

Chapter 377 Killing a Tier-3 Monster

The maw of a humongous Sea Serpent was slowly emerging below Dilan, giving him the shock of his life.

He almost froze in place for a moment when he instinctively reached out for his belt. A bunch of potions and magic scrolls were fastened to his belt and Dilan tightly grasped one of the magic scrolls.

[Magic Scroll has been activated. The host can choose to teleport 10 meters in any direction of his choice!]

Dilan looked deep inside the ginormous mouth that was as big as a one-family house when he disappeared from his previous location.

He reappeared at the border between the sand beach and the Ocean as the ginormous Sea Serpent shot straight into the air.

A huge fountain of water was sprayed onto him followed by the humongous body of the Sea Serpent as more than two hundred meters of its body emerged from the water.

A large wave splashed into Dilan's face, and he felt goosebumps all over him once again. However, he didn't freeze in place.

Dilan knew perfectly well that the Sea Serpent was likely to attack him now that it had chosen him as the target.

Maybe it was even somewhat related to the Tier-3 Blue-scaled Flood Dragon. That was bothersome but it was actually not something Dilan was able to change now.

He felt a bit stiff at the thought of fighting an existence like the Sea Serpent, but facing it seemed more reasonable than fleeing inside the forest of the abandoned island.

The latter seemed more dangerous to Dilan, who had yet to figure out what exactly inhabited the center of the abandoned Island.

It was something fearsome, something that had killed millions of marine monsters in the previous Night Invasion, and Dilan didn't actually want to encounter what lay in the center of the abandoned island, not right now, at least!

He predicted that the Sea Serpent was a Tier-4 existence because its power was much greater than the Flood Dragon. However, there was one point that attracted his interest.

'Stats of around 700 or something around like that?' Dilan gauged just from what he perceived when looking in the direction of the Sea Serpent.

He shuddered once again at the thought of ending up in the Sea Serpent's stomach but a bright smile appeared on his face real quick.

Adrenaline pumped through his veins and he retrieved one of the most expensive Magic Scrolls in his possession.

[[Glacier] Tier-2 Magic Scroll

Drains 75 Units of Mana from the host to create a huge Glacier at the desired position.]

The description to use the Magic Scroll was really easy and Dilan simply followed it. He inserted 75 Units of Mana inside it while shooting straight toward the Flood Dragon.

The Magic Scroll shone in a bright sky-blue tone as Dilan turned around to swing the Magic Scroll straight at the position he had been a moment before, where the sand beach and the Ocean collided.

A huge glacier was created and a cool breeze of wind swept through the beach and over the ocean.

The Glacier was dozens of meters high, long as well as wide. It was basically a huge block of ice that prevented the Sea Serpent from even thinking about killing Dilan right away.

On the other hand, Dilan was not even able to think about the Sea Serpent. His eyes went wide when he saw that the Flood Dragon was rushing toward him, or precisely the Ocean behind him. The arrival of the Sea Serpent had given the Flood Dragon the necessary confidence to believe that it would survive.

However, Dilan was not ready to let the Flood Dragon survive.

[[Bearer of Pain] has been activated. Lifeforce equivalent to 150 Units will be converted to 75 Mana]

[[Bracing Pain] has been activated following a drastic decrease in the Host's health. The host's stats will be augmented by 45%!]

Dilan's health was already a bit lower than before because he had used [Blood Sacrifice] to further enhance the stats he had received from the Cursed Dagger.

However, right now, Dilan's health was even lower, which was a necessity to enhance his stats as much as possible.

He activated [Regeneration] to its limits along with[Burst Regeneration] so as to leave no stone unturned in his quest that he wanted to be a success.

[[Switch] has been activated. 50 Mana Units and 50 Stamina Units will be reallocated to the host's Strength!]

'I have the Indestructible Body activated…I won't die, no matter how high my stats become…I think!' Dilan shouted in his mind as he shot toward the Flood Dragon with terrifyingly high stats.

After he had activated [Switch] as well, Dilan's Strength crossed the threshold of 480 Units, while his Agility crossed 450 Units easily as well.

Even existence at the Peak of Tier-3 wouldn't be able to reach stats that high. He figured that the limit of a Tier-3 existence was 500 Units and that was something Dilan had nearly attained.

Meanwhile, the Flood Dragon's stats were a great average of 350 Units. It was much lower than Dilan, which gave him the advantage he needed to shoot past the Flood Dragon that executed another Dragonflame attack.

Dilan didn't hesitate the slightest as he attacked the cracked, reversed Dragonflame. He didn't even wince as Xealtron pierced through the dragon scale and went deep inside the flesh of the Flood Dragon.

The Flood Dragon gave a guttural cry of unimaginable pain but Dilan didn't show any mercy. The moment he let doubt and pity creep in his heart for the Flood Dragon, the Sea Serpent would break through the Glacier and kill him.

That was not something Dilan could accept. Thus, he kept pushing the Cursed dagger deeper into the flesh of the monster until the Flood Dragon suddenly stopped moving.

Dilan's body was aching from head to toe and he wanted nothing more than to collapse on the ground and pass out right now.

He was not exhausted because his Stamina had reached a dangerous threshold. Rather, it was his body's current condition that caused him to feel like collapsing on the ground and giving in to his body's demand for rest.

Dilan took a few deep breaths, resisting the urge to puke as he stored the body of the Flood Dragon he had just killed.

Yet, instead of being able to celebrate having killed a mighty monster two Tiers higher than his own, Dilan could only stare at the Glacier behind him in astonishment.

"This fucking beast is way too strong…" He cursed under his breath as the Sea Serpent pierced through the Glacier that was dozens of meters thick.

The monster's house-sized body jerked forward, and its body that was almost a kilometer long shot in Dilan's direction as the countless shards of the Glacier shot through the surrounding area.

Several shards shot in his direction but Dilan countered them with a simple blue shield that manifested in front of him.

He had activated [Aegis' Shield] while simultaneously ordering the system and opening the Essence shop.

"Sell the fucking Essence crystal of the Flood Dragon…but not its body!" Dilan screamed at the top of his lungs before a notification appeared in front of him.

[Pseudo-Platinum Essence crystal of Level 0 Tier-3 Flood Dragon has been sold. The Host receives 100,000 Essence points!]

Dilan's smile turned devilish when he realized how many points he had received and he calmed down considerably.

He felt a ray of hope emerging from the darkest of clouds, and Dilan was willing to risk it all!

Chapter 378 Might of Tier-4

While Dilan's Essence Points had increased drastically, the Sea Serpent blasted in his direction.

Dilan was going all out already but his Agility was still much lower than that of the Sea Serpent. It easily crossed 700 units, which was more than enough for the Sea Serpent to reach Dilan.

He could barely activate another [Instantaneous Teleportation] Magic Scroll to teleport himself ten meters to the side. Dilan predicted that he would be safe and far away from the monster but his eyes widened in shock when he realized that the huge body of the Sea Serpent was still in his way.

He barely escaped getting caught in its huge maw, just to be hit by the Sea Serpent's head that jerked in his direction, smashing against Dilan as if he was a baseball.

"Urgh!" Dilan groaned as he heard a cracking sound resounding through his body before he was flung meters away from his previous spot on the beach. He rolled over the sand when he impacted on the beach.

[The host's Health has reached a dangerous threshold. Several bones are broken, and Health reached less than 5%.]

[[Bracing Pain] has been activated due to the detection of a severe injury. The host's strength will be augmented by 50%]

The difference of an augmentation of 45% or 50% from [Bracing Pain] might be nice but Dilan couldn't exactly move any better because his entire body was on fire and every single muscle ached terribly.

He had no idea which bones were broken and which ones were still intact but everything hurt.

Unfortunately, he couldn't take a break and rest until he would have healed completely. The Sea Serpent had left the open beach and shot towards the outskirts of the forest. It's huge body bulldozed everything on the way as it changed its trajectory to slither toward him.

Dilan could only smile weirdly upon seeing this. He swallowed all the content of the potions that were attached to his belt before he got up from the ground.

Simultaneously, he accessed the Essence Shop while taking a deep breath.

'This will definitely hurt…' Dilan knew before he purchased a potion for 15,000 Essence points and a few more things for a total of 85,000 Essence points.

[Customized Temporary Weapon Upgrade has been applied to the Cursed Dagger Xealtron! 75,000 Essence Points have been deducted!]

[Temporary Treasure Upgrade has been applied to the Boots of Yamil, The Aquatic Gloves of Heretia, the Necklace of Replication, The Ring of Ice, and the Ilran Chestplate! 5,000 Essence Points have been deducted!]

[Temporary second Treasure Upgrade has been applied to the upgraded Ilran Chestplate! 5,000 Essence Points have been deducted!]

[Boots of Yamil] →

[+20 Agility] → [+50 Agility]

[Aquatic Gloves of Heretia] →

[+15 Health], [+15 Stamina]

[Necklace of Replication] →

[+8 Mana] → [+35 Mana]

[Ring of Ice] →

[+3 Mana] → [+15 Mana]

[Ilran Chestplate] →

[+20 Health] →[+120 Health]

[[Xealtron] →

[+100 Strength], [+100 Agility] → [+300 Strength], [+300 Agility]

[Blood Drain(Sealed Curse)] The wielder of Xealtron will be drained of 10 Units of Health for every minute he/she holds it.

[Blood Sacrifice] The wielder can sacrifice 100 Health Units to temporarily release the Seal on Blood drain. Curse's potency will double, and the Stat augmentations will increase by 50%.

Special condition required to use the Cursed Dagger: Health stat above 400 Units!]

Dilan's stats increased drastically after he had upgraded his equipment. He was not supposed to be able to wear Tier-2 equipment, let alone wield a Tier-3 weapon. However, Dilan made it possible.

With his upgraded equipment, he was able to wield Xealtron, and Dilan didn't hesitate to activate Regeneration in the strongest form possible.

This was more than necessary because he was not actually in a great condition even after his chestplate improved his stats by a lot more than before.

He swallowed the Tier-3 [Instant Health Potion] he had purchased for 15,000 Essence Points before and it mended his bones almost immediately.

The effect of [Bracing Pain] decreased a tiny bit after he swallowed the content of the Tier-3 potion but that was more than fine.

Dilan felt much better than before and he was ready to face the Sea Serpent…or so he thought. His Strength and Agility stat crossed the threshold of 650 Units, and his body showed signs of retaliation.

His body was resisting even after the use of the temporary indestructible body he had purchased from the Essence shop.

This showed that his stats were not something even someone with a perfect Tier-2 physique was supposed to be able to attain.

However, Dilan couldn't care less about that. He had other things to worry about, such as defeating the humongous Sea Serpent in front of him.

"You're still faster than I am?" Dilan mumbled, taking a deep breath before he activated the upgraded version of [Blood Sacrifice] once again.

His Lifeforce, equivalent to 100 Units of his Health was deprived of Dilan and both his Strength and Agility increased by another 150 Units.

He reached a strength and agility of more than 800 Units, attaining a state where these two stats were above the Sea Serpent!

This was more than enough for Dilan to smile brightly despite his body showing signs of breaking apart.

The Curse of Xealtron drained Dilan 20 Units of Health every minute after Blood Sacrifice had been activated, and stats above 800 Units were not something a Tier-2 existence, let alone someone at Tier-1 was supposed to possess.

Unfortunately, Dilan had been forced to go all out in order to be able to face the Sea Serpent.

Running from the Sea Serpent after killing the Flood Dragon was not possible. In fact, Dilan was pretty sure that it was more difficult to run from the enraged Sea Serpent rather than attack it.

Thus, Dilan had chosen to go down the 'easier' path.

He tightened his grip over the hilt and pulled back the Cursed Dagger while patiently waiting for the Sea Serpent that was less than ten meters away from him. It shot toward him with its huge body and would collide with him a fraction of a second later, and flatten him…or so was the monster's plan.

It had sensed that something about Dilan had changed and the blood that spurted out of his skin that was riddled with angry blisters was a bit confusing to the monster but it took this as a sign of weakness, which was why it further accelerated the speed with which it slithered in Dilan's direction.

The Sea Serpent was known for causing death and destruction. It was not the strongest Tier-4 existence but around the abandoned Island, it was one of the Kings of the Sea. On land, its strength was not as high as its natural habitat but that was not something a puny existence like the 1.9-meter tall human ought to understand.

By charging at Dilan, and squashing him like a melon the Sea Serpent wanted to assert dominance, and overpower the puny human. It manifested a humongous ball of water within its mouth which it shot toward Dilan.

The moment the ball touched the ground, the entire side of the beach was sunk in. Sand flew up the sky and a huge crater of several dozen meters depths had been created.

Following that, Dilan had disappeared…or had he died in the water blast?

Chapter 379 Dominance of a Tier-4 existence

When the Sea Serpent had released the water blast, Dilan had begun to move.

His upper body bent forward, nearly touching the ground as he shot in the direction of the Sea Serpent.

Yet, instead of attacking its head, Dilan had to make sure that Xealtron was able to pierce through the scales that covered the Sea Serpent's whole body.

He didn't want to face a monster his strongest weapon couldn't handle, whether he had the necessary strength to face it or not!

Using his might, he shot past the Sea Serpent's head while piercing Xealtron straight to the side. The small dagger, whose blade was barely close to 30 centimeters long, pierced inside and out of the Sea Serpent's scale.

A bit of green blood splattered out of the small wound he had inflicted on the Sea Serpent's humongous body, giving Dilan the insight he needed.

'It's possible but the effect is rather restricted because the blade is so short!' He figured as he continued to push the Cursed Dagger inside the flesh of the Sea Serpent while he continued to run.

The body of the Sea Serpent was more than a kilometer long and the only part of it that Dilan was able to see was the one that was on the ground. There was still a huge part of the Sea Serpent's body that was hidden beneath the water.

However, Dilan ignored this as he caused a one-kilometer long and more than 20-centimeter deep wound to the humongous Sea Serpent.

The Sea Serpent roared out in anger and slithered around quickly to attack Dilan. Yet, even before the Sea Serpent had moved its humongous body to take note of Dilan and strike a blow, he had disappeared once again.

Dilan had jumped over the body of the Sea Serpent to land on the other side of its body.

For a huge monster like the Sea Serpent, it was extremely difficult to move flexibly, even if their Agility was high.

Large monsters couldn't turn or move as quickly as smaller beasts, especially serpents, whose bodies forced them to have a huge turning radius.

Dilan decided to make use of this, which was why he had jumped over the Sea Serpent's body to start inflicting the same type of long injury on the other side of its body.

With the necessary determination in his heart, Dilan thrust the dagger deep into the Sea Serpent before he began to run back to the upper part of its head.

The Sea Serpent roared out in pain and it thrashed its head around. The huge Sea Serpent's entire body followed suit as it replicated the death roll of an alligator. It was not that useful against Dilan, who reacted quickly enough to shoot to the side the moment the Sea Serpent began to roll around bit it was more than enough to make sure that Dilan would keep his distance.

Even if the Sea Serpent was not one of the most intelligent existences at Tier-4, it could tell that Dilan's strength had only been enhanced temporarily.

It was impossible for him to increase his stats permanently in this way and the Sea Serpent was fully aware of this.

The monster's only mission was to survive in the next few minutes before it could take revenge against its little brother, whom Dilan had killed mercilessly.

Dilan meanwhile could tell what the Sea Serpent was planning to do. He frowned deeply but accepted the reality after a second.

His body jerked in the direction of the Sea Serpent's head.

The monster had closed its eyes as if it would feel nausea when rolling around with its eyes wide open.

This was quite unexpected because the monster's closed eyes gave Dilan the perfect opportunity.

He shot forward with a shocking velocity, creating a terrifying sound as he broke through the sound barrier, which caused the Sea Serpent to stop rolling and open its eyes, where it saw Dilan shooting straight toward it.

The Sea Serpent's eyes changed color all of a sudden and Dilan felt a sense of danger as a green-colored substance trickled out of the Sea Serpent's eyes.

It caused him to frown deeply and to change the trajectory of his attack.

Even if it was possible to destroy one of the Sea Serpent's eyes, the green substance that leaked from the Sea Serpent's eyes was definitely not something that was supposed to get in touch with his skin.

Dilan pierced the Cursed Dagger deep into the 'snoot' of the Sea Serpent before he twisted the dagger while ramming it further into its flesh and organs.

The Sea Serpent's head jerked upward, and Dilan was thrown in the air as a result.

The monster opened its mouth wide and it was just about to lunge high into the air to swallow Dilan in his entirety when the Sea Serpent saw a blueish shield that had emerged tens of meters above Dilan.

He twisted his body and did a somersault midair. His feet touched the Aegis' shield he had manifested the moment he was flung into the air.

Dilan pushed himself off the Aegis' Shield using all his might and he shot down to the ground like a falling star.

His eyes were glinting in cold fury and tremendous amounts of bloodlust surged out of his body. He released some of his mana to coat the Cursed Dagger with it before he engulfed himself with mana to face the seemingly endless pit he was ready to enter.

Clueless about the repercussions of its actions, the Sea Serpent simply jumped upward to swallow him whole

Dilan simply let himself fall into its wide open jaw to enter the Sea Serpent's body to wreak havoc from within.

He didn't have any more time to waste because the effects of the temporary upgrades and the abilities he had used would wear off if he were to continue to hesitate.

Dilan wanted to kill the Sea Serpent as quickly as possible and blasting in its stomach was the easiest way to kill the monster.

Thus, he did exactly that; push his feet from the Aegis' shield to shoot straight inside the Sea Serpent's mouth.

There was no need for him to waste even a single second as he pierced out with Xealtron the moment Dilan had shot past the Sea Serpent's fangs.

Using his momentum and terrifying strength, Dilan inflicted severe damage upon the Sea Serpent even before it could close its maw completely.

Dilan kept falling for a long time, or so it felt before his feet touched something solid.

He took a deep breath and let himself plunge through the fangs before he started to mercilessly slash, thrust, and cut the monster's body from the inside.

Dilan tried using the Silver Blazing Serpentine Blade to inflict more severe injuries in a short moment but he failed miserably. The Silver Serpentine Blade's material was too weak to pierce through the soft flesh of the Sea Serpent's insides.

However, what Dilan could do was use the Pyromancy orb to shroud the Cursed Dagger with his mana and blazing flames. This increased the damage he could cause, and it allowed Dilan to wreak even more havoc.

Two minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and Dilan quickly noticed that the Sea Serpent was bleeding to death.

It was only a matter of time before it would die but Dilan didn't show the slightest bit of mercy. After the two minutes had passed, he had finally gotten through the thickest layers of flesh.

And just like that, it looked like Dilan had cut through the entire body of the house-sized Sea Serpent…using a 30-centimeter-long blade, and tremendous efforts.

"Become my first big hunted treasure!"

Chapter 380 Tier-4 Humongous Drakyl Sea Serpent

Right now the effect of [Switch], [Thunder Step], and [Second Acceleration] had worn off and there were less than eight minutes left on the temporary equipment enhancements before they would wear off.

Dilan's entire body was smeared in his own blood and the blood of the Tier-4 Sea Serpent, whose body he had reduced to ribbons of flesh using Xealtron and his terrifying physical strength.

After the attack, his physical strength had deteriorated to an alarming extent, a sharp contrast to the more than 800 Units before that was strong enough to halve the Sea Serpent's body.

He was overflowing with excitement and the thirst for more blood as he extended one of his hands to reach for the lower part of the Sea Serpent's long body.

"I will take that as a Souvenir!" Dilan declared with a small grin on his face and he stored the lower body of the Sea Serpent inside his storage ring.

The body of the Sea Serpent was much longer than he had expected, presumably 2000 meters long. Thus, he stashed in whatever he could store in his storage ring and filled it to the brim.

However, Dilan didn't have the time to think about this lot. He had yet to deliver the final blow and kill the Sea Serpent that was already on the verge of death.

The enormous amounts of blood it had lost were a sure sign that it was taking its last few breaths and the way Dilan had sliced its insides like a butcher was more than enough to kill it.

But Dilan didn't want to waste anymore time. Xealtron drained his Lifeforce much faster than he could regenerate it. It was necessary to end the monster's life as quickly as possible.

Dilan shot back inside the Sea Serpent's body. He reached the inner parts of its head in an instant, mantled the Cursed Dagger in a large amount of mana before he used his whole physical strength to jump up, and out of the Serpent's head, tearing it open without any issues.

'Even if your scales are extremely tough, you are just another monster with way too many weaknesses!' Dilan thought with a satisfied smug in his mind as he made use of [Weakness Appraisal] to make sure that he pierced into the large red outlined area which the Earrings of Appraisal had pinpointed as the Sea Serpent's weakness!

The Sea Serpent had been writhing in pain for the last few seconds, trying in vain to expel Dilan from its body. To the monster's misery, it could do nothing except twitch in pain. After a while, its sight blurred and a throbbing pain spread through its head.

That pain made it go mad with fury and in a desperate attempt to save itself, it began thrashing its body wildly like a fish that would throw itself on dry ground in search of water. Dilan could do nothing but wait for the serpent to slow down while being tossed around for nearly half a minute before the Sea Serpent stopped moving altogether.

A breath of relief escaped his lips when the Sea Serpent stopped moving and he instinctively stored the remaining corpse of the Sea Serpent in his storage ring.

"That was a fucking hassle…" Dilan mumbled quietly as he lay down on the ground, sealing Blood Drain once again, which halved the amount of Health it deprived of Dilan.

Simultaneously, the augmented stats Xealtron had received decreased to +300 once again.

He had around seven minutes left until the effect of the temporary upgraded treasures would wear off but Dilan didn't force himself to jump up right at this moment.

"System, can you sell the flesh of the Sea Serpent without wasting anything else?" Dilan inquired, hoping that the system would do exactly what he asked for.

[The flesh of an Ordinary Level 41 Tier-4 Humongous Drakyl Sea Serpent can be sold for 60,000 Essence Points. Is the host willing to sell the monster's flesh?]

"Yes!" Dilan answered while wondering when had the Essence Shop begun to give Essence Points in exchange for body parts.

'Maybe because it is a Tier-4 monster?' He thought for a moment and sold the flesh of the Flood Dragon as well.

[The flesh of a Pseudo-Platinum Level 0 Tier-3 Flood Dragon can be sold for 80,000 Essence Points. Is the host willing to sell the monster's flesh?]

Once again, Dilan responded with a yes. His Essence points skyrocketed but something confused him.

"Is the flesh of the Flood Dragon so valuable? Well, it is a Pseudo-Platinum monster, Dragons are considered mythical existences…and the Sea Serpent was just an 'ordinary' monster. That's probably also the reason for its 'low' stats as Tier-4 existence," Dilan theorized without actually minding what the truth was.

He gained 140,000 Essence points by selling the flesh that was useless to him, either way. In fact, it had occupied lots of space in his storage ring, which was why he had to get rid of it, whether it gave him Essence Points or not.

"Their fangs, the Flood Dragon's Claws, and their scales will make great weapons and armors. Old Jeff will finally be able to create the best weapon and equipment to kill Tier-4 monsters without the need to play around with temporary upgrades like I'm currently doing…" Dilan mumbled in satisfaction before he got up from the ground.

He had activated his Origin ability [Regeneration] to the max in order to make sure that he would regenerate the Lifeforce that Xealtron drained from him every minute.

This worked out pretty well because his Health stat was already extremely high and his natural regeneration was already above everyone else's too.

"Six minutes until the temporary upgrades are worn off and 56 minutes until the effect of the indestructible body has worn off…" He calculated out loud before a glint emerged in his eyes.

"Shall I devour the abandoned Island?" Dilan wondered and he nodded to himself in a heartbeat.

He liked the idea of taking over the abandoned island all for himself. There was enough time for him to abuse the Essence Shop to his heart's content.

Dilan was ready to enter a near-death state as long as he was able to make the necessary gains in exchange.

Getting his hand on new materials for weapons and armors was already great, but the Tier-4 Essence crystal he had gained was the cherry on the cake.

It may only be an ordinary Essence crystal but it was from a Level 41 Tier-4 monster, which meant that he would gain dozens of status points and a bunch of Levels the moment he advanced to Tier-2.

That was only if he wouldn't sell the Tier-4 Essence crystal to the Essence Shop.

'I can get Essence points from selling the flesh and body of powerful monsters…most bodies of Tier-2 existences may not be valuable but I may as well just try to kill Tier-3 monsters and sell their body to increase my Essence points!' Dilan thought, licking his lips.

His greed had increased exponentially and Dilan didn't hesitate any longer. The bloodbath and destruction he and the Sea Serpent had caused while fighting had attracted lots of attention.

Many Tier-2 and Tier-3 monsters had been looking at Dilan after he had defeated the Tier-4 monster. They wanted to take their chances to kill him, especially since his body seemed like it would tear apart at any moment.

Little did they know that his current stats were something his body could easily handle.

"Kiddos, how about you all die for me?"

Chapter 381 Devouring the Island

An hour had passed in the blink of an eye and Dilan could be seen lying on the ground of a pride rock that protruded out of the water.

It was a gigantic pride rock but monsters were still able to reach him if they wanted to.

However, not a single monster dared to attack him right now.

Dilan's entire body was smeared from head to toe in the blood of thousands of monsters that were supposed to be more powerful than the power he radiated right at this moment.

His injuries had all healed and the effect of all the abilities he had activated had worn off.

"Using the temporary treasure enhancements five more times was truly worth it…" Dilan mumbled with a satisfied smile on his face.

He was calmly lying on the pride rock while taking a look through the Essence Shop.

Inside his storage ring that had been enlarged to twice its usual size, numerous Essence crystals, body parts, and various other things could be found.

Dilan didn't sell a single Essence crystal since he had killed the Sea Serpent but the gains he made were beyond his expectations.

He had spent 100,000 Essence Points every 10 minutes to provide himself with Tier-3 potions, and the means to keep all his equipment upgraded for another 10 minutes.

In the end, it was definitely worth it because the entire beach, the outskirts of the abandoned island, and parts of the inner region had been ransacked by Dilan.

Dilan was not someone who made empty promises. He may have not promised himself to claim the abandoned island for himself but it was a nice plan nonetheless.

The only thing that troubled him was the roar of the being he presumed to be either a Tyrannosaurus Rex that was stronger than the Sea Serpent, or something else with terrifyingly high stats and a thunderous roar.

Increasing his stats to more than 800 Units would be extremely difficult as a Tier-1 existence, whether he wanted to use more temporary treasure upgrades, or buy entirely new equipment that would enhance his stats even further.

It was physically not possible for his body to endure higher stats than the 800 he had attained when fighting the Sea Serpent, and that was already extremely close. He had only survived thanks to the use of the Indestructible body upgrade that had worn off by now.

To defeat the strongest monster on the abandoned island, Dilan would have to increase his stats to more than 800, which was not possible as the indestructible body was the only physique-enhancing treasure in the Essence Shop.

Dilan was a bit dissatisfied about that but it was basically the only regret he had.

[Essence Points: 4,642,400]

But when he glanced at his Essence Points, Dilan's dissatisfaction dispersed. After taking a look at his storage ring, where One Tier-4, 69 Tier-3, and 632 Tier-2 Essence crystals were neatly stored, Dilan began to smile once again.

"Converted, these Essence crystals should be worth far more than 100 status points and a dozen level ups…" He gauged with a happy expression.

The thought of being able to advance to Tier-2, level up a dozen times, and gain more than 100 status points right off the bat was enticing.

However, Dilan was still not satisfied.

He might have been able to conquer parts of the abandoned island but he had yet to procure more Tier-4 Essence crystals.

At the same time, he had yet to find something he wanted to spend all his Essence points on. There was still a long time left before he would finish the abyssal-difficulty mission, yet, Dilan was lying around as if he was on a vacation.

There was no need for him to do a lot because he was searching for all kinds of things in the Essence Shop while waiting for night to arrive.

He wanted to turn the second Night Invasion into his second feast. Hunting all night would be arduous and it would drain his Stamina but he could use means to counter this.

Drinking potions like a madman was a way of going forward, and whether it would inevitably strain his body or not didn't matter. If he could gain a huge advantage by straining his body for 72 hours, Dilan was more than willing to do so.

"Set equipment?" He suddenly sat up straight and looked at the magnificent-looking armor that appeared in front of him.

[[Hyel Destructo(Armor-Set)] Ordinary Ungraded (Growth)] 10,000,000 Essence Points.

The name of the Armor set was quite weird but Dilan could make out that it was related to Destruction…or so he presumed, at least.

However, he had no idea what the stats of this armor were if it had any additional abilities, or what these abilities were, to begin with.

Dilan was not able to click on the Armor set and read through the information, which was kind of annoying.

The Armor set was the first thing that attracted his interest a little bit. There may be many other unique and powerful weapons or armors in the Essence Shop but his interest in them was pretty low.

It was not necessary for him to purchase a Tier-4 or Tier-5 weapon if he couldn't even wield it. The same could be said about buying Slaves. His willpower had to be stronger than theirs in order to reassure him that he would be the master in the master-slave relationship and have an upper hand.

Dilan didn't really like buying slaves, but his mindset had changed quite a bit.

As long as he wouldn't mistreat the slaves, he could simply consider them as servants.

Their life would also be much better than being caged somewhere. And if he was a Samaritan, which was not the case, he could also promise them freedom after they returned him his investment with interest.

Becoming stronger, and being as powerful as possible, was more important than maintaining his morality.

If his intentions were not to treat them harshly, there was nothing wrong with that, and he could even consider himself their savior if he wanted to.

This was something only a hypocrite would do but Dilan had long since accepted that he was a hypocrite with double standards. But what did it matter? If someone had something against him, they should either leave his side so that they wouldn't have to see him, or they should try fighting him.

Neither the former nor the latter was something most people dared to do. Thus, they had to accept Dilan for who he was, whether they liked it or not.

"I won't buy the Armor-set if I cannot be sure that I will be able to wear it. If it has some weird restrictions, I will just waste 10 million Essence Points…" Dilan concluded before he closed the Essence shop.

He opened the Divinity Mission Board and entered the Chat, where he had written a short message earlier.

Dilan was not able to see his message anymore because some people had chatted with each other in the chatbox but that was a good sign.

"Seems like my question stirred up the minds of a few people!" Dilan mumbled, smirking brightly as he scrolled up the chat until he found his message.

[How to remove a Curse from a Cursed Blessing?]

He had expected some people to be interested in the answer to his question and share their opinions but a heated debate had started unexpectedly.

Some people in the chat said that something like Cursed Blessing didn't exist, while others said that it was not possible to remove the Curse from a Cursed Blessing. This would remove the blessing as well.

Then there were others, who were certain that it was possible to dispel the Cursed Blessing, which was what attracted Dilan's interest.

The Cursed Blessing [Will of the Primordial] slowed down Dilan's advancement speed the most. It was quite annoying, which was why he wanted to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, the advantageous part of the Will of the Primordial was that his stat limit was much higher than that of others at the same Tier. And that was what he wanted to retain!

Dilan didn't read through all the messages immediately. Instead, he asked the question he had come for before he returned to reading through the debate he had ignited without intending to.

[Does someone know the attributes of the ?]

It was not necessary to shy away from asking important questions. His real name might be written next to the message but nobody could tell which race he belonged to, or what he looked like.

Basically, he was pretty much anonymous with the questions he wrote, especially since no human from Milarn ought to be able to have unlocked the Divinity Mission Board yet.

"Hopefully, someone can answer me properly this time!"

382 Calm before the Storm

"I clearly understand…almost nothing," Dilan grumbled as he was reading through the messages of the Divinity Mission Board chat.

The messages he focused on the most while searching for a way to remove the Curse of a Cursed Blessing came from a bunch of people that seemed to belong to one big group of knowledgeable Ascenders.

At least that was what Dilan believed when reading through all the messages and the way they conversed with each other with some familiarity.

Their comments were highly insightful, even if some complex terms were pretty hard to understand and Dilan ended up spending lots of time trying to figure out their meaning.

By the time the debate finished with a few hundred messages, his question about the Hyel Destructo had already caused a small uproar.

It was the second time he wrote a message and his second question. However, the content of his question had been completely different than it was the first time.

Most people were oblivious that Dilan was the one, who had caused an uproar not once but twice by asking questions that were not important, either way.

"So it is either a legendary Armor set or just a fairytale?" Dilan wondered out loud, smiling at the messages that had popped up in the chat.

He didn't receive any useful information because it looked like nobody knew the Hyel Destructo armor set's details.

[So nobody knows its stats? Does it have any restrictions for users such as the race or so?] Dilan simply asked in the chat while being glad that the Divinity Mission Board's chat had a translation setting.

Otherwise, he would face more problems getting to know further information about anything written in the chat.

Dilan didn't say that he could get his hands on the Hyel Destructo armor set but his questions allowed others to reach their own conclusions.

He was aware of this but it was not as if he could be bothered about it. There were some things that were more important than trying to stay fully anonymous in front of some Ascenders, whom he would probably never meet, to begin with.

Dilan wanted to receive an answer and he was willing to sacrifice some of his anonymous status if that was necessary to obtain an answer.

Unfortunately, not many knowledgeable Ascenders seemed to be active in the Divinity Mission Board chat anymore.

That was also why Dilan turned away his attention to the abandoned island. It was not long until the sun would disappear behind the horizon.

The second Night invasion would happen by then, indicating the period of the day where one would usually have to fear getting killed by the horde of marine monsters crawling out of the ocean.

But not Dilan. He was not afraid of the second Night invasion and on the contrary, he looked forward to it. Dilan was ready to go all-out, using the temporary treasure upgrades to make sure that his stats would be high, and the temporary indestructible body to strengthen his physique as high as possible!

He had already bought all kinds of enhancements and just had to click on a tiny symbol to activate all of them at once. That way, he wouldn't have to waste his time searching for the upgrades in the Essence Shop when he needed them.

Nonetheless, he was still searching through the chat, trying to find a few more interesting items to purchase.

There was a lot that could be used by Dilan but it was not worth the Essence Points because the items' usage would decrease the moment he advanced a bit, or he couldn't use the items at all until reaching Tier-3 or so.

Time passed quickly and it was night when Dilan closed the holographic screen of the Essence Shop.

He felt a weak pulling force from the center of the abandoned island, which was different from the day before. He hadn't sensed anything the day before and Dilan quickly noticed the reason for this.

"More and stronger monsters will now come out of the Ocean…" Dilan mumbled as he looked at the massive numbers of monsters all around the beachside.

Four humongous Sea Serpents like the one he had killed had shot out of the ocean and they were all slithering in the direction of the island's center. Dilan squinted his eyes at this sight just to see that there were levitating Seahorses the size of a car, various types of fishes that were adept at manifesting water below them to make it seem as if they could swim over the ground, and various other monsters.

There were even a dozen or more Flood Dragons, which astonished Dilan quite a bit.

"Aren't Flood Dragons supposed to be rare existences because they belong to the dragon family?" He mumbled in confusion, looking at the situation ahead of him.

However, instead of disliking the situation, Dilan licked his lip in excitement. Fighting multiple Sea Serpents would be difficult but as long as Dilan would make use of his stats and the opportunities given to him, he may as well be able to kill them much more easily than just a single monster.

The Death and destruction that the humongous Tier-4 existences could cause were bound to kill tens of thousands of monsters the moment they bulldozed all the monsters around them.

Dilan imagined the Sea Serpent flattening everything in its wake and a bright smile appeared on his face. He activated all the things he had prepared from the Essence Shop before starting the massacre he had been waiting for.

[Temporary Indestructible body has been activated. The host's body will be temporarily enhanced to the Peak of Tier-2.]

[The passive occupational ability has been detected. The host's physique will temporarily be augmented to become Unparalleled in the Realms of a Tier-2 existence! Duration: 60 Minutes!]

[Temporary Treasure Upgrade has been applied to the Boots of Yamil, The Aquatic Gloves of Heretia, the Necklace of Replication, The Ring of Ice, and the Ilran Chestplate!]

[Temporary second Treasure Upgrade has been applied to the upgraded Boots of Yamil, The Aquatic Gloves of Heretia, the Necklace of Replication, The Ring of Ice, and the Ilran Chestplate!]

[Temporary third Treasure Upgrade has been applied to the (2x) upgraded Boots of Yamil]

[Customized Temporary Weapon Upgrade has been applied to the Cursed Dagger Xealtron!]

[Blood Sacrifice has been activated, Lifeforce equivalent to 100 Units Health have been deducted]

Dilan activated only [Thunder Step] using close to 50 Units of Mana before he activated [Bearer of Pain] replenishing all the mana in exchange for his Lifeforce being drained.

Afterward, [Bracing Pain] increased his stats wide above 400 Units, allowing Dilan to properly wield Xealtron and to gain the Cursed Weapon stat augmentations!

Dilan's Agility crossed 800 in an instant, while his Strength was still close to 650 Units. However, that was of no concern to Dilan. He didn't intend to use [Switch] right off the bat. After all, the night was still long and it was necessary for him to be capable of using one or two trump cards to escape certain tricky situations.

However, for now, Dilan would have to find a way to properly enrage the huge Sea Serpents, hopefully, to rile them against each other instead of attacking him.

The death and destruction they would cause were bound to become a sight to behold and Dilan eagerly awaited the same!

383 Death and Destruction

Dilan would have never expected that it would be so easy to enrage monsters.

He had purchased a treasure called [Berserk Fog]. Basically, it was a ball the size of a tennis ball and it would release red fog the moment he activated it.

The price for this treasure was 25,000 Essence Points, which was quite a bit. It would force monsters up to tier-3 to enter a state of rage, and they would mindlessly attack everything and everyone around them, even their own brethren.

This was great given that there were millions of monsters, who were bound to emerge from the ocean.

However, Dilan was not fully satisfied with this. Thus, he shot through the forest before he emerged in front of the four slithering Sea Serpents. Their sight was horrifying but Dilan simply ignored it.

He had been inside the stomach of a humongous Sea Serpent already. It was not exactly frightening to see them open their maw widely.

All four Sea Serpents prepared themselves to create a blast of water to attack him.

But instead of remaining idle, Dilan shot forward to activate and throw the first Berserk Fog metal ball through the narrow gap between the manifested water blast and the Sea Serpent's wide-open maw.

The metal ball entered the stomach of the Sea Serpent while red fog was released in an explosive manner. Dilan wanted to watch what was going to happen but he didn't have the necessary time.

He had three more Berserk Fog metal balls to activate and to throw in the maw of the other Sea Serpents before the first one would inevitably get affected.

Dilan moved rapidly and he worked hard to spend only a minute finishing his mission.

In the meantime, the Sea Serpents had caused lots of destruction, whether it was through the water blasts they had shot in Dilan's direction or while slithering towards him that destroyed numerous trees and the surrounding in their path.

Dilan was already far in the central area of the abandoned island by now. This was the only frustrating point in his plan.

He didn't really like being too close to the mountain of the abandoned island. His entire being told him that there was nothing good about that place even if he felt a strong pulling force that intended to lure him in the said direction.

Dilan saw only a few monsters while taking care of the four Sea Serpents and he quickly disappeared the moment their eyes turned bloodshot.

It was a good thing to avoid the Berserk state of Tier-4 monsters, whether it would last long or not.

The [Berserk Fog] treasure may only be used for Tier-3 monsters under normal circumstances but once applied and fully used on a single monster, the potency of the Berserk Fog increases.

For a short period, it would force the Sea Serpents to enter a state of Berserk, which was exactly what was happening just now. The Sea Serpents hissed out loudly and they began thrashing and twitching uncontrollably in an attempt to remove the harmful substance from within them.

However, it was already too late for this and they were suffering under the influence of the Berserk Fog until they stopped resisting it and accepted the influence altogether.

Dilan slashed the Sea Serpent's lengthy body when running past them in order to further instigate them and to make them act against each other.

He, on the other hand, finally made use of his high stats to start obliterating the Flood Dragons and all the other powerful Tier-3 monsters in his path.

The Sea Serpents would take care of everything else. That was something Dilan was pretty sure about. He took a deep breath and started his slaughter feast.

'I have enough potions to counter [Blood drain],' Dilan checked once to be sure by brushing his fingers over the vials of various Tier-3 potions that were fastened to his belt before a wicked grin spread on his face.

Every 10 minutes, he prolonged the temporary enhancement of his weapon and his treasures, while he activated [Thunder Step] and [Second Acceleration] every now and then.

With Xealtron, enhanced to the Platinum Tier-3 rank, and the Curse unsealed, it amplified his Strength and Agility by 450 Units each. Even if he didn't use any additional abilities, he easily reached 700 Agility and a Strength above 600 Units.

Dilan learned to love powerful equipment but he also knew that Xealtron was not something that would be with him forever.

The Cursed Dagger was the most important reason for him to be able to kill Tier-3 and Tier-4 monsters if he were to ignore everything else.

However, he felt like it wouldn't be possible for him to use the Cursed Dagger outside the abandoned island. There was no reason for him to believe this but Dilan simply thought that it would be impossible, which was weird.

'Such a powerful weapon shouldn't have been sold for 350,000 Essence Points by the Essence Shop. A one hour 'indestructible body' enhancement already costs a massive 100,000 Essence Points and everything that is even remotely powerful is also extremely expensive…'

Xealtron might have a curse and its base augmentation was 'only' 100 Units for his Stamina and Strength but that was already extremely powerful…a lot of power one could gain at Tier-2.

The limit of status points cap at Tier-2 was 150 Units for ordinary existence, and Xealtron could add two-thirds of that to its wielder's stats. That was quite weird, which was also why Dilan presumed that Xealtron was a hidden treasure that could only be used in the abandoned island.

Dilan's thoughts had been weird when he had waited for the second Night Invasion to happen and it got only weirder now that he had been fighting with his life on the line for over an hour already.

He didn't know how many Tier-3 monsters had already died at his hand but he was pretty sure that it was not even close to as many as the four Berserk Sea Serpents had killed.

The four Tier-4 monsters had begun to fight each other shortly after Dilan had left them to do his work of finishing off themselves. Two of them were already severely injured and on the verge of death, while the third was only lightly injured.

As for the last one, it was completely unscathed because its blue scales had turned bloody red, enhancing its defenses drastically.

Dilan didn't really like this change in the situation because he had hoped to be able to kill the four Tier-4 Sea Serpents, sell their huge bodies and use their Essence Crystals upon leaving the abandoned island.

His plan had changed to become an unrivaled existence upon leaving the Abyssal-difficulty mission, after all!

However, even if he hadn't expected one of the Sea Serpents to have some sort of transformation all of a sudden, Dilan could accept this rather easily.

This was especially easy when he realized that a new player had joined the game of conquest.

An earth-shaking roar reverberated through the entire abandoned island. Everything around them began to shake and numerous loose trees were uprooted while thousands of weakened Tier-2 beasts collapsed on the ground due to the intensity of the sound.

Dilan's heart was stirred when he heard the roar and he was filled with excitement and a trace of fear as he saw the ginormous existence that emerged on top of the enormous mountain.

"Don't you have a cold, Spinosaurus?" Dilan asked quietly, watching the fire-shrouded Spinosaurus issuing a second roar as it rushed down the mountain to join the fight of the four Sea Serpents.

The Sea Serpents stopped fighting each other instinctively at the sight of the powerful enemy and their full focus was diverted to the prehistoric monster that possessed a long and narrow skull resembling that of a crocodile, and a massive bone fine on its back.

The Spinosaurus could run on its hind legs but in order to attain a faster speed, it rushed on its four legs, moving its ginormous body that weighed thousands of tons. After all, the Spinosaurus was more than 15 meters in height!

'Four Berserk Sea Serpents; two severely injured, one lightly injured and one transformed against the current Overlord of the abandoned island…this will be interesting!' Dilan thought before he continued fighting all the other monsters around him.

He collected and sold the monster corpses that had been bulldozed in the fight of the four Berserk Sea Serpents, to make a big profit as he also sold the Essence crystals that were of no use to him.

Dilan didn't kill the monsters, thus, their Essence crystals would fetch him more value if he would sell them in the Essence shop.

Due to that idea, Dilan's Essence Points kept increasing drastically.

'That's how I like it! Gaining a lot while a bunch of Tier-4 powerhouses fight…just to die at my hands later!'

384 Reaping benefits

The fight of the fire engulfed Spinosaurus and the four Berserk Sea Serpents was more than just a little bit interesting.

Dilan watched it in shock, clearly understanding that his victory against the Sea Serpent was something that could be considered to be a great stroke of luck.

Even the two severely injured Sea Serpents were still powerful enough to bite the Spinosaurus once before they succumbed to their ill fate not long afterward.

Their bites caused various bones in the Spinosaurus' body to get crushed and their enhanced poison had begun to affect the Tier-4 Overlord of the abandoned island almost immediately.

However, instead of growing slower or weaker, the Spinosaurus' strength seemed to increase after its bone had been crushed and its body poisoned.

"Is that monster like me? Getting stronger the lower the Health stats becomes?" Dilan had wondered at that time before he had shot forward to reach the two Sea Serpents that had been severely injured at that point.

The Spinosaurus had wildly thrashed them around after they had sunk their fangs into its flesh to get rid of the serpents while injuring them in the process, and Dilan was trying to reap benefits from that.

He had rushed in their direction to deliver the final blow using the Cursed Dagger to pierce their eyes and dig deeper.

Dilan was the one who killed the Tier-4 Sea Serpents without having done anything special. His contribution was almost non-existent in the battle but he was still proud of himself.

He had been the reason for the four Sea Serpents to fight each other, and that the Spinosaurus had crawled out of the mountain to fight the four Sea Serpents.

And as of now, everything was going according to his plan…and to his amazement, even better than that!

The corpses of the two Sea Serpents were stored in his storage ring that had been enlarged once again, fitting the humongous monster corpses easily.

The lightly injured Sea Serpent was coiling around the Spinosaurus, crushing dozens of bones while the transformed and unscathed red-scaled Sea Serpent had finished preparing a searing hot blast of water.

The Red-scaled Sea Serpent released the water blast without hesitation and it impacted on the Spinosaurus' head.

The Spinosaurus responded to this by manifesting flames around its head so as to reduce the water jet into harmless hot steam.

Unfortunately, this didn't work as it hoped for and the Spinosaurus ended up getting its face scorched due to the scalding water that melted its flesh and reached its skull while its body was crushed.

Simultaneously, the Sea Serpent that had coiled around its body sustained more and more injuries. The monster's entire body was burning and it was roasted by the powerful flames that revolved around the body of the Spinosaurus.

But that seemed like a sacrifice the Sea Serpent was willing to make.

Dilan was quite astonished by this. After all, the four Berserk Sea Serpents had been fighting against each other due to his usage of the [Berserk Fog] treasures.

'Are these Sea Serpents one giant family? If not, why is that Sea Serpent willing to sacrifice itself needlessly if the Spinosaurus is on the verge of death?' Dilan wondered, clearly seeing that its blue scales were melting.

The Sea Serpent must be in tremendous pain, yet, it didn't even think about loosening its grasp around the Spinosaurus. On the contrary, it coiled even tighter around the Spinosaurus' body, forcing the monster to change its approach of attack.

The vast majority of the Spinosaurus' skull was exposed, and one of its eyes had been destroyed. There was a gaping hole in its eye socket, and Dilan could clearly see the huge Essence crystal that was embedded deep inside the monster's rather small brain.

"Only a Gold Tier-4 monster?" Dilan wondered, shocked that the Spinosaurus didn't have an Essence crystal of a higher quality. It's stats were certainly at or around 1200 Units and it had been strong enough to pose a threat to four powerful Berserk Tier-4 monsters, whose stats weren't too low than itself.

Two of them had been severely injured but it was a great achievement, nonetheless.

The Spinosaurus changed its tactic. It moved its head downward, and a huge head created out of compressed flames emerged around the Spinosaurus' upper body.

The head looked just like a ginormous crocodile head that closed its massive maw around the tail of the Sea Serpent.

It was a bloody sight and awfully stinky as the humongous blazing crocodile head tore out huge chunks of the Sea Serpent's body.

Blood spurted through the surrounding, the smell of burning and charred flesh wafted through the air and the painful hiss of the Sea Serpent reverberated in everyone's ears.

The painful hiss could be heard all over the abandoned island and all the monsters halted in their tracks.

They didn't dare to approach the center of the abandoned island anymore, and their instincts told them to run away as fast as possible to avoid facing the same fate as the third Sea Serpent.

It was a torturous death, one they wanted to avoid at all costs.

Even Dilan felt a bit sorry for the Sea Serpent, whose body was being torn apart, slowly killing it.

However, he didn't even think of missing this opportunity. He saw that the transformed Sea Serpent with red scales shot forward in an attempt to save its brethren.

Its eyes turned crimson red and the monster's strength increased momentarily.

"It has both a special trait that allows it to metamorph when turning Berserk, and it has an actual transformation ability as well? Is that Sea Serpent a cosplayer, or what?!" Dilan wondered. He shook his head and felt a bit weirded out but the situation was certainly to his advantage.

He could tell that the stats of the transformed Sea Serpent were about the same as the Spinosaurus.

This was pretty great, especially when the huge blazing crocodile head bit off the head of the third Sea Serpent before the head was thrown several hundred meters away into the air.

What was left on the ground was only a twitching body and the head of the Sea Serpent that would die in the following seconds or minutes.

And Dilan rushed to exactly that twitching head, and he pierced through the backside of the cut head. The Cursed Dagger dug deep inside the flesh until he reached the monster's brain which he pierced through easily.

The monster died at his hands and he stored the head, including the Essence Crystal inside his storage ring.

"This is really a huge gain…now little Spino…kill the red snake and die in the process. That way, everything will be a lot easier for me," Dilan spoke in amusement.

Even if the Spinosaurus wouldn't die while killing the metamorphosed Sea Serpent, it was already severely injured and would face even worse injuries during the fight. Dilan would be given the opportunity to launch a secret attack, and to kill the monster.

He may not be in possession of extremely high stats that exceeded 1000 Units but Dilan was ready to use up some Essence Points if that was necessary to kill the Spinosaurus.

After all, he would make more gains by becoming the actual Overlord of the abandoned island after all the other powerful existences had been killed.

'There might be a few more Tier-4 existences on the abandoned island, but none of them is as powerful as the Spinosaurus, that is for sure!' Dilan thought before he smiled lightly upon seeing what was going on in front of him.


385 Suicidal

Dilan's eyes lit up in delight.

Witnessing the destructive battle between the red-scaled Sea Serpent and the Blazing Spinosaurus was something he wouldn't be able to see for a long time after the abyssal-difficult advancement mission was over.

Thus, Dilan watched everything that happened with great vigilance and detail.

"It doesn't feel like they are activating their system's abilities but that everything they do is incorporated in their mind and body as if they do it on will. Is that what happens when you advance to Tier-4?" He wondered as he watched the Spinosaurus bone fin vibrate on its back.

This caused a terrifyingly loud noise that ended up affecting the Sea Serpent that had been targeted by the attack. The red-scaled Sea Serpent was weakened a bit, which provided the opportunity for the Blazing Spinosaurus to appear in front of the Sea Serpent and to dig its claws and massive head deep into the monster's flesh.

The Spinosaurus tore apart the Sea Serpent's flesh. Yet, instead of accepting to get eaten alive, the red-scaled Sea Serpent retaliated in an instant. The red scales that were gobbled by the Spinosaurus began to glow brightly before they exploded in the throat, mouth, and stomach of the beast.

Dilan's eyes widened at this sight. The explosive red scales were not extremely powerful against Tier-4 existences but they were like tiny grenades with huge firepower. Tier-3 monsters would die the moment a single red scale would explode in their stomach.

The Blazing Spinosaurus didn't escape the explosions unscathed. It sustained mild injuries that worsened with every move the Blazing Spinosaurus did.

Meanwhile, the red-scaled Sea Serpent had yet to finish retaliating against the Blazing Spinosaurus. It turned its huge head in the Spinosaurus' direction and created a second searing hot water blast. It intended to kill the Spinosaurus by blasting the highly compressed water straight at the Spinosaurus with as much force as possible.

This would inevitably lead to a worse injury and hopefully kill the Spinosaurus.

However, Dilan just shook his head.

"The water blasts require too much time to be used properly…though it is extremely powerful," He mumbled mostly to himself as he saw that the Blazing Spinosaurus disappeared from its position, leaving behind an afterimage created out of blazing flames.

It reappeared above the Sea Serpent's head and sunk its huge claws deep into the head of the monster that tried to shake its head by throwing itself around.

Unfortunately, it was already too late at this point. The Spinosaurus' large and razor-sharp claws had dug deep into the skull of the Sea Serpent that struggled with all its might.

Huge blazing flames shrouded the Spinosaurus' claws, seemingly enlarging them in the process. The sound of loud cracks reverberated through the surrounding area and Dilan's eyes widened slightly.

"It's already over? That's quite disappointing…I didn't expect the red-scaled Sea Serpent to die so quickly…" He blurted out in disappointment before he sensed something that caused his eyes to widen even further. He swallowed his saliva and turned around in an instant.

A single drop of sweat trickled down his forehead after he activated [Switch] to reallocate some of his Health, Stamina, and Mana to his Agility, just to use more than 40 Mana Units, thereby activating [Thunder Step] and 15 Units of Mana to activate [Second Acceleration].

For a moment, Dilan's Agility crossed 1000 Units, burdening his body to an extent Dilan had never faced before.

However, what he faced was even more dangerous than straining his body, or sustaining injuries from being in possession of too high stats. The red-scaled Sea Serpent had used every single bit of its mana at once and its red scales had begun to light up at the same time.

Dilan might be mistaking something but he was pretty sure that the red-scaled Sea Serpent was doing something suicidal.

The monster knew that it was going to die fighting the Blazing Spinosaurus and that its efforts to save itself would be futile. Thus, instead of accepting its death just like everyone would have been forced to do, the red-scaled Sea Serpent wanted to make one last attempt to take the Blazing Spinosaurus down and with itself into the afterlife.

In a suicidal move, it overcharged its red scales with mana and allowed all of them to explode simultaneously.

The might of the hand grenade-like scales that could injure Tier-3 monsters had been elevated to the power of a proper bomb with the might of hundreds of thousand tiny scales to lay destruction.

'This fucking shithead will destroy the entire abandoned island!!' Dilan could only think as he rushed in the direction of the abandoned island that was the farthest from their current position.

Dilan didn't know how much time he was left with but he used all his might and an Agility equal to 1000 times the average human before the Primordial Ascension.

This was more than enough to allow him to reach the desired position in seconds. No sooner had that happened, Dilan heard a tiny crackling noise that sounded almost as if a spark had been ignited and he instinctively turned around.

Goosebumps spread all over his body in an instant and he could hardly prevent his entire being from freezing in place, just like all the other monsters, who stared blankly in the direction of the abandoned island's center.

"Fuck it…" He could only curse as the humongous explosion that entered his sight all of a sudden was reflected in his eyes.

Without hesitation, he used all his might to turn in the direction of the wide ocean as he jumped as far as possible.

And just a moment later, Xealtron was stored in his storage ring, replaced by Balzaki, the heavy greatsword that was supposed to pull him faster deep into the pits of the ocean.

'I will fucking kill you if you drowned the entire island, you fucking serpent!!' Dilan thought in frustration as he took a deep breath before he entered the depths of the ocean.

He was sinking quickly, and one would usually look deep into the abyss-like darkness of the ocean. However, Dilan was much more concerned about the darkness than the shockwave that blasted through the air. It was a searing hot heatwave that swept through the air.

It eradicated every single living being it encountered, whether they were Tierless, or Tier-4 existences. Dilan swallowed his saliva, wondering what the hell his influence had led to.

'I'm basically at fault for the death of all beings that had been on the abandoned island, right?' He wondered for a moment, feeling somehwat weirded out and excited at the same time.

After all, if the system accepted his influence of the situation, it was not impossible for him to make use of all the Essence crystals…if they didn't melt or break due to the searing heat the Sea Serpent's suicidal bombing action had caused in the first place.

However, Dilan didn't even have the necessary time to think about this because something of far more importance happened moments after the Sea Serpents had committed suicide.

A painful howl reverberated through the entire ocean, carried by the water currents and Dilan's gaze involuntarily moved down to the base of the Ocean, where he saw something that caused his heart to skip a beat.

Ginormous emerald glowing eyes several times the size of the humongous Sea Serpents could be seen in the darkness of the ocean, and even without truly understanding who exactly these eyes belong to, Dilan figured out a particular fact that shocked him to the core.

'The island is actually a… monster?!''

386 Living Island

Back to the surface, Dilan felt a shudder running down his spine.

He was actually afraid of what he had seen at the base of the ocean. It had been far more frightening than the thought of fighting the four Berserk Sea Serpents and the Blazing Spinosaurus at the same time.

The abandoned island was still standing strong and Dilan rushed to the somewhat glassy beach as the surface of the sand beach had been turned into fragments of glass owing to the searing heat the shockwave of the explosion had caused.

However, all of that didn't matter to Dilan as he looked back to the darkness of the ocean, which caused him to twitch involuntarily.

"Is the abandoned island a tortoise shell?" He wondered, looking back to the island that had been turned upside down. Even if he didn't want to see it, Dilan could hardly not look at the huge hole the Sea Serpent's explosion had caused. The entire forest had been burned down and reduced to ashes. The only remnants he could see of all the monsters that had been on the surface when the explosion had been caused were their Essence crystals.

Not even their skeletons were left behind, and everything seemed to have been devoured by the explosion, giving Dilan the chills.

The hole caused by the Sea Serpent's suicidal attack was like a huge crater and upon looking closely, Dilan could even see a large red crevice that seemed to be pulsating.

He presumed this crevice to be the wound that had caused the turtle, or whatever it was to scream out in pain. The Island turtle hadn't moved after the scream, which was what made Dilan think a lot.

"The wound is healing rapidly and it doesn't seem to be deep. Does that mean the turtle just screamed because it was startled by the sudden and unexpected injury?" Dilan wondered, feeling thankful that he didn't have to spend the next 30ish hours in the wide ocean until he would be teleported back to Milarn.

Fighting in the Ocean was definitely not something Dilan was capable of. He would be at a disadvantage and even Tier-3 monsters would be capable enough to kill him.

Dilan was glad that he could avoid the ocean as much as possible, but that didn't really mean the situation was great.

"Basically all the monsters on the abandoned island are dead. The mountain is still standing strong and the pulling force is also there…does that mean a third Night Invasion will happen?" Dilan wondered, not sure whether he wanted a third, and even stronger night invasion to occur.

The second night invasion seemed to have ended because the harrowing scream of the Island turtle scared all the marine monsters witless. They wouldn't dare to approach the abandoned island for the next few hours.

With that in mind, Dilan tried to calm his heart by collecting all the Essence crystals that littered all over the entire abandoned island.

Collecting all the Essence crystals took him quite a while. There were far more than he imagined, and Dilan was only done by afternoon the following day.

Less than 24 hours were left on the timer of his abyssal-difficulty mission so Dilan decided to make a few purchases.

"So many Essence crystals…" He mumbled, trying to gauge if it would be possible for him to advance to the peak of Tier-2 the moment he finished his advancement mission.

In the end, there were roughly 1.5 million Tier-2 Essence crystals, close to 50,000 Ter-3 crystals, and a total of 9 Tier-4 Essence crystals in his possession.

Even Tier-4 monsters had met a horrible death due to the aftermath of the Sea Serpent's explosion, which was exactly what Dilan had presumed.

This didn't make it any less terrifying, especially since Dilan was the only living being on the abandoned island, if one ignored the fact that the abandoned island was located on the back of a being he presumed to be at Tier-5.

Dilan wondered how many Tiers existed, to begin with, but it was not as if he could receive an answer to that so easily.

He could only access the chat of the Divinity Mission Board and ask a few more questions.

[What is the highest Tier someone can reach?]

[Can every race/monster reach the highest Tier, or are there any differences in the innate potential of beings?]

These two questions were something Dilan wanted to know the answer to right now. Unfortunately, he was already known as someone who only asked questions and that he would never answer their questions even if it was related to his question or anything else.

He didn't even give any reasons for why he asked such specific questions or anything similar to that.

However, that was not really important for Dilan because there were always a few Ascenders, who were ready to answer his questions as they were quite interesting. His questions were not dumb either and it was totally justified to be curious about all the things he asked.

But Dilan also realized that there were a few things he had not thought about properly before. The combination of his questions allowed many intelligent Ascenders to make their own conclusion about his situation, especially his questions about the Growth type armor set called Hyel Destructo.

Thus, Dilan shouldn't have been surprised when someone figured out his current location.

[Are you currently working on a highly difficult advancement mission? Considering the questions you are asking, your planet or origin has probably undergone the Primordial Ascension fairly recently. If this is your advancement mission to Tier-4, and you are one of the faster Ascenders on your origin planet, let me give you some advice.

Completing the given mission will only allow you to receive the basic rewards of the advancement mission; to advance to the next Tier. Doing more than necessary will always fetch you more rewards even if the dangers are great. The system will reward hardworking beings, and you may even receive more benefits than you can imagine.

If you are working on a highly difficult advancement mission, you may receive the authority to open hidden shops or access secret places. Use the hidden shop as well as possible, and buy the Hyel Destructo armor set! You definitely won't regret it as long as you have the necessary wealth to purchase the armor set and to pay the fee to bring it back to your place.


The text message was really long and all the information Dilan received through it was very helpful.

There were a few things he didn't really understand but that was not important because he noticed something that bothered him quite a bit, something he had already expected to happen.

'So everything I procure in the dimension of the abandoned island will cost me Essence points to return it to Milarn?' He wondered, feeling iffy about this news.

From the looks of it, he couldn't bring back all the Essence crystals he had procured, let alone Xealtron, without paying a 'fee'. Dilan was not sure how expensive that was but it was certainly not something he felt great about.

"System, how expensive is it to bring Xealtron to Milarn after ends?" He asked out loud, hoping for the system to respond nicely.

However, the system notification he had received caused Dilan to frown deeply.

[The Cursed Dagger requires a fee of 3,500,000 Essence Points to be paid to be brought back to Milarn!]

"10 times the purchase price…will the same be the case for the Hyel Destructo armor set and the Essence crystals?" Dilan wondered, feeling like punching the system. It could have notified him about something as important as this earlier.

He shook his head and felt thankful for the lengthy message he had received in the Divinity Mission Board chat.

Thus, he accessed it once again.

[Ariel Silvertale, thank you very much!]

387 Hyel Destructo

[The Pseudo-Platinum Tier-3 Level 0 Essence crystal of the Blue Flood Dragon requires a few of 700,000 Essence Points to be paid to be brought back to Milarn!]

"The fees to bring something back to Milarn are 10x the price of the item. That means I would have to sell 10 Tier-2 Essence crystals to bring one back…" Dilan concluded with a slightly frustrated expression.

He was trying to figure out what kind of tactic he should utilize in order to make sure that he would gain the most.

There was still a pulling force he could feel coming from the center of the abandoned island, which was why Dilan presumed a third Night Invasion to happen soon. It was not something certain because the Island turtle's scream might have scared everyone enough to prevent them from returning for the time being but Dilan thought that he could expect the third night invasion to happen.

"Sell all Tier-2 and Tier-3 Essence crystals and the Flesh of the three Berserk Sea Serpents!" Dilan thus ordered before he received a system notification.

[The host is willing to sell 1,542,159 Tier-2, 49,915 Tier-3 Essence crystals, and the flesh of 2.5 Berserk Humongous Drakyl Sea Serpent for 9,246,100,000 Essence Points. Proceed transaction?]

"The fuck…" Dilan blurted out in shock before proceeding with the transaction.

[Essence Points. 9,250,642,400]

For a few seconds, he stared blankly at the humongous number of Essence Points he had just gained.

There may not be a single monster left alive on the abandoned island but that didn't really seem to matter anymore because he had gotten his hands on a whopping amount of more than nine million Essence points.

Making use of them would already be extremely difficult.

"System, give me the Hyel Destructo Growth-type Armor set and take the fee to allow me to bring it back to Milarn as well…" He instructed before a bright light appeared in front of him.

[The host has purchased the Growth-type Armor-set . 10,000,000 Essence Points have been deducted!]

[The host paid for the transfer fee of the Growth-type Armor-set . 100,000,000 Essence Points have been deducted]

"Deduct the transfer fee for Xealtron as well!" Dilan added nonchalantly when he saw the messages appearing in front of him.

[The host paid for the transfer fee of the Cursed Gold Tier-2 treasure . 3,500,000 Essence points have been deducted!]

"And what now?" Dilan wondered for a moment, not sure if he should already pay the transfer fee for the nine Tier-4 Essence crystals. He was not sure if it was actually worth bringing them back to Milarn because he might as well get his hands on other new things than to waste a few million Essence Points just to bring his old weapons back.

This was especially the case since their contribution in killing most of the Tier-4 monsters had been negligible. Only one of the nine Tier-4 Essence crystals was fully utilized in his efforts.

'Whatever, I should first look at the stats of the Hyel Destructo armor set!' Dilan ended up thinking before he accessed his storage ring to take a look at the armor set that had appeared in it.

The Hyel Destructo armor set was created out of metals that were crimson and silver in color. The armor set was basically a lightweight metal armor. It consisted of flexible metal gloves, comfortable metal boots, a chestplate, extremely flexible metal pants that made it seem as if they were fashionable sweatpants, and a helmet if one could call it such.

The helmet of the Hyel Destructo armor set was a headring that could be customized as well.

In fact, every single part of the armor could be customized according to the wearer's desires, whether it was the shape of the armor set, or the size to make the wearer feel comfortable.

Dilan felt like a small child, who was allowed to play around with his toys and it took him a minute before he got back to his senses.

He got rid of his excess clothing and quickly put on the Hyel Destructo armor to make use of.

[Is the host willing to bind the Hyel Destructo Growth-type Armor set to his soul? The Armor can be stored in the host's Soul, and summoned at will!]

When Dilan read that message, his face brightened and he readily agreed to bind the armor set to his soul. It would make things a lot easier that way.

Dilan felt a sting in the center of his chest and it took a while until the pain had worn off. However, when the pain had ebbed, he could freely remove and summon each of the armor pieces, whenever he wanted.

This was quite exciting and more than enough reason for Dilan to end up taking a look at the Ungraded ★ armor set's stats!

[[Hyel Destructo] Ungraded ★ treasure

-Headring of Hyel Insight- treasure

[+2 Mana]

[Power Appraisal] The host can determine the strength of all kinds of opponents up to Tier-2(rank will increase with the upgrades of the Headring of Hyel Insight!)

-Gloves of Destructo and Power- treasure

[+1 Strength], [+1 Mana]

[Breaker]: The host can destroy all kinds of treasures at the same rank as the Gloves of Destructo and Power

-Boots of Hyel Space- treasure

[+2 Agility]

[Short-distance traveling] The host can teleport to any place of his choice within a radius of 50 meters. Three uses a day!

-Chestplate of Hyel Strength and Endurance- treasure

[+2 Strength], [+3 Health]

[Power-Up] The host can increase his Strength and Health by 10% for 20 seconds. Three uses a day!

-Trousers of Hyel Gravitation- treasure

[+1 Strength], [+1 Health], [+1 Stamina], [+1 Agility], [+1 Mana]

[Master of Gravity] The host can change the gravitational force that weighs on him for 10 Seconds. One use a day!

-Set boost 5/5-

+5% all stats

+15% Physique

[Power of Destruction] -The host has to comprehend this power!-

[Heightened Mana Affinity]- Better Mana control, faster mana replenishment, stronger mana output, and more!-

[Regeneration] As long as the core of the equipment has not been destroyed, the Hyel Destruco Armor-Set can regenerate over time!

Soul bound by Dilan Cier

Dilan was pretty satisfied with both the abilities and the stats he received from the Hyel Destructo Armor-set. All pieces of equipment had yet to increase their quality, let alone Tier-ranking.

Increasing both would inevitably increase the Armor-set's stats and the abilities of every single piece of equipment.

This was something Dilan looked forward to, which was also why he reconsidered using the nine Tier-4 crystals to increase the ranking of all his equipment right away.

However, he didn't upgrade his equipment immediately.

Instead, he tested out all the new abilities he had received. He sensed the high mana density around him and pulled it toward him rapidly.

Without a trace of hesitation, he attempted to make use of the Power of Destruction but Dilan had yet to understand what exactly this power was.

Thus, his attempt ended up failing miserably.

But what wasn't an utter failure was using the [Power Appraisal]. Dilan looked into the darkness of the Ocean, where he could see the outlines of numerous monsters.

It was possible for him to see some of their strength, while question marks popped in his head whenever there were monsters stronger than what he could see using Power Appraisal.

Afterward, Dilan continued to experiment until he was satisfied with the results.

And it was only at this point that Dilan was ready to use his Tier-4 Essence crystals to upgrade the Hyel Destructo armor set!

388 Artifact of Traction

Dilan didn't hesitate to absorb the ginormous Essence from eight of the nine Tier-4 Essence crystals he had collected.

His body felt like bursting apart but that was not something Dilan minded right now. He focused on equally distributing the Essences that ravaged his body on all five pieces of the set.

The five pieces of equipment shone brightly and Dilan could clearly feel that they were being upgraded rapidly.

Their power increased, which Dilan immediately felt as his stats increased without a delay.

In the end, it didn't take him more than 10 minutes to finish upgrading the Hyel Destructor armor set. Dilan was exhausted but he looked at the upgraded stats eagerly.

[[Hyel Destructo] Platinum Tier-1 treasure

-Headring of Hyel Insight- treasure

[+20 Mana]

[Power Appraisal] The host can appraise the strength of all kinds of opponents up to the peak of Tier-3(rank will increase with the upgrades of the Headring of Hyel Insight!)

-Gloves of Destructo and Power- treasure

[+20 Strength], [+10 Mana]

[Breaker]: The host can destroy all kinds of treasures at the same rank as the Gloves of Destructo and Power

-Boots of Hyel Space- treasure

[+30 Agility]

[Short-distance traveling] The host can teleport to any place of his choice within a radius of 200 meters. Ten uses a day!

-Chestplate of Hyel Strength and Endurance- treasure

[+10 Strength], [+30 Health]

[Power-Up] The host can increase his Strength and Health by 20% for 60 seconds. Three uses a day!

-Trousers of Hyel Gravitation- treasure

[+8 Strength], [+8 Health], [+8 Stamina], [+8 Agility], [+8 Mana]

[Master of Gravity] The host can change the gravitational force that weighs on him for 60 Seconds. Three uses a day!

-Set boost 5/5-

+5% all stats

+15% Physique

[Power of Destruction] -The host has to comprehend this power!-

[Heightened Mana Affinity]-Better Mana control, faster mana replenishment, stronger mana output and more!-

[Regeneration] As long as the core of the equipment has not been destroyed, the Hyel Destruco Armor-Set can regenerate over time!

Soul bound by Dilan Cier]

"Upgrading them requires a lot more Essence than I expected…but it is definitely worth it !" Dilan nodded his head in satisfaction. He had still one Tier-4 Essence crystal left but he didn't feel like using it for now.

His treasures were at a good ranking right now, and the only thing he could think of replacing was the [Necklace of Replication] and the [Ring of Ice].

He didn't wear any earrings, or bracelets either. All of these missing items were things he could purchase in the Essence Shop.

After all, he was in possession of more than enough Essence Points to get his hand on everything he wished for.

"System, calculate how many Essence Points I would require to pay the transfer fee for all the monster's body parts and the remaining Tier-4 Essence crystal!" Dilan ordered with great interest, however, his hopes came crashing down upon reading through the message that looked worse than he would have expected.

[865,400,000 Essence Points are required to transfer all the desired goods back to Milarn!]

The system notification was clear, and the figure was a bit bothersome, especially since Dilan didn't want to pay that much in the beginning.

However, the body parts of the Tier-3 and Tier-4 monsters he had collected would be very valuable for the blacksmiths and his Ascenders.

"I will focus on myself first and if I have enough Essence points left afterward, I can reconsider this transfer…" Dilan ended up concluding but the frown on his face didn't disappear.

Dilan continued to search through the Essence Shop in hopes of finding something good. He could purchase a slave for up to 800,000,000 Essence points and bring him or her back to Milarn with his remaining Essence points but that was not really worth it in his opinion.

Controlling a Tier-4 slave was quite dangerous while he was merely advancing to Tier-2 as well. The Slave seal put on the Tier-4 slave would also be engraved on him to mark him as his or her master.

However, being of a much lower Tier would only pose tricky problems for him to control the slave that should better be avoided.

That was also why Dilan decided to browse through the shop and look at more new weapons because he had gotten a nice feeling while wielding Xealtron.

Balzaki was much weaker in comparison, but that was only obvious.

In the end, Dilan didn't purchase a new weapon but a few new accessories.

[[Blood Eclipse Necklace]

[+80 Mana]

[Demon Summoning] The host can summon a Tier-3 Demon with the use of 50 to 200 Units of Mana. Controlling the Tier-3 Demon will use up three Mana Units every minute. Summoning Duration 60 Minutes.]

[[Divine Protection Bracelet] treasure

[+80 Mana]

[Divine Protection] With the use of 50 to 200 Units of Mana, the host can create the Divine Protection, a huge shield that belongs to the unique powers of the Childs of Light.]

[Ring of Inferno] treasure

[+80 Mana]

[Inferno of Disintegration] Creates a devastating inferno with the use of 50 to 200 Units of Mana. For a period of 60 seconds, the host will be resistant to the manifested Inferno.]

Dilan purchased these three treasures in exchange for 60,000,000 Essence Points. Adding the transfer fee on top of it, made his total payable sum reach 660,000,000 Essence Points.

Each of the treasures had cost double the price as the Hyel Destructo Armor Set, which was a hefty sum but Dilan was pretty certain that he would need all three accessories on Milarn sooner or later.

Furthermore, he didn't have to level them up by using a humongous amount of Essences. Nonetheless, Dilan felt like he had made an extraordinarily advantageous deal buying the Hyel Destructo armor set for such a cheap price.

And even if he didn't require the three accessories he had purchased just now, the lack of mana had always been the biggest problem in his fighting style. Now he could go all in without the need to worry about his low Mana reserve.

Right now, he couldn't wear the three rings because he had yet to advance to Tier-2 and he didn't meet any special requirements that would allow him to wear them right now.

However, that was of no concern for Dilan.

He rather focused on other things that attracted his interest much more than overthinking stuff he couldn't change either way.

"Artifact of Traction, the most sought treasure of the fallen Empire of Beasts? What the hell…" Dilan mumbled in confusion, only for his heart to skip a few beats when he realized a few things.

First, he could clearly feel that the Artifact of Traction was something his Origin ability desired. Dilan had no idea why that was the case or how it was even possible for his Origin ability to be affected by something that was not even physically present around him, but it was obvious that he had to buy it.

And that was where the big problem came into the picture.

[[Artifact of Traction] -1,000,000,000 Essence Points + transfer fee -10,000,000,000-]

"Who the hell was the idiot, who said that he had more than enough Essence Points? It cannot be me…because I'm missing around 2.5 billion Essence points right here…" Dilan could only grumble quietly as he shook his head in disbelief.

'Looks like I have to work a bit harder in the next few hours…'