

Chapter 383 - Inner Sect of the Soul Refining Sect

The death spell was created by ancient cultivators who studied the Ji Realm. Although it was difficult to cultivate, it was easier to control than the impossible-to-control Ji Realm.

Once it was completed, all one would have to say was "die" and the targeted person would immediately die.

In order to cultivate this technique, one has to fuse three auras into one.

The three auras are the death aura, yin aura, and killing aura.

The death aura comes from absorbing energy from corpses. Although this is a type of yin energy, it is filled with death.

The second, yin aura, is yin energy from the souls of females. This yin aura contains life.

After obtaining those two auras, the cultivator has to fuse them and then combine the result with a third aura, the killing aura! After fusing the three auras, they will experience a trial with only a 10% chance of survival. Whoever lives through it will be able to start using the death spell. Once one starts cultivating the death spell, they will have to suffer an unimaginable amount of pain every day and go through a trial every three years with only 10% chance of surviving each one.

After experiencing several cycles, the death spell reaches its first stage of completion. If one wishes to continue to cultivate it, their chance of death increases. This spell tries to mimic the Ji Realm.

However, it is much weaker than the Ji Realm and much more dangerous to cultivate, making it somewhat pyrrhic. Although its offensive capability is amazing, the death spell eventually became a lost technique as fewer and fewer people cultivated it.

Sima said the word "die" and activated the death spell. A strange fluctuation of spiritual energy immediately began to spread out from the finger he was pointing with.

The air was like a calm pool of water that just had a rock thrown in. Countless ripples spread in the air.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed a mysterious light. He didn't move at all as he experienced the death spell. The moment Sima pointed at him, he felt a sliver of yin aura inside his body.

This yin aura was very different from the yin energy he had used to cultivate the Underworld Ascension Method. The moment that yin aura appeared, another aura appeared within his body,

The appearance of this aura shocked Wang Lin. If it had appeared in his original body, he wouldn't be surprised, but this body hadn't kill much at all, yet a bit of killing aura still formed.

Although this killing aura was faint, it fused with the yin aura to form a very sharp blade that charged directly into his origin soul.

However, with Wang Lin's strength, he only needed one thought to destroy this mysterious power. With one thought, his origin soul froze this mysterious power. Due to his understanding of the Ji Realm, he was able to instantly see through the death spell.

Although the death spell was powerful, it was still far too weak compared to the Ji Realm.

The Ji Realm was a mutation from the divine retribution lightning; it would instantly kill cultivators of the same realm.

This death spell was a technique that could kill anyone with a lower cultivation level in one hit but had very little effect on people with higher cultivation levels.

For example, if a mid stage Core Formation cultivator were to use it, they would instantly kill anyone with a lower cultivation level. Even against cultivators at the same level, it had a chance to succeed, and if not, it would at least shock the enemy.

However, when facing a late stage Core Formation cultivator, this technique was not very useful, and if the user was not careful, they would be affected by backlash.

This was far too weak compared to the Ji Realm.

Wang Lin faintly shook his head. Although this death spell was mysterious, it was useless to him. With a thought, the mysterious power of the death spell disappeared from his body.

The moment it dissipated, Sima's pupils shrank, his body trembled, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. He wasn't able to contain the injury caused by the backlash of the death spell, so he fell to the ground.

At this moment, another ray of spiritual energy shot out from the inner sect and dragged Sima's body into the inner sect.

Without any suspense, Wang Lin became the winner of this competition.

The inner sect disciple in charge of this fight clasped his hands at Wang Lin and said, "My name is Wang Zhen. The next time we meet, I'll have to call you junior apprentice brother. Qing Mu, come and follow me to meet the elder."

Wang Lin nodded and smiled. He followed Wang Zhen into the inner sect.

The Inner sect of the Soul Refining Sect was like heaven. When he passed through the formation, he saw three heaven-piercing mountains.

As they flew, Wang Zhen explained, "These three mountains belong to the three factions that exist within the Soul Refining Sect. They are Soul Refining, Soul Extracting, and Soul Sealing."

Wang Lin nodded and looked toward the three mountains.

Behind the three mountains were giant rings of golden light. They each seemed to contain their own universe as they lit up the entire sect.

"Those nine golden rings of light are where the nine Soul Formation seniors cultivate. One day I'll reach the Soul Formation stage and become the 10th golden ring!" Wang Zhen's voice was filled with desire.

Wang Lin looked at the golden rings of light. From here he could clearly feel that the nine golden rings were emitting powerful spiritual energy.

"If I can recover, none of the cultivators in the nine rings of light will be a match for me!" Wang Lin's eyes were calm.

Wang Zhen turned his head and asked, "Qing Mu, do you know about Ceng Niu?"

"Ceng Niu?" Wang Lin calmly nodded and said, "I've heard of him."

"My Soul Refining Sect had ten Soul Formation cultivators, but one of them was killed by Ceng Niu." Wang Zhen's eyes were filled with admiration. "He is my goal. One day, I'll become the number one cultivator below the Soul Transformation stage on Suzaku!"

"Oh, really?" He thought for a long time but couldn't remember when he killed a Soul Formation cultivator from the Soul Refining Sect.

Wang Zhen said, "Not many people know of this, though. This Soul Formation ancestor was visiting other countries but got into an argument with Ceng Niu and was killed by him.

Wang Lin rubbed his nose. He really couldn't remember at all.

"This Ceng Niu sure did disappear at the right time. My Soul Refining Sect's Dun Tian was about to go ask him about this matter." Wang Zhen sighed.

"Ancestor Du Tian?" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

"It's not a big deal to tell you this now since you will become a member of the inner sect. Our Soul Refining Sect has two Soul Transformation ancestors; one of them is ancestor Du Tian."

Wang Lin raised his head. He could faintly see a trace of a blood-red aura behind the nine golden rings of light.

As the two talked, they arrived at the Soul Refining Mountain. At the top of the mountain there was a hall made of green stones. Wang Zhen said, "Qing Mu, go inside; the elder will arrange things for you."

Wang Lin nodded and calmly walked into the hall.

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The hall was completely dark. The moment he entered, he felt a pressure surrounding him, only this pressure was nothing to Wang Lin. He revealed an expression that made him look like he couldn't bear this pressure and stopped walking.

After a few seconds, the pressure receded and an ancient voice said, "Come up!"

Wang Lin released a look of relief and walked up.

The hall suddenly lit up and green lights lit up around the hall. At the center of the hall sat an old man wearing a green robe. He was looking at Wang Lin.

This person's cultivation level had reached the peak of the late stage of Nascent Soul. He was only missing his own domain to reach the Soul Formation stage.

The old man withdrew his gaze from Wang Lin and blandly asked, "What is your name?"

Wang Lin clasped his hands and respectfully answered, "Disciple's name is Qing Mu."

The old man's eyes became serious and he asked, "How did you break Sima's death spell?"

Wang Lin calmly responded, "Disciple has hidden his cultivation level. My real cultivation level is at the peak of the late stage of Core Formation, so the death spell naturally wasn't able to hurt me."

The old man nodded. From his point of view, this Qing Mu was not lying and had indeed hidden his cultivation level. From the moment he entered, the old man noticed that his cultivation level was not at the mid stage of Core Formation but at the peak of the late stage of Core Formation.

The old man arrived before Wang Lin in the blink of an eye. His finger was as fast as lightning as he pressed it between Wang Lin's eyebrows.

Wang Lin didn't dodge. The moment the finger touched him, a cold energy entered his body, but with Wang Lin's origin soul, he wasn't worried at all.

Shortly after, the old man withdrew his finger. His eyes were no longer cold. He said, "I'm the head elder of the Soul Refining Mountain. You can go to the side mountain to pick up your token and clothes. You can also go to the the Soul Refining Mountain's library to pick out a technique. Also, you can open up a cave on any part of the mountain to cultivate."

"There are no teachers in the Soul Refining Sect; everyone cultivates on their own. If you have any questions, you can ask me. Now go."

Wang Lin nodded and respectfully left.

Shortly after he left, two powerful divine senses appeared inside the hall.

"Junior apprentice brother, how is this person?"

The old man snorted and said, "Nothing to worry about!"

"Junior apprentice brother, in these past several years, all of the ancestors have been in closed door cultivation. We have to hold down the fort and not let anyone with ill intent enter."

The old man's voice was cold as he said, "What a joke. It's not like we don't already have a lot of people in the Soul Refining Sect with ulterior motives. One more won't be too much, and one less won't be too little. One out of ten disciples under my two senior apprentice brothers have ulterior motives. You two should manage your own mountains. Matters of my Soul Refining Mountain are none of your concerns."

"Junior disciple's grievance is strong. That junior with the anticipation intuition was chosen by me. That person who knows the death spell was picked by the junior apprentice brother in charge of the Soul Sealing Mountain. The last person left is the winner of the competition. Is junior apprentice brother still not happy?"

The old man's expression was ugly. "What nonsense; both of them have special abilities, but this person only has a slightly higher cultivation level! I won't be sending two senior apprentice disciples off!"

The two divine senses let out a loud laugh and then dissipated.

Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense as he walked along the mountain.

"All of the Soul Formation and above cultivators are in closed door cultivation, and the Soul Refining Sect is being managed by the three of them." Wang Lin pondered this as he walked toward the side hall.

After he got his token and clothes, Wang Lin noticed that it was still early in the day, so he went to the library.

Chapter 384 - Three method of the Soul Flag

The library of the soul refining mountain wasn't large; it only had three floors.

Looking from a distance, this library seemed very normal. When Wang Lin entered, his eyes focused on an old man sitting inside. The old man was very close to the Nascent Soul stage; he was only one step away.

The old man's face was yellow, his body was skinny, and he looked very tired. When he noticed that someone had entered, he opened his eyes and said, "Token!"

Wang Lin handed over his token. The old man looked at it and said, "You can look around as you wish, but you're not allowed to go to the third floor. The time limit is three days."

Wang Lin nodded and entered the library.

Looking at the first floor, there were rows of shelves with jades, bamboo carvings, and even stone carvings. Wang Lin's eyes swept past them. There was a wide variety of techniques here and they covered just about everything. There were techniques he already knew and techniques he had never seen before.

Only, there was nothing about refining a soul flag.

After making his way through the first floor, he entered the second floor.

The number of techniques on the second floor was lower than the first. They were scattered around the room with descriptions of each technique.

Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and found the four words "Soul Flag Production Method". He picked up the jade to check and then frowned.

This jade did indeed contain the method to creating a soul flag, but it was exactly the same as what everyone else did. If the Soul Refining Sect really used this method, there was no way they would be as famous as they were now.

After carefully searching through the second floor, Wang Lin, who had found nothing he needed, looked toward the third floor. He didn't do anything reckless and returned to the skinny elder. He clasped his hands and asked, "Senior, why can't I go up to the third floor?"

The old man yawned. He looked at Wang Lin and said, "You can't go up, so you can't go up. What's with all this nonsense?"

Wang Lin's eyes became cold as he stared at the old man.

The old man frowned. He muttered something and then impatiently said, "You don't need to stare. You want to look for the method to make the soul flag, right? I can tell you that it isn't here, and it isn't in the third floor either. There are only ten pieces of jade with the method to make the soul flag. If you want it, then go steal them. See, that cave over there has one. If you can steal it, you can learn it."

Wang Lin looked toward where the old man was pointing. There was indeed a cave there.

"There aren't any rules in the Soul Refining Sect; if you have the ability to kill, kill; if you want anything, steal it; and if you like any women, take them!"

"If you don't have any ability, then find others who have no ability to cultivate together so you can protect yourself."

"No rules. One can do as he wishes…" Wang Lin let out a faint smile. This Soul Refining Sect was indeed interesting. Wang Lin waved his hand and a giant invisible hand grabbed the old man.

The old man was startled, but he let out a laugh. The impatient look on his face disappeared and was replaced with battle intent. "Good! Good! In these past 100 years, you are the fifth person to attack me. Okay, I'll play with you!"

With that, he moved his body to break free.

Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He casually waved his hand and the old man was thrown by a powerful force toward the wall.

The old man's head was spinning from the collision. He was about to let out an angry roar when he was picked up and thrown again.

Bang, bang, bang.

The continuous collisions caused the old man to cough out blood. Seeing that Wang Lin was going to continue, he quickly shouted, "Grandfather, please stop. I'm willing to call you grandfather! If you throw me anymore, this old body will break!"

Wang Lin released his grip. The old man fell to the ground and got up after a while. He let out a bitter smile and said, "Junior apprentice brother, with your strength, just go steal what you want. As long as you don't kill too many people, no one is going to bother you."

Wang Lin looked at the old man and left. Shortly after, he arrived before the cave the old man had pointed at before. There were some restrictions outside the cave. Wang Lin spread out his divine sense and found that there was a middle-aged man cultivating inside. There was a side room with two female cultivators cultivating inside as well.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his right hand moved, creating many illusionary restrictions. With a bang, all of the restrictions outside the cave collapsed along with the door.

The old man in the distance shivered. He thought that the soul refining mountain had gained another person that couldn't be offended.

The middle-aged man let out an angry roar because his cave was destroyed. He flew out in a ray of red light and without a word took out a small, purple flag. Hundreds of souls flew out of the flag.

There were males and females among these souls. They let out bursts of sharp shrills and charged toward Wang Lin.

"Destroying my cave, you're courting death!"

Wang Lin remained calm. The person who charged out of the cave wasn't at the Nascent Soul stage; he was at the peak of the late stage of Core Formation like the elder from the library.

However, the soul flag in his hand was a bit different. Wang Lin could clearly see a golden line on the soul flag, and the souls it released had a black aura around them. This was very different from the souls of normal soul flags that looked like they would dissipate if the wind blew on them.

These hundreds of souls were full of energy, and a few of them gave off pressure no weaker than a normal Core Formation cultivator's.

"Growth!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up because he saw what was different from this soul flag.

The souls inside this soul flag had the ability to keep growing.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he reached out with his hand. The soul flag flew out of the middle-aged man's hand and into his. He wiped the divine sense from it and imprinted his own, then he immediately felt a sense of harmony within his soul.

With a wave of the soul flag, the souls that were charging at him were all absorbed by it.

The Core Formation cultivator was dumbfounded. He sucked in a breath of cold air and immediately took out a black jade. He placed it on the ground, backed away, and shouted, "I admit defeat, I admit defeat. The cave is yours, the jade is yours, and the flag is yours too. I have two cultivation concubines as well; I haven't touched one of them yet. You can have them too!"

"I'm giving everything to you, so according to the rules, you can't kill me." With that, he quickly backed away.

Wang Lin looked at this person. He didn't attack but waved his hand. The black jade flew into his hand and he carefully examined it.

At this moment, two women walked out of the cave. Both of them were very beautiful and calm. They acted like this was completely normal and just quietly stood there.

"This is the real method for making the soul flags; however, it seems this isn't complete…" Wang Lin withdrew his divine sense and frowned.

One of the two women, she was wearing a blue dress, saw Wang Lin frown after reading the jade and asked, "Senior apprentice brother, did you notice that the method seems incomplete?"

Wang Lin raised his head to look at the two of them. Both of them were at the early stage of Core Formation.

Wang Lin asked, "Why is it like this?"

The blue-robed woman quickly said, "Senior apprentice brother must be Qing Mu, the winner of the recent outer sect disciple competition. I, your junior apprentice sister, am called Xu Yun. Xu Yun greets senior apprentice brother. As for the reason the soul flag is incomplete, it is because it is split into three parts. Each part matches the name of the three mountains: soul refining, soul extracting, and soul sealing."

"By combining the three methods together, you will get the real soul flag production method."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He put the jade away and looked at the cave. This place didn't meet his standards. He spread out his divine sense and flew toward the bottom of the mountain.

The two women were startled. They looked at each other before quickly following Wang Lin. It was very dangerous to be alone in the Soul Refining Sect. Unless your cultivation was very powerful, you needed to rely on others. This was why there were many groups.

Once you lose a battle, you must hand over everything. Once you handed everything over, the other person wasn't allowed to kill you or else the elders would interfere.

These irrational rules made it so that no one felt like they belonged in the Soul Refining Sect. However, no one knew why the Soul Refining Sect did this.

The senior apprentice brother they relied on was scared away by Wang Lin, so they would naturally need to follow Wang Lin.

As Wang Lin flew, he frowned. He turned around and shouted, "Don't follow me!" He coldly looked at the two women and turned around to leave.

The woman next to Xu Yun anxiously asked, "Senior apprentice sister, what should we do?"

Xu Yun stomped her feet and snorted. "What else can we do? If he won't let us follow him, then we won't follow. Once he finds a cave, we will open our cave near him. Maybe the the others will give him face and not bother our cultivation."

Near the bottom of the mountain, Wang Lin's eyes locked onto a cliff. He pointed at the cliff and a flying sword charged at it. It only took a few moments for a cave to form.

After Wang Lin flew into the cave, he casually sent out a restriction and sealed the cave.

Inside the cave, Wang Lin's gaze locked onto the wall. The reason he chose this spot was because it was closest to the spirit vein.

Although he couldn't absorb the power of the spirit vein like before, he could still borrow its power. His body disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was before the main spirit vein under the soul refining mountain.

After sitting down in the lotus position, he spread out his divine sense. What he found startled him.

In the deepest part of the spirit vein, there was mass of black gas that blocked out all divine senses. Spiritual energy from the spirit vein was being absorbed by the black gas.

Wang Lin's divine sense was at the edge of the black gas. He was able to detect screams of souls that would occasionally appear inside the black gas.

"It stops divine sense?" Wang Lin looked around and immediately found that there was a restriction around the black gas.

It was because of this restriction that his divine sense couldn't enter. After looking at it for a bit, Wang Lin's eyes became focused.

"This is… This… Could this be an ancient, soul restriction?" Wang Lin's heart trembled.

Chapter 385 - Golden Soul Flag

Ancient soul restrictions were the most rare of ancient restrictions. This restriction used a soul as its medium. Not only did the ancient restriction change in a strange fashion, it was also much more powerful.

Normal restrictions could be seen as a dead objects; they were like locks that needed certain keys to open.

But a soul restriction wasn't the same. It could be considered a living thing. In reality, it was a soul fragment that was being kept alive as a formation.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. After pondering for a while, he disappeared. When he reappeared, he was near the ancient soul restriction.

Just as his body appeared, the black fog began to move and two ghostly eyes appeared. At the same time, a ghostly wail came from inside the fog.

Wang Lin's origin soul shook after hearing the wail, so he quickly backed up. He stared at the black cloud and silently pondered.

That roar just now was a warning.

"There must be a treasure if it requires a soul restriction to seal it!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. His expression became serious as his hand quickly moved. One illusion after another appeared and surrounded his body.

"Break!" Wang Lin shouted, as he pointed at the black fog. The illusions around him transformed into a dragon and charged into the black fog.

The two ghostly eyes were filled with anger and the fog began to move. Then came a roar even more impactful than the last.

The roar entered Wang Lin's soul and he immediately felt pain coming from the cracks on his origin soul. Wang Lin quickly backed up with a gloomy expression.

Just at this moment, the black fog began to move even more violently and rapidly shrank. All of the black fog condensed at the center. In the blink of an eye, the black fog had condensed into a beast.

The moment the beast appeared, Wang Lin could see that there was a small, golden flag inside the fog. The black fog came from this flag.

The beast landed on the ground. With its head facing Wang Lin, it opened its mouth and stared at Wang Lin with a ghostly gaze.

The illusionary restrictions Wang Lin shot out earlier were all still flashing on the body of the beast.

The beast waved its head and shot two streams of hot air out of its nose. Then it looked at Wang Lin and suddenly charged toward him.

"Qilin?" Without any hesitation, Wang Lin disappeared.

The beast missed. It looked into the distance and let out a roar. The roar traveled toward the spirit veins but was blocked by a gentle force after 1000 feet.

The beast let out a few more angry roars before turning back into black fog and disappearing back into the small, golden flag.

Wang Lin appeared in a spirit vein more than 1000 feet away. He frowned slightly as he looked back at where the black fog was.

"It's not a Qilin, but it is similar to the Qilin that Ling Tianhou had back in the Celestial Realm. That small, golden flag must be a treasure of the Soul Refining Sect. That beast is the guardian of the flag as well as one of the souls inside it."

"It looks like the method to making the soul flag of the Soul Refining Sect is closely related to the ancient soul restrictions. Only, I don't know what the exact methods are." Wang Lin's eyes sparkled as he pondered.

"This beast's power is around that of an early stage Soul Formation cultivator's. My cultivation hasn't recovered yet, so I'm in no rush to capture it." Wang Lin pondered a bit before going back io cultivate.

After seeing Liu Mei, the feeling of danger Wang Lin felt toward Suzaku appeared once more. It was very bad that Liu Mei was able to find him.

He secretly thought about it for a long time but still couldn't figure out her motive. He also couldn't see through her cultivation, which was why he didn't kill her earlier.

"All of this is very strange, and Suzaku's decisions makes no sense… If it comes down to it, I'll just leave Suzaku, go find Tian Yunzi, and leave this mess behind." Wang Lin began to ponder.

Time quickly passed. In the blink of an eye, several more months had passed.

When he first arrived, the area outside of Wang Lin's cave was filled with wild grass and was rather bleak. After all, the place he chose was too remote.

But now there wasn't any wild grass, and someone had even planted flowers with great fragrance nearby. All of the rocks were cleared away and replaced with smoothly cut stone. There were even a few stone canopies scattered around.

Someone even made a pool at the center with small, golden fish living in there that would occasionally create ripples.

This gave the area fairyland-like aura.

Xu Yun and Liu Wei were sitting under one of the canopies with a plate of fruit before them. They were chatting with each other and would occasionally look toward the door of the cave.

Liu Wei's brow trembled as she said, "Senior apprentice sister Xu Yun, do you think that when senior apprentice brother Qian Mu comes out, he will hate us for doing all of this without his permission?"

Liu Wei was one of the two girls from earlier. She had a small body and was a head shorter than Xu Yun, but her body was very beautiful and very exquisite.

"That shouldn't be the case since every cultivator likes a good environment. We made this place this beautiful; even if he doesn't display any happiness on the surface, he won't be angry. Junior apprentice sister Liu Wei, relax." Xu Yun smiled as she picked up a fruit and took a bite.

Liu Wei revealed a look of joy and said, "In these past few months, senior brother Qing Mu's reputation has been spread by us sisters, so our lives have been much better. If this can continue, it would be great. I managed to collect more broken souls in these past few months than I did in a year before."

Xu Yun nodded and said, "Without talent, as long as no one steals from us, we can definitely make a hundred-soul flag. Then we can use that to cultivate and reach the late stage of Core Formation for sure!"

Lu Wei whispered, "Senior apprentice sister, I'm still a bit worried because we are getting more and more visitors every day. If senior Qing Mu finds out that it is us causing all of it, he might not let us off easy."

"He shouldn't…" Before Xu Yun could finish speaking, a ray of red light suddenly descended from the mountain's peak and landed before the entrance of the cave. The light revealed a very handsome middle-aged man. His long hair flowing in the wind gave off the feeling of a celestial.

"Junior apprentice brother Qing Mu, I'm Guodong Jian. I hope we can talk."

Xu Yun stood up and said, "Senior apprentice brother Guodong, please go back; senior apprentice brother Qing Mu is still in closed door cultivation."

Guodong Jian frowned. He turned to look at Xu Yun and asked, "The two of you are Qing Mu's concubines?"

Liu Wei's face turned red and she didn't say a word. Xu Yun's expression remained normal as she said, "Senior apprentice brother, we are indeed senior apprentice brother Qing Mu's concubines."

Guodong Jian's eyes became cold and he shouted, "What a bunch of nonsense! It's fine if you wish to fool others, but you dare to fool me?! The two of you, scram!"

With that, he turned around and raised his hand. A ray of spiritual energy shot out from his hand, turned into the shape of a dragon, and charged toward the cave.

The moment the dragon appeared, the wind began to howl. When the dragon collided with the door of the cave, the restriction on the door flashed, stopping the dragon, and at the same time a giant hand appeared. The giant hand caught the dragon and squeezed it. The dragon let out a miserable howl before shattering.

Guodong Jian's expression changed. He backed up several steps and stared at the cave.

Wang Lin slowly walked out of the cave. When the sun light hit Wang Lin, one could see black gas. The black gas slowly gathered behind him to form a giant skull.

"Thousand-soul soul flag illusion!!" Guodong Jian's expression changed again and he backed up even more.

Wang Lin's eyes calmly scanned Guodong Jian. This person's cultivation level was at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

"Surrender your soul flag and I'll let you leave." Wang Lin's voice was calm.

Guodong Jian's expression turned gloomy as he took out a small flag with two golden lines on it. He shook the flag and one by one soul fragments flew out of the flag. They surrounded Guodong Jian and roared at Wang Lin.

He muttered as he tooked a few steps back and said to Wang Lin, "I also have a thousand-soul soul flag. If you can win, I'll hand it over!"

The soul fragments around him suddenly charged toward Wang Lin. Some of those soul fragments were at the Foundation Establishment stage and others were at the Core Formation stage. There was even one that had grown limbs and gave off the aura of a Nascent Soul cultivator."

Wang Lin remained calm. He pointed with his right hand and said, "Vortex!"

As he spoke, the soul fragments charging at him all let out a miserable screams and were sucked in by the vortex. Soon, all of the soul fragments besides the one giving off the Nascent Soul aura disappeared.

The soul fragment with the Nascent Soul aura let out a scream and then used some method unknown to Wang Lin to escape the vortex. It quickly tried to escape into the distance.

"What's this?" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He reached out and the soul fragment let out another miserable scream as it was caught.

Wang Lin looked at this soul fragment and then at Guodong Jian. "Where did you get this Nascent Soul soul fragment?"

Guodong Jian secretly sighed. When he saw Wang Lin use the soul vortex, he had already given up on resisting.

"Senior apprentice brother Qing Mu, congratulations on being the third person in the Soul Refining Mountain to master the soul vortex. As for the Nascent Soul fragment, I traded a 900-soul soul flag along with the Soul Extracting Mountain's soul flag production manual for it."

Chapter 386 - Second encounter with Liu Mei

In these three months of closed door cultivation, with the help of the spirit vein, Wang Lin was able to breakthrough past the Nascent Soul stage. All he needed to do now was reform his origin soul and then his cultivation level would return to the Soul Formation stage.

There were only three tea marks left on his face and Sun Tai's seal was on the verge of breaking.

Compared to all of this, his greatest achievement was that he found out that the entire Soul Refining Sect was covered by something invisible.

This invisible thing covering the sect would occasionally release soul fragments and then hundreds of different spiritual energies would come out to fight for them.

These soul fragments didn't always appear in the same place; they were scattered across every part of the Soul Refining Mountain.

After noticing this, his heart was moved. He quickly took out the soul flag manual and then, after checking it for a while, he was able to see through some secrets.

The three methods to refine the soul flag were split into soul refining, soul extracting, and soul sealing.

Soul refining was a method to refine any soul fragment in the world and to seal it inside a flag so that it will grow instead of dissipate.

Soul extracting was different. It couldn't refine soul fragments; it could only extract the soul from a living person and seal it inside a soul flag to control.

As for the final one, soul sealing, Wang Lin didn't have anything to compare it to and was a bit confused.

According to the Soul Refining Mountain, the soul flags were in ranked tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, and so on. The more souls a flag contained, the more powerful it was.

Ten and hundred-soul soul flags were very common, but once a soul flag gained one thousand souls, it could use certain spells and its power would depend on the primary soul.

In order to make a thousand-soul soul flag, one had to have a primary soul. This was a limiting factor that made thousand-soul soul flags quite rare. Many hundred-soul soul flag had reached the limit of 999 souls, but without a primary soul, it couldn't become a thousand-soul soul flag.

There was only one requirement for a primary soul and that was that it had to be stronger than all of the other souls in the soul flag combined.

While Wang Lin studied the soul flag, he thought about the Qilin deep under the sect. That beast had to be that golden soul flag's primary soul.

Wang Lin had collected a large amount of soul fragments throughout these three months of cultivation. For some reason, these soul fragments had gathered inside the spirit vein. When Wang Lin checked the spirit vein for the first time, they weren't there. Someone had clearly just collected them just be before he checked.

As he collected the soul fragments, he understood where all of the soul fragments in the spirit vein went. They were all absorbed by the soul flag underneath the sect.

A person and a flag began to steal soul fragments from each other. However, the flag was locked in one place and wasn't as agile as Wang Lin. In the past three months, almost 90% of the soul fragments were taken by Wang Lin.

There were strong and weak souls among these soul fragments. During these three months, Wang Lin found one that was at the early stage of Nascent Soul and used it as his primary soul.

Not many Nascent Soul fragments appeared; only about two or three a year. Every time one appeared, the top disciples of the Soul Refining Sect would fight over it.

Guo Dongjian's words moved Wang Lin. It was just as he thought; the disciples of the Soul Extracting Mountain extracted souls from bodies to seal into their flags. He decided that he had to find some time he get himself the soul flag production method of the Soul Extracting Mountain and study it.

As for the soul vortex, it was one of the three techniques inside the soul flag manual. The three techniques were condense, soul vortex, and blood sacrifice.

Condense was rather simple. Although there were only ten jades in the Soul Refining Peak, many had made copies of this technique to sell.

This technique was based on soul refining. With this technique, one could make the ethereal soul fragment take form and put it inside a soul flag.

Soul vortex was a very rare technique. At least this was the case in the Soul Refining Mountain. It required at least Nascent Soul level cultivation to learn, but not all Nascent Soul cultivators could learn it. For example, Guodong Jian still hadn't managed to learn it.

Once this technique was used, it would absorb a large amount of souls. Whether it was used for fighting or stealing souls, it was extremely powerful.

The final technique was blood sacrifice. Using this technique would increase the power of the soul flag by several fold.

One third of the reason why the Soul Refining Sect had so few disciples yet was so powerful was due to this technique.

However, this technique was very difficult to cultivate. Even most of the late stage Nascent Soul disciples hadn't been able to learn it.

Wang Lin waved his hand and the soul vortex disappeared. He took out a soul flag and then a large amount of soul fragments were absorbed by it.

Duodong Jian's expression was very ugly. It had taken him years of hard work to gather all of those soul fragments and they were stolen just like this. After letting out a sigh, he could only bitterly smile.

This was the rule of the Soul Refining Sect. He came here to steal Wang Lin's soul flag, but his was taken instead. He let out another sigh, clasped his hands at Wang Lin, and left feeling depressed.

Wang Lin put the Nascent Soul he had caught into his soul flag. It soon began to fight with the Nascent Soul that was already inside.

Wang Lin no longer looked at the flag; he knew that the winner would become the new primary soul and the loser would become the winner's underling.

Xu Yun and Liu Wei's hearts were pounding as they silently stood to the side. Although Xu Yun looked confident before, she never would have thought that this senior brother Qing Mu would manage to master the soul vortex.

Wang Lin looked around. This place was very elegant and contained a certain appeal.

Wang Lin calmly and slowly said, "I'll drop the matter of the two of your changing the surroundings of my cave. You two, leave quickly."

Xu Yun revealed a pleading expression and said, "Senior apprentice brother Qing Mu, the two of us won't bother you. If we leave now, the soul fragments we worked so hard for will be stolen. The two of us only want a safe place to cultivate. We definitely won't cause you any trouble."

Wang Lin didn't speak, but his eyes became cold.

Xu Yu's heart trembled when that gaze fell on her.

Liu Wei was already timid and at this point she couldn't hold it in anymore, so she started crying. Liu Wei was very talented; she reached the mid stage of Core Formation relatively quickly. Then, during an outer disciple competition, she gave it her all and became an inner sect disciple.

But after entering the inner sect, it wasn't what she expected at all. The inner sect was a place of the strong devouring the weak; it was far too different from what she expected a cultivation sect to be.

Wang Lin frowned. He waved his sleeves and was just about to throw these two out when he suddenly raised his head and stared at the sky.

A green figure that looked like a fairy descended from the sky and landed 100 feet before Wang Lin.

"Liu Mei!" After seeing this woman, Wang Lin frowned even harder.

Liu Mei let out a faint smile and said, "Brother Qing Mu has recovered most of his cultivation. That calls for celebration."

The moment Liu Mei spoke, Wang Lin pointed to the air, causing Xu Yun and Liu Wei to faint.

"Liu Mei, just get to the point; there is need to pretend. You're only ruining the past image I had of you." Wang Lin stared at Liu Mei. His voice was cold.

Liu Mei looked at Wang Lin. She let out a sigh and said, "Wang Lin, a great calamity is about to befall upon you. Go… leave planet Suzaku…"

Wang Lin's expression remained calm. He didn't say anything as he waited for Liu Mei to finish.

Liu Mei whispered, "I won't lie to you; you already know that I'm someone from the country of Suzaku, but I'm not an ordinary disciple. My master is the number one cultivator in Suzaku, Zhuque Zi!"

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. Everything in his mind suddenly became clear and he asked, "What happened to Red Butterfly after her battle with me?" After listening to Liu Mei, he suddenly made a connection and came to a terrifying conclusion.

Liu Mei revealed a hint of appreciation. She looked at Wang Lin and said. "Red Butterfly… was killed by my senior apprentice brother."

Wang Lin sucked in a breath of cold air. After confirming his speculation, he said, "It looks like my battle with Red Butterfly was only a dogfight to certain people."

Liu Mei bit her lower lip and whispered, "Brother Wang, you should leave. The sooner the better." She looked at Wang Lin meaningfully, let out a sigh, and left.

As Liu Mei left she let out a sigh and thought, "Wang Lin, Liu Mei was ordered by master to leave my mark on your dao heart. This is a fate Liu Mei can't resist… I can't disobey master's order… Unless your shadow appears in my dao heart, there is no way for me to lose this battle between our dao hearts… Only I, Liu Mei, comprehended the Thousand Fantasy Ruthless domain and showed emotions on the surface while my heart remained ruthless. How could you win…" In her eyes, there was a hint of ruthlessness, but it was hidden by her acting.

Wang Lin was still frowning as he looked at Liu Mei's back. Although Liu Mei seemed to have pointed out the problem, it also left countless uncertainties.

Wang Lin frowned again and muttered to himself, "This whole thing is strange. I keep having this weird feeling about Liu Mei. Strange…"

Shortly after, he looked at Xu Yun and Liu Wei. He waved his hand and moved the two women 1000 feet away from his cave. As he was moving them, his heart started trembling as if he had suddenly remembered something.

His right hand reached out and pulled the two women back. Their expressions while passed out were very different.

Yu Xun's earlier expression was very strong and determined, and she was talking for the other girl. But now that she was asleep, her expression showed a hint of weakness and helplessness.

Wang Lin's earlier impression of the other woman was that she was very weak. However, now her expression was very determined and ruthless. She was clearly one of those that appeared to be weak but was in fact very strong on the inside.

Wang Lin felt like lightning had struck his brain and his eyes sparkled. He looked up toward where Liu Mei went and sneered.

"Now I understand why I get this strange feeling everytime I see Liu Mei. Although she shows all these emotions like she cares, she's actually using it to hide her true ruthless nature!"

Chapter 387 - Main Battle Soul

As Wang Lin stared at where Liu Mei disappeared to, his eyes turned cold.

"I can't see through Liu Mei's cultivation, so she must have a higher cultivation level than me; otherwise, she wouldn't become Zhuque Zi's disciple. Only, I don't know why this woman is coming into contact with me…" Wang Lin frowned even harder. He waved his hand and Xu Yun and Liu Wei landed dozens of feet away.

Wang Lin wasn't a kind person, but looking at the fact that the two of them passed out allowed him to see through Liu Mei, so he didn't kick them away.

"Liu Mei didn't take this chance to kill me before my cultivation recovered, so her goal isn't for me to die. Her contact with me seemed to be filled with emotion but also some ruthlessness. This is strange. She definitely doesn't have any good intentions." Wang Lin's expression was gloomy.

Shortly after, he waved his sleeves, walked into his cave, and sat down in the lotus position.

"Cultivation is no longer a problem. Once my origin soul recovers, my cultivation level will return to the mid stage of Soul Formation. The most important thing now is to recover my origin soul."

"I need to find even more powerful spiritual pressure. Only then can I force my origin soul to reform." Wang Lin pondered a bit before disappearing.

He reappeared deep underground where the spirit vein for the Soul Refining Mountain was located.

This was the lowest part of the spirit vein. 3000 feet to this left was where the golden flag was.

At this range, the Qilin inside the soul flag couldn't bother him.

While sitting here, Wang Lin could feel the pressure from the surrounding spiritual energy gathering towards him. Wang Lin took a deep breath and slowly closed his eyes. This time he didn't absorb any of the spiritual energy but used the pressure to quickly reform his origin soul.

Time slowly passed. Xu Yun and Liu Wei woke up to find that they weren't outside the range of the cave, so they had a thought. After the two discussed it for a while, they made a small cave near where they woke up and quietly cultivated.

On this day, Wang Lin was condensing his origin soul like crazy by borrowing the spiritual pressure from the surrounding spirit veins when he suddenly open his eyes.

Although his origin soul hadn't fully recovered, it was in a much better state than it was a few months ago. Right now there were only two tea marks left on his face.

Wang Lin's eyes sparked. He spread out his divine sense and locked onto the golden soul flag 3000 feet away.

At this moment, an illusion suddenly appeared next to the flag and a roar came out of it. The giant Qilin appeared next to the flag with eyes filled with bloodlust.


The illusion quickly backed up after hearing the roar and quickly took form.

Wang Lin recognized this person; he was the head elder of the Soul Refining Mountain, the late stage Nascent Soul cultivator who only needed to comprehend his domain to reach the Soul Formation stage.

"Damn it! This 100,000-soul soul flag is getting stronger and stronger. When will I ever be able to refine the flag with my cultivation speed?" The old man's face was gloomy.

That Qilin beast didn't actively attack the old man like it did Wang Lin. Within its bloodthirsty eyes was a hint of mockery.

"Damn animal!" the old man shouted. "The ancestors have decreed that the flag sealed under the three peaks belongs to anyone who can refine it. One day you will be my property!"

"Roar!" The Qilin snorted and the disdain in its eyes deepened.

"Hmph!" The old man slapped his bag of holding and a faint, golden flag appeared. He waved the flag and countless souls came out. At the front was a late stage Nascent Soul soul as the primary soul. Behind it were ten mid and early stage Nascent Soul souls, and behind them were countless other souls of varying cultivation levels.

The old man shouted, "Ten thousand souls, devour!" He pointed the flag at the Qilin and then all of the souls let out roars as they charged toward it.

The Qilin raised its eyebrows and moved like lightning. Instead of dodging, it charged into the souls and began to devour them like crazy.

This was obviously not the first time the old man had dealt with this beast, so he wasn't shocked at all. The old man watched as the beast devoured the souls. Every time it devoured a soul, it would become a bit larger.

With his cultivation level, he originally wasn't a match for this Qilin at all, but he specialized in refining souls. With the 10,000-soul soul flag, he could just barely hold his own.

Shortly after, the old man's hand began to move very quickly. He was forming different seals. Soon, blood began coming out of the pores in his hand. His expression turned very serious and then a ball of blood appeared before him.

The old man shouted, "Blood sacrifice!" Right after he finished speaking, the ball of blood suddenly exploded into countless specks and covered the whole area.

The souls devoured by the Qilin suddenly began to move like they had just received a large amount of nourishment. They were trying to leave the Qilin's body.

There was a large amount of souls outside attacking the Qilin under the command of the primary soul.

The Nascent Soul souls could actually use spells to attack as well. As a result, roars came from inside and outside the Qilin. However, the Qilin didn't panic and its eyes were still filled with disdain.

The Qilin suddenly let out a vicious roar. Black gas came out of the golden flag and formed another demonic beast!

The two demonic beasts looked exactly the same!

The old man's expression became ugly. The last time he fought with the Qilin, he was forced to retreat when the second one came out. Now that he saw it again, his expression became gloomy.

He slapped his bag of holding again and a black light appeared in his hand. The object inside the black light was a bell with a purple wooden handle that had some complex engravings on it.

"I traded a very rare treasure for this soul sealing bell from the Soul Sealing Mountain just to deal with you!" the old man shouted. Then he shook the bell in his hand. As the bell rang, human-shaped beasts with a single horn on their heads appeared and charged toward the Qilins.

The two Qilins continued to roar as they were being trapped.

The old man revealed a look of joy as he focused on controlling the treasure in his hand.

However, just at this moment, more black gas came from the flag and a third Qilin appeared!

The old man let out a frustrated roar. This time he gave it his all and forced out the third Qilin. However, today was also when he felt the most helpless. At first he thought that there was only one Qilin, but when he used his 10,000-soul soul flag to trap the first Qilin, a second one came out.

The second time he came, he lost to the second Qilin.

For his third visit, he spent a lot of effort to get the bell but found out that there was a third Qilin.

As a result, he couldn't help but think that after the third Qilin there would be a fourth, fifth, sixth…

"No wonder no one could take this flag away after it's been here for so long…" The old man sighed and was about to give up.

But a powerful divine sense suddenly descended from all sides. The old man's expression changed greatly. He wasn't able to resist this divine sense at all. He had only ever felt this when facing a Soul Formation ancestor.

However, compared to back then, the feeling was several times stronger.

"This must be a Soul Formation ancestor who came out of closed door cultivation." The old man quivered and quickly said, "Disciple Wu Daoqi greets ancestor…"

As the powerful divine sense swept by, the third Qilin let out a miserable scream and was trapped by ray of black light. It roared as it struggled to break free.

"Hmph!" A cold snort came from the void, then a giant hand suddenly came out of the void and reached toward the golden soul flag.

At this moment, the golden soul flag began to move, then three more Qilins appeared and charged toward the hand.

The three Qilins' eyes were vicious, but there was a hint of dread in them.

With one slap from the hand, one of the Qilins shattered into countless soul fragments that all panicked and escaped in random directions.

The remaining two Qilins quickly pounced and began to fight the hand.

Another cold snort came from the divine sense and then black gas came from all directions. The black gas condensed into a black lance and stabbed toward the Qilin.

Wang Lin wasn't able to deal with this Qilin before because his cultivation level was only at the mid stage of Nascent Soul. However, now he had broken through the Nascent Soul stage into the Soul Formation stage, so he was basically a Soul Formation cultivator without a domain. Although he was weaker than normal Soul Formation cultivators, it was more than enough to deal with this Qilin.

A roar more powerful than all the other Qilins combined came out of the golden flag, and along with it came a golden aura. All of the other Qilins immediately shattered into countless soul fragments after hearing that roar and moved toward the golden aura.

As the Qilins shattered, Wu Daoqi let out a miserable groan. All of his treasures were fighting the Qilins, so he was hurt from the shockwave of the Qilins shattering.

Terrified, he was about to back up to dodge when a figure suddenly appeared before him. The figure pointed at him and Wu Daoqi immediately passed out.

As Wang Lin stood before Wu Daoqi, he reached out and Wu Daoqi's soul flag and purple wood bell flew to his hand. His eyes sparkled as he stared at the golden soul flag.

"So this is the real primary soul of this soul flag. The other Qilins were only its commanders."

After the golden aura absorbed all of the soul fragments, it let out a roar that shook the entire Soul Refining Mountain. A golden Qilin that looked completely real without any hint that it was formed by soul fragments appeared before Wang Lin.

Chapter 388 - Collecting Qilin Soul Flag

This Qilin looked almost exactly the same as the one Ling Tianhou had; the only difference in appearance was its color.

Though its aura was far weaker than the one that belonged to the sword saint, Ling Tianhou.

"Qilin soul fragment!"

Wang Lin stared at the beast and reached out. Black gas came from all directions and transformed into a black lance.

The golden Qilin let out a roar, then a ball of golden light suddenly appeared before it and smashed toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin moved forward and stabbed with the lance.


After a loud bang that caused the surrounding spirit vein to crack, Wang Lin backed up one step and the ball of golden light dissipated.

"Interesting. Although Ling Tianhou's Qilin was alive, it couldn't use any spells because it lost its inheritance. Although this soul fragment is much weaker, it can use spells. It clearly still has memories of its inheritance."

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He slapped his bag of holding and two bells appeared. He threw the two bells and they closed in on the Qilin.

The Qilin raised its front paw and slammed down. This shock wave caused the surrounding spirit vein to shatter and slow down the two bells.

Wang Lin snorted. He suddenly moved and lunged forward. The lance flew through the air and pierced through the Qilin.

The Qilin let out a roar. Black gas escaped from where it was pierced and turned into soul fragments.

Without a word, Wang Lin slapped his bag of holding and took out the soul flag. With a wave, all of those soul fragments flew toward his soul flag.

The Qilin let out a roar and immediately sucked those soul fragments back into its body.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He moved his right hand and the soul vortex appeared. He began to fight with the Qilin over the soul fragments.

With Wang Lin distracting the Qilin, the two bells immediate grew in size and closed in on the Qilin. The Qilin snorted out two streams of black gas that turned into two smaller Qilins, both of which pounced at the two bells.

Wang Lin's right hand moved and sent out waves of restrictions to seal the two Qilins. Then the two bells trapped them and they were put away by Wang Lin.

Looking at the soul fragments that floated out of the Qilin, Wang Lin's eyes sparkled. He snorted and shouted, "Damn animal, if you had the power of your ancestor, I wouldn't be your match. However, you are merely a soul fragment that managed to condense into an illusionary body. Breaking you will not be hard!"

With that, Wang Lin's hand quickly moved and one by one illusion restrictions appeared. The illusionary restrictions surrounded the Qilin and descended like a net.

The Qilin roared and began to struggle, causing the restriction to shatter. However, Wang Lin's hand didn't stop; the restrictions appeared like crazy and continued to land on the Qilin's body.

Sweat gradually started filling Wang Lin's forehead as he sent out countless restrictions in a matter of seconds. The Qilin began to roar even louder, but its body began to slow down like it was sinking in water.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He touched his bag of holding and a small flag flew out.

This flag was the restriction flag. With a wave of the flag, countless black lances formed before him. Under Wang Lin's command, these black lances charged toward the Qilin.

At the same time, Wang Lin's right hand didn't stop; he continued to create soul vortexes. His right hand moved like a ghost, creating one soul vortex after another.

Countless black lances stabbed toward the Qilin whose eyes were filled with anger. It shook its body and more than ten balls of golden light appeared around it.

Bang! Bang!

Several loud bangs could be heard as the lances and balls of golden light collided. Although a lot of the lances were stopped, some still made it past and hit the Qilin. Even more soul fragments poured out of the Qilin's body and were absorbed by the soul vortexes Wang Lin had set up.

The Qilin let out a loud roar and began to struggle even harder, causing the restrictions on its body to shatter one by one.

Wang Lin frowned. He didn't think that this illusionary body formed by the soul fragment of a Qilin could be so powerful. This Qilin was already as strong as a late stage Soul Formation cultivator. If it's given more time to grow, it will soon reach the power of a Soul Transformation cultivator.

Wang Lin's eyes darkened. He raised his right hand and the beast trap flew out. It landed on the side and turned into the god slaying war chariot.

The beast had weakened greatly after the battle with Red Butterfly; however, the moment it saw the Qilin, its body shook and its eyes became filled with greed.

The moment the Qilin saw the spirit beast, it let out a roar as if it had just met its natural enemy. It stopped struggling against the restrictions but revealed an intent to battle.

When he saw this, Wang Lin was surprised. His eyes lit up and without hesitating, he sent a seal to the chariot. For the first time the beast let out a roar of joy and for the first time the beast didn't wait for the chariot to open or try to devour Wang Lin. It charged toward the Qilin with the black chains still attached to it.

The Qilin let out a roar. Countless balls of golden light appeared before it to block the spirit beast's attack.

The spirit beast let out a roar and smashed through all of the balls of golden light. With a bang, the spirit beast collided with the Qilin.

Both beasts let out painful groans. The spirit beast had charged too quickly, so the chains on its body were pulled to their limit. The pain from the chains forced the spirit beast to back up. It turned around and attempted to bite the chains, but no matter what it did, it couldn't break the chain. It then turned toward Wang Lin and began to roar, its intent was obvious.

The Qilin isn't a match for the spirit beast. All of the restrictions on its body shattered and it was sent flying while a large amount of soul fragments escaped from its body.

The moment these soul fragments appeared, they were absorbed by the surrounding soul vortexes. In the blink of an eye, they were all absorbed.

The golden Qilin's body wasn't as solid as before and became more illusionary. As it looked at the spirit beast with frustration in its eyes, it let out low growls but didn't dare to move forward.

After all, it was only a soul fragment. When it was at its peak, it was stronger than the spirit beast, but right now it was no match.

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After the Qilin was knocked away, the golden soul flag became unguarded. Wang Lin quickly appeared before the golden soul flag and was about to grab it.

However, the golden Qilin let out an angry roar and pounced at Wang Lin. Wang Lin sneered as his right hand reached out and the chains on the war chariot immediately disappeared.

Without the chains holding it down, the spirit beast let out a joyous roar as it opened its mouth and attacked the Qilin.

The Qilin let out a frustrated roar. Feeling helpless, it gave up on attacking Wang Lin and attempted to escape.

The spirit beast began to chase after the Qilin. A large amount of soul fragments flew out of the Qilin and were absorbed by the soul vortex.

Wang Lin grabbed the golden soul flag. Right after he touched it, a cold aura entered his body and went through it a few times before disappearing. Wang Lin revealed a look of joy as he spat out some soul essence blood which the soul flag absorbed.

"Rise!" Wang Lin let out a shout and he pulled the flag up.

A mass of black gas the size of an arm charged out from where the golden flag was and went through the entire Soul Refining Mountain.

From a distance, one could see the black gas shoot into the sky above the Soul Refining Mountain and beginning to spread.

At this moment, all of the disciples in the Soul Refining Mountain stared dumbfoundedly at the sky. They had already noticed the roars from underground, but they were simply too powerful, so no one dared to check.

The golden rings between the three mountains gently started trembling and a person walked out from the eighth ring. This person's hair was white and his face was gloomy. Just as he was about to go check what was going on, he suddenly stopped as if he had heard something. He turned around and bowed toward the two blood rings. "As the ancestor commands."

With that, he returned to the golden ring.

Wang Lin held the golden soul flag, shook it, and said, "Primary soul Qilin, return!"

In the blink of an eye, the Qilin that had been forced into a corner by the spirit beast and almost devoured multiple times let out a roar and disappeared into the golden flag.

Wang Lin felt the soul flag in his hand tremble. He felt very happy as he quickly put it away.

The spirit beast was extremely angry. It already had a deep hatred for Wang Lin and because he had stolen the prey it was about to devour, it charged toward Wang Lin.

Although Wang Lin couldn't truly control the spirit beast, he could still seal it. He pointed at the chariot and countless chains appeared to lock down the spirit beast.

As the spirit beast roared in anger, it was slowly dragged back into the chariot and then it turned back into the beast trap.

Wang Lin didn't put the beast trap back on but completely sealed it and placed it in his bag. He disappeared and reappeared on top of the Soul Refining Mountain.

At this moment, the black gas above the mountain was very thick. Wang Lin stared at the black cloud and began to ponder.

"The noise from the battle should have caught the attention of the Soul Formation and above cultivators of the Soul Refining Sect, yet no one came to check. This matter is interesting…" Wang Lin stared at the nine golden rings and took few extra looks at the two blood rings. Although he hadn't recovered all of his cultivation, he wasn't afraid. Even if a Soul Transformation cultivator came, he could still tear open space and escape using the star compass.

He vaguely saw a pair of ancient eyes filled with kindness glance at him from one of the blood rings and then immediately disappear.

"Eh?" Wang Lin's eyes lit up.

Chapter 389 - Little friend, this old man has waited a long time for you

"This person is…"

The eyes from the blood light disappeared in an instant. Wang Lin pondered for a bit and his eyes sparkled.

"Whether I stay at the Soul Refining Sect or not doesn't matter anymore. For my origin soul to completely recover, I will need some amazing pills. Other than that, it would require very powerful spiritual pressure. It's not that I don't have methods, but they're a bit dangerous…"

Wang Lin looked at the the Soul Extracting and Soul Sealing Mountains with eyes filled with determination.

He turned into a ray of light as he left the Soul Refining Mountain and flew toward the Soul Extracting Mountain.

On his way there, a very exquisite woman was calmly watching from him from the side of the Soul Refining Mountain. She let out a sigh and muttered, "His recovery is simply too fast… If I want to leave my shadow in his Dao heart, I must find out what his Dao heart is… However, I have been unable to see through his Dao heart in our interactions. Senior apprentice brother Wang, what exactly is your Dao heart…"

Wang Lin landed on the Soul Extracting Mountain and spread out his divine sense before charging toward a cave. The cultivator inside the cave was the person with the highest cultivation level beside the head elder, Su Jinshi!

The moment Wang Lin's figure appeared, Su Jinshi, who was cultivating, opened his eyes and revealed an ugly expression.

Wang Lin stood inside Su Jinshi's save, looked around, and calmly asked, "Do you have the soul extracting jade?"

Su Jinshi pondered a bit and nodded. He couldn't see through this person's cultivation level, nor had he seen this person before, but he could tell by his clothes that this person was from the Soul Refining Mountain.

In the Soul Refining Sect, the disciples of the three mountains were allowed to interact with each other. If one had the skill, they could learn all three techniques if they wanted to.

Su Jinshi had gone to the Soul Refining Mountain many years ago and got a soul refining jade.

Su Jinshi clenched his teeth and said, "I can give you the soul extracting jade, but I'm 300 soul fragments short from refining this soul flag into a thousand-soul soul flag. If you can give me the 300 soul fragments, I can let you look at the soul extracting jade."

Wang Lin looked at Su Jinshi. With his cultivation level, he felt it was beneath him to steal it. He took out his thousand soul soul flag with over 2000 soul fragments, shook it, and 300 soul fragments flew out.

Wang Lin reached out with his left hand and the 300 soul fragments transformed into a black pearl, then he headed toward Su Jinshi.

Su Jinshi was also a decisive person; he took out a purple jade and handed it to Wang Lin. He asked, "What is senior apprentice brother's name?"

"Qing Mu!" Wang Lin took the jade and scanned it. The jade did indeed contain the method to extract a living soul, how to keep it from dissipating, and finally how to use it to refine a soul flag.

The soul extracting jade also had three techniques: soul calming, soul luring, and soul poison.

Soul calming was the core to soul extracting; if soul calming wasn't used first, the success of soul extracting would be very low. After being used, the success rate increases greatly.

Soul luring was the actual technique of pulling a soul out of a living person.

As for the final one, soul poison, it was the most vicious and most powerful of the three techniques, on par with the Soul Refining Mountain's blood sacrifice.

Soul poison used a mysterious method to turn a living soul into poison that could silently kill. Once it has been refined enough, it will turn into a poisonous soul with the power of a Core Formation cultivator.

If it was just this, this technique wouldn't be much, but a long time ago, a disciple of the Soul Refining Sect betrayed the sect and escaped. Using this technique, he went unopposed in a rank 4 cultivation country and made his own sect called the Demonic Pill Sect.

This person used some mysterious method to refine the poisonous soul into a pill and then inject death aura into it to turn it into a green core. He called this the Green Core Method and this allowed him to reach the Soul Formation stage. He was considered a genius of his time.

A green core and a golden core are very different. You can only have one golden core, but you can have many green cores. He used this method developed from the soul poison technique to reach the Soul Formation stage. He had tens of thousands of green cores at that point.

When he attacked, he would send out thousands of green cores to explode. His power was something even Soul Transformation cultivators wouldn't want to mess with carelessly.

After all, tens of thousands of green cores exploding was already earth shattering; if he were forced him into a corner where he had to explode all of his green cores, the explosion would simply be too powerful.

The Soul Refining Sect never took any action against him for betraying the sect, which confused many people. As the person disappeared, his legend also slowly faded into history.

Su Jinshi looked at Wang Lin and asked, "Is senior apprentice brother Qing Mu going to go to the Soul Sealing Mountain to get the soul sealing jade?"

Wang Lin put away the soul extracting jade and nodded.

Su Jinshi bitterly bitterly smiled and said, "Senior apprentice brother is better off not going. There isn't a single soul sealing jade at the Soul Sealing Mountain. Only Soul Formation ancestors are allowed to study the soul sealing jade. The Soul Sealing Mountain only has a mixture of soul refining and soul extracting jades."

Wang Lin's expression didn't change. He nodded and then disappeared.

When he reappeared, he arrived at the Soul Sealing Mountain. Then he casually found a disciple and heard the same thing that Su Jinshi had told him.

Wang Lin also checked under the spirit vein of the Soul Extracting and Soul Sealing Mountains. Only the Soul Sealing Mountain had a soul flag under it, and it wasn't very powerful. The soul fragments inside it were also very uneven in terms of power. It took Wang Lin almost no effort to retrieve it.

As for the Soul Extracting Mountain, it was completely empty. It was clear that someone had taken the soul flag many years ago.

After finishing all of this, Wang Lin raised his head and looked toward the nine golden rings and two blood rings. After a while, his eyes were brimming with determination.

"Whether my origin soul will recover or not will all depend on today! I will fight the Soul Refining Sect's Soul Transformation ancestor. Only under the spiritual pressure of a Soul Transformation cultivator can my origin soul finally recover! At that moment, I can use the star compass to escape. Even if the Soul Transformation cultivator wants to catch me, they won't be able to!" Wang Lin took a deep breath and his eyes became filled with battle intent.

He turned into a ray of light and flew toward the nine rings of light. In his left hand he held the 10,000-soul soul flag and in his right hand he held the restriction flag with 999 sets of restrictions. With both flags in hand, he arrived before the nine golden rings.

Just at he approached, he waved both of the flags. From the soul flag the golden Qilin flew out. Behind it were nine black Qilins, and behind them were countless soul fragments. In just one moment, the entire Soul Refining Sect was covered with soul fragments.

The endless howls became the only sound in this world.

This was the first time Wang Lin had used the 10,000-soul soul flag. Its power was beyond his imagination.

The golden Qilin let out a roar and charged toward the nine golden rings.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

With a series of loud explosions, the Qilin and the nine dark Qilins behind it collided with the nine golden rings, causing them to reveal men and women of various ages.

These nine people were the nine Soul Formation cultivators of the Soul Refining Sect. After they appeared, they stared at the Qilins with shocked expressions.

The golden Qilin backed up a few steps, shook its large head, and spewed out two jets of black gas that spread out.

As Wang Lin stood on top of the Qilin, it hesitated but didn't shake its head. Instead, it stared at the nine of them with a vicious gaze.

"You sure have guts!" At this moment, one of the middle-aged women, who looked average, among the Soul Formation cultivators looked at Wang Lin with a gloomy expression and was about to attack.

Wang Lin glanced at her and shouted, "Scram!!!"

A monstrous aura spread out from Wang Lin. This aura was too much for the woman to handle. After all, Wang Lin had recovered his cultivation to the Soul Formation stage; he was just missing his domain.

He was someone who fought against Red Butterfly, so his cultivation was a lot more powerful than most people's. This woman was only at the early stage of Soul Formation, and although he couldn't say he could kill her easily, it would not be hard either; he had killed quite a few of them already.

There was a huge difference between someone who had killed others of the same cultivation level and someone who hadn't.

With a shout from Wang Lin and a push from his powerful aura, the woman backed up. Her face was pale and filled with terror.

Then she immediately became angry. After becoming a Soul Formation cultivator, she hadn't been shouted at by someone before. However, she suppressed her anger and sneered at Wang Lin.

How could someone who became a Soul Formation cultivator be stupid? She knew that if this person came, he had to have something up his sleeve. The golden Qilin alone was not something she could fight against.

Wang Lin stood on top of the golden Qilin and calmly said, "The nine of you, make way!"

"Arrogant!" A green-robed old man narrowed his eyes, snorted, and pointed his right hand at Wang Lin. A ray of spiritual energy shot out, turned into a chain, and flew toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin waved the restriction flag and countless restrictions flew out. The restrictions gathered into a black lance and Wang Lin thrusted forward. The lance collided with the chain, instantly shattering it; however, the lance kept going toward the old man.

At the same time, Wang Lin waved the soul flag. The Qilin, along with the 10,000 soul fragments, let out roars. As Wang Lin said the word "devour," all of the soul fragments charged forward.

From a distance, it looked like there was a giant gust of wind inside the Soul Refining Sect.

Just at this moment, an ancient voice came from inside the blood ring and said, "Little friend, this old man has waited for you for a long time."

Chapter 390 - Three amazing gifts

As the voice came, a figure wearing a blue robe with hair extending to his waist walked out from one of the blood rings. With just one step, he arrived before everyone. His robe was very large, so as he moved, it also began to move.

This person's face was grey and he looked very old, but his eyes shined like the stars. He carefully looked at Wang Lin and then waved his hand.

"The nine of you can leave!"

That wave contained a powerful pressure. The nine Soul Formation cultivators respectfully bowed and disappeared.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up and revealed an urge to battle. He couldn't see through the old man's cultivation level, but he was sure that this old man was at the Soul Transformation stage.

"Little friend Ceng Niu, this old man has waited two years for this day!" The old man looked at Wang Lin with a mysterious light in his eyes.

Wang Lin was immediately able to recognize these eyes as the same ones from yesterday. He was surprised that this old man knew him. If Liu Mei could find him, then it wasn't strange for the Soul Refining Sect's Soul Transformation ancestor to know as well.

"For our meeting today, I'll first give little friend a small gift," he said, before pointing toward the Soul Refining Mountain. His voice changed from the gentle tone it first had. It was now filled with pressure and killing intent. "Junior Liu Mei, you have ten breaths of time to get out of my Soul Refining Sect. If you don't, even if you're the disciple of the current Suzaku, I'll still kill you! Scram!"

Liu Mei's exquisite figure appeared above the Soul Refining Mountain. She looked at the old man with a lovely expression and whispered, "Senior, junior has orders from my master and I didn't anger you. Why be like this…"

Wang Lin's expression remained normal, but he quickly began to analyze what was happening.

The old man calmly said, "Six breaths!"

Liu Mei sighed. She bit her lower lip and said, "Senior, if junior just leaves like this, master will punish me. If master asks what happened, I'll have no choice but to tell him."

"Four breaths!" Killing intent poured out of the old man. He reached out and the image of a 30-foot-long flag appeared in his hand.

Although this flag was only an image, a powerful pressure could be felt from it. For the first time, Liu Mei's expression changed greatly.

"One-billion-soul soul flag…" She stared at the old man and clenched her teeth before disappearing and leaving the Soul Refining Sect.

The old man didn't even look at where Liu Mei had gone to. He then turned to Wang Lin with a mysterious light in his eyes. "Little friend Ceng Niu, how was that small gift?"

Liu Mei's existence was like a thorn at Wang Lin's side. When she was around, he felt like he was being targeted by a cobra. Now that Liu Mei left, this feeling suddenly disappeared.

Wang Lin bitterly smiled. "What kind of small gift is this? Senior is willing to offend Suzaku; rather than feeling happy, it makes me very afraid."

"This Soul Refining Sect ancestor is very interesting," thought Wang Lin. He was sure that Liu Mei had the ancestor's permission to enter the Soul Refining Sect, or else there would be no way for her to enter.

This old man didn't kick her out before; he chose to do it today before Wang Lin. This was to tell Wang Lin that the Soul Refining Sect's relationship with Suzaku had broken down and that all of it was for him.

This was not a small gift!

The old man laughed and said, "This is not enough to offend the country of Suzaku. The current Suzaku is old and can't make the entire planet listen to him."

Wang Lin pondered a bit, then he looked at the old man and said, "What does senior want? You can just tell me."

The old man revealed a look of appreciation in his eyes and said, "No rush; that was only the first gift. Now this is the second. Ceng Niu, your origin soul has almost recovered. The reason you came to find me was to borrow my pressure to help you recover. My second gift is to help you recover your cultivation!"

After that, he didn't wait for Wang Lin to speak and his eyes lit up. A pressure several times more powerful than the spirit vein's suddenly appeared around Wang Lin's body.

"Is it enough?"

Wang Lin's body trembled. Under this pressure, he felt like there were countless mountains on top of him and crackling sounds came from his body. The gaps between the pieces of his origin soul were closing, but this speed was still too slow.

Wang Lin clenched his teeth and said, "Not enough!"

The old man's eyes lit up. His hair began to move without any wind and his robe began to flap.

A pressure ten times more powerful than before came down. Small cracks in space began to appear and spread as a result.

"How is this?"

Wang Lin's clothes were soaked by the blood that had been forced out of his pores, the vein on his forehead was bulging, and one of the two remaining tea marks disappeared.

The current Wang Lin could clearly feel the gaps between the pieces close, meaning his origin soul was quickly being repaired. A small portion of it had already fused back together.

A sense of comfort came from within his body and eased the pressure.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and said, "Not enough!"

"Oh, really? Okay, Ceng Niu; it has been 200 years since I last used my celestial spiritual energy. I'm spending a lot on this second gift!" The old man laughed and used the celestial spiritual energy in his body without any hesitation. A pressure very different from spiritual pressure descended.

This pressure contained celestial spiritual energy. This reminded Wang Lin of the power from a celestial fragment collapsing. His body trembled and his origin soul reconnected at an amazing speed.

After five breaths, the final tea mark on his face was gone!

At this moment, a laugh came from Wang Lin and his eyes lit up like the sun during dawn. His spiritual energy suddenly filled his body and his origin soul reached every corner of his being. He felt a soreness from all over his body that soon turn into a comfortable feeling like he had been limited for far too long.

Wang Lin let out a laugh and then Sun Tai's seal collapsed as well.

His cultivation recovered to the mid stage of Soul Formation. In fact, it was even stronger than before.

Wang Lin clasped his hands and said, "Thank you!"

The old man looked at Wang Lin. The praise in his eyes deepened and he said, "It is a bit too early to thank me; I have prepared a third gift for you. Do you dare to receive it?"

Wang Lin took a deep breath. Now that he had recovered his cultivation, he gave off a dominating aura and faintly smiled. "Why would I not dare!?"

He understood that if the Soul Transformation ancestor was willing to expend so much, there had to be something that he wanted him to do, but he just didn't understand what a Soul Transformation ancestor would need his help for.

"Good! Ceng Niu, this old man's last gift is to help raise you cultivation level to the peak of the late stage of Soul Formation. As for your domain, you are on your own; I can't help you there." With that, the old man flew toward the blood ring.

Wang Lin pondered a bit and then followed without a word.

Outside the blood ring, the old man reached out and the 30-foot-long soul flag appeared once more. This time, it was still only an illusion.

"This is the Soul Refining Sect's main treasure: the one-billion-soul soul flag. It is because of this treasure that even though I'm only at the late stage of Soul Transformation, I dare to fight against an Ascendant cultivator. I'll tell you the reason later, but as long as this treasure exists, my Soul Refining Sect will never die. However, if this treasure breaks, then my Soul Refining Sect is finished. Now I'll use the soul force inside this soul flag to raise your cultivation level to the peak of the late stage of Soul Formation." The old man looked at Wang Lin with a sharp gaze and shouted, "Sit down in the lotus position!"

Wang Lin looked at the old man and did what he was told without any hesitation. If the old man wanted to attack him, there was really no need for someone this powerful to do all of this.

However, Wang Lin's caution never dropped. If he detected anything wrong, he would escape with the star compass.

The old man shook the 30-foot-flag in his hand and waves of roars came from within it. Ten soul fragments quickly flew out and surrounded Wang Lin.

These ten soul fragments all released purple and gold auras and were filled with arrogance. Wang Lin's pupils shrank. Each of of these soul fragments had the power of a Soul Transformation cultivator.

"No wonder he can fight Ascendant cultivators with this soul flag…" Wang Lin felt like he understood a bit more.

The old man whispered, "Little friend Ceng Niu, all of the Soul Transformation souls inside this soul flag are ancestors of the Soul Refining Sect. When a Soul Transformation ancestor is about to die, they give up their body and become a soul fragment to be added to the soul flag. You have to remember that when I die, you must add my soul fragment into the flag as well…"

The last sentence from the old man was out of nowhere, causing Wang Lin's heart to tremble. He gained some more understanding of what was going on.

Just at this moment, the ten Soul Transformation soul fragments emitted a powerful gold and purple light that seemed to cover the entire land.

A thick source of spirit energy from the ten soul fragments entered Wang Lin's body. He didn't even have to absorb it, as it all rushed into his body.

A strange scene appeared in the sky. There were ten soul fragments connected with gold and purple light, and at the center was Wang Lin.

The spiritual energy inside Wang Lin's body increased at a speed he had never felt before. In an instant, it had increased one fold, but it continued to raise without even pausing.

Two fold, three fold, four fold… all the way until eight fold and it was still growing.

"Ceng Niu, remember this old man's name: Du Tian! Absorb as much as you can; this old man isn't stingy!"