chapter 398: Dongxuan Sutra

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The latter part of the scroll was a statement of the writer. According to him, he was a Taoist who styled himself as "Dongxuan." He was the leader of an organization called Xuan Men. Having committed himself to Taoism, he eventually reached the state where he could break through the vacuum.

However, after breaking through the vacuum, Dongxuan found that he did not reach heaven. Or, the heaven he reached was different from his imagination. He appeared in a different world, where everything was beyond his comprehension. Unfortunately, although Dongxuan was successful in breaking through the vacuum, his body was severely injured by the shift. Shortly after he reached this world, he wrote down the scroll and died.

Han Sen felt the story absurd. Using one's own body to break through the vacuum so that one could teleport into God's Sanctuary must require incredible strength. Even demigods in the contemporary time could not achieve that. Han Sen felt like it was just a fairytale.

The former part of the scroll was a Taoist martial art called Dongxuan Sutra. According to Dongxuan himself, it was his life's work, and invention based on a Taoist martial art.

It was with Dongxuan Sutra that Dongxuan had achieved the state of breaking through the vacuum and landed in God's Sanctuary.

When he traveled through the vacuum, almost everything Dongxuan was wearing got destroyed, including a treasure piece he was wearing called the feathered cloak. Only Dongxuan Sutra made of void silk was kept intact.

"I wonder if it is true. If Dongxuan was telling the truth, then this Dongxuan Sutra should be even better than demigod hyper geno arts." Han Sen read Dongxuan Sutra with suspicion.

It seemed that Dongxuan Sutra was too difficult for the machine to translate. Han Sen could not understand the translated text and felt confused.

For generic content, the machine translation was good enough. However, for a Sutra, the machine translation was either wrong or messy.

"It seems that I should not try to translate Dongxuan Sutra using a machine. I have to learn the ancient language myself." Han Sen translated the text word by word but found that many characters had multiple meanings and he had no way to determine what they actually meant. Han Sen found that even if he knew what each character meant, he could not understand the article.

Han Sen eventually understood why the machine had failed at the task. For an ancient language like this, it was essential for the reader to have the knowledge in a certain area before reading.

Although Han Sen could guess the meaning here and there, he did not dare to try practicing what he guessed. Han Sen had to set Dongxuan Sutra aside and started to study the materials of the Ancient Language Department of Blackhawk.

It took time for Han Sen to learn the ancient language, and it could not be rushed. After resting for two days, Han Sen started to plan to transfer the beast souls of Dollar back to his own identity.

Su Xiaoqiao who had now become the team lead of Bullseye was hunting a mutant creature with a group of people. Suddenly, someone dashed from a forest in front of him and cut the mutant creature in half.

"Dammit! Who gives you the nerve to snatch my creature? Are you tired of living this life?" Su Xiaoqiao bristled. However, when seeing who it was, he quickly stopped and stared his eyes wide. "Dollar, you did not evolve?"

"Very soon. So, I want to sell all my beast souls and need your help," Han Sen said and transferred all his beast souls and gear to Su Xiaoqiao.

Hearing the voice telling him about sacred-blood beast soul after sacred-blood beast soul, Su Xiaoqiao was completely dumbstruck. When Han Sen was about to leave, Su Xiaoqiao came to himself and exclaimed, "Dollar, you're not afraid that I will keep the beast souls for myself?"

"No, I'm not," said Han Sen casually without turning back.

Su Xiaoqiao quickly asked, "You haven't given me a price yet. And where should I find you after they're sold?"

"Do an auction. I only want S-Class licenses of the evolver level. I will go find you," Han Sen said and disappeared in the mountains. Of course, he was not afraid that Su Xiaoqiao would keep the beast souls. After all, Su Xiaoqiao was working for Steel Armor Gang, and Han Sen knew everything about him.

"The beast souls are so good... Well, there is even a sacred-blood pet... Although he took off his armor, he was still covering his face and I cannot tell what he looks like. What a pity!" Su Xiaoqiao licked his lips and lamented.

"Boss, is that guy really Dollar? Why would he ask you to do the auction for him? What is your relationship? What beast souls did he give you?"

Su Xiaoqiao had not completely recovered from the shock, so there was no way he could answer that.

Very soon, the news got out that Dollar asked Su Xiaoqiao to do an auction of his beast souls in Steel Armor Shelter. Many people were shocked.

No one knew that Dollar was still in First God's Sanctuary, and no one could foresee that Dollar's beast souls would be for sale.

Many people investigated Su Xiaoqiao and determined that he could not be Dollar.

At this point, Ning Yue had also come to Steel Armor Shelter to find Han Sen. When hearing the news, he also looked into the background of Su Xiaoqiao and reached the same conclusion as others.

"Young master, Su Xiaoqiao is going to do the auction tomorrow. Should we attend the auction?" Liu Lin asked. The sacred-blood beast souls of Dollar were quite famous and coveted by many.

Ning Yue was deep in his thoughts. He murmured, "Dollar... Han Sen... These two... Go get me the information you gathered on both of them."

"Young master, you're saying that Han Sen is Dollar?" Liu Lin was dazed.

"We will know the answer to that question very soon. Go prepare for the auction," Ning Yue said quietly.

Every once in a while, Steel Armor Gang would organize an auction. It was rather easy for Su Xiaoqiao to conduct another one with the trained personnel.

On the day of the auction, almost everyone with some status in Steel Armor Shelter came. Ning Yue and Liu Lin were covering their faces, observing in the crowd.

Ning Yue's gaze lingered on Han Sen. It seemed that he was trying to tell something from Han Sen's look.