

Chapter 1690 - Can't Be Wrong!

The Sovereign appeared at a very precise moment. He appeared just as Wang Lin released the arrow for the second time. The Sovereign already felt like he had to kill Wang Lin!

Considering cultivation levels, he had already entered the Arcane Tribulant stage, so aside from a few limited people, no one was his opponent! If it was identity, even though he was merely a slave, even the powerful people had to give him some face.

In this cave world, he was the leader of the Five Masters of the Ancient Celestial Realm. He had enjoyed countless years of high status and was viewed as a god by countless cultivators. He was used to being above others.

He also had the Sovereign Council. With just one word, he could set off a catastrophe in the Outer Realm! Even some of the concubines wouldn't dare to stand before him. That was the Sovereign!

Even in the Inner Realm his name was famous. Almost everyone who knew his name would be filled with fear. Everything that had happened revealed just how cunning and elusive he was!

From when he gathered powerful cultivators to kill the Lord of the Sealed Realm, to the arrival of the Tattoo Clan to mess with Qing Lin, and then the destruction of the four Celestial Realms. Finally, he left a lot of seeds in the Inner Realm. Zhan Xingye, the head disciple of the Cloud Sea's Heaven Breaking Sect, and Daoist Water. All those people had been manipulated by the Sovereign.

He had set off multiple wars between the Inner and Outer Realms. The amount of cultivators that had died by his hand was enough to cover a star system.

Before meeting Wang Lin, he had only been in a sorry state three times in his life. The first was when the Seven-Colored Daoist had tried to force him to become his disciple. However, to be forced by the Seven-Colored Daoist meant he had great talent.

The second time was when Old Ghost Zhan broke into the Outer Realm to steal Joss Flames. The two of them battled and the Sovereign lost. That battle made him deeply remember the name "Old Ghost Zhan!"

As for the third time, it was when the Sovereign went into the Inner Realm to look for the Li Guang Arrow. He was seriously injured by a roar and was forced to retreat.

Aside from these three times, he had done as he wished and had never miscalculated! That was until he met Wang Lin. It was as if Wang Lin was his nemesis, and this almost made him go crazy.

The first time he schemed against Wang Lin was when Wang Lin first entered the Ancient Star System. He wanted to fish out Wang Lin's soul, but not only was he stopped by Dao Master Blue Dream, he had lost Wang Lin's aura due to the ancient tomb.

This matter was considered an accident, and the Sovereign didn't take it to heart.

However, soon, a second encounter took place. At the entrance of the ancient tomb, he watched Wang Lin seal a large portion of the Outer Realm's power. Just as he tried to free the third step cultivators inside, Wang Lin released a roar that borrowed the power from the lowest layer of the tomb.

This roar felt like a sharp sword colliding with the Sovereign. This made him cough out blood and quickly retreat.

This matter was barely passable as an accident. Although the Sovereign felt depressed, he at least understood the reason.

However, it didn't end there. There was still the third encounter between him and Wang Lin. He had made his disciple bring the Li Guang Bow to the Inner Realm to lure out Old Ghost Zhan. The two of them battled, but the bow fell into Wang Lin's hands. However, what made him gloomy was that Wang Lin actually managed to get his hands on the arrow afterwards.

However, even at that moment, the Sovereign didn't care about Wang Lin. He had still thought that those few incidents were mere accidents. Even if Wang Lin had the bow and arrow, he couldn't use it, because of his bloodline. As long as the Sovereign wanted to kill Wang Lin, it would be as easy as flipping his palm!

Then came the fourth encounter, where he and many other third step cultivators from the Outer Realm used Fishing the Moon in the Well to bring Wang Lin into a fake world to kill him!

This time, he had calculated everything without any flaws and forced Wang Lin to use everything. Even though Wang Lin eventually released one of the souls Ye Mo had sealed, it couldn't change his eventual death. The Sovereign was certain that he had thought of everything and that nothing unexpected could happen again!

However, not even in his dreams could the Sovereign have expected the accident that did occur. The appearance of the madman caused a monstrous wave to set off in his heart and caused his life and death calamity to completely collapse!

Not only did he not kill Wang Lin, he became the reason why Wang Lin's cultivation level had increased rapidly. This matter made the Sovereign extremely gloomy!

However, he still didn't recognize Wang Lin and still believed Wang Lin was lucky. It wasn't until the fifth time, when Wang Lin killed him with the arrow, that the Sovereign became sober after surviving with the three lives spell.

Once, twice, three times, and four times were all accidents. But how could the fifth time still be an accident? This Wang Lin was clearly his nemesis!!

Wang Lin was like a thorn in the Sovereign's heart. Every time he thought of him, he would feel suffocated, and this was almost enough for him to go crazy.

"It can't go wrong this time!!" The Sovereign appeared 100,000 feet from Wang Lin. He stared at Wang Lin as he waved his sleeves and shot toward him.

His Arcane Tribulant cultivation spread out and space itself trembled as an invisible ripple spread out. Wang Lin remained calm, but he was forced back.

The Sovereign was not someone Wang Lin could deal with. As the Sovereign's cultivation erupted, Wang Lin was like a lone leaf withstanding the wrath of the sea. He continued to retreat.

"This old man has calculated that he only had the power for two shots! There will not be another accident. He has already shot twice, and I can't detect any celestial bloodline in his body right now. He can't draw the Li Guang Bow anymore!!" The Sovereign's eyes were filled with powerful killing intent. His intent to kill Wang Lin was monstrous, and he was not willing to stop until he killed Wang Lin.

It was understandable that the Sovereign was like this, since Wang Lin seemed almost immortal. The Sovereign was almost desperate, and he even almost subconsciously believed it was impossible to kill Wang Lin. Every time Wang Lin was faced with danger, some accident would happen at the last minute to reverse the situation.

These accidents made it seem as if there was an invisible force changing everything. Although all of this seems kind of crazy, the Sovereign almost believed this.

"This time, I refuse to believe an accident could occur!! Damn it, even if he summons Master, I still have to kill Wang Lin!! He definitely doesn't have the power to draw the bow a third time, I can't be wrong!" The reason the Sovereign was so certain was because of his connection with the celestial bloodline. He was, after all, the madman's slave, and he had forced the celestial bloodline out from Wang Lin's body. He knew exactly how much force was inside and how many times it could be used to draw the bow.

It would be very difficult for anyone other than him to calculate it accurately.

Sovereign's eyes were bloodshot behind the killing intent. As he stepped forward, the world rumbled, the stars trembled, and endless ripples spread in all directions.

"I can't be wrong, he will certainly die. If I can't kill him, this old man will change my name to his family name!" The Sovereign's will to kill Wang Lin had reached a limit, to the point of him almost going crazy. At this moment, he arrived behind Wang Lin and his palm slammed down on him.

"Die for this old man!!" He didn't even talk to Wang Lin at all. The moment he attacked, he used his most powerful spell. In fact, despite how certain he was that he hadn't made a mistake, he was still vaguely worried. He was afraid that if he talked with Wang Lin, some accident might really happen.

In addition, this palm of his was only a way of scouting Wang Lin. After all, the Sovereign had experienced Wang Lin's "accidents" several times…

A giant palmprint appeared between the Sovereign and the retreating Wang Lin. The moment it appeared, it began to grow, but it didn't grow too big, only about 1,000 feet large. However, it was extremely solid, as if it was real!

After it appeared, it rumbled toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's face was pale, but his eyes were not alarmed at all. The appearance of the Sovereign was not outside Wang Lin's expectations. In fact, if the Sovereign hadn't appeared, Wang Lin would've had to think about things more carefully.

As the palmprint closed in, Wang Lin raised his right hand. The ancient god stars between his eyebrows, along with stars in his left and right eyes, all shined. Ancient power gathered from his body and condensed on his right index finger!

With the Immortal Celestial Body as inspiration, this was Wang Lin's self-created spell, Ancient Immortal Finger!

The moment he pointed forward, a burst of green light erupted from Wang Lin's body. It was the Azure Shield. After that, a huge light shadow appeared behind Wang Lin. I was the Light and Shadow Shield!

Behind the Light and Shadow Shield, bursts of colorful light echoed and a colorful butterfly landed on Wang Lin's shoulder, flapping its wings. Colorful powder fell from it and it was extremely beautiful.

"Still not time yet…" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a strange light. All of this happened in an instant. The 1,000 foot palmprint closed in and collided with Wang Lin's right index finger.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!

Just as they touched, Wang Lin felt like this body was going to collapse. He coughed out blood and retreated. Wang Lin's right index finger was immediately disintegrated by the palmprint, but it instantly reformed. In just a few breaths, Wang Lin's index finger was destroyed and reformed more than 1,000 times!

The difference in cultivation levels was like a giant gully; it was far beyond something Wang Lin could cross. After a few breaths, although his right finger could still keep up, his body couldn't. Wounds appeared all over his body and intense pain washed over him.

The Light and Shadow Shield became twisted as it flashed and then collapsed!

The Azure Shield shined brightly as cracking sounds echoed, and it was knocked back into Wang Lin's body.

The five-colored butterfly trembled and dissipated into five-colored light.

Chapter 1691 - Can't Be Wrong?

All this destruction caused Wang Lin to cough out blood, and his body began to fragment under the rumbles. He was constantly pushed back. As his right index finger continued to resist, he formed a seal with his left hand and waved.

The stars trembled with this wave and the exact same palmprint appeared. It was the War Spirit Print!

After the War Spirit Print appeared, it followed Wang Lin's wave and collided with the Sovereign's palmprint.

A thunderous rumble echoed. The instant the invincible War Spirit Print collided with the Sovereign's palmprint, it collapsed. Wang Lin was knocked back and large amounts of blood flowed out from his mouth. This was only his first collision with the Sovereign and he was already seriously injured.

However, the Sovereign's palmprint only paused for a moment before continuing forward. Wang Lin looked up and revealed a fierce expression as he pointed upward. Bursts of seven-colored light appeared, forming a lance that shot toward the palmprint.

Both sides began colliding once more, setting off monstrous sounds. Wang Lin's body was swept by the wind and he retreated more than 10,000 feet. His hands were trembling and his legs were covered in blood.

However, the big palmprint didn't disintegrate, though it had dissipated slightly and wasn't as solid as before. The palmprint howled as it descended upon Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with madness. The power of the Sovereign was not outside his expectations; this was the power of an Arcane Tribulant cultivator. As the palmprint closed in, the fire in Wang Lin's left eye and the thunder in his right eye appeared. The three ethereal essences and the slaughter essence rumbled. The six essences in his body formed six illusory swords.

With one wave, these six swords shot out toward the palmprint. Wang Lin clenched his teeth, and rather than retreating, he charged forward.

The six swords instantly closed in on the palmprint and stabbed it. Ripples spread out, and as the swords attacked the palmprint, Wang Lin charged forward. He had a fierce expression as he raised his hand, his eyes filled with killing intent.

"Tearing the Heavens!" The Tearing the Heavens spell Wang Lin had learned from Ye Mo's child was used. He grabbed space itself and mercilessly tore it open!

The space before Wang Lin trembled and a rift was ripped open before him. Borrowing the power of tearing space itself, the palmprint was also torn open!

At this instant, an ancient one shadow appeared behind Wang Lin. This was different from before; it was no longer just a head but had a vague body!

This body was the ancient one's body. Although Wang Lin hadn't had time to refine those eight drops of blood, it had appeared.

This vague ancient one figure also opened its arms and tore at the palmprint following Wang Lin's movement!

The star domain trembled as an indescribable power ripped it open. It ripped opened the operation of the heavens and ripped open the Sovereign's palmprint!

The palmprint collapsed!

The six swords also shattered and returned back to Wang Lin's body in fragments. Wang Lin's hands were a bloody mess. The power of that spell relied on his fingers!

Even the ancient one shadow behind Wang Lin suddenly collapsed.

Wang Lin was knocked back. He coughed out large amounts of blood and blood sprayed out from his body. His face was pale, but the madness in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by calmness.

It was as everything before was merely a play!

"This is the power of a peak Arcane Void cultivator that has entered Arcane Tribulant. Without the Li Guang Bow, I'm no match…" Wang Lin staggered back as sharp pain washed over his body. His origin soul had been damaged by the rebound shockwave.

All of this happened very fast. Although the palmprint had dissipated, the Sovereign laughed loudly. He was finally certain that Wang Lin didn't have the power to pull the bow a third time. Now that he had no worries, he walked toward Wang Lin with a cruel grin.

"Wang Lin, I want to see where you will run this time!! I have already sealed this star domain, you can't escape!" The Sovereign was filled with joy. He had waited three years for this day!

Just as the Sovereign closed in, howls echoed from the distance. Ripples spread and the seventh concubine walked out with a sullen expression. At the same time, Dao Master Miao Yin and Devil Master Nine Heaven came from another direction toward Wang Lin.

Three of the Five Masters of the Ancient Star System and the seventh celestial imperial concubine. Any one of them could shake the Inner and Outer Realms, but at this moment, they had all come to kill Wang Lin!

Seeing all four of them appear, Wang Lin's eyes became cold. He had been waiting for all four of them to appear! Only then could he complete the first step of his plan!

Destroy the Outer Realm's Ancient Star System and cause chaos in the cave world so the powers were no longer in balance. This was the first step of Wang Lin's plan, but how could he not realize that this would leave him trapped in the Ancient Star System only to be hunted?

His eyes shined. Just as the Sovereign was about to close in, Wang Lin suddenly stopped. His left hand reached forward and the Li Guang Bow suddenly appeared in his hands!

The moment the Li Guang Bow appeared, the Sovereign's expression changed greatly. He subconsciously stopped and even retreated more than 1,000 feet. His eyes were filled with shock and disbelief!

"Impossible!! You only have the power of two shots, I can't be wrong, impossible. You're just taking out the bow to make a fool of us. You can't draw that bow!" The Sovereign couldn't accept such a thing. He couldn't accept his plans being wrong again and again. This kind of blow was extremely deadly to him and could break his confidence, shake his dao heart!

At this moment, not only did the Sovereign retreat, but even the seventh concubine stopped and no longer moved forward. Dao Master Miao Yin and Devil Master Nine Heaven also stopped, and their expressions changed greatly.

The Sovereign's face turned pale, then madness filled his eyes and he roared at Wang Lin, "You're pretending to be mysterious!!"

However, just as he roared, he suddenly stopped as he saw Wang Lin's right hand grab the bowstring and mercilessly pull back.

There was a buzz. This beautiful sound terrified the Sovereign. The memory of his death three years ago couldn't be suppressed and drowned him.

"Impossible!! This is absolutely impossible!! Even if you can draw the bow, you don't have the celestial energy to trigger the arrow to appear…" The Sovereign retreated, his face deathly pale.

However, just at this moment, a ghostly light flashed on the bow Wang Lin had drawn, and the arrow that suppressed all life appeared!

Holding the bow, he locked onto the Sovereign and the others that had come. He raised his left hand and pointed the arrow at the Sovereign!

The Sovereign's face turned deathly pale after being pointed at by the arrow. The biggest blow came from his mind. His plans had collapsed again and again before Wang Lin. Even though he was sure this time, in the end, he found that he was wrong once more…

"This old man refuses to believe!! All of this is false. Although you have summoned the arrow, you don't have the celestial energy to shoot this arrow. I don't believe it, I'm willing to bet on this!!" The Sovereign went mad. Instead of retreating, he rushed toward Wang Lin. His expression was twisted as his hands formed a seal and the giant palmprint appeared once more.

A giant, illusory well appeared behind the palmprint. The well suddenly spread and the surrounding star domain seemed to become part of it.

At the same time, a bright, red sun appeared in this star domain that was surrounded by the well's water. The power of the law of origin appeared.

The Sovereign went crazy. As he moved forward, he hit his forehead with his hand. A fist-sized bone bead suddenly came out of his forehead. The bone bead was grey and gave off a white glow. After it appeared, the Sovereign's power increased several fold. He then charged straight at Wang Lin.

"I'll make you believe, make you remember!" Wang Lin closed his cold eyes so the others couldn't see the golden light in his gaze. He pulled the bow a bit more with his right hand so the bowstring was pulled back a bit more, then he suddenly let go!

The moment he let go, the arrow shot forward as a ray of heaven-shattering light!

The palmprint instantly collapsed and was penetrated by the arrow. Ripples echoed across the well, and as the arrow passed, the well shattered.

As for the sun, it wasn't able to stop the arrow from passing through. The arrow carried with it a powerful destructive force as it flew toward the Sovereign, who was filled with despair.

"This can't be…" The arrow was too fast and instantly passed through the Sovereign. His body trembled as the arrowed passed by. His body collapsed and the fragments of his body were knocked tens of thousands of kilometers away.

Dao Master Miao Yin and Devil Master Nine Heaven coughed out blood and their bodies collapsed. Their origin souls were about to escape when Wang Lin waved his sleeves and captured them.

Only the seventh concubine only coughed out a large amount of blood and was seriously injured after the arrow passed. As a celestial imperial concubine, she had a life-saving treasure and luckily survived.

After the arrow whizzed past, the Sovereign's flesh and blood rapidly reformed and he resurrected once more. He was pale and he looked at Wang Lin with fear he had never shown before. At this moment, he didn't dare to say he could calculate how many shots Wang Lin could fire!

Without any hesitation, the Sovereign fled like crazy without turning back, just like three years ago.

Just at this moment, a monsterous seven-colored light surged! It was as if someone had come using the seven-colored light and completely lit up this star domain!

Chapter 1692 - The Agreement From Back Then

When the seven-colored light flashed, the retreating Sovereign suddenly stopped. He looked at the seven-colored light with a complicated and bitter expression.

There was also the seventh concubine that had barely survived due to her life-saving treasure. She also looked at the seven-colored light with a complicated expression.

"He really came!" Wang Lin's pupils shrank, and without hesitation, he retreated back a few steps. His right hand reached at the void and a jade appeared in his hand.

He crushed the jade and it turned into dust. A fist-sized black hole immediately appeared where the jade was.

The black hole gave off a shocking suction force and emitted a ghostly light that shrouded Wang Lin. It was going to pull him into the black hole.

In the distance, where the seven-colored light appeared, an illusory figure slowly walked over. The figure was a middle-aged man in a robe; he gave off an air of refinement. He was originally calm, but when he saw the black hole appear when Wang Lin crushed the jade, a mysterious light flashed through his eyes.

"You want to leave using that method? That's not possible," the Seven-Colored Daoist spoke as he casually pointed at Wang Lin.

With one point, the seven-colored light suddenly shined brightly and gathered in his finger. A seven-colored storm appeared and shot toward Wang Lin.

This storm was too fast and instantly closed in on Wang Lin. It was less than seven feet from Wang Lin!

A chill came from Wang Lin's mind and spread across every pore of his body, telling him it was a life and death crisis. Based on the speed of this storm, it seemed like Wang Lin didn't have enough time to enter the black hole.

However, he didn't panic, as if everything was within his calculations. Just as the seven-colored storm closed in, a woman's jade-like hand reached out from the black hole. Her middle finger had a bright, green jade ring that collided with the storm.

The seven-colored storm silently collapsed and turned into seven-colored gas. The gas took shapes that looked like seven poisonous snakes and drilled into the jade-like hand.

A wounded muffle came from the black hole. The jade-like hand trembled and soon formed a seal. The hand suddenly split into seven of the exact same hand and overlapped to form a circle. A seven-colored light came from these seven hands.

With a gentle pat, the seven hands all gave off different colored lights, forming a seven-colored print. It flew by Wang Lin and shot toward the Seven-Colored Daoist in the distance.

At the same time, Wang Lin's body was pulled in by the black hole and he disappeared from the Ancient Star System.

All of this happened in an instant.

When the Sovereign saw the seven hands he stared at them and his eyes shined brightly.

"So it's her!!"

The person who was even more shocked was the seventh concubine. Her face turned pale and she subconsciously stepped back as she exclaimed, "Elder Sister!! She isn't dead!!"

Only the Seven-Colored Daoist remained calm. As the seven-colored print closed in, he waved his hand. A seven-colored ripple echoed and collided with the seven-colored print.

Thunderous rumble echoed, and a moment later, everything disappeared.

The Seven-Colored Daoist closed his eyes. It was unknown what he was thinking. After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at where Wang Lin had disappeared. Reminiscence filled his eyes.

"Seven-Colored Jade Print… I think that is the name… Unfortunately, I only have the spell but not the memory… However, it's not enough to escape from me. The Li Guang Bow has finished its mission, so it's time to take it back." The Seven-Colored Daoist raised his head and stepped forward. He disappeared without a trace.

Only the Sovereign and the seventh concubine were left there. They were both shocked by the appearance of that hand and the identity of the owner of the hand.

The Celestial Sovereign's first concubine and also the little sister of the Celestial Sovereign's dao partner!

In the Cloud Sea, there was a giant spatial crack where the Demon Sect used to be. Few people knew where this crack led to, but many fierce beasts often rushed out of it.

At this moment, deep inside the spatial crack, in this dark and strange space, there was a giant beast more than 10,000 feet long. It looked like a lion but had a single horn on its head.

There was a woman sitting before the single horn on this mighty lion's head. She was an extreme beauty, and at this moment, her face was pale. She continuously formed seals and waved her hands before her.

Before her was a fist-sized hole that was devouring the darkness around her. The black hole trembled and expanded. When it expanded to 10 feet, Wang Lin walked out.

The moment he walked out, the black hole collapsed into specks of light.

"Many thanks!" Wang Lin clasped his hands at the woman sitting there.

The extremely beautiful woman opened her eyes and revealed a hint of exhaustion. She looked at Wang Lin, and after a long time, she shook her head and let out a sigh.

"Back when we parted, your cultivation level was low. I didn't think you would reach such a high cultivation level today… I thought you had forgotten about our agreement, but when I received your message through the jade, I knew you hadn't."

"You helped me leave here before and I'll naturally not forget. However, due to some matters, I came late." Wang Lin smiled and looked down at the giant lion, which was running. He decided to sit down.

When he decided to go to the Ancient Star System to destroy the Ancient Celestial Realm there, he had already thought of a way to escape. Wang Lin knew this trip would not be simple. Once he shot the bow twice, the Sovereign would act. Even though Wang Lin didn't only have the power for two shots left like the Sovereign thought, the Outer Realm was the Seven-Colored Daoist's domain. Once that person appeared, Wang Lin knew it would be difficult to escape.

Therefore, when he was cultivating on the wheel formation one year ago, he had taken out the jade and communicated with this woman who he hadn't talked to in a long time. They reached an agreement.

The reason Wang Lin had looked for the woman's help was because through his own knowledge and various clues, Wang Lin was 60% confident that this woman was the missing first concubine!

After they had their first communication, the woman had revealed her identity; she was the first concubine!

The beautiful woman softly said, "I was once the first concubine of the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign. I told you this before when we talked through the jade. My other identity is the younger sister of Fan Shanmeng, the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's dao partner. My name is Fan Shanlu!

"Since you already know that this is just a cave world, there is no need to hide anything from you.

"The Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign tried to obtain a treasure while two of the nine suns fought. He used despicable methods by using my sister as bait, and he took that opportunity to obtain it. Then he came back and sealed the Seven Dao Sect.

"Once we arrived here, I couldn't believe anyone from the Immortal Astral Continent, and I was injured by the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign. My cultivation still hasn't recovered and I had no one to work with until you appeared. There is no conflict of interest between us, we can work together!"

The woman spoke softly.

"You want to take the native cultivators here to the Immortal Astral Continent, I'll also help you with this!

"The Immortal Astral Continent is a mysterious place. It is too big and wars are constant. There is little peace between the various sects. If you want to have a foothold there, you must have a sect!

"Every decent area has already been taken. To tell you the truth, with your cultivation level, you can't take any sects! As for the cave world, everything here is just an illusion. It is not inaccurate to say all the lives here are indeed fake…

"Throughout the ages, I have rarely heard of people coming out of the various cave worlds of the sects across the Immortal Astral Continent. I have to tell you this in advance."

Wang Lin silently pondered as he sat there listening to her words.

"However, it is not impossible. When you head to the Immortal Astral Continent, you have to pay a great price and bear the penalty of the Immortal Astral Law. I have heard little about this matter, but only after reaching Arcane Tribulant in the cave world could you have a chance of surviving it.

"However, I can help you with this matter as well!" the woman slowly spoke as she looked at Wang Lin.

"I'm listening!" Wang Lin's expression was calm, without any hint of fluctuations. When the woman saw this, she couldn't help but reveal a hint of admiration.

After pondering for a bit, the woman suddenly said, "My elder sister is not dead!"

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed, but he didn't speak.

"She is not here, she is in the Immortal Astral Continent! Obtaining a sect in the Immortal Astral Continent is very difficult, but if you kill the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign, the Seven Dao Sect is yours! My sister and I don't want any of it. Actually, we are not people of the Seven Dao Sect but core disciples of the Great Soul Sect.

"Back then, we were blind and followed the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign…" The woman clenched her teeth and revealed a resentful expression.

"Even after you obtain the Seven Dao Sect, if you wish to continue cultivating, we can introduce you into the Great Soul Sect!

"As for the penalty of you entering the Immortal Astral Continent, I'll ask my sister to ask Master to help. With Master helping to welcome you to the Immortal Astral Continent, the penalty would be reduced."

Wang Lin silently pondered. A moment later, he slowly spoke,

"Besides me, what about the other cultivators of the cave world?"

The beautiful woman was about to speak when her expression suddenly changed and she looked back. At the same time, Wang Lin also looked back with a gloomy expression.

Chapter 1693 - Seven-Color Arrives

The lion beast below the two of them trembled and revealed a look of horror. It trembled and actually stopped moving.

Seven-colored light shined brightly behind him like the stars. It was as if someone had ripped this space open and forced the seven-colored light in.

Wang Lin's pupils shrank and he stepped forward without hesitation. In a flash, he began moving forward rapidly. Fan Shanlu was the same and moved like a beautiful butterfly behind Wang Lin.

While she escaped, she waved her jade-like hand toward the lion beast. The lion beast let out a roar and charged at the seven-colored light as if it was crazy.

Fan Shanlu's eyes lit up and she muttered, "Blood sacrifice!"

The moment she spoke, the lion was covered in a blood-colored light and then exploded into a blood mist. This mist rumbled and then scattered in all directions. Soon, sharp roars came from all directions.

The aura of fierce beasts rushed toward the location.

Wang Lin was using almost his full speed and moving forward like a ray of light that broke space. He would sometimes fuse with the world and move even faster.

"Here!" Fan Shanlu was a bit faster than Wang Lin. Her cultivation level was extremely high, and although she was injured, she had managed to suppress a lot of her injuries over the years.

In a flash, she passed Wang Lin and led the way. She didn't move straight ahead but turned to another direction. Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he followed without hesitation.

However, just at this moment, a cold snort came from the void behind the two of them. There was no rumble, but a powerful pressure and shockwave came with it.

There were hundreds of fierce beasts behind them; they were attracted by the blood mist. However, as the cold snort echoed, they let out mournful cries and were knocked back by a powerful force.

As the shockwave spread, the hundreds of fierce beasts all exploded.

A few drops of blood and minced flesh flew by Wang Lin, making him even more gloomy.

As the hundreds of fierce beasts collapsed, the seven-colored light pierced through. The Seven-Colored Daoist calmly walked out with his hands behind his back.

"Wang Lin, give me the Li Guang Bow and arrow." His words were slow, but when they entered Wang Lin's ears, Wang Lin's mind trembled. Wang Lin's body trembled and he coughed out blood.

Fan Shanlu grabbed Wang Lin's arm. Her face was pale and she anxiously pulled Wang Lin forward.

"I remember you, you are my first concubine. Why are you running from this lord after seeing me?" The Seven-Colored Daoist's gaze swept past Fan Shanlu. He waved his right sleeve and nine burning hot red fire bird phantoms appeared before him.

The nine fire birds were not Vermillion Birds, but the heat they gave off was something not even the Vermillion Bird could compare to! Also, there were faint traces of planet souls coming from these nine fire birds!

They weren't fire birds at all, they were clearly nine rare burning planets from this cave world that had been refined by the Seven-Colored Daoist! Or more accurately, nine suns!

At this moment, with a wave of his hand, the nine fire birds turned into nine rays of burning light that shot toward Wang Lin and Fan Shanlu.

"You block it!" At the moment of crisis, Wang Lin could no longer hide his strength anymore. He let out a roar and waved his hand. Fan Shanlu didn't hesitate. Borrowing the power of Wang Lin's wave, she leaped forward. Her hands formed a seal, and after coughing out a mouthful of blood, she let out a sad roar.

"Great Soul Dao, draw the soul. With my soul as sacrifice, form a soul to cut off the realm!" Fan Shanlu's right hand reached out and the blood she had coughed out turned into a mist that entered her right hand. Soon, it turned into a blood-red knife!

With this knife in hand, Fan Shanlu raised her head and chopped down at the nine fire birds. The knife collapsed into nine parts and shot toward the nine birds to block them!

Borrowing this time, Wang Lin reached out with his left hand and the Li Guang Bow appeared. His right hand reached for the string. With a roar, sweat appeared on his forehead and golden light shone in his eyes as he drew the bow!

The Sovereign's calculation was not wrong, Wang Lin really only had the power to draw the bow twice. However, what the Sovereign didn't know was that Wang Lin had another drop of celestial blood!

This drop of blood was what Xu Liguo and Liu Jinbiao had cheated from the madman and was eventually taken by Wang Lin! Although this drop of blood didn't contain much power, it was enough to cause the Sovereign to miscalculate!

With a buzz, the Li Guang Bow was drawn and the arrow appeared. The moment the arrow appeared, Wang Lin let go and the bowstring slammed back, shooting the arrow out.

At this moment, the sound of the arrow replaced all sounds in this world. In an instant, the arrow flew past Fan Shanlu. It caused her hair to flutter and cut off a few strands.

After flashing by her, the arrow collided with the nine firebirds.

Thunderous rumbles echoed and a powerful shockwave spread. Fan Shanlu was hit by the shockwave and coughed out blood. Wang Lin grabbed her and the two left without even looking back to see the result.

"My cave is 4 million kilometers away. There are formations there that can resist for some time!" Fan Shanlu's voice echoed. Wang Lin didn't say a word as he grabbed her hand and they disappeared.

When they reappeared, they had moved 2 million kilometers. His face was pale and continue to rush forward.

Wang Lin rushed forward and didn't dare to stop at all, but he sent out a divine sense message to Fan Shanlu. "Is he the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign!?"

"He is and is not… He…" Before Fan Shanlu finished speaking, a slow voice came from behind them.

"This old man is certainly the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign. I originally didn't want to kill you and just wanted to retrieve the bow and arrow. I will give you one last chance to give that bow and arrow to me." In the distance, the Seven-colored Daoist slowly walked out. He looked no different than before; that arrow had no affect on him!

However, Wang Lin didn't believe him, but this was not the time to observe. If that person wanted to hide the truth, Wang Lin wouldn't be able to tell the truth.

"Forget it. Since you're looking for death, this lord will help you." The Seven-Colored Daoist revealed a look of pity. He shook his head and pointed at Wang Lin and Fan Shanlu.

With this point, a seven-colored crystal appeared from the tip of his finger. This crystal immediately shot toward Wang Lin and Fan Shanlu.

It closed in in an instant and then dissipated into seven-colored light that wrapped around them. If you looked from afar, you would see that they were now surrounded by the seven-colored crystal that had disappeared!

At this instant, the crystal rapidly shrank. Cracking sounds echoed and Wang Lin felt intense pain from his body. Powerful pressure came from all directions to crush his body.

Fan Shanlu's face turned pale. During this moment of danger, her right hand formed a seal and the seven-colored print appeared before her again. She spat out blood and it landed on the print.

"Sister, help me!!"

Her voice was extremely mournful. At this moment, the stars shook and an exotic aura came out of nowhere! On the Immortal Astral Continent, there was an icy land that was covered in white snow. It was cold enough to freeze all life to death; even cultivators found it difficult to survive here.

In this frozen land, there was a mountain of ice, and a woman was sitting on top of this mountain. Her appearance was exactly the same as Fan Shanlu!

At this instant, she suddenly opened her eyes and pointed to the spot between her eyebrows.

A burst of seven-colored light came from between her eyebrows. At the same time in the cave world, a burst of seven-colored light also appeared between Fan Shanlu's eyebrows. It was as if an external force had entered her body and made it rumble.

Borrowing this power, the seven-colored print before her suddenly expanded to more than 1,000; 10,000; even 100,000 feet. It propped up the shrinking crystal that surrounded them, and the crystal suddenly collapsed.

The moment it collapse the giant seven print shot out toward the Seven-Colored Daoist.

"I have used all my power, take me away!" Fan Shanlu's eyes dimmed and Wang Lin grabbed her. In a flash, they disappeared and reappeared more than 2 million kilometers away.

Before him was a giant ship that was the size of a mortal city. It was completely purple and looked majestic. He was surrounded by layers of protection that gave off a powerful pressure.

The sail of the ship moved without any wind, and there was a ghostly face on the sail, creating a shocking sight! Wang Lin and Fan Shanlu rushed into the layers of protection. Fan Shanlu's body gave off a glow and none of the protection layers stopped them from entering.

The moment Wang Lin landed, he asked Fan Shanlu, "Who the hell is he?" This question had been in his heart for far too long!

Chapter 1694 - Fan Shanmeng!

Fan Shanlu's face was deathly pale and she didn't respond to Wang Lin's words. She struggled to sit down and place her hands on her knees. She closed her eyes and began cultivating.

Seven-colored light flickered from her body, and the seven-colored light between her eyebrows became extremely bright. Eventually, a faint vortex appeared between her eyebrows. Not only did seven-colored light come out from the vortex, it was accompanied by bursts of cold energy.

The moment the cold energy appeared in this large ship, the deck froze and white mist scattered. Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and he retreated a few steps.

However, just at this moment, Fan Shanlu's face suddenly turned red and she coughed out a mouthful of blood. The blood turned into drops of ice and scattered across the deck.

Shortly after, the vortex between her eyebrows suddenly enlarged and started rotating rapidly. Wang Lin's eyes shined, and he saw a face suddenly appear inside the vortex!

This face was almost identical to Fan Shanlu's, an extremely beautiful and alluring face!

The moment this face appeared, Fan Shanlu revealed a painful expression and the veins on her face swelled, her expression fierce. Her eyes opened and the vortex between her eyebrows collapsed. The vortex returned back into her head and the beautiful face disappeared with it.

A miserable scream came from Fan Shanlu and she coughed out blood. Her hands reformed the seals and she began cultivating again.

When Wang Lin saw all of this, his expression became extremely serious. He seemed to have seen through some stuff but wasn't sure.

While pondering, Wang Lin's divine sense spread out and surrounded the entire ship. Soon, the entire ship appeared in his mind.

This ship was very large and there were many restrictions that even Wang Lin felt were mysterious. As his divine sense spread out, he was shocked to find that almost the entire ship was made of restrictions. Even the deck below his feet was made of restrictions.

It could be said that this ship was a giant restriction formation.

The layers of protection were created by the ship itself. They formed fine, overlapping layers, and it would be very difficult to break them.

Wang Lin vaguely noticed the core of this formation as his divine sense spread out. It was the ghostly-faced sail on the ship. The ghostly face seemed to be alive, and its eyes were locked onto Wang Lin.

Although it was completely silent, when Wang Lin was stared at by the ghostly face, he seemed to hear hideous cries and roars in his mind.

This sound penetrated his mind and caused his expression to change. He couldn't help but retreat a few steps.

"Time Restriction, Life and Death Restriction, Ancient Soul Restriction, Annihilation Restriction… Not only does this ship have the four ancient restrictions, but there are also many I have never seen before…

"If I have the time to master all these restrictions and research them, I could reach small completion in my restriction essence!" Wang Lin's eyes revealed a strange light. His restriction knowledge was extraordinary, but unfortunately, most of the restrictions in this cave world were incomplete. If he tried to deduce them by force, not only would it waste a lot of time, it might be wasted effort as well.

However, now it was different. The restrictions on this ship opened a new path for Wang Lin. If he could gain enlightenment and deduce them all, there might be a chance for the restriction essence to appear!

Shortly after Wang Lin observed the restrictions here, a bright, seven-colored light appeared outside the ship and lit up this area. The Seven-Colored Daoist slowly walked over.

"This ship… is somewhat familiar…" The Seven-Colored Daoist looked at the ship with reminiscence in his mind. However, no matter how much he tried, he couldn't remember where he had seen this ship before.

"I didn't obtain the memory, so I can't remember a lot of things." The Seven-Colored Daoist pondered for a moment and shook his head. He then waved his right hand.

Thunderous rumbles suddenly echoed!

As the deck on the ship trembled violently, a muffled rumble came from outside. Wang Lin turned to look out through the protective layers. He saw that inside the seven-colored light was the calm Seven-Colored Daoist, who looked as if the world was between his fingers.

Thunderous rumbles echoed once more, and as the deck trembled, the outermost layer of protection collapsed. The impact caused the giant ship to be pushed back a few hundred feet.

"Although this ship's restrictions are powerful,only 20% of them are activated… With just 20%, I fear it won't be able to stop the Seven-Colored Daoist…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. It was a moment of life and death. The Seven-Colored Daoist might not kill him for some reason, but he was going to take away the Li Guang Bow and arrow.

Wang Lin could not hand over the Li Guang Bow, it had great use for him. It was the only thing that could allow him to suppress all the Arcane Void cultivators! Most importantly, he wouldn't allow his life to be in the hands of others. He didn't want his life to be controlled with just a thought!

"Even if he was at full power, this Soul Search Ship could stop him for dozens of hours." Just at this moment, a cold voice came from behind Wang Lin.

Fan Shanlu slowly opened her eyes.

"Even though less than 30% of the restrictions are activated, he is also not the same as back then. It can stop him… For three days," Fan Shanlu spoke coldly, and her gaze contained a hint of coldness as she looked at the Seven-Colored Daoist outside. There was a complicated sense of hatred in her eyes.

Wang Lin turned around to look at the woman, and after a long time, he suddenly said, "You're not Fan Shanlu!"

The woman withdrew her gaze from outside the boat and looked at Wang Lin. A moment later, a hint of admiration appeared in her eyes and she nodded.

"You're indeed worthy of someone chosen by my little sister to work with. I'm indeed not Fan Shanlu. I'm her big sister, Fan Shanmeng!"

Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and he carefully looked at her, but he didn't speak.

"You should know my identity from my little sister, I'm the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's dao partner." As she spoke, she raised her right hand and formed a seal. With a wave, seven-colored light came from her hand and flew toward the barrier outside.

After it fused with the barrier, a powerful aura came from the ship and the barrier became even stronger. The rumbles from outside the barrier were almost completely blocked out, and the sounds that reached their ears were barely detectable.

"Since you are cooperating with me and my sister, I won't keep any secrets from you. Back then, two of the nine suns, the Grand Empyrean Dao Yi and the ancient countries' Grand Empyrean Xuan Luo appeared near our Seven Dao Sect. Their powers were heavenly and they were fighting for a storage fragment that had somehow flew out from the Immemorial God Domain.

"Normally, Seven-Colored and I could not participate in this matter and could not get any benefits, but in the end, fortune favored us… Even now, I still don't understand how Dao Yi or Xuan Luo didn't notice that a piece was missing, even if the storage fragment was broken.

"That missing piece landed in Seven-Colored's hand, and it was then that I saw his true heart. In order to cover up the aura, I gave up all my cultivation to fully suppress it and wished to quickly return to the Seven-Dao Sect.

"However, during the trip back, he backstabbed me. I was caught off guard and he took my full cultivation to suppress the fragment. He then destroyed my soul. He wanted to kill me because he was afraid the news would spread.

"He also needed to use my cultivation to open the fragment. After all, the fragment came from the Immemorial God Domain, so it would be very difficult to open.

"However, I didn't die. I'm a core disciple of the Great Soul Sect, so a part of my soul had been left with my teacher. Teacher used the great reincarnation spell and allowed me to be quickly reborn.

"There were people inside the Seven Dao Sect that listened to me, especially my little sister. I borrowed my teacher's spell to tell my little sister everything, and thus the war began!" The woman slowly talked about the past.

"I knew that he must have opened the fragment and obtained what was inside. I also knew that he had lured Ye Mo inside and sealed the Seven Dao Sect. But how could I let him succeed? I told the news to Lian Daofei, who had always coveted my beauty, and lured him to the Seven Dao Sect!

"With my sister's connection, most of his concubines defected and caused the Seven Dao Sect disciples to split. This is how the Inner and Outer Realms formed!" At this point, the woman looked at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin's expression remained unchanged and he didn't release any fluctuations. He had speculated on most of this, and even now he only believed some of her words. There were many parts that were skimmed over, and although what she was saying sounded complete, there were still some issues.

After silently pondering for a moment, Wang Lin slowly said, "What kind of place is the Immemorial God Domain?"

"There is a legend in the Immortal Astral Continent stating that the Immemorial God Domain will open nine times. Each time it opens, the person who obtains the final fortune will become a Grand Empyrean… Up until now, it has opened nine times, and there are indeed nine suns.

"Perhaps the tenth sun will appear when it opens for the tenth time…

"As for what the Immemorial God Domain is, I don't know what it is either."

"You said that this Seven-Colored is different from the Seven-Colored of the past. I need an answer to this." Wang Lin's eyes lit up and he looked at the blurry figure smashing up the protection around the ship.

The woman pondered a bit and suddenly said, "He is not complete!"

"I don't know how he got Li Guang to help him kill Ye Mo, but I know that after I told Lian Daofei how to break into the cave, a fierce battle occurred!

"This battle happened shortly after Ye Mo died. Seven-Colored then went into closed door cultivation due to his injuries and was studying something he got from that fragment. It wasn't until later that I learned that there was a Heavenly Dao inside that fragment!"

Chapter 1695 - Three Souls, Seven Fragments!

"I didn't see that battle myself; everything is from my little sister's memory. Lian Daofei was extremely powerful; he single-handedly battled against the four generals and many Seven Dao Sect disciples.

"With overwhelming strength, he seriously injured them all. It was also at this time that my little sister and several concubines rebelled and attacked with Lian Daofei.

"Just at the most chaotic moment, Lian Daofei flew past everyone and went toward where Seven-Colored was in closed door cultivation. This forced Seven-Colored to come out and battle him.

That battle was extremely fierce. Seven-Colored was already injured, so he was no match. He summoned the Heavenly Dao stored in the caved world and used its devouring ability to confront Lian Daofei.

In the end, Lian Daofei was seriously injured and was devoured by the Heavenly Dao, leaving his whereabouts unknown. However, due to his Immortal Celestial Body, he can't die, so he should still be in this cave world.

"However, the Heavenly Dao was also seriously injured and died. Countless drops of its blood scattered across the world and eventually dissipated. However, the fact that lives continue to be born in this cave world means that the Heavenly Dao didn't die!

"Seven-Colored's body collapsed and divided into three main souls. One of them contained all his spells and dao spells, becoming the him that is outside this ship right now.

"Another contained his comprehension and essences. It escaped after the great battle and exists inside the Inner Realm.

"The last soul contained all of Seven-Colored's memories, including how to summon the Heavenly Dao and where he hid the secret he obtained from that fragment.

"This last soul had no essences or spells, and even now, no one knows where it is. He may be a cultivator, he may be a mortal, he may be some fierce beast… Over countless reincarnation cycles, perhaps even he has forgotten who he was, his memory still in slumber.

"The soul that inherited all the spells is the Seven-Colored Daoist outside. He is the most powerful one, and he has forced several of the concubines to work for him. He even took Lian Daofei's palmprint servant boy to work under him before settling in the Outer Realm. He has been looking for the third soul for all these years…

"He gradually obtained his own will. Once he finds the third soul and devours it and then devours the second soul that inherited the essences, he will become the new Seven-Colored!

"Similarly, the second soul in the Inner Realm is also looking for the third soul. Whichever one of them obtains the third soul first will become the one in charge!

"Because the third soul contains the memories, it is impossible for them to devour each other and fuse without it. That's why the Seven-Colored Daoist and the second soul still can't devour each other.

"Not only them, but even the other fragments that scattered when Seven-Colored scattered can't devour each other either.

"When Seven-Colored died, aside from the three main souls, there were seven fragments. These seven fragments changed identities over countless reincarnations, but their souls belong to Seven-Colored!

"The Seven-Colored Daoist and the second soul completely ignored them. Even if they did find them, they can't be devoured, so they just let them cultivate on their own. Once they find the third soul and devour the other, the remaining seven fragments will return to them and form the complete Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign!

"This is the whole secret of this cave world!"

A huge wave was set off in Wang Lin's heart. Earlier, Wang Lin could keep calm when this woman talked about the matter about the Immortal Astral Continent, but after hearing everything else, he began to take deep breaths. He retreated a few steps and his expression rapidly changed.

He finally knew what the third one was!

He finally knew that the Seven-Colored Daoist was different from the statue he had obtained!

He finally knew what the woman in silver in his storage space meant when she said she hadn't opened the door. The door was very likely the door to the cave.

It wasn't that someone had opened the door, but the woman before him had told the madman how to open the door!

There might be some other things that didn't match up, but Wang Lin hadn't seen it himself, so he could only create his own images based on what the woman had said.

Perhaps the facts might be slightly different, but this was likely the truth of what had happened!

"Three souls, seven fragments… So it turns out there are three souls and seven fragments! The Sovereign said that Old Ghost Zhan should have died when they met at the Cloud Sea. The Sovereign's shock doesn't seem to be fake!

"Even he didn't know… Also, in the Seven-Colored Realm in the Brilliant Void, when I went to save Qing Shui, the Seven-Colored Daoist appeared. He seemed to admire Old Ghost Zhan…

"He said that Old Ghost Zhan was different… Could it be that Old Ghost Zhan is the second soul?

"Only then would he be qualified to confront the Seven-Colored Daoist! Or it can be said that there is another soul inside Old Ghost Zhan, and that is the second soul!

"It must be like this: the war between Inner and Outer Realms continued due to Old Ghost Zhan and the Seven-Colored Daoist. They were trying to find the third soul under the endless slaughter!

"Then who is the third soul!?" Wang Lin's mind trembled. This news ripped open all the fog in his mind and allowed him to see the truth!

"There are also the seven fragments… Back in the Seven-Colored Realm in the Brilliant Void, I noticed that the Seven-Colored Daoist looked at Qing Shui as if he was looking at himself. I found it strange at the time, but I couldn't get the answer. However, now the answer seems obvious!

"Senior Brother Qing Shui is one of the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's seven fragments!! No wonder his life is miserable, no wonder he could obtain the slaughter essence… No wonder he was so powerful as soon as he entered the third step!

"Among the seven, the only one I know is Qing Shui. As for the other six, who are they… I… Am I, Wang Lin, one as well…" Wang Lin silently pondered and coldness appeared in his eyes.

"My goal is to kill Seven-Colored; only by killing him can I eliminate my hatred for him. Our purpose is the same, it will be a win for both of us!

"I can ask Teacher to welcome you to the Immortal Astral Continent to reduce the penalty. I don't want the Seven Dao Sect. Once Seven-Colored is dead everything belongs to you!

"As for the other people in the cave world, they can't leave here. They can't survive the penalty of leaving. Not even my teacher can help with this.

"However, I still have another method. Although they can't enter the Immortal Astral Continent normally, they can still reincarnate there. By using the reincarnation method, their souls can follow you to the Immortal Astral Continent, and once their memories awaken, you can find them.

"This is the best method I can think of!"

Wang Lin silently pondered for a long time. He looked up at the woman while pondering.

"Even if we cooperate, with the power of the Seven-Colored Daoist and Old Ghost Zhan, we are no match. How do we kill them?"

Hearing Wang Lin's words, the woman laughed. It has to be said that the woman was extremely beautiful. When she laughed, she was like a flower blooming and would make one's heart pound.

"I have two methods of killing Seven-Colored!

"Because of the countless seals on the cave and the destruction left on the cave during the great war, I'm unable to come in person. I can only borrow my little sister's body and gather a bit of my origin soul here.

"However, if you can lure the Seven-Colored Daoist or the second soul to the core of the cave, where the door to the cave is, then I can gather more of my origin soul. Then I can kill them with my own strength! That is the first method.

"This method is not perfect, but I still have a second method. The key is the third soul. I'll teach you a spell, and if you can find the third soul, you can use this spell to devour it and completely erase its existence.

"From then on, you will be the third soul. I'll help you devour the Seven-Colored Daoist and the second soul. You will absorb the remaining seven fragments, and from that moment on, you will be Seven-Colored!

"My little sister and I can stay with you. She can be your concubine and I can be your dao partner. Then everything will return back to its original trajectory.

"If you have other women, they can also become your concubines. Even on the Immortal Astral Continent, if you take fancy to any female cultivator, I can capture them for you and we can cultivate together.

"Seven-Colored was like that back then, I helped him capture a lot of female cultivators. Aside from my little sister, I helped him find most of his eight concubines…

"With the help of my teacher, once we pair cultivate, our souls will fuse and our cultivation levels will increase. With the treasure you obtain from that fragment from the Immemorial Gold Domain, we can have free reign on the Immortal Astral Continent. It is much better than being stuck in a mere cave world!" The woman smiled and her words slowly drifted toward Wang Lin.

Wang Lin calmed his heart and looked at the woman. For some reason, he thought of something he had encountered a long time ago.

That matter had left a profound feeling on Wang Lin. Although it had been more than 1,000 years, he still couldn't forget it.

In the Demon Spirit Land, Wang Lin had met the Sovereign's daughter, the holy ancestor of the Tattoo Clan. She was extremely miserable, her eyes were dug out, and her whole body was suppressed in Qing Lin's cave. Her resentment was monstrous.

This woman's resentment toward Qing Lin was very similar to that of the woman before him. That woman's words were extremely mournful, and Wang Lin had almost believed her. However, he eventually heard what had happened personally from Qing Lin, and it confused him.

He didn't know who was right in this matter.

"We can talk about this matter later. Right now, the important matter is how do we avoid the pursuit of the Seven-Colored Daoist outside!" The moment Wang Lin heard her words, he sneered in his heart. However, he was cunning and wouldn't refuse her outright. After all, their initial cooperation of killing Seven-Colored benefited everyone.

"This matter is not difficult. Once we exchange oath of blood that we will cooperate then I'll manipulate this ship to safely send you out." The woman smiled.

"Oath of blood?" Wang Lin's eyes narrowed and he suddenly understood. Her leading him here and saying those words, there was obviously a deeper meaning.

"This matter is not urgent, where is the altar you talked about back then?"

Chapter 1696 - The Guest Becomes the Host

When Fan Shanmeng heard Wang Lin's words, her eyes shined. She smiled, but just as she was about to speak, the ship shook violently.

This tremble came from outside like a violent wind. This caused the ship to tremble, and a loud rumble echoed inside. The ship was pushed back several hundred kilometers.

This suddenly change caused Fan Shanmeng's expression to change, and she looked outside the ship.

Wang Lin leaped up and floated three inches off the deck as he drifted with the boat. His eyes shined as he looked outside.

Outside the Soul Devil Ship, the Seven-Colored Daoist continued to wave his hand, and every wave created a large amount of wind. The wind collided with the protective barrier around the ship, causing it to collapse layer by layer. Soon, a small portion was missing.

"It's fine, he can't open the Soul Devil Ship without several days of time!" Fan Shanmeng let out a cold snort as she withdrew her gaze from outside. She looked at Wang Lin and began talking again.

"The altar you are talking about is something my little sister obtained by accident. I contains the power of the ancient one inside, but she can't break it with her cultivation, and there is no need to break it. However, it is different for you.

"If you can break the protection on the altar and gain its inheritance, your cultivation level will increase greatly. This altar is in the deepest part of the Soul Devil Ship. Are you going now? However, you will only have three days. In these three days, I can control the Soul Devil Ship and escape from the Seven-Colored Daoist, but at most it will only be three days."

"Three days… Is not enough." Wang Lin frowned, and at this moment, the ship shook once again. It seemed the Seven-Colored Daoist had begun attacking with even stronger spells, and the ship seemed like it was on the verge of collapsing.

Wang Lin didn't reveal what he was thinking as he slowly said, "There's no need to rush with the Oath of Blood. I'm very interested in your Soul Devil Ship. Three days should be enough for me to study it."

"You want to study the restrictions on this ship?" Fan Shanmeng was startled. Whether it was her or her sister, they didn't know of Wang Lin's talent for restrictions. When she heard Wang Lin's words, she revealed a strange expression. After a long time, she spoke,

"This Soul Devil Ship is a treasure of my Great Soul Sect. Although it is not top-ranked, it is still a mid-ranked treasure. Forget you, not even I have fully understood it.

"Fellow Cultivator Wang, I recommend you use these three days to try the altar. If you can absorb the power inside, your cultivation level will surely increase." Fan Shanmeng's words were gentle, but her meaning was obvious. She didn't think Wang Lin was qualified to study this ship and even thought Wang Lin's words were extremely absurd.

"This child is only a mere ant cultivator of the cave world, yet he wants to study a treasure of my Great Soul Sect? It is simply ridiculous! He simply overestimating himself!"

"Oh? Could it be that Fellow Cultivator is afraid that I'll take over the ship once I understand the restrictions?" Wang Lin revealed a smile that wasn't a smile as he looked at Fan Shanmeng.

Wang Lin was well aware of what she was thinking. In his life, he had been able to clearly see through everyone other than the All-Seer.

The two sisters clearly knew that the Seven-Colored Daoist would end up chasing after them. After delaying for a bit to wait for the Seven-Colored Daoist to catch up, they used him to lure Wang Lin to this Soul Devil Ship.

This ship was a hidden threat, and the Seven-Colored Daoist was an open threat. Although they hadn't threatened him on the surface, this was more effective than any kind of threat.

In this situation, it seemed Wang Lin could only listen to their suggestion and exchange the Oath of Blood. It felt like there was no other way out of this situation. As a result, Wang Lin would be in a completely passive situation, with the other side holding the initiative.

In truth, it was indeed as Wang Lin had thought, these two sisters indeed had such a plan. Perhaps if it was anyone beside Wang Lin, they could only listen to avoid the danger for now.

However, with Wang Lin's wisdom, he wouldn't easily believe their words. He still liked to take matters into his own hands, to be a master of his own life.

At this moment, the Soul Devil Ship was being controlled by the sisters. Even if Wang Lin went to the altar, everything would be under their control. To exaggerate it a bit, Wang Lin felt no sense of security while being in someone else's treasure.

Also, how could Wang Lin give up so easily? He was extremely cunning and his words contained a hidden meaning!

If he could really understand the Soul Devil Ship and take control of it, not only would the issue of the Seven-Colored Daoist be resolved, but he would also escape the trap the sisters had set.

Fan Shanmeng's expression stiffened for a moment, but it soon returned to normal. She revealed a smile and spoke softly,

"Fellow Cultivator Wang is funny. Since you're confident, you can study this ship. This little one will wait on the side." Although she said this, she sneered in her heart. She didn't believe Wang Lin was qualified.

"Fellow Cultivator seems a bit unhappy, but you can relax. Even if I comprehend all the restrictions and take control, I won't keep it; I will return it to you," Wang Lin spoke slowly while maintaining a smile that wasn't a smile.

Fan Shanmeng calmly looked at Wang Lin and smiled. "Fellow Cultivator is that confident? That's fine as well. If you're that confident in understanding the restrictions on this ship, then there is no problem in gifting this ship to you!

"However, if you can't, then let's not waste any more time. Let us exchange the Oath of Blood and I'll send you to safety."

"No problem, let me look at it first. If I can't succeed, then I'll naturally give up." Wang Lin was waiting for this. He looked calm and didn't even look at Fan Shanmeng. He sat down and his divine sense slowly reached out and he began studying the deck.

There was a hidden sense of coldness in Fan Shanmeng's eyes. She had to obtain Wang Lin's Oath of Blood. With it, she could get her teacher to help her and use a strange spell which she was confident could turn Wang Lin into her puppet. He would be an important piece to killing the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign.

"Although he is extremely cautious, I don't believe he can take control of the Soul Devil Ship. He may have some understanding of restrictions, but he is, after all, merely an ant of the cave world. How could an ant like him comprehend the restrictions from the Immortal Astral Continent?

"This matter is simply ridiculous. I want to see how he tries to study them. After he fails, if he still won't give me his Blood of Oath, I have other ways of dealing with him!" There was coldness hidden in Fan Shanmeng's eyes, but she revealed a gentle smile on the surface as she looked at Wang Lin.

As Wang Lin's divine sense spread out, the ancient god stars between his eyebrows appeared, forming a vortex. The demon and devil stars in his left and right eyes also appeared. The power of the three ancient clans fused to form ancient one power. A shadow of the ancient one suddenly appeared around Wang Lin.

The ancient shadow immediately shrouded Wang Lin and also sat there. If you looked from afar, it was a shocking sight.

The ancient one shadow had its size changed; the one around Wang Lin now was only a few hundred feet tall. However, it still looked like a small hill and completely protected Wang Lin.

This scene caused Fan Shanmeng to frown.

"This person is a bit too careful…"

Only with the ancient power protecting his entire body did Wang Lin relax, and his divine sense calmly extended into the deck. Just as his divine sense entered, a rejection force came from the deck, pretending his divine sense from going further.

This invisible force was formed by the restriction of the deck. It allowed Wang Lin to look at it from the outside but not see the internal structure of the deck.

Fan Shanmeng sneered in her heart. This Soul Searching Ship was her Great Soul Sect's treasure, so she understood it well.

"Without a profound understanding of restrictions, just the rejection force is enough…" Just as she was thinking this in her mind, she was startled and stared at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin waved his right hand inside the ancient one shadow. Tens, hundreds, thousands… in the blink of an eye, nearly one million handprints appeared before him.

These restriction handprints overlapped and gave off a ghostly flow. In an instant, the one million handprints fused into one and Wang Lin's hand hit the deck.

This hit caused the deck to tremble, and even the entire ship trembled a few times. A ripple spread from Wang Lin's hand and swept past Fan Shanmeng. It spread across nearly 30% of the deck.

After the ripple spread, the deck was different in Wang Lin's eyes. It was as if the veil covering the source had been removed. This ship didn't have a deck at all, it was formed by restrictions that were condensed together.

Those restrictions were all completely different and were densely packed together. They gave off a ghostly light.

"He broke the protection on the restrictions on the deck!! He doesn't just simply know some restrictions, his mastery of restrictions is extremely high…" Fan Shanmeng took a deep breath and her gaze toward Wang Lin immediately changed.

"No wonder he is so confident, but so what if his restriction mastery is extraordinary? The restrictions that exist in this cave world are merely a part of those that exist in the Immortal Astral Continent. In just three short days, he could never take full control!" Fan Shanmeng silently pondered and sneered.

Wang Lin's expression remained calm and he pointed at one of the restrictions. Deduction began to flash through his eyes.

"This deck is only the perimeter of this ship, but it contains tens of thousands of restrictions. Three days of time is indeed a bit hasty…"

Chapter 1697 - The Ghostly Face on the Sail

Wang Lin calmed himself down and seemed to isolate himself from the sounds coming from outside. He seemed to immerse himself on the restriction.

Just at this moment, it seemed as if there was a strange wind that blew by, causing the sail on the ship to flutter. The ghostly face on the sail revealed a demonic glow.

This ghostly face seemed to be staring at Wang Lin and seemed to reveal a faint yet strange smile. It was as if it was alive.

Wang Lin frowned and felt unease in his heart, making him unable to calm down. He looked up at the sail and met its gaze.

A moment later, Wang Lin gradually calm down. He lowered his head and immersed himself in the restrictions.

The restrictions below Wang Lin gradually shined and spread outward. Ripples echoed across the entire deck and went even further away.

"Among the four great restrictions, I know the Annihilation Restriction the best. I'm decent with the Life and Death Restriction and the Time Restriction. I have the least experience with the Ancient Soul Restriction as I have only seen that turtle beast in the Fallen Land use it.

"However, many of the restrictions on the deck are Ancient Soul Restrictions…" Wang Lin continued to deduce as he pondered. His right hand formed a restriction seal.

This seal was a miniature Ancient Soul Restriction! A faint roar came from inside and Wang Lin could vaguely see a huge python within. The python gave off a powerful killing intent and continued to roar at Wang Lin. It was as if it wanted to rush out from the restriction and devour Wang Lin.

Time slowly passed. In the blink of an eye, three hours had gone by. The thunderous rumbles outside continued on violently, and faint, seven-colored light seemed to penetrate through the barrier, shining on the deck.

Fan Shanmeng's eyes gradually became colder. As she stared at Wang Lin, the shock from before had gradually subsided. She could see that Wang Lin had entered a bottleneck, as he hadn't moved for three hours.

"How can this Soul Devil Ship be so easy? Earlier, when he opened the restriction protecting the deck, it was already his limit. It is futile to try to unravel the mysteries of this ship. Wang Lin, ah, Wang Lin, you're too arrogant!" Fang Shanmeng remained calm and didn't reveal any of the contempt in her heart.

"Fellow Cultivator Wang Lin, it has been three hours. If you go to the altar now, there might still be time…" Feng Shanmeng's words echoed with a hint of worry.

Wang Lin acted as if he hadn't heard it. His finger still touched the restriction and the deduction in his eyes became even faster.

"Ancient Soul Restriction… With the soul as the core, fuse it into the restriction so that it could be ever-changing like a living being. The stronger the soul, the stronger the seal… This restriction is not hard!"

At the fifth hour, Wang Lin suddenly closed his eyes and sharply pointed at the restriction. The restriction suddenly collapsed and the phantom of a python appeared. However, before it could move, Wang Lin grabbed it and crushed it. However, it didn't dissipate. Wang Lin formed a seal and the black gas turned back into a restriction. It flew back to its original location.

"This is the first one…" Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at the restriction he had studied and taken full control of. His gaze was calm and he looked at Fan Shanmeng.

"No rush, there is still enough time."

Fang Shanmeng frowned. Although Wang Lin had broken one restriction, this deck contained an unimaginable amount of restrictions. This was merely the periphery; there were still the inner restrictions.

"Five hours to break one. At this speed, I fear Fellow Cultivator could only break a dozen or so in three days. You…" Just as Fan Shanmeng spoke popping sound echoed around Wang Lin.

She was gobsmacked as she watched nine restrictions collapse with a wave of Wang Lin's hand. They all collapsed into black gas and then reformed back into restrictions that returned to their original positions.

"This…" Fan Shanmeng took a deep breath. However, before she could finish inhaling, her eyes widened and was filled with disbelief.

Wang Lin waved his right hand again and thunderous rumbles echoed. The restrictions that formed the deck all collapsed. Dozens, hundreds, thousands, and even tens of thousands of restrictions all collapsed into black gas, forming a storm.

After just a few short breaths, there were no restrictions remaining within a few thousand feet of Wang Lin. The storm eventually split back into restrictions and returned to their original positions. Fan Shanmeng's shock had just begun.

"I have embarrassed myself before Fellow Cultivator." Wang Lin revealed a faint smile.

Fan Shanmeng took a deep breath and forced out a smile. She nodded. "Fellow Cultivator's comprehension of restrictions is indeed extraordinary. However, there are tens of millions of restrictions on this deck, and Fellow Cultivator has only comprehended 1% of them. It is rare… but…"

Wang Lin raised his right hand with the Annihilation Restriction in his hand and his eyes lit up. This caused Fan Shanmeng to stop talking. Wang Lin waved his hand and the Annihilation restriction spread across the deck.

Thunderous rumbles echoed and all the Annihilation Restrictions on this deck trembled and collapsed. Out of the tens of millions of restrictions here, millions were Annihilation Restrictions. They all collapsed and the Soul Devil Ship trembled violently.

At the same time, the Life and Death Restriction and the Time Restriction appeared in Wang Lin's right hand. He swept across the entire teck, and in less than 15 minutes, countless restrictions collapsed. Black gas filled the air.

The black gas filled the area. Even the eyes of the Seven-Colored Daoist outside narrowed and he took a closer look.

There was no need to even talk about Fan Shanmeng, who had her vision blocked by the black gas. She stared at all of this and her mind went blank.

"Five hours… How can this be? Although the restrictions on the deck are only the outer layer, it is impossible for it to be completely solved in just five hours. He also didn't simply just resolve them, he completely took control… This… This…"

Thunderous rumbles echoed as the black gas all dissipated and turned back to restrictions. Now more than half of the tens of millions of restrictions on the deck belonged to Wang Lin!

Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly. He raised his right hand and four restrictions floated over his palm. These four restrictions were all different; they were the four great restrictions!

Breaking the restrictions on the deck was not difficult for Wang Lin, but he wanted to learn the Ancient Soul Restriction. Wang Lin had spent those five hours studying only one restriction, and comprehending that restriction was the same as comprehending the Ancient Soul Restriction!

After all, Wang Lin wasn't ignorant about the Ancient Soul Restriction, as he had studied the Ancient Soul Restriction he had obtained from the Fallen Land. However, although it looked complete, it still had defects. It was those defects that obstructed his enlightenment.

However, the Ancient Soul Restriction on the deck was different, it was complete!

The current Wang Lin was no longer the youth on the restriction mountain who had only studied restrictions for a few years. The current Wang Lin was a mid stage Spirit Void cultivator, and with his comprehension and understanding of restrictions, five hours was enough to see through everything!

Wang Lin stood up and waved his hand. Thunderous rumbles echoed and the remaining restrictions on the deck all collapsed. These included Ancient Soul Restrictions and other mysterious restrictions Wang Lin had never seen before.

He didn't have time to comprehend all those restrictions he had never seen before. He only looked at them briefly and memorized them before destroying them by force.

This method might make the strength of the restrictions on the deck to become weaker, but it would allow Wang Lin to create an opening on the Soul Devil Ship in a short period of time!

After thunderous rumbles echoed, Wang Lin took control of all the restrictions on the deck before Fan Shanmeng's shocked gaze. Wang Lin was now the owner of the deck. His eyes revealed a strange light as he looked at Fan Shanmeng.

"This ship has nine layers. This deck is the first layer, and there are eight more bellow! Fellow Cultivator, you said that if I break the restrictions on this ship, you will gift it to me?"

Fan Shanmeng's expression turned pale. When the first layer of the Soul Devil Ship was broken, she found that her control over the ship had been taken away. Now it was as if this treasure had two owners!

She could have never imagined such a shocking change could occur in just five hours.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Wang Lin shook his head with a smile. His body flickered and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was on the second layer of the Soul Devil Ship.

Staring at where Wang Lin disappeared, there was a hint of coldness in Fan Shanmeng's eyes.

"So what if he broke through one layer? The restrictions on the ship become even more difficult the deeper one goes. I don't believe a mere ant cultivator like him could control this Devil Soul Ship!"

Time passed. One hour, two hours, three hours. In the blink of an eye, it had been seven hours. A full day of time passed by in the blink of an eye. The seven-colored light outside had become even more glaring, and the Soul Devil Boat shook even more intensely. A majority of the outer barrier had been broken by the Seven-Colored Daoist.

Just as the seventh hour passed, a shocking aura came from the second layer. The Soul Devil Ship trembled violently.

"Impossible!" Fan Shanmeng stood up. The shock in her eyes could not be hidden by any light. A portion of her control over the ship had been taken. Before, she was unable to come here with her body and could only use 30% of the ship's power. Now that Wang Lin had taken even more control away, she only had a bit more control than him.

Chapter 1698 - Fake, Eh!

Once Wang Lin broke the third layer of restrictions, this ship would be completely under his control.

This was "the guest becomes the host!"

There was coldness in Fan Shanmeng's eyes and her eyes lit up. She pointed outside at the protective layers of the ship and they suddenly dimmed.

At this instant, Fan Shanmeng sank through the first deck and entered the second layer.

The moment she entered, the seven-colored light shrouded the entire Soul Devil Ship. The Seven-Colored Daoist landed on the deck.

The moment the Seven-Colored Daoist landed, Wang Lin, who was on the third layer, suddenly opened his eyes and looked up. He was calm and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

"She indeed did this." Wang Lin sneered. After Fan Shanmeng's scheme had been broken by him and the hidden danger could no longer be a threat, she would naturally chose to borrow Seven-Colored Daoist's power to suppress him.

At this moment, the first deck the Seven-Colored Daoist was on was under Wang Lin's control. As a result, they would indirectly face each other. He had to allocate some effort to control the first deck to prevent the Seven-Colored Daoist from entering.

"Playing with fire… I can as well!" Wang Lin's eyes lit up. His hands formed a seal and then he waved it. The restrictions on the first deck suddenly rumbled and all the restrictions stopped moving. They completely calmed down.

The moment the restrictions on the first deck calmed down, the seven-colored light penetrated the first layer with a bang. The Seven-Colored Daoist laughed as he entered the second layer without any effort!

At this moment, Fan Shanmeng had already entered the third layer, and her expression changed greatly. She became aware of Wang Lin's action and she immediately arrived next to him.

"What are you doing?! Could it be that you want to die? Even if we join forces, we are no match for the first soul. You actually opened the first layer to let him in!!"

There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes and he calmly said, "If you continue to be noisy, I'll open the second layer and let him come down!"

"You!!" Fan Shanmeng stared at Wang Lin and killing intent appeared in her eyes!

"Since you can open the barrier around the ship and save him all this effort, why can't I open the first layer and allow him to head straight to the second layer?

"There is no deep hatred between me and him. If he wants the Li Guang Bow, then I'll just give it to him, but you're not the same. If you want to remain safe, then shut up for me!" Wang Lin's voice rumbled, causing Fan Shanmeng's face to immediately turn pale.

"Not only will you shut up, but stop making small moves. If you continue to be stubborn, then don't blame me for opening the second layer and allowing the Seven-Colored Daoist to come down here!" Wang Lin coldly looked at her.

His gaze caused a sense of chilliness to appear in Fan Shanmeng's heart. She suddenly realized that Wang Lin was actually this terrifying and cunning!

"He took back the initiative that was in my hands one step at a time until he gained the advantage. I'm now being suppressed by him. This person… This person's cunning is far too deep!!!"

Fan Shanmeng silently pondered. She felt deep dread toward this cave world cultivator she originally held contempt for.

"To be this cunning at this age… If he was someone on the Immortal Astral Continent, he would certainly be famous…"

Wang Lin looked at Fan Shanmeng for a moment and then withdrew his gaze.

At this moment, the rumbles from the second layer rang out loudly. The second layer flashed seven-colored light to resist, but it seemed it wouldn't last long before collapsing.

"If you don't want to die, then you should do your best to buy me time to break open the third layer. I know you still have some ace to keep yourself safe. However, you and I hold equal control over this ship right now. If I don't cooperate, you can't leave!" Wang Lin spoke slowly and then closed his eyes. The ancient one shadow appeared around him and he immersed himself in studying the restrictions on the third layer.

Fan Shanmeng's expression was extremely gloomy. She stared at Wang Lin for a long time and then slowly scratched her head. She felt fear in her heart toward what Wang Lin had said, as everything he had said was true.

She indeed had her last resort, and it was because of this that she was very calm when she borrowed the Seven-Colored Daoist's power to suppress Wang Lin.

However, she didn't think that Wang Lin could take control of two layers of the ship and match her in terms of control. Now if she wanted to use her ace, she did need Wang Lin's cooperation.

Fan Shanmeng clenched her teeth and said, "What is your plan? Even if I hold him off, I can't buy enough time for you to break the remaining layers in time! If you give up control now, we can still leave. If you remain stubborn, then we will really die!"

Just as she finished speaking, a thunderous rumble echoed. The deck above began to collapse on a wide scale. About 30% of the restrictions were destroyed.

"I need three hours!" Wang Lin opened his eyes and looked at Fan Shanmeng.

"You!!" Fan Shanmeng revealed an angry smile, and a moment later, she fiercely turned around. Her hands formed a seal and seven-colored light came from the second layer.

Wang Lin calmed his heart. He originally wouldn't treat these two sisters like this, but they had schemed against him first. Wang Lin had always followed the rules of not offending others if they didn't offend him!

Now that he held the initiative, he naturally wouldn't easily let it go. Also, the restrictions here had been of great use to him. After breaking through two layers, Wang Lin's four great restrictions had reached completion. He only needed a bit more to fuse them to create an essence!

A majority of the restrictions on the third layer were ones Wang Lin had not seen before. As he studied them, his understanding of restrictions increased by leaps and bounds.

Time slowly passed. The thunderous rumbles from the second layer continued to echo. Cracking sounds spread and the second layer completely collapsed!

Fan Shanmeng's body trembled and she coughed out blood. After she took a few steps back, the seven-colored light quickly spread from the collapsed second layer.

Just at this moment, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes. His hands formed a seal and he waved upward. All the restrictions on the third layer formed a net and flew up.

Shortly after, Wang Lin's body sank down from the third layer to the fourth layer!

The moment he entered the fourth layer, Fan Shanmeng followed.

There was a large amount of fog in the fourth layer of the Soul Devil Ship. This fog hindered one's divine sense and vision.

"He is breaking through the second layer. Even if I attempt to stop him, stalling him for two hours is the limit. Even if you comprehend the third layer, he will only need one hour to break it!

"Wang Lin, what exactly do you want? I admit I schemed against you, but it was for our common purpose. Although you will hand your Oath of Blood to me, I'll also hand my Oath of Blood to you. It's not like I could harm you!

"Now that we have reached this point, we should exchange our Oaths of Blood and you should give up your control of the ship. Perhaps that way we will have a fighting chance!" Fan Shanmeng looked anxious and looked at Wang Lin, who was on the fourth layer.

Wang Lin also looked at Fan Shanmeng, and after a long time, he suddenly laughed.

"You're still trying to lie to me at this moment…"

"I lied to you?" Fan Shanmeng's eyes revealed pain. She looked up at the third layer above and a thin crack appeared.

Wang Lin let out a sigh. He didn't seem to care about the cracks that had appeared above him. He looked at her and slowly said, "You are not Fan Shanmeng…"

"What is your meaning?" Her expression suddenly became calm as she stared at Wang Lin.

"You're Fan Shanlu! In fact, from the moment I entered the boat, you have been scheming against me. Perhaps if I had handed over the Oath of Blood, none of these things would have happened.

"However, you're worried that I won't hand it over, so you coughed out that mouthful of blood. You used a method unknown to me to change your appearance and aura to make me think you're Fan Shanmeng!

"Because of this misunderstanding, you told me the secret of this cave world so I would believe you are Fan Shanmeng. Then, when I was breaking the layers of restrictions, while some of your reactions were real, some are also fake!

"I hadn't figure it out before, but now I understand," Wang Lin slowly spoke as he looked at the woman.

At this moment, a thunderous rumble came from the third layer. Cracks appeared along with seven-colored light as if everything was about to collapse.

"Have you gone crazy? I don't understand anything you say!" The woman frowned.

"Don't understand… Everything here is fake! This second layer, the third layer, the fourth layer, all of it is fake. You are fake. Seven-Colored may be real, but the one on this ship is fake. This is clearly a world of illusion!!

"What a realistic world of illusion. I, Wang Lin, have encountered similar spells before, but I have never encountered one so terrifyingly real!"

The woman looked startled for a moment, then she revealed a bitter smile and retreated a few steps. She revealed a look of disbelief as she looked at Wang Lin and spoke bitterly,

"Fake? Wang Lin, have you really gone crazy. You… If you don't want to exchange Oaths of Blood, fine, but you say everything is fake…"

There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes as he raised his right hand and smashed down toward the collapsing third layer!

This hit caused the third layer to collapse, and seven-colored light came through, shrouding the fourth layer. At the same time, the Seven-Colored Daoist's figure closed in.