

Chapter 214 - Melancholy

Wang Lin's eyes became serious. Elder Li, disciple of the Luo He Sect from the country of Huo Fen… These two sentences floated in his head as a name suddenly came to mind.

"Not possible…" Wang Lin secretly thought. How could there be such coincidence in this world? Could the girl from back then have become an elder of the Cloud Sky Sect?

Wang Lin let out a fake smile and thought that he was overthinking it.

In a voice filled with regret, Cheng Xian said, "Elder Li is a genius of her generation. Back in the country of Hou Fen, she was already famous. The country of Hou Fen was invaded, causing the Luo He sect to collapse and all of the disciples to scatter. If not for that, Elder Li wouldn't have come here."

Wang Lin nodded, but didn't speak as he kept walking forward.

Cheng Xian blinked a few times and quickly followed Wang Lin. He asked, "Elder martial brother, when are we going to the western courtyard?"

Wang Lin looked at the sky and said, "After I see the master, I'll take you to the western courtyard. But, like I told you before, I don't know that girl. I don't even know her name. If it doesn't work, then oh well."

Cheng Xian was stunned. Then, he looked away and said, "No problem, I know her name. All you have to do is ask to see her. Brother, I believe in my intuition. That girl will definitely come out to see you."

Wang Lin didn't say anymore as he continued to walk toward the southern courtyard.

During the entire trip, Cheng Xian almost never stopped talking. It was clear that he was someone who was good at talking. He shared all of the news, gossip, and rumors about the Cloud Sky Sect.

The way he talked was almost too lively, so Wang Lin didn't get irritated listening to him. Just like that, the two of them arrived at the southern courtyard.

"It has to be said that Elder Li hasn't been in the sect for long. She has only been here for about 100 years, but her alchemy skill is beyond amazing. I heard that back then, Elder Li competed with the two rank 5 alchemists in the Cloud Sky Sect. She didn't fall behind them at all and succeeded in refining a rank 5 Demon Cultivation pill, which is one of the three treasures of our sect." When he was talking about the pill, Cheng Xian revealed a look of admiration.

"Demon Cultivation pill?" Wang Lin was stunned. The name of this pill was too strange. Could it that be if you consume the pill, you could turn into a demon?

Cheng Xian saw Wang Lin's expression. He quickly let out a proud smile and said, "Hehe, that pill does have a weird name. When the pill was created, the ancestor asked Elder Li to think of a name. After Elder Li thought for a while, she came up with that name. Although the pill's name is Demon Cultivation, it has nothing to do with cultivating into a demon."

"What effect does this pill have?" Wang Lin thought it was very strange. This pilled was call Demon Cultivation and this Elder Li was from the country of Hou Fen and from the Li Hui sect. There must be some connection there.

"The effects of this pill are great, but I don't really know what the exact effects are." Cheng Xian shrugged his shoulders and said, "With my position, how could I know the effect of the pill? That pill is considered one of the three great treasures of our sect."

Wang Lin didn't mind. He nodded his head. After a while, the two arrived outside of the southern courtyard. What appeared before Wang Lin was an arched bridge with water flowing under it. were The water emitted waves of spiritual energy

Inside the water were countless 7 color carps, leisurely swimming inside.

Cheng Xian stopped before the bridge and smiled. "There is another rumor regarding the Demon Cultivation pill. Does brother want to hear it?"

"I'm all ears." Wang Lin's eyes followed the bridge into the courtyard, however, there was a restriction blocking him from looking in too deep. He could vaguely see the elegant environment inside. It was like the garden of eden.

Cheng Xian proudly said, "The rumor is that Elder Li lived in the Sea of Devils for a while. The name of the pill is related to an event that she experienced there. Of course, this is only a rumor. In fact, there are a lot of rumors about Elder Li in the Cloud Sky Sect. We'll have a good talk about them later."

After Wang Lin heard this, his expression remained calm. He clasped his hands toward Cheng Xian and walked toward the bridge.

Cheng Xian quickly shouted, "Brother Wang Lin, I'll wait for you here. Don't forget that we have something to do after this!"

Wang Lin didn't respond. He walked across the bridge.

After entering the southern courtyard, the fog became even thicker. He couldn't see anything more than 3 feet in front of him. If Wang Lin's main body was here, it wouldn't bother him at all. All he would have to do was spread out his divine sense and he would be able to see everything.

But, right now, Wang Lin's avatar was only at the 8th layer, so he could only slowly walk forward.

The deeper he went, the thicker the fog got. His vision gradually reduced from 3 feet to 1 foot.

A voice floated out from the fog.

"The southern courtyard is a restricted area. If outer disciple doesn't have a token, you may not enter."

Wang Lin stopped. He replied, "Disciple Wang Lin is here to greet teacher's teacher, Elder Li."

The voice pondered for a while, then the fog before Wang Lin opened up as if there was a giant pair of hands spreading it open. A path that lead deep into the southern courtyard appeared.

"Follow this path and you will arrive at Elder Li's residence. Go now." The voice appeared again and Wang Lin could hear a hint of envy in the voice.

Wang Lin followed the path without a word. The sound of an instrument could be heard in the distance. Shortly after, Wang Lin arrived at the end of the path, where a building awaited him.

Looking into the window, there was the figure of a woman. Before her was a zither. However, due to a thin layer of curtain, Wang Lin couldn't see what she looked like.

The moment Wang Lin appeared, a song came out of the building and entered Wang Lin's heart like a flowing river.

Wang Lin didn't say a word, but stood there and listened to the song. After the song was over, an elegant voice came out of the building. "You are Wang Lin?"

The moment the voice entered Wang Lin's ears, he was stunned. His face revealed a look of disbelief, but he quickly recovered. After pondering for a long time, he responded. "Yes I am."

The moment his voice came out, a sudden pop sound came from the room as the woman broke a string on her zither. Then, the window suddenly opened. Her appearance could make anyone's heart beat faster.

Her face was as beautiful as a flower and her skin was as smooth as jade. It could be said that her appearance was like a flower, her voice was like a songbird's, her soul was like the moon, and her skin was like jade.

The woman's gaze fell on Wang Lin. After looking at Wang Lin for a while, she revealed a hint of melancholy. She put down the curtain and regained her elegant composure.

Wang Lin's expression was still as calm as still water. The moment the woman spoke, he had already figured out her identity. He didn't expect that, after all these years, that girl would become an elder in the Cloud Sky Sect.

Although Wang Lin's avatar's cultivation wasn't high, he still had his keen instinct. He could tell that this woman's cultivation was at the early stage of Core Formation. In any other sect, it would be strange for the teacher and disciple to have the same cultivation level, but it was not strange in the Cloud Sky Sect.

The inner yard measured someone's worth by their alchemy skill, not their cultivation.

As a result, in the inner yard of the Cloud Sky Sect, there were a lot of cases of the teacher having lower a cultivation level than the disciple. This was because the Cloud Sky Sect had a different type of scale compared to everyone else.

Of course, some pills would require a certain level of cultivation to be refined. So, for certain pills, the person would need to increase their cultivation.

In this world, there were few people like Li Muwan, who could make rank 5 pills that would normally require someone to be as high the Nascent Soul stage to refine.

Wang Lin secretly sighed. The so called time changes a person was like this. 200 years wasn't exactly long, but not short either.

She was several times more beautiful than before. 200 years ago felt like just yesterday. However, there was still a big gap between the two, a gap that Wang Lin wouldn't so easily cross.

Wang Lin didn't have any plans to reveal himself. His appearance was also different from when he first met Li Muwan, so she wouldn't figure out that it was him from his looks.

"What is it?" Li Muwan's voice was still filled with a hint of sadness.

Wang Lin took a deep breath and bitterly smiled in his heart. He said, "Dis…disciple…" Facing an old friend, Wang Lin was almost unable to say the word "disciple".

When Li Muwan heard Wang Lin's voice again, her body shivered. She waved her hand and a purple veil appeared on her head. She walked out of the building and looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. He slowly said, "Disciple's pill furnace shattered."

Li Muwan looked at Wang Lin for a while. She revealed a complicated expression and asked, "Are you from the country of Chu?"

Wang Lin pondered for a bit and nodded.

Li Muwan let out a sigh. Her mood returned to normal. She said, "The pill furnace shattering must be because your cultivation has increased too quickly and you can't control the spiritual energy in your body well enough to guide the fire. This is very common. All you have to do is keep practicing and it should solve itself."

"Since you are Zhou Lin's disciple, I'll gift you this pill furnace. This pill furnace will prevent 100 shatters. If after 100 times you still can't control the fire, then that means you have no talent in alchemy and you should give up and go to the outer sect."

After Li Muwan finished speaking, she sent out the pill furnace and it floated before Wang Lin.

Wang Lin immediately put the pill furnace into his bag of holding. Although his expression was calm, he had very complex emotions floating around in his heart. Every second that he spent here, he felt like he was suffocating. He clasped his hands and turned to leave.

Li Muwan suddenly said, "Ma Liang…"

Wang Lin revealed a startled expression. He turned around and looked at Li Muwan with a confused look.

Li Muwan secretly sighed and said, "You can go. If you have any questions, you may come and ask me." After that, she returned to her residence and the sound of a zither started coming out of the building again.

This time, there was an hint of melancholy and loneliness in the song.

Wang Lin revealed a complicated expression. He directed a thoughtful look at the person inside the building. He secretly sighed and turned around to leave.

In the building, Li Muwan put down the instrument. She pondered for a while, then looked through the window into the distance. After a long time, she frowned and said, "Something is not right. How could two people sound so alike? Even if that were true, there's no way their expressions could be exactly the same. Also, that Wang Lin's expression was too calm. A normal person wouldn't be able to pull that off."

A light flashed across her eyes and she pointed at her brow. A drop of blood came out of her forehead. The blood was red and released a destructive aura.

This was the gift Wang Lin gave her when he left. This drop of blood contained a sliver of Ji Realm. Wang Lin gave it to her to protect her for the rest of her life. If it wasn't for this drop of blood, Li Muwan wouldn't have escaped the destruction of the country of Hou Fen.

"If it really was him, then why didn't this blood react to him?" Li Muwan bit her lip and let out a sigh.

At that moment, a voice suddenly came in from outside the building. "Junior martial sister, could you come out for a bit?"

Li Muwan slightly frowned and opened the door. She saw a handsome middle aged cultivator walking towards her with a warm smile on his face.

When he saw Li Muwan, he revealed an unreserved look of love and gently said, "Junior sister, a few months ago, I heard that you needed a Long Yan Zhi. I searched the entire country of Chu and finally found one." With that, he took out a jade box. Inside the jade box was a complete purple zhi that was the size of an arm.

Li Muwan's expression was dull. She didn't even look at the jade box and said, "Many thanks for senior bother Sun's kindness, but I have already found an replacement and made the pill. Brother Sun should just keep it."

The middle aged man let out a warm smile. He put the jade box to the side and gently said, "Junior sister, the ancestors mean well. After all, you aren't a direct disciple of the Cloud Sky Sect. If you wish to obtain better alchemy techniques, then you must choose a direct disciple to form a cultivating couple with. You and I have known each other for a long time. I'm sure junior sister understands how I feel about you."

A flash of coldness flashed across Li Muwan's eyes. She stared at the middle aged man and said, word for word, "Don't ever bring up this matter again!"

The middle aged man quietly looked at Li Muwan. After a long time, he calmly said, "Junior sister, if it wasn't for me saving you when the country of Fen Hou was attacked, you would be dead. How have I been to you for these past few years? I want to know why you're so against this."

Li Muwan pondered for a while. The figure of a person unconsciously floated into her mind. She stopped that thought and said, "No reason…"

The middle aged man sighed. His voice was still gentle. "Junior sister, ancestor has already personally ordered it. Everything is already set, so please consider it again." With that, he gave Li Muwan a deep look, then turned around with a bitter smile and left.

Li Muwan quietly stood outside of her house for a while, then turned around to go back in. Her back looked so sad and lonely.

Wang Lin left the southern courtyard with a complicated feeling in his heart. Just as he walked across the bridge, he saw Cheng Xian waiting for him. Cheng Xian quickly went up and asked, "Brother, how did things go?"

Wang Lin looked at him and said, "Let's go."

Cheng Xian was waiting for this sentence. He let out a smile and quickly said, "Senior, the day is almost over, so we should move quickly. Wait a bit and I'll call for 2 mounts." With that, he put two fingers in his mouth and a sharp whistling sound spread into the distance.

Shorly after, a few beast roars came in from the distance. Wang Lin looked up and saw a large and a small shadow rushing to their location.

Not long after, the shadows got close. When they arrived 10 feet from Cheng Xian, Wang Lin could clearly see that they were two apes. The large one was one and a half meters tall while the small one was one meter tall. Both apes' eyes were red. They made screeching sounds at Cheng Xian.

Cheng Xian coughed a bit and said, "I only borrowed something from you guys. We've known each other for a dozen years. Fine, carry us to the western courtyard and I'll return that thing to you guys."

The two apes breathed heavily as they screamed at each other for a while. Then, one of them grabbed toward Cheng Xian.

Cheng Xian didn't dodge and allowed the hand to grab him. The larger ape grabbed Cheng Xian's clothes and pulled him onto its back. They quickly ran and leaped into the distance.

The smaller ape looked at Wang Lin, revealing anger in its eyes. It grabbed toward Wang Lin, but Wang Lin dodged the claw and jumped onto its back. The ape didn't seem to mind and quickly chased after the larger ape.

The apes were very quick. Riding on them was like sitting on clouds. Cheng Xian seemed to be very used to this. After yelling a few times, he took out a gourd of wine and drank a gulp. He then let out a laugh and said, "Riding a spirit ape to the western courtyard. In the entire Cloud Sky Sect, only I can do this! Haha!"

Wang Lin wrily smiled. Although this Cheng Xian was very mischievous, he wasn't annoying. Although he was wasting Wang Lin's time, Wang Lin didn't care too much. In fact, because of Cheng Xian, Wang Lin's dislike of interacting with people lessened a bit.

Cheng Xian threw the gourd back to Wang Lin. Wang Lin caught the gourd and looked at it for a while. He thought of Li Muwan's expression and took a big gulp.

Chapter 215 - Lou Yue

The wine wasn't spicy. It contained a bit of a dry sweetness, but different from the spirit liquid. However, the moment the wine entered his stomach, a feeling of warmth filled his body.

Wang Lin could clearly feel that the spiritual energy in his body increased, causing him to be startled.

Cheng Xian let out a laugh and said, "This is special water filled with spiritual energy my teacher prepared to refine pills with. There isn't much of this in the entire state of Chu. I used fruits these two apes had stored for a while to make some wine. Brother, if it was anyone else, I wouldn't let them drink something this good."

The moment he said those words, the two apes let out a few angry growls. They were clearly very unhappy about what Cheng Xian did.

Shortly after, with the spirit apes' speed, the already not far western courtyard appeared before them.

The western courtyard was very different from from the southern courtyard. The entire western courtyard was floating in the air and was surrounded by clouds. If one did not look carefully, one couldn't even see the building made of white jade inside the clouds.

Cranes flew through the clouds and waves of crisp laugher emitted from the western courtyard. Within a certain range of the western courtyard, a pleasant fragrance filled the air.

Cheng Xian dreamily looked at the western courtyard. He let out a sigh and muttered, "Almost all of the female cultivators are in the western courtyard. Just think about all of the beauties inside. If I could just live in there for one year, I'd be satisfied.

Wang Lin's eyes slightly lit up. He ignored what Cheng Xian was saying and focused his attention on the restriction placed under the western courtyard. The effect of the restriction was to keep the west courtyard afloat and it also had some effect that blocked vision from the outside.

A group of cranes flew out from the mist. There were 7 or 8 girls sitting on the cranes, each one of them was as pretty as a flower and had nice curves, especially the girl in front, who was a grade above the rest. She arrived before the two on the crane. After looking at them, she shouted, "The western courtyard is a restricted area!"

After she finished, she gave Cheng Xian a fierce stare and viciously said, "Cheng Xian, why are you here again? If you are here to bug sister Tong again, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Cheng Xian pouted his lips. While rubbing the spirit ape's fur, he said, "Cheng Lin, we came from the same village, why be like this? I even held you when you were a baby. Do you still remember? I still remember that time when I was holding you and you took a piss on me."

When Wang Lin heard that, he immediately patted the spirit ape's head. The ape was also smart and quickly took a few steps back.

That girl's face quickly turned red, then green. Her face was immediately filled with rage. She slapped her bag of holding, took out three flying swords, and shouted, "You're still talking about that! This is not over!"

The three flying swords flew toward Cheng Xian like lightning.

Cheng Xian took a few steps to the side and dodged the flying swords. He took out a piece of jade and sent some spiritual power into it. Suddenly, a light screen formed, surrounding the area. He said, "Don't be mad, you were only taking a piss. Brother Xian didn't mind. Even now, if you want to take a piss…"

Before he even finished speaking, the girl's rage had reached its limit. She waved her hand and three bells appeared. The bells were emitting a crisp sound.

Wang Lin's eyes became serious. This time, the spirit ape backed up even more without his command. Wang Lin also quickly moved his hand and formed a restriction.

All of this happened almost instantly. The instant the girl rang the bell, Wang Lin finished the restriction.

Waves of crisp ringing sounds came from the bell. At first, it was soft, but it got louder and louder, until it crashed down like roaring thunder.

It was clear that the girl's anger had reached its limit. She passed her anger onto Wang Lin as well. From her point of view, someone who was with Cheng Xian couldn't be a good person.

Cheng Xian exclaimed loudly. He wrily smiled and thought that he went too far with the joke. He didn't expect her to go all out because of a piss from their childhood.

The light screen before him shook a few times under the thunderous roar, then collapsed. Cheng Xian took a deep breath and spat out a yellow light. Waves of fragrant herbs appeared with the yellow light and immediately turned into a spirit ape.

The spirit ape's body wasn't large, but it emitted a ferocious aura. The moment the spirit ape appeared, the spirit ape Cheng Xian was riding let out an angry roar and threw Cheng Xian off. It kneeled on the ground and started kowtowing toward the spirit ape formed by the yellow light.

Meanwhile, the smaller spirit ape did the same, although Wang Lin wasn't thrown off like Cheng Xian, but got off himself.

The spirit ape formed by the yellow light wasn't bothered by the incoming ringing sound at all. Its stomach bulged and he spat out a torrent of air. Suddenly, the ringing sound was blown back.

The girl's face suddenly became pale and she coughed out a small amount of blood. She fiercely stared at Cheng Xian. All of the girls behind her had anger in their eyes and took out their treasures, ready to attack.

As for the ringing sound that went toward Wang Lin, it slightly paused before his body and strangely disappeared without a trace. Although Wang Lin's cultivation was low, his keen instinct and knowledge of restrictions were still there. It was more than enough to stop the attack of a mere Core Formation junior. The restrictions landed on all of the weak points of the bell's sound waves.

The ape formed by the yellow light suddenly turned its head and looked at Wang Lin with a strange expression. Then, its body dissipated and turned back into a yellow light, which was absorbed by Cheng Xian.

"Don't attack. I'm not here to fight, but to accompany him to look for someone." Cheng Xian's face was bitter. He was thinking that he won't be able to make it into the courtyard. It was all his fault. If he hadn't offend that girl, Cheng Lin, he wouldn't be having his problem right now.

"Looking for who? Could it be elder sister Tong!?" Cheng Lin took a pill from her bag of holding and swallowed it. Her face returned to normal as she looked at Wang Lin with a loathing stare.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm as he looked at the girl. He said, "The person I'm looking for is not elder sister Tong."

Cheng Xian quickly said, "The person he is looking for is Lou Yue."

The girl named Cheng Lin frowned. She looked at Wang Lin and fiercely asked, "What are you looking for junior sister Lou Yue for?"

Wang Lin chuckled and retorted. "What's it to you?"

The anger grew in her eyes, but she suppressed it by force. She took out a piece of jade from her bag of holding. After holding it for a bit, she threw it behind her. The piece of jade quickly flew back into the western courtyard.

After doing that, the girl's gaze turn to Cheng Xian and she said, "Cheng Xian, if you keep bringing those things up, I'll go home and tell your dad that you're bullying me!"

Cheng Xian was startled. His expression suddenly changed and he said, "Why be like this, cousin? Who is bullying who here? Is it because when we were little I…" At that point, he quickly shut up. He saw Cheng Ling's expression change and quickly said, "I have been giving you special treatment all this time. I always bring you good food and fun stuff to play with. This time, I'm really here to help this guy look for Lou Yue and… I'm also here to see you, cousin."

Cheng Lin let out a snort. She gave Cheng Xian a look and started talking to the girls that were with her. Their gazes would sometimes fall on Wang Lin.

Cheng Xian secretly sighed and walked next to Wang Lin. He wrily smiled and whispered, "Brother, its all my mouth's fault. Ah, whenever I see that girl, I feel like teasing her. If I knew that today was her turn to be on duty, I would have come tomorrow."

Wang Lin's expression was calm. He slowly said, "I have already helped with what I can. Whether Lou Yue comes out or not, I have fulfilled my promise."

Cheng Xian sighed. He took out a voice transmission jade from his bag and handed it to Wang Lin. Before he could say anything, a crane flew out of the western courtyard, carrying a pretty girl on its back. Her eyes were wide open, staring at Wang Lin with disbelief.

After she got closer, she jumped off the crane and said to Wang Lin, "You came looking for me?"

The girl named Cheng Lin frowned and said, "Junior Sister Yue, you know his person?"

Lou Yue quickly turned around and said, "I know him, senior sister. He joined the sect at the same time as me."

Cheng Lin looked at Wang Lin a few times, then used her eyes to warn Cheng Xian before leaving with everyone else, leaving just the three of them there.

Lou Yue blinked a few times. She completely ignored Cheng Xian and asked Wang Lin, "How do you know my name?"

Wang Lin pondered a little and blandly said, "If it isn't inconvenient for you, please take this person into the western courtyard. If he could see elder sister Tong, that would be the best. If that is not possible, then don't bother with it." With that, he left without even turning his head, leaving Lou Yue and Cheng Xian dumbfounded. Both of them stood there for a long time, unable to say a word.

Lou Yue stomped her feet and shouted, "Come on! He called me out just for this!?" Unfortunately, Wang Lin didn't turn around and his figure disappeared into the distance.

Cheng Xian secretly sighed, thinking that brother Wang Lin really was a master. With a girl this pretty in front of him, he still wasn't moved at all. Cheng Xian felt like he would never be able to reach that stage in his life.

Cheng Xian took a deep breath and said, "Lou Yue, junior sister…elder sister, does elder sister have time? I am very good friends with brother Wang Lin. I took care of him when he joined the sect, so could you help me with what he just said?"

Lou Yue glanced at Cheng Xian and disgruntledly said, "You're the older one, hmph." She fiercely stared at the direction Wang Lin went in. After muttering some stuff to herself, she shook the bell in her hand. A crane suddenly came out and landed next to her. She got on the crane and it flew into the air.

Cheng Xian sighed with a bitter face, but, just as he was about to leave, Lou Yue's crisp voice came from above. "Follow me on your own. However, only this once and never again."

Cheng Xian suddenly became excited. He quickly followed the crane to the western courtyard.

After Wang Lin left the western courtyard, he returned to his yard in the northern courtyard. He checked and there was no sign of anyone entering on the restrictions he left.

After returning home, he took out the pill furnace Li Muwan gave him and started to practice alchemy again.

He knew that he was short on time and that he must quickly raise his cultivation level. He didn't reveal himself to Li Muwan because it had been a very long time. Wang Lin wasn't sure how much of the passion from back then still remained.

Wang Lin didn't plan on revealing his identity before reaching Nascent Soul. If there were any sudden changes, then his hard earned identity as a Cloud Sky Sect disciple would be wasted.

As a result, Wang Lin didn't reveal himself and, from his view, 200 years was just too long and there was no need to force anything. He felt that he should just let things take their course.

As for how Li Muwan knew his previous body's name, it's very easy to explain. After all, 200 years of time was plenty to do many things, especially when a mere name wasn't that important.

Of course, if Li Muwan had found out that his name was Wang Lin, then that would be strange.

Wang Lin had very complex feelings toward Li Muwan. From the time he stepped into the cultivation world, he had met many females, but Li Muwan was the only one that had lived with him for many years.

In fact, even Wang Lin had feelings for her, but, the moment they appeared, they were forcibly erased by him.

At the moment, Wang Lin's heart felt very complicated after meeting an old friend. After a long time, Wang Lin put this matter aside and focused again.

Time slowly passed. In a flash, severals more months had passed.

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Zhou Lin's closed door training was still not over. Wang Lin's skill in alchemy had increased a lot, but he felt that he really didn't have much talent for alchemy. It was only after failing 93 times using the pill furnace Li Muwan gave him that he finally succeeded in mastering the control of the fire.

As a result, he started to refine pills using the information in the jade left by Zhou Ling.

Using the herbs in the garden, Wang Lin started to slowly try refining pills. However, the success rate was too low. In 10 tries, he only succeeded once, and sometimes, not even once.

If this continued, then, no matter how many herbs were in the garden, they couldn't withstand this kind of useage.

Finally, because one of the herbs ran out, Wang Lin used the spirit liquid after pondering for a while. Surprisingly, the refining was successful.

And it was not only one success. As long as the liquid was used in the refining process, then the success rate would increase by an unimaginable degree. It would succeed 9 out of 10 times. After much testing, Wang Lin confirmed that another effect of the spirit liquid was to increase the success rate of pill refining.

As a result, with the help of the spirit liquid and the heaven defying bead, his cultivation climbed at an incredible rate. He had now reached the 15th layer and was getting close to Foundation Building.

Wang Lin clearly remembered when his main body tried to enter Foundation Building. No matter what he tried, he always failed. In the end, Situ Nan told him that there were only three ways to reach the Foundation Building stage. One was to obtain a Foundation Building pill, another was to steal someone else's foundation, and the last one was to have a Nascent Soul cultivator help you reach Foundation Building.

Foundation Building pills were too rare and there was no Nascent Soul cultivator to help him, so the Wang Lin from back then decided to steal someone's foundation.

His target for stealing their foundation ended up being Teng Huayuan's grandson, Teng Li, due to many circumstances.

His avatar had also reached this stage, but he didn't need to steal someone's foundation or have a Nascent Soul cultivator help him, because he had learned alchemy.

But the recipe for the Foundation Building pill wasn't easy to obtain. Normally, the teacher was supposed to make the pill and gift it to the disciple, but Zhou Lin was currently in closed door training. He would have never thought that Wang Lin, who was only at the 3rd layer, would have already reached the 15th layer.

Wang Lin sat in the yard, pondering. He waved his hand and took out the voice transmission jade from Cheng Xian. In these past several months, Cheng Xian would often visit Wang Lin and talk a lot.

According to Cheng Xian, that time, with Lou Yue's help, he was able to meet elder Sister Tong and they were getting along really well.

Wang Lin's expression darkened. He sent out the voice transmission jade and it flew off into the distance. Wang Lin wasn't in a rush and sat there, waiting for Cheng Xian.

Not long after, the roars of a beast could be heard from the distance. Soon, a spirit ape charged into the yard with Cheng Xian on its back. Cheng Xian smiled when he saw Wang Lin and said, "Brother, what were you looking for me for?"

Wang Lin looked up and slowly asked, "Do you have the recipe for the Foundation Building pill?"

Cheng Xian was startled and said, "That foundation building pill is a spirit pill, it is not something I can make. I don't have recipes like that."

Wang Lin slightly frowned. He secretly sighed and thought that he would have to find Li Muwan again.

"But, since brother asked, I have to at least try to help. Although I don't have it, my teacher should definitely have it. Give me three days. I'll definitely be able to steal it in three days." Cheng Xian let out a proud smile, then talked with Wang Lin for a bit. He looked at the sky and said, "Today, elder sister Tong made arrangements with me to meet outside, so I won't have time to talk more. As for the Foundation Building pill, don't worry about it. I got you covered!" He excitedly left on the unwilling spirit ape.

It didn't take three days like Cheng Xian said, but, after two days, it arrived. Cheng Xian didn't come himself, but the slightly larger spirit ape came, dropped off the jade, and left.

When Wang Lin came out, he only saw the spirit ape's back. His eyes suddenly focused on the spirit ape and he noticed that its right leg was clearly injured. The way it walked was a bit strange, as if it didn't dare to put weight on its right leg.

Wang Lin lowered his head and took the jade. He pondered for a while, then returned to the yard.

In the next 10 days, Wang Lin almost exclusively worked on his alchemy. The Foundation Building pill was a spirit pill. With Wang Lin's current skill in alchemy, his failure rate was extremely high.

But, after putting in the spirit liquid, the success rate had increased greatly, however, it still couldn't compare to the pei yuan pill. After using the spirit liquid, making pei yuan pills would succeed 9 out of 10 times, but with Foundation Building pills, it was only 5 to 6 out of 10 times.

Wang Lin pondered a little. He figured that the spirit liquid was less effective on higher quality pills.

But the heaven defying bead was still incomplete. Wang Lin had tried looking for the missing elements, but these elements were just too hard to find. It has to be said that for the fire element to be filled, it completely absorbed a wild spirit beast to complete it.

As a result, filling the remaining earth, wood, and metal elements was simply too hard. At least for now, Wang Lin hadn't found any good methods to do it.

Among the elements, only the water element was easy to get and the wood element was not too bad. Although the wood element wasn't complete, 7 leaves had appeared on the heaven defying bead.

The metal and earth elements didn't have any movements at all. Wang Lin had tried many things, but none of them had any effect.

Wang Lin already had a great deal of understanding of the liquid from the heaven defying bead. There was a huge difference in the quality of the spirit liquid before the heaven defying bead was filled with water element.

And after the fire element was complete, the quality of the spirit liquid increased one fold. It was much better than before.

As a result, as long as the five elements are complete, even ignoring what other effects the heaven defying bead will gain, just the spirit liquid would be able to have an effect on the refining of high rank pills.

Only two Foundation Building pills were in each batch and one batch took a whole today to refine. After ten days, Wang Lin had gathered almost all of the herbs in the garden that could be used for the Foundation Building pills. In the end, he was able to make 13 Foundation Building pills.

Wang Lin's avatar's talent wasn't that much different from his main body's. Both had pretty mediocre talent, nothing special. So Wang Lin knew that just one Foundation Building pill wasn't enough. That's why he made so many, in case he needed more.

After he finished everything, he let out a sigh. He pressed his hand on his forehead and entered the heaven defying bead's space.Shortly after he entered the space, a spirit ape arrived outside his yard. The ape was covered in wounds. It stood outside, roaring for a while, before it left in disappointment.

Chapter 216 - Main Body, Appear!

Before Wang Lin entered the heaven defying bead, he set up some hidden restrictions to prevent people from coming into the room. Even if they were to get in, Wang Lin's whole body would be gone, so they wouldn't be able to find anything.

After all, not even the spirit severing Duanmu could find the existence of the heaven defying bead's space. The Cloud Sky Sect only had Nascent Soul cultivators, so they won't be able to find anything at all.

Wang Lin paid his respects to his parents and Situ Nan, then sat down to cultivate for a bit. Next, he took out the Foundation Building pills, put them to the side, and put one in his mouth.

The moment the Foundation Building pill entered his mouth, it turned into pure spiritual energy. Wang Lin calmly activated the ancient god tactic.

Under his control, the spiritual energy absorbed by the ancient god tactic didn't enter his body, but formed a swirl in his abdomen.

After the last sliver of spiritual energy from the Foundation Building pill entered the swirl, it suddenly enlarged and started to move upwards.

The current Wang Lin wasn't a rookie cultivator anymore. He knew that if this swirl could cycle through his entire body, then he would have succeeded in entering the Foundation Building stage. If he had enough talent, then the swirl would have no problems doing so.

But, if his talent wasn't enough, then it would seem as if there were invisible blockades making the swirl's path around the body more difficult to travel through.

The swirl in his body started to spin faster and faster. The swirl was like a large tree, quickly spreading its roots through Wang Lin's body.

But Wang Lin had too many obstacles in his body. The swirl became like a wave hitting rocks on a shore. At first, it broke through many of the obstacles, but the swirl soon started to slow down and even felt like it was about to shrink.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. Without a word, he took another Foundation Building pill. The swirl suddenly got a surge of power and started to spread again.

Time slowly passed as Wang Lin was breaking through to the Foundation Building stage. After an unknown amount of time had passed, Wang Lin took the 8th Foundation Building pill and, with a boom, the swirl surged through his entire body. Surrounding his body were countless specks of glowing light as dark liquid started to come out of his pores.

After a long time, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes shined like lightning and he immediately found that his meridian was almost translucent and several times larger than before. Even his main body didn't experience something like this when it reached the Foundation Building stage.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. He wasn't sure if all of this had anything to do with the ancient god tactic. After all, the ancient god tactic was a technique that absorbed spiritual energy, and a Foundation Building pill was just like a stronger pei yuan pill, only its effect was countless times stronger.

A burst of strong spiritual energy to wash the entire body so the body would be more suited for cultivation. That was the true meaning of Foundation Building.

But this type of change happened on the inside while the ancient god's body reconstruction was a change on the outside. In fact, the two were really similar, only the ancient god used the spiritual energy to change the outer body to better absorb spiritual energy and become stronger.

The cultivator's inner change was to better sense the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but, in the end, was also to become stronger.

One was inner cultivation while the other was outer body refinement. The roads were different, but the destination was the same.

Wang Lin's main body purposely prevented the avatar body from absorbing the spiritual energy and pushed it into his core, but after his body went through reconstruction once and the purple star appeared on his head, his main body was already on the path of outer body refinement.

He was very careful when his avatar formed, so it didn't go through body reconstruction. He had been paying attention to it from the start, thus, his avatar walked the path of inner cultivation.

Wang Lin picked up the jade bottle. There were still 5 Foundation Building pills left. He pondered for a while, then tossed the pills into his body and started to cultivate again.

Time slowly passed by. The spiritual energy inside the 5 Foundation Building pills exploded outward. A normal person wouldn't be able to contain that much spiritual energy. If it was a normal person, if they didn't die, they would lose all of the spiritual energy in their body.

But Wang Lin had the ancient god tactic, one of the most overwhelming techniques out there. The one thing the ancient god tactic was least afraid of was spiritual energy, no matter how much of it there was. All of the spiritual energy created by the 5 Foundation Building pills was absorbed before it could cause the body any harm.

Wang Lin's cultivation went from just reaching the Foundation Building stage to the peak of the early stage of Foundation Building.

But Wang Lin wasn't satisfied. He pondered for a while and took out a pill furnace. The pill furnace looked very normal. The only difference was that there was a yellow paper seal on it.

This pill furnace was the one Wang Lin got from Yun Fei, the one she tried to use to get someone to release the restriction on her. However, everything she did was seen through by the devil following her, ending in her demise.

This pill furnace naturally fell into Wang Lin's hands.

He tried to analyze it before, but didn't have much time. Right now, he was out of pills. He would have to go back outside to make more, so the only matter he had left to deal with in the bead's space was this pill furnace.

While staring at the pill furnace, Wang Lin's eyes slightly trembled. Wang Lin knew that this pill furnace wasn't normal. Just the words on the seal made his skin crawl.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. He took the pill furnace and shook it. Muffled sounds came from inside it. There was clearly something in there.

Based on the sound, there was only one thing inside. If it was placed inside a pill furnace, there was a high chance that it was a pill.

Why would someone put a yellow paper on a pill furnace? Also, what could the use of this yellow paper be? He hadn't open up the pill furnace yet was because he didn't know what the yellow paper was for. If the paper was a restriction and he opened it up by force, it could cause a chain of uncontrollable events.

After pondering for a while, he waved his hand and a sliver of spirit energy appeared on his finger. He let out a sigh and flicked his finger. The sliver of spiritual energy quickly landed on the paper.

At that moment, a strange scene unfolded before him. The moment the sliver of spiritual energy got close to the yellow paper, it suddenly increased in speed and disappeared without a trace into the yellow paper.

Wang Lin's eyes flashed. He put the pill furnace on the ground. His hands formed many seals and he shouted, "Scatter!"

Suddenly, countless specks of light floated around his body, forming slivers of spiritual energy that started to close in on the pill furnace. But before they got too close, all of the spiritual energy suddenly sped up and disappeared into the yellow paper.

Wang Lin frowned. This yellow paper was really strange, as if it was made to absorb spiritual energy.

He suddenly thought of something and lightly pressed his finger on the pill furnace. The moment he touched the yellow paper, nothing abnormal happened. He gently tried to rip the paper off, but an unimaginable suction for suddenly came from the paper. Wang Lin's spiritual energy started to get sucked uncontrollably.

Good thing Wang Lin had already been on guard. The moment he felt the suction, he withdrew his hand.

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin decided to not try anything else. He carefully picked up the pill furnace and put it back into the bag of holding. This furnace really was strange. When he first got the pill furnace, he couldn't put it inside a bag of holding, but when he made his avatar, he was able to.

All of the strangeness of this pill furnace made Wang Lin very confused.

After putting away the pill furnace, Wang Lin stood up and left the heaven defying bead's space.

The moment he appeared in the courtyard, he noticed that there was something off. He could smell a faint scent of blood. After looking around, his gaze locked onto the main gate. The smell of blood was coming from there.

Wang Lin's eyes were calm as he slowly walked over. At the gate, he saw the corpse of a spirit ape.

The spirit ape's eyes were wide open and grey. There were many wounds on its body, including a bowl-sized hole in his abdomen. There was no longer any blood dripping out of the body, only a faint scent of blood in the air.

Wang Lin squatted down and touched its right leg. He found that all of the bones in the right leg were shattered. Clearly, this was the spirit ape that came several days ago to deliver the Foundation Building pill recipe.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. The wound on the spirit ape's abdomen was torn open by someone's hand. Clearly, the goal was to get the spirit ape's core.

Wang Lin had done this kind of thing as well. He pondered for a while and was able to arrive at a clear answer.

He didn't know if Cheng Xian himself had anything to do with this. In this half a year, Cheng Xian had been very enthusiastic and seemed to have a very deep relationship with the spirit apes. When the spirit ape came to deliver the recipe instead of Cheng Xian, Wang Lin already thought something was up.

If nothing else, just because of the fact that he delivered the recipe for the Foundation Building pill to him, Wang Lin couldn't just ignore this.

He secretly sighed. Without even looking at the spirit ape again, he walked back into his room. This time, he didn't drink any spirit liquid and sent out one restriction circle.

The restriction circle landed on the ground and sent a ripple through the ground. Slowly, a white haired youth came out and, the moment he appeared, he released a burst of cold air.

Chapter 217 - Meet Up

As his main body slowly appeared from the restriction, the room got even colder. Even though the room was made of jade, a layer of frost formed on the walls.

After his main body appeared, his avatar took a deep breath and walked forward. His avatar crossed with the main body and they fused into one.

Shortly after, Wang Lin's eyes released a very cold light and his body released very powerful killing intent. After all of the years he had been at the country of Chu, his killing intent hadn't lessened at all. Right now, he was only releasing a small amount of his killing intent and as for his evil intent, he didn't reveal any.

Wang Lin pondered for a while. He moved his body and a mask appeared on his face and his clothes became like that of his avatar's. Then, he quickly left the room. He could clearly feel that his body's cultivation had increased a bit.

It has to be said that he has already reached the peak of Core Formation. The originally impossible to raise cultivation had increased a bit. Although it hadn't gotten to the point of his core breaking to form his Nascent Soul, there was a sliver of purple energy in his core.

Wang Lin knew that when trying to break into Nascent Soul, purple energy would appear. This purple energy could be called Nascent Energy, which was key for breaking through to Nascent Soul.

When the entire core gets covered by this purple energy, that means that the day of forming a Nascent Soul will soon come.

In the past, no matter how much Wang Lin tried, this purple energy had never appeared. Even after Wang Lin swallowed the Nascent Soul, the energy was destroyed by his Ji Realm right as it appeared.

But now, this purple energy appeared and his Ji Realm didn't attack it. This meant that Wang Lin's theory was correct. If he were to continue through with this plan and fuse with his main body once his avatar reaches Nascent Soul, then his main body will be able to break through to Nascent Soul and he will be invincible in front of everyone below the Spirit Severing stage.

And adding on all of his various techniques, treasures, and the ancient god's inheritance, he wouldn't be afraid to fight a Spirit Severing cultivator, just like how he wasn't afraid to fight a Nascent Soul cultivator right now.

Wang Lin took a deep breath. He didn't stay still, but moved like a ghost until he was next to the body of the spirit ape. He was just about to deal with the body when his eyes suddenly focused on the ape. He thought, "No wonder, it's an upper spirit beast. With my avatar's cultivation, I couldn't see that its soul was still there."

Wang Lin moved his right hand, pressed it above the ape's head, and said, "Since I met you before, I'll save you once. From today onward, you're my third devil!"

A ray of black light appeared from Wang Lin's hand. The light entered the spirit ape's head. The black light flowed through the ape's body and came back out of its head. This time, the soul of the spirit ape was inside the black light.

The moment the soul appeared, an aura that would make people shiver appeared. The fragrance emitted by the herbs around the garden disappeared. The herbs themselves began to tremble until they started to wilt, one by one.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. He slowly said, "There seems to be innate hostility in this soul. Very good. It seems that not only your body, but your soul also suffered a lot before you died." Wang Lin felt the aura around him. This wasn't the first time he had felt this aura. The first time he felt it was 400 years ago in the country of Zhao.

The owner of this aura back then was Wang Lin himself.

Now that he saw that this spirit ape's soul had the same aura as him, he reached out, grabbed the soul, and put it into his soul flag.

After placing a few restrictions on the flag, he put it away and let it be. Inside the flag were several other powerful souls he had collected as backups for creating new devils.

If this spirit ape wasn't devoured and instead devoured the other souls inside, then it had the right to become the third evil. If it isn't able to do so, then the only path left was to be devoured.

After collecting the beast's soul, Wang Lin left the yard and headed toward the southern courtyard.

At almost the same moment Wang Lin's main body appeared, Li Muwan's brow twitched. She was in the process of refining a very important pill when her body shivered. She ignored the important refining process that required all of her attention and threw away the furnace as she charged out of her room.

A batch of rank 4 pills was nothing compared to seeing the person in her mind right now.

In just that moment, the drop of blood in her brow with a sliver of that person's divine sense suddenly fluctuated. It gave off the feeling of wanting to return to its owner.

As if there was a giant magnet in the distance pulling this sliver of divine sense, it almost burst out of her body and charged in that direction.

This kind of thing had never happened in the past 200 years. But, in her heart and mind, she felt like she understood something. Could it be that the person she had been waiting for for over 200 years was not far away?

Li Muwan took a deep breath and quickly charged out of her room. Just as she was about to leave the yard, a gentle voice asked, "Junior sister, where are you going?"

A cold light flashed across her eyes. She tried to move forward, but a white figure suddenly appeared in front of her, blocking her path. The white figure was the middle aged man from before.

He looked at Li Muwan, mildly surprised. He said, "Junior sister, you haven't told me where you were going. Eh? Its rare to see you in such a rush."

The coldness in Li Muwan's eyes became even colder. She stared at the man while holding back the divine sense in her body from bursting out. She said, word for word, with a freezing tone, "Sun Zhenwei, do you really think that you, with your late stage Core Formation cultivation, could stop me? If you don't step aside now, then don't blame junior sister for being ruthless."

The middle aged man let out a soft smile and said, "Junior sister, this is the Cloud Sky Sect. Why would I dare to stop junior sister? Junior sister, where are you going? I'll be happy to accompany you."

At that moment, Wang Lin arrived at the southern courtyard. He stared at the white fog around the southern courtyard with no emotion on his face.

Chapter 218 - Decisiveness

In the Cloud Sky Sect, most Nascent Soul cultivators were in the outer sect, but there were still a few in the inner sect. However, most of these Nascent Soul cultivators focused on alchemy and rarely on fights.

Just like the one Nascent Cultivator in the southern courtyard, who was currently using his own Nascent fire and the earth's fire to refine a batch of pills that would increase his cultivation level.

On the way to the southern courtyard, Wang Lin hid all traces himself and moved like a ghost. He arrived outside the southern courtyard and stared at the white fog as he walked in.

Cheng Xian told Wang Lin where he lived. The fog had no effect on the current Wang Lin. The moment he spread out his divine sense, he could clearly see everything in the southern courtyard.

Close to the center of the courtyard, Wang Lin noticed a fluctuation of spiritual power. He could clearly see that there was an early stage Nascent Soul cultivator there.

The moment Wang Lin's divine sense passed by, the Nascent Soul cultivator noticed Wang Lin's presence. He was startled and wanted to immediately head out, but he suddenly stopped, looked at the pill furnace, and began to hesitate.

As for Wang Lin, the moment he found out that there was a Nascent Soul cultivator, and only an early stage one at that, he waved his hand and a small flag appeared.

Almost immediately, the flag grew and trapped the Nascent Soul cultivator.

Wang Lin let out a cold smile. If the cultivator had reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul, then he would have immediately given up on helping Cheng Xian and would've left.

But since the Nascent Soul cultivator was only at the early stage, Wang Lin had no fear. Although the restriction flag was weaker without him controlling it, it could still trap an early stage Nascent Soul cultivator for a quarter of an hour.

A quarter of an hour was enough for Wang Lin to do everything he wanted to do.

Wang Lin no longer bothered with the Nascent Soul cultivator as he continued to walk in the white fog. No one noticed that he had trapped the Nascent Soul cultivator with the restriction flag.

Wang Lin easily moved in the white fog and arrived at Cheng Xian's room. In the scan by his divine sense earlier, Wang Lin had already found that Cheng Xian was here, but the situation seemed a bit dangerous.

Cheng Xian was laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Two streams of tears flowed down from his eyes and the spiritual energy in his body was in chaos.

By his side stood an overweight middle aged man. The middle aged man sighed as he threw pills into Cheng Xian's mouth and scolded, "Little brat, I already told you that those girls are nothing but trouble, especially that girl named Tong. Very cunning and devious. She's not someone you can handle. Do you understand now? From now on, stop thinking about chasing girls and follow your teacher in learning alchemy. That is the proper path."

Cheng Xian didn't listen to a word of it. As the pills entered his mouth, the spiritual energy in his body slowly calmed down.

His teacher sighed and said, "I know you're frustrated. How many times have you gone there? If it wasn't for me throwing away my pride, you would have already lost your life. The western courtyard isn't a place you can freely go to. This time, don't blame teacher for trapping you here. The western courtyard has already sent word. If you keep causing trouble, they will destroy your cultivation." The middle aged man shook his head and left the room.

Wang Lin stood outside the yard. After seeing all this, he pondered for a while, then disappeared. He reappeared in the yard and walked into Cheng Xian's room without anyone noticing.

He looked at Cheng Xian and waved his hand. The restriction on Cheng Xian was immediately broken and Cheng Xian got up and looked at Wang Lin with deep hatred in his eyes. "You were sent by them to kill me? Kill me. I'm not scared," he said.

Wang Lin was wearing a mask and his aura and cultivation were completely different from before, so there was no way for Cheng Xian to realize that it was him.

Wang Lin glanced at Cheng Xian. He moved his hand and a restriction instantly appeared and surrounded the room.

Cheng Xian's pupils shrank. He let out a wry smile and said, "They even got an elder from the outer courtyard to deal with a junior like me. Come on, if I even blink, then my name is not Cheng Xian."

After setting the restriction, Wang Lin coldly said, "I was indeed asked by someone to come, but to help you, not kill you. Tell me what happened. The more details, the better."

Cheng Xian was stunned. After glancing at Wang Lin, he hesitated and asked, "Who asked senior to come?"

Wang Lin frowned and coldly said, "I will only give you three sentences, and that was the first one. If things are still not properly explained in the next two sentences, I'm leaving."

Cheng Xian clenched his teeth and said, "All of this was Gongsun Tong from the west courtyard's fault. The reason she got close to me was because she was after my two spirit apes."

Wang Lin pondered a little. "These two spirit apes are yours?" he asked. Wang Lin's question was very clever. In the Cloud Sky Sect, there were many spirit beasts who's purpose was to be used for alchemy. If that was the case, then what Gongsun Tong did wasn't exactly wrong.

Cheng Xian nodded and said, "I know what senior means. Those two spirit apes aren't the Cloud Sky Sect's beasts. I brought them with me when I joined the Cloud Sky Sect. According to the Cloud Sky Sect's rules, those two belong to me."

Wang Lin calmly asked, "So this Gongsun Tong got close to you, then asked you for the two spirit apes. You wanted to please her, so you gave her the two spirit apes, correct?"

Cheng Xian revealed a look of regret and excitedly said, "But…but I thought she wanted to use the spirit ape as a mount. I never thought her goal was the spirit ape's core. The large ape already had his core removed and went missing. I assume he is dead. Now, only the smaller ape is left. I went many times to ask for him back, but wasn't allowed inside. It was the outer sect disciple, Lu Song, who injured me multiple times.

Wang Lin slightly frowned. He originally didn't want to get mixed up in all of this, but since Cheng Xian helped him get the recipe for the Foundation Establishment Pill, he had to help.

After pondering a little, Wang Lin looked at Cheng Xian and asked, "How do you want to get revenge?"

Cheng Xian's eyes were blood-red. He said, while gnashing his teeth, "If the smaller ape is still alive, then I will consider this matter my own fault. But if he is dead, then I want them to die as well!"

Wang Lin nodded and calmly said, "As you wish."

With that, he backed up and disappeared without a trace.

Cheng Xian stared blankly at where Wang Lin was. His eyes revealed a confused look.

After Wang Lin left Cheng Xian's room, he quickly charged toward the western courtyard. Just as he was about to leave the southern courtyard, he suddenly stopped and looked into the distance.

He felt a fluctuation of divine sense in that direction. After pondering a bit, he waved his hand and disappeared without a trace.

The moment his body disappeared, Li Muwan arrived as quick as lightning. Behind her was the middle aged man, still with a gentle expression on his face.

The middle age man frowned and slowly asked, "Junior sister, what exactly are you looking for?"

Li Muwan stopped. Through the drop of blood in her brow, she could clearly feel that that person was standing right here, but why couldn't she see him? Li Muwan let out a bitter smile. She was a very smart person and immediately realized that it was because he didn't want to see her.

Li Muwan bit her lower lip. Her face was filled with grief and said, "I know you are here. Why aren't you even willing to meet me once?"

The middle aged man's expression suddenly changed. He sent out his divine sense, but found no one. He frowned and suspiciously looked at Li Muwan."Junior sister, who is here? There is no one else here."

Li Muwan didn't even look at the middle aged man as she closed her eyes and slowly calmed down. She said, "Wan Er doesn't ask for anything else, but to see you once. In these 200 years, Wan Er has depended on that bottle of spirit liquid to keep my vitality. If you aren't willing to come out, then Wan Er will kill herself right now to release myself from this obsession." Her voice was very low, but it was filled with determination.

The middle aged man's eyes lit up as he carefully looked at his surroundings.

At that moment, something appeared in the empty air. Almost immediately, a shadowy figure appeared from nowhere. It was Wang Lin. The moment he appeared, the middle aged man's expression suddenly turned ugly. But the middle aged man didn't dare to act rashly. He slowly moved his hand toward his bag of holding.

Li Muwan stared at Wang Lin. Although Wang Lin was wearing a mask, Li Muwan could clearly tell that this person was the person from back then."

"You came," Li Muwan whispered.

Wang Lin wryly smiled and asked, "Why must you be like this?" With that, he coldly looked at the middle aged man and calmly said, "The moment your hand touches your bag of holding is the moment you die."

The middle aged man's right hand suddenly stopped. His face changed again. The feeling Wang Lin gave him was too strange. He was clearly only at the late stage of Core Formation, but the pressure Wang Lin gave him was like that of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

He had no doubt that if his hand touched the bag of holding, Wang Lin would instantly kill him. Large droplets of sweat appeared on his forehead as he quickly said, "Since brother is junior sister Li's friend, then you are the Cloud Sky Sect's friend. How would I dare to be rude? Brother misunderstood me."

Li Muwan looked at Wang Lin. She had thousands of things she wanted to say, but she couldn't let out a single word. She pondered a bit, then asked, "Do you still have that piece of jade?"

Wang Lin looked at her for a while. He was silent for a bit, then answered, "I threw it away."

Li Muwan's body shook. Her eyes were filled with sadness. She forced herself to calm down and whispered, "Since you threw it away, oh well. It wasn't anything expensive." Although she said this, she felt an excruciating pain in her chest. This pain was like a flood that was going to drown her heart.

That dragon jade was something she had put all of her effort into and even used her life force as a price to successfully create. If it wasn't for the fact that she sacrificed too much for it back then, she would at least already be at the peak of Core Formation with all of the pills she had taken, if not the Nascent Soul stage.

How else could she have been stuck at the early stage of Core Formation?

The moment she heard that that jade was just thrown away by Wang Lin, her heart felt pain. This pain was so strong that, despite all her effort to calm herself down, her body still trembled and her face became pale.

Wang Lin turned his head and no longer looked at Li Muwan. He pondered a bit and said, "I'm leaving…" Wang Lin slowly turned and walked away.

Li Muwan's heart ached. She let out a faint smile at Wang Lin's back. Although it was a smile, it was clear to everyone else that it was a silent cry.

"The Cloud Sky Sect ancestors want me to form a cultivation pair with this person. Before, I kept rejecting him, but now, I have no reasons left to reject him… If you're still in the country of Chu in 3 months, then please come to the ceremony…"

Wang Lin' feet instantly trembled. Very complex feeling surfaced in his heart and he began to think.

Li Muwan's eyes shined while waiting for his response.

That middle aged man finally understood why Li Muwan had always been so against becoming a cultivation pair. The reason was this person. Although his face was calm, a trace of killing intent appeared in his heart.

Wang Lin pondered for a long time. He said, in a low tone with his back toward Li Muwan, "Congratulations!" With that, he slowly left.

Li Muwan's body quivered. After a long time, tears flowed down from her eyes and she muttered to herself, "I hate you…hate you!!!!"

That middle aged man let out a breath. He gently said, "Junior sister, he already left."

Li Muwan bit her lower lip. She ignored the middle aged man and returned to her house.

The middle aged man's face was still gentle, but he coldly smiled in his heart. He thought, "If it wasn't for your 200 years of YuanYin, I wouldn't have asked the ancestor to agree to us becoming a cultivation pair. With your YuanYin's help and all of the pills I have collected, breaking into the Nascent Soul stage is only a matter of time. If you had agreed earlier, I would have still been nice to you, but now I decided that, once I reach Nascent Soul, I'm going to make you pay for repeatedly rejecting me!"

Wang Lin left the southern courtyard. Although he was a cruel person, he still felt a lot of regret toward Li Muwan. It was not that he was unable to accept her, but the path he must walk just wasn't suited to have a woman following him.

Chapter 219 - Two Months

The truth was that Wang Lin was not as ruthless as he sounded to Li Muwan, but his avatar needed to reach the Nascent Soul stage. If he were to get involved with Li Muwan now, then that would cause inevitable changes in his original plan, changes that could lead to serious consequences.

As a result, Li Muwan could be dragged in as well and that was not something Wang Lin wished to see.

He sighed. His mood started to fluctuate and he was unable to calm himself down. He left the southern courtyard with complex feelings in his heart.

He calculated that there was less than half of those 15 minutes remaining, so he had to act quickly. His body suddenly moved like lightning and he soon arrived outside of the western courtyard.

After Wang Lin arrived, he didn't immediately enter. Instead, he quickly circled the western courtyard and placed restrictions. He then quickly entered the courtyard. With his strong divine sense, none of the patrolling disciples could detect him. All of the cranes landed and refused to fly, no matter how much the girls on their backs urged them to.

Wang Lin's figure moved quickly through the fog and entered the western courtyard.

Looking from outside, this place looked like a fairyland and it looked even more like one on the inside. The level of exquisiteness of the buildings here were several times higher than the buildings outside.

A ray of rainbow colored light came from the depths of the courtyard, acting like a bridge as all of the girls of the western courtyard floated by.

But unfortunately, all of the cranes were on the ground, trembling. Thus, this place was missing a beautiful scene.

Following the path Cheng Xian told him about, Wang Lin walked quickly through the courtyard and arrived at Gongsun Tong's room in the western part of the courtyard. He spread out his divine sense and found a very strange scene.

He slightly frowned, then leapt into the air and arrived inside the room. There was a screen in one side of the room and behind the screen were two exquisite figures taking a bath.

Looking through the screen, both women had very nice curves as they touched each other's bodies. Soon, their bodies hugged each other as they began to move.

At the same time, moans came from behind the screen.

Under Wang Lin's divine sense, the two girls' actions were clearly seen. Currently, the girl that was gasping for breath said, "Sister Tong, that Cheng Xian… ah!" Just as she was speaking, the other girl moved as she touched a sensitive spot.

After a long time, a lazy and tender voice came from behind the screen and said, "Ling Er, are you still worried about that Cheng Xian? Yes, I cheated him, but it was all because you were short on cores for your pill recipe. I just had my sights on his spirit apes."

"But… what about Lu Song?" The girl being called Ling Er was Cheng Ling.

"Just trust me. When Lu Song comes tomorrow, I'll deal with him. I promise there won't be any problems. That Lu Song… at most, I'll let him have a little taste. Ling Er, elder sister has served you well. Now it's your turn."

Wang Lin didn't go inside, but pointed to his brow. Xu Liguo came out of Wang Lin's brow. He stared at the screen with an excited look in his eyes.

"I don't care how you deal with it, just find out what happened to the spirit ape and take both of their souls." Wang Lin turned around and slowly walked out of the room.

Xu Liguo had never been this excited before. He felt that following Wang Lin was definitely the right thing to do. Right now, he felt like his blood was boiling even though he didn't have any blood after becoming a devil.

But that didn't affect how he felt.

Xu Liguo let out a devious smile and went through the screen.

Not long after, he came out with a very satisfied looked on his face. He spat out two souls, then went back into Wang Lin's brow.

At the same time, he sent out a message. "That spirit ape is dead."

Wang Lin waved his hand and a soul flag appeared. He threw the two souls into the flag, then went into the room. He put away the two girls' bodies into his bag of holding, then left the room.

In that moment, those 15 minutes had passed. Wang Lin called back the restriction flag. The flag turned into a black mist and quickly left the southern courtyard.

At the same time, an angry roar erupted from the Nascent Soul cultivator. He spread out his divine sense, locked onto the western courtyard, and quickly charged toward it.

Shortly after, in the western courtyard, a fierce divine sense also spread out. After it found Wang Lin, a woman came from the middle of the courtyard.

Without a word, Wang Lin turned to leave.

This woman's body was surrounded by fog, so her appearance was hidden. The moment she appeared, her body moved like lightning after Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression was calm. Seeing that she was getting closer, he let out a cold smile. He moved his hand and sent out waves of restriction circles toward the woman.

"You don't know your place!" The woman let out a cold snort. She waved her hand and a flower basket appeared in her grasp. The moment she waved it, numerous colorful flower petals appeared. Each of the petals carried a destructive force as they floated toward the restrictions.

This woman's cultivation level was early stage Nascent Soul. Although Wang Lin's expression was calm, he sneered in his heart. The moment the restriction circles got close to the flower petals, they instantly broke up into numerous smaller restrictions and spread out. Although some were destroyed by the petals, many reformed into restriction circles after passing the flower petals.

Their speed was very high. The moment they reformed into restriction circles, they landed on the western courtyard.

Wang Lin already knew that this entire western courtyard was being lifted into the air by a giant restriction. If Wang Lin had the time, he would be able to completely break this restriction. However, Wang Lin's goal wasn't to break the restriction, but to make it lose balance.

Normally, regular restrictions wouldn't even be able to do that, but Wang Lin's restrictions were ancient restrictions. Combined with the fact that he had already placed some restrictions ahead of time, the moment the restriction circles landed, tremors spread throughout the western courtyard.

The large restriction instantly lost its balance, causing the western courtyard to tilt to the side. Waves of screams came from the western courtyard and large amounts of female cultivators flew out with looks of fear in their eyes.

While Wang Lin was doing all of this, he never stopped as he quickly flew into the distance. The woman chasing him clenched her teeth. She stopped chasing after Wang Lin and quickly returned to the large restriction to reinforce it.

Wang Lin left the western courtyard without any more hinderances. But he knew that soon, the middle stage Nascent Soul cultivators from the Cloud Sky Sect will arrive.

Just at that moment, a very powerful divine sense came from the distance. The moment the divine sense went past Wang Lin, it let out a cold snort. Wang Lin remained calm. If it was anyone else, their soul would have taken damage, but Wang Lin's soul was extremely large. If his soul came out of his body, it wouldn't be any weaker than the soul of Spirit Severing cultivators. Although his soul was currently trapped inside his body and couldn't leave, how could it be damaged by a mere Nascent Soul cultivator?

His body basically didn't stop at all as he continued to move forward.

The owner of that divine sense was stunned, but quickly locked onto Wang Lin as Wang Lin's main body approached.

A black shadow quickly came and landed in Wang Lin's hand. This black shadow was the restriction flag and behind it was the angry Nascent Soul cultivator Wang Lin had trapped.

After the restriction flag landed in his hand, Wang Lin let out a cold smile. He landed on the ground and turned. Instantly, a restriction appeared under his feet and his body disappeared without a trace.

Even the divine sense that was locked onto him lost track of him.

Wang Lin's main body had already returned to the cave outside the sect, and that cave was covered with restrictions that blocked divine sense.

Meanwhile, at the yard Wang Lin lived in, his avatar appeared from the restriction circle in the room. He quickly cleaned up a bit, then sat down to cultivate.

This matter was considered over. In the next half a month, the story of Wang Lin's main body spread throughout the sect. Various versions could be could be found everywhere.

It has to be said this is something that hasn't happened in the Cloud Sky Sect in a long time. The person got into the sect in broad daylight, killed someone, then disappeared in front of their eyes. It was like slapping the Cloud Sky Sect in the face.

This even alerted the few Nascent Soul ancestors who were preparing to tackle Spirit Severing. They came out to investigate and found out that the two that were killed were Gongsun Tong and Cheng Ling.

Everyone who was related to them, like Cheng Xian and Lu Song, were questioned. Even Wang Lin was questioned. In the end, a Nascent Soul cultivator even used his divine sense to check if Wang Lin was lying. However, since Wang Lin's soul was much larger than that Nascent Soul cultivator's soul, he wasn't able to find anything.

For some unknown reason, this matter was left alone.

As for Li Muwan, she wasn't dragged into any of this. This was all the work of her senior brother. His schemes were very deep. He knew that the person responsible was Li Muwan's friend. That person's technique made him very scared. Even three Nascent Soul cultivators weren't able to stop that person from entering and exiting the Cloud Sky Sect as he wished. As a result, how would he dare say anything? If he talked, then that person would appear unnoticed and kill him.

Wang Lin's life returned to being peaceful again, but, in his mind, Li Muwan's sad smile kept emerging. Every time he saw that sad smile, it felt as if his heart was being pierced.

This feeling reached its limit when the Cloud Sky Sect announced to the entire country of Chu that one of the three rank 5 alchemists, Li Muwan, will form a cultivation pair with outer sect elder Sun's son, Sun Zhanwei, in two months.

Wang Lin quietly sat inside the room. After a day and night of thinking, he let out a sigh and revealed a determined look in his eyes. A cold light flashed across his eyes as he got up and walked toward the southern courtyard.

The entire path wasn't smooth as he was blocked by the white fog. However, after he announced his name, someone went to inform Li Muwan and a path opened up.

Wang Lin slowly walked forward. Although his steps were slow, there was a feeling of determination with each one.

After arriving outside of Li Muwan's house, Li Muwan's voice floated out, "Your teacher's closed door training is almost over. If you have any questions, you can ask him once he comes out. From now on, unless I call you, don't come here anymore."

Wang Lin pondered for a while, then slowly said, "I want a pill. A pill that can raise my cultivation level to Nascent Soul in two months."

Li Muwan was startled. She stood up, opened the door, and stared at Wang Lin. She asked, with a trembling voice, "Who…who are you?"

Wang Lin revealed a gentle look, which was a rare sight. However, that trace of gentleness was replaced by calmness as he asked, "Is there such a pill?"

Li Muwan bit her lower lip. Her eyes revealed a never before seen happiness as she stared at Wang Lin. She still had a feeling of uncertainty in her heart, but soon, her expression suddenly changed as her eyes became cold. She shouted, "Who the hell are you?"

Li Muwan immediately remembered that the drop of blood in her brow didn't react. Clearly, this person wasn't the person she was thinking of. Slowly, the hatred for that person appeared and was redirected to Wang Lin, who sounded almost exactly like that person.

Wang Lin looked at Li Muwan and let out a sigh. He put his hand on his bag of holding and took out a piece of jade. After looking at it for a bit, he threw it at Li Muwan.

The moment the jade appeared, Li Muwan's entire body went soft. After catching the jade, she leaned against the wall as tears of joy flowed down her face.

"Killing Sun Zhanwei is easy, but it has to wait until my cultivation level is high enough to make sure that no one in the Cloud Sky Sect dares to speak up. When I reach the Nascent Soul stage, I can take you anywhere in the entire country of Chu and no one will dare to stand in my way." Wang Lin's voice was dull, but his words were filled with arrogance

Chapter 220 - Pills

Li Muwan raised her head as she looked at Wang Lin. Her face slowly turned red as she said, "You…you can come in." She moved to get out of the doorway.

Wang Lin didn't say anything as he walked forward. When he walked past Li Muwan, a fragrance that could cause one's heart to flutter entered his nose. Wang Lin stopped and looked at Li Muwan. They were very close to each other. Wang Lin could clearly see her face becoming more and more red, even her neck was starting to turn red.

Wang Lin's eyes were no longer cold as he wrapped his arm around Li Muwan's waist. Li Muwan's body softened up again as she fell onto Wang Lin's chest. Wang Lin could clearly feel Li Muwan's fast heartbeat.

After a long time, Li Muwan bit her lower lip and pushed Wang Lin away. She looked at Wang Lin and asked, "Why do you look different from before?"

Wang Lin let go of Li Muwan. He scanned the room, then sat down on a chair. Li Muwan poured tea for him, then stood there, waiting for his answer.

Wang Lin slightly smiled and said, "Ma Liang was a possessed body. This is my real body."

Li Muwan blinked and quickly asked, "Your real name is Wang Lin? Also, why is your current cultivation level so different from the you that I saw a while ago?"

Wang Lin nodded. After pondering for a while, he responded. "Wan Er, when there is time, I'll tell you. Now, I want to ask, is there a pill that will allow a Foundation Establishment cultivator to reach the Nascent Soul stage in two months?"

Li Muwan's beautiful face revealed a contemplative expression. She whispered, "Only in some ancient books are there records of pills that allowed one to reach the Nascent Soul stage in a short period of time, but those pills' recipes are either lost or the materials are extinct, and finding alternative materials is extremely difficult."

Wang Lin's expression was calm, but his heart sank. If there were no pills like that, then how will he reach the Nascent Soul stage in two months? This was a very serious problem.

Li Muwan frowned as she carefully searched her memories while sitting next to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't bother her. 200 years of time didn't leave any marks on her at all. This made Wang Lin feel a bit strange.

She not only didn't age, but became even more charming than before. There was also a graceful temperament with a hint of arrogance.

Many different recipes and books flashed through Li Muwan's mind. After a long time, her eyes suddenly lit up and, with a tone of happiness, she quickly said, "I was thinking of a way. If it is going from Foundation establishment directly to Nascent Soul, then even on this entire planet, Sasuka, there are basically no existing pills that could do this. But if we split up this problem, then it would be doable. The first part would be to move from Foundation Establishment to Core Formation, then, after reaching Core Formation, try to find a way to reach Nascent Soul."

Wang Lin nodded.

Li Muwan let out a smile. Her eyes were filled with confidence. She blinked a few times with her beautiful eyes and said, "If it is rising up to Core Formation, Wan Er has quite a few pills for that. Ma…errr brother Wang, what pills have you taken so far?"

Wang Lin pondered a little, then said, "This avatar hasn't taken many pills. Besides Pei-Yuan pills, only Foundation Establishment Pills."

"Foundation Establishment Pills?" Li Muwan's eyes were filled with surprise as she continued. "If it is just Pei-Yuan pills, then it is fine. After all, they are the most basic pills that alchemists learn to make. But the Foundation Establishment Pill can be considered a spirit pill. Brother Wang, did you make the pill on your own?" With that, she let out a faint smile and delicately said, "Hmph, I remember now. Your teacher, Zhou Lin, is still in closed door training. I'm your ancestral teacher right now."

Wang Lin's face let out a rare faint shade of red, but it soon disappeared. He coughed and said, "The Foundation Establishment Pills were made by me, but they were infused with that spirit liquid I gifted you before."

Li Muwan's eyes revealed a serious look. She stood up and asked, "Do you have more of that spirit liquid?"

Wang Lin's expression was calm as he nodded.

Li Muwan's chest rose up and went back down as she took deep breaths. "Brother Wang, how much of that spirit liquid do you have left? Is there a lot?" she asked.

Wang Lin's right hand slapped his bag of holding as he placed a white bottle on the table.

Li Muwan's eyes revealed a disappointed look and muttered, "So there is only one bottle left. There probably wasn't much of something as rare as this to begin with…"

Before she could finish, another bottle appeared in Wang Lin's hand. One bottle after another appeared in Wang Lin's hand and were placed on the table until there were 8 bottles.

Li Muwan was dumbfounded. After a long time, she regained her senses. She looked at the 8 bottles, then at Wang Lin, before asking, "Brother Wang, are all of these bottle filled with pure spirit liquid or did you dilute it?"

Wang Lin faintly smiled and said, "I didn't dilute it. It's the same spirit liquid I gave you before. Is this enough? If not, I can give you more."

Li Muwan's face suddenly turned red. She stared at Wang Lin and asked, "There's more?"

Wang Lin nodded and said, smiling, "However much you want, I have."

Li Muwan's chest rapidly went up and down. She opened one of the bottles and carefully looked at what was inside. She then looked at Wang Lin with a look of disbelief. After a long time, she finally managed to say one sentence.

"Brother Wang, do you know what effects this spirit liquid has?"

Wang Lin didn't hide anything and slowly said, "I have always used the spirit liquid instead of pills to raise my cultivation. Lately, I noticed that this spirit liquid can also help increase the success rate of alchemy."

Li Muwan was stunned again. She looked at Wang Lin with an odd expression. After a long time, she laughed. "Brother Wang, you're really… wasting a heavenly treasure. Although I don't know where this spirit liquid came from, after experimenting with what was in the bottle you left me for a majority of my life, I found that if you use the spirit liquid during alchemy, it can increase the success rate of making pills. Also, if you consume it directly, it can prevent you from aging. After taking it for a long time, it can increase a person's lifespan. If a large amount of it is used to make a pill, it can make a powerful spirit pill that would be several times more effective than just drinking it. If there was only 1 drop of this spirit liquid, it wouldn't be that good, but if there are more than 10 drops, it can be sold for an unimaginable price in the cultivation world."

After Wang Lin heard this, his eyes were still calm as he said, "Oh, so if you use this to make a pill, will it increase my chance of reaching Nascent Soul?"

Li Muwan took a deep breath and said, with confidence, "If there was no spirit liquid, then I would have no confidence in helping you reach Nascent Soul. All I would be able to do is give you a lot of pills and hope for the best. But, with all of this spirit liquid, I have a 30% chance of getting you to Nascent Soul in 2 months."

"30%…" Wang Lin frowned as he nodded. He quickly touched his bag of holding and took out a pill furnace. The pill furnace was the one from Yun Fei.

"Wan Er, do you recognise this pill furnace?"

Li Muwan only took one look and her expression suddenly changed. Her eyes revealed a look of disbelief. After a long time, she took a deep breath and asked, "Brother Wang, where have you been in these past 200 years?"

Wang Lin let out a faint smile and asked, "What? Is this a treasure?"

Li Muwan repeatedly nodded. Her face was filled with excitement and her body was giving off an irresistible aura.

"Brother Wang, the quality of this pill furnace is extremely high. In fact, it's comparable to the giant pill furnace in the Cloud Sky Sect. Wan Er suspects that this pill furnace is even better than those pill furnaces. If you look at these complex lines, they aren't natural, but traces of countless pills produced by this pill furnace. These signs are sometimes the real indication of the value of a pill furnace. If Wan Er is correct, then this is the main treasure of an alchemy sect."

Wang Lin secretly nodded. Her analysis was very close to his own speculation.

Li Muwan looked at the yellow paper with dreamy eyes and slowly said, "But, compared to this pill furnace, this piece of yellow paper is even more precious. Look at the seal on this yellow paper. Wan Er has only seen hints of this in some old books. This paper is called a pill seal. Its function is to absorb the spiritual energy of the world. While sealing the pill, it also helps nourish the pill at the same time. This technique was even rare in ancient times. The production process of pill seals have long been forgotten. What is more rare is how complete this pill seal is and that it's still functioning. It has to be said that if even a normal pill was placed under a pill seal, after a few days, its effect will increase by one fold. If left longer, its effect will increase even more."

"Rumor has it that all of those heaven defying pills in stories were created after being left in a pill seal for hundreds of years. It can be said that the pill seal played a key role in making those pills."

Wang Lin was very surprised. He looked at the yellow paper. He didn't expect the paper to be more precious than the pill furnace. Exactly what kind of pill would be inside of a pill furnace this rare and sealed by a pill seal this precious? Following this logic, wouldn't the pill be even more precious than the pill furnace and pill seal combined?

Li Muwan took a deep breath. She looked at the pill furnace and continued with her beautiful voice, "Brother Wang, you might have already guessed that the real treasure isn't the pill seal or the pill furnace, but the pill inside. It is rumored that only heaven defying pills would be placed inside of this type of pill furnace and use this type of seal. Wan Er is now very curious as to what kind of pill is sealed inside here."