

Chapter 1681 - The Tip of the Sword That Entered the Immortal Astral Continent!

Wang Lin's divine sense allowed him to see everything in this mysterious place. This place wasn't very big but was like a long, narrow passage!

The side of the passage was very bleak and there were some broken areas on the side, making it seem as if this passage could collapse at any time.

One end of the passage was where Wang Lin was, and the other end was very deep inside. Even Wang Lin's divine sense couldn't spread toward it, and he could only vaguely see a giant, stone door!

There was a piece of paper on this door. It was a paper charm that kept it sealed!

After pondering for a while, Wang Lin walked forward and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was at the end of the passage, 1,000 feet away from the stone gate.

No divine sense could spread past this point, and a powerful pressure prevented anyone from entering. Wang Lin stood 1,000 feet away, staring at the stone door before him, and his eyes became serious.

This stone door looked very old and also had some complicated words on it. He had never seen these words before, but he could feel the ancient aura these words gave off.

After some careful observation, he saw that the stone door didn't seem to be standing there perfectly. Instead, it was as if someone had forced the stone door to be here so that it could support this passage and allow it to exist forever.

After pondering for a bit, Wang Lin stepped forward into the 1,000 foot area. The moment he entered, his expression changed. A powerful pressure rushed out, making it difficult for his steps to land.

Wang Lin's eyes lit up. This place was strange, and even now, he still had no idea what was going on. However, his right foot suddenly landed and the entire passage rumbled.

After one step, he took another step, and every step crossed several dozen feet. In the blink of an eye, he arrived in the middle of this 1,000 foot distance!

Here, popping sounds came from his body as if he was going to collapse. He was not here with his ancient god body, so he could not withstand the pressure if he went further. He formed a seal with his right hand and sat down, then he closed his eyes and pointed to between his eyebrows.

Wang Lin's body suddenly trembled and a vortex appeared between his eyebrows. His origin soul left his body and then a blood light shined. The blood light was his blood sword!

Wang Lin fused his origin soul with the blood sword. With the protection of the blood sword, Wang Lin's origin soul flew past the last 500 feet and headed toward the stone gate. For the blood sword and his origin soul, these 500 feet passed by in a flash.

The rejection force was shocking. It continued to bombard the blood sword in an attempt to shatter Wang Lin's origin soul. At the last 100 feet, the rejection force reached a terrifying degree.

The blood sword trembled and Wang Lin's origin soul was about to be pushed out from inside it. His origin soul held on and the blood sword slammed into the side of the passage to stabilize itself.

Although it had stabbed into the side, the blood sword was still being pushed back.

The distance of 100 feet was already very close for Wang Lin. His origin soul appeared above the blood sword and he stared at the stone gate and the paper charm on it.

Observing it closely, Wang Lin was almost certain that someone had placed this stone gate there later, and its purpose was to support this passage!

There was also the paper charm on the stone door. The rejection force was coming from the paper charm. Its role was to seal the door so that no one could come in from the outside or leave from the inside!

"What kind of place is outside the door…" Wang Lin thought quickly, but the blood sword was still being pushed back. As a result, Wang Lin went from 100 feet from the door to 200 feet.

The blood sword was pushed out from the side of the passage until it was 500 feet away. Wang Lin's origin soul returned to his body and his eyes opened.

"If my original body was here, while the 500 feet would be difficult, I could walk to the door by using the immortal spell! However, if I were to leave now to fuse with my original body, it would waste a lot of time…"

There was a flash of coldness in Wang Lin's eyes. During his life of cultivation, he had never bowed to any force. At this moment, he let out a cold snort and his eyes formed a seal. The thunder in his left eye flashed and his thunder essence appeared.

At the same time, the fire in Wang Lin's right eye raged, revealing a burning flame.

He raised his hands as he sat there. His left hand was life and his right hand was death. Open palm was karmic cause and closed palm was karmic effect. His eyes opened and closed as the true and false essence revolved around him.

In the end, a shocking slaughter aura erupted from his body. His sixth essence, the slaughter essence, rushed out.

The six essences condensed between his eyebrows and the vortex between his eyebrows appeared again before his origin soul rushed out. His origin soul returned to the blood sword with the six essences. Thunder flashed, fire burned, the three ethereal essences rotated around it, and the slaughter essence opened a path. At this moment, the blood sword charged toward the stone door 500 feet away!

As it charged forward, the rejection force became even stronger, but it couldn't stop the full force of Wang Lin's cultivation. His origin soul was like an invincible sword!

In a flash, he closed in to 100 feet, but this time he didn't stop, he charged forward. In a flash, the blood sword stabbed directly into the stone door!

The sword pierced three inches deep into the stone door!

There was a buzz as the sword shook violently and a powerful rejection force rushed out. It collided with Wang Lin's six essences and wanted to break his origin soul.

The moment the blood sword pierced the paper charm and went three inches into the stone door, Wang Lin's origin soul felt an aura that didn't belong to the cave but he was very familiar with!

This was the aura of the Immortal Astral Continent, the place his divine sense had explored right after his dream dao ended!

The Immortal Astral Continent, a world that had existed for countless years. It was the size of countless Inner and Outer Realms. Even third step cultivators needed a very long time to cross it.

The Immortal Astral Continent was known as the most spectacular place in the universe!

In the eastern part of the Immortal Astral Continent, there was an endless mountain range. It was covered in fog and filled with celestial energy. Birds and flowers filled the area and flying cranes danced in the sky.

This mountain range's size was equal to about 10% the Brilliant Void Star System. The mountain range looked endless, but it was merely a speck of dust compared to the entire Immortal Astral Continent!

There was a mountain in the mountain range that pierced into the sky like a sword, pointing upwards. Although it looked endlessly tall up close, it still only looked like a small hill from afar!

There was a large group of palaces on this hill. This was a branch of a sect on the Immortal Astral Continent, this sect was call the Gui Yi Sect!

This sect was about the same as the Seven Dao Sect, it couldn't be considered a big sect!

At this moment, within the main square of this branch, there was a giant clock 10,000 feet tall floating there. It looked very majestic from a distance.

However, just at this moment, the clock trembled and a buzz that echoed across the entire sect came from it. Several rays of light immediately flew over from the surrounding palaces.

When they arrived, a shocking blood-colored light came from the clock. The moment the blood light appeared, it radiated brightly.

It was as if this light had left the Immortal Astral Continent for far too long, but today it had returned once more!

A scarlet red sword tip appeared within the blood light! It had stabbed three inches through the clock, and the shocking blood light was coming from it!

"Ye Mo's sword!!" One of the rays of light arrived faster than others and instantly closed in. This was a middle-aged man wearing a strange robe. His eyes shined and his peak Arcane Void cultivation spread out.

There was a hint of Arcane Tribulant power coming from his Arcane Void cultivation. It was obvious this person had already passed an unknown amount of Arcane Tribulants!

As he closed in, the remaining rays of light arrived, revealing eight people. They all stood under the clock and stared at the tip of the sword that had pierced through with strange gazes!

Under their gazes, the sword tip slowly retracted and the blood light disappeared from the clock, leaving only the mark that would remain for eternity!

Everyone silently pondered as they coldly stared at the clock. Everyone was silent.

One of them slowly said, "Senior Brother, should we open this Eastern Pill Clock…"

"No need for now. Before Senior Brother Ma took some people and left, he said that this clock must not be opened. He will come back on his own!"

"Ye Me's Blood Sword! It seems that the rumor that Ye Mo was lured into the cave of the Seven Dao Sect is true!"

"That Seven-Colored Sovereign abandoned his dao partner and sealed the Seven Dao Sect. He must have obtained a valuable treasure… Senior Brother Ma studied this for a long time and used my Gui Yi Sect's treasure to open a passage to the cave. With Senior Brother Ma's cultivation level and methods, there is no need for us to worry!"

Inside the strange passage, the blood sword withdrew from the stone door, and Wang Lin's origin soul was in shock. The rejection force knocked the sword back 500 feet. His origin soul returned to his body and then he grabbed the sword and retreated 1,000 feet. Wang Lin looked at the stone door with a serious expression and his heart rate accelerated.

His full cultivation was active and he was extremely alert.

He felt a sensation of his mouth turning dry. After a long time, he saw that there was still no change to the stone door. Only then did he finally let out a deep breath.

"Immortal Astral Continent!! Outside this stone gate is the Immortal Astral Continent!!!" Wang Lin looked at the surrounding passage and enlightenment appeared in his eyes.

"I understand…"

Chapter 1682 - Outsiders

"I originally thought this was the door to the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's cave… However, it is obvious now that this isn't the door but a passage someone else opened!" Wang Lin stared at the stone door 1,000 feet away with a gloomy expression as he retreated.

As he moved, the strings of mosquito eggs gave off flickers of light, causing this whole place to look extremely bizzare.

"This passage should not exist. Someone opened this passage directly into the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's cave… Who opened his passage…" Wang Lin's eyes lit up and his brain began to work. He quickly searched his mind, looking for traces of clues.

Through these clues, Wang Lin began deducing what happened back then!

"Who is it… Is it the madman… Or someone else…" Wang Lin retreated and arrived back at the place where the mosquito beast was absorbing the eggs. The mosquito beast didn't know what Wang Lin was thinking and was still happily absorbing. Its body shined as it slowly digested what it had absorbed.

Just as Wang Lin retreated to the edge of the rift and was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and looked up. Lightning rumbled in his mind as he remembered something!

"At the Scattered Thunder Clan, I learned that a long time ago, a group of mysterious people appeared. They wore strange clothes and had unprecedented spells and treasures… When I absorbed the eternal thunderbolt, I saw its memory and saw vague images of that group of people…

"There was also the Soul Lasher. That whip was a treasure that belonged to them. I had thought about going to the Planet Five Elements to find Na Duo! The leader of that group looked like Na Duo!

"From the news of the Scattered Thunder Clan, those mysterious cultivators came from the outside the Ancient Star System. However, there is nothing outside, so they are clearly cultivators from the Immortal Astral Continent!" Wang Lin's eyes shined brightly and his mind became clear as he continued to analyze.

He didn't hear the words of the people in the Gui Yi Sect, but as Wang Lin continued to analyze, he gradually began to grasp the truth. A bold speculation appeared in his heart!

"The Seven-Color Celestial Sovereign of the Seven Dao Sect won the Heavenly Dao and abandoned his dao partner. He sealed the Seven Dao Sect and comprehended the Heavenly Dao inside his cave.

"However, his behavior caused others to become suspicious. On a certain day, someone with amazing talent on the Immortal Astral Continent used a special method to open up a direct passage to the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's cave!

"They arrived through this passage!!

"These people are the mysterious cultivators that the Scattered Thunder Clan met! They didn't first appear in the Outer Realm but in the Wind Celestial Realm! However, no one in the Wind Celestial Realm noticed their appearance!

"They sealed this passage and left the Wind Celestial Realm. Perhaps they had searched the inner realm, but in the end they left the Realm Sealing Formation and went to the Outer Realm!

"Then, for countless years, they disappeared… After a long time, the four Celestial Realms collapsed and the passage that was sealed suffered damage. Perhaps it was always unstable, or a passage to somewhere else opened up. There are many possibilities, but the end result is that it attracted a group of mosquito beasts from an unknown place!

"These mosquito beasts reproduced inside the passage and ripped open the seal. They rushed into the collapsed Wind Celestial Realm and occupied this place!"

Various images appeared in Wang Lin's mind. They were all illusory, things he imagined. He looked at the end of the passage and pondered.

"This is the second time this rift has been opened!

"However, it is obvious that these people still exist in this cave, and they haven't left. Otherwise, this stone door and passage wouldn't exist. They would've sealed it completely and leave no trace so they couldn't be detected in the future…

"Since they haven't left, where are they? Planet Five Elements! They haven't found what they want yet. Perhaps what they want is the same as the Seven-Colored Daoist and Old Ghost Zhan!

"The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind! These people must have this idea!" Wang Lin's body moved and his right hand reached toward the mosquito. He was going to bring the mosquito out of the rift with him.

However, the mosquito beasts revealed a reluctant gaze as it looked at all the eggs. It let out a hiss at Wang Lin.

Wang Lin turned and looked at the millions of mosquito eggs. His eyes lit up and he waved his right hand. A gust of wind rushed through the passage, causing the eggs to disappear. They were put into Wang Lin's storage space.

The mosquito king hissed cheerfully and was no longer reluctant to leave as it followed Wang Lin out of the rift. Outside in the Wind Celestial Realm, the wind howled and fog covered the rift.

Wang Lin stood beside the rift and his hands formed a seal. Then his hands closed together and the edges of the rift trembled. Soon, the rift closed in and melded back together.

After sealing the rift, Wang Lin's right hand began forming seals until it became blurry. Endless restrictions appeared, landing on the rift. In the blink of an eye, the countless seals completely shrouded the rift.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin silently pondered for a bit but still felt worried. He raised his right hand at the void and the world rumbled. The giant head he got from the ancient tomb that was used to grow the Ancient Leaves suddenly appeared.

There was still a large amount of dried trees on it, but a lot of Ancient Leaves had grown. Three years ago, when Wang Lin absorbed all those ancient clan statues in the Ancient Celestial Realm, he had been slowly sending ancient power into this place. These Ancient Leaves had grown as a result of that.

With one wave, a few dozen complete Ancient Leaves flew off the trees and flew into Wang Lin's hand. He waved his hand and theses leaves landed on the sealed rift, sealing it once more!

After doing all of this, Wang Lin collected the remaining Ancient Leaves and put the head back into his storage space. He then waved his sleeve and left this fog with the mosquito king.

As the rift was sealed, it disappeared without a trace. The fog around it also thinned until it disappeared completely.

Floating there, Wang Lin lowered his head and looked at the Wind Celestial Realm below him. His divine sense spread out and covered the entire Wind Celestial Realm. The entire Wind Celestial Realm appeared in his mind.

The collapse of the Wind Celestial Realm was not irreversible, and because of the mosquito beasts, the collapse was not very complete. This place was much better than the Rain or Thunder Celestial Realms.

As for the Lightning Celestial Realm, Wang Lin had never gone there, so he didn't know the changes that had occurred there.

"Then let's use this Wind Celestial Realm as the foundation. If the Lightning Celestial Realm is as well-preserved, then it can be integrated as well!" Wang Lin took a breath and raised his hands. His Spirit Void cultivation rushed out into his divine sense, which had shrouded the entire Wind Celestial Realm.

The fragments of the Wind Celestial Realm gathered from all directions as if an invisible force was pushing them toward the center!

As the countless fragments rumbled, even the endless wind began to collapse. The mosquito beasts that had lived here for a long time all flew into the air. They were all terrified as they looked around in a daze.

"Gather!" Wang Lin's white hair flowed in the wind as he let out roar, and his raised hands suddenly clapped together! With Wang Lin's current cultivation level, he was able to make the countless Wind Celestial Realm fragments gather once more!

Mid stage Spirit Void was powerful even among the third step cultivators. There were very few of these in the Inner and Outer Realms!

The earth continued to tremble as it moved slowly, thunderous rumbles echoing. At this moment, if one looked from above, the Wind Celestial Realm was like a scattered mirror where the pieces were slowly moving toward each other and finally fusing back together.

The moment they gathered, a complete continent suddenly appeared!

The wind in the sky suddenly collapsed; there was no trace left behind. The countless mosquito beasts in the sky trembled. They detected Wang Lin and the terrifying power coming from him.

Over the last hundred years, many mosquito beasts had been killed by Wang Lin's mosquito king. All the powerful mosquito beasts had all died for some reason years ago. The remaining weren't strong enough to cause any problems.

After reforming the Wind Celestial Realm, Wang Lin landed on the continent and sat down. He closed his eyes and his divine sene spread out. He fused with this continent and controlled it to fly forward.

Thunderous rumbles echoed. Under Wang Lin's control, he brought the Wind Celestial Realm out of the world it existed in by force and into the Cloud Sea!

The continent floated there, emitting magnificent amounts of celestial energy. This celestial energy was different from what was on the Immortal Astral Continent. It has been changed by Joss Flames and was a celestial energy that belonged to the cave world!

A long time, the Lord of the Celestial Realm created these four continents to gather Joss Flames. As a result, the continents of the four Celestial Realms were different from normal.

Those mosquito beasts were on the continent and was suppressed by Wang Lin's pressure, so they couldn't fly out; they could only tremble and move with the continent.

The stars rumbled and Wang Lin sat on the continent. Although his eyes were closed, his divine sense controlled the continent to fly toward Summoned River. He was going to the Lightning Celestial Realm!

The Lightning Celestial Realm was the only Celestial Realm Wang Lin hadn't been to. That place gave off countless bright lights that created a gorgeous reflection.

1. The mummy who Wang Lin stole a bag of holding from back on planet Suzaku that came to Wang Lin to get it back. He was also the one who told Wang Lin the planet crystal might help break the limit of the Ji Realm

hapter 1683 - The Trip to Defy the Celestials!

The howl echoed across the stars, and this sound became even more intense. Under Wang Lin's control, the large Wind Celestial Realm continent charged out.

After reclaiming the Summoned River, some of the Summoned River cultivators in Allheaven had returned to their hometown in the last three years. They were familiar with this place and they would recover better there.

The Lightning Celestial Realm of the Summoned River was very different from the other three. It was completely open, and as long as one entered the northern part of the Summoned River, they would clearly see the bright, silver river.

This silver river was the Lightning Celestial Realm!

Wang Lin had come to the Summoned River several times, but each time he was in a rush. He had seen this silver river too and knew it was the Lightning Celestial Realm, but he had never entered.

The Wind Celestial Realm rushed in, and the moment it appeared in the Summoned River, a ripple spread out along with its a powerful pressure.

The Wind Celestial Realm continent slowly stopped before the silver river in the north. Wang Lin stood up and looked at the Lightning Celestial Realm. He stepped forward and entered the silver river.

The silver river contained countless small fragments. The lights coming from them formed this eternal silver river.

On the third step since Wang Lin entered the Lightning Celestial Realm, he stepped out from the silver river, looking tired. He waved his hand and the entire silver river shook. The silver river flew toward the Wind Celestial Realm continent and slowly rotated around it.

As it rotated, the Wind Celestial Realm continent was shrouded by this silver river. From afar, it was very beautiful.

"The destruction of the Lightning Celestial Realm is irreparable. It can only exist as a guardian river for the future Celestial Realm." Wang Lin let out a sigh as he controlled the Wind Celestial Realm continent and the silver river to leave.

The third place he was going to go was the Thunder Celestial Realm in Allheaven!

Wang Lin was very familiar with the Thunder Celestial Realm as he had been to many places there. Soon, the giant Wind Celestial Realm continent surrounded by the silver river appeared in Allheaven.

The ripples caused by their appearance were immediately noticed by the recovering cultivators in Allheaven. They all trembled and spread out their divine senses. What they saw shocked them.

At the entrance of the Thunder Celestial Realm, the bolt of thunder at the gate had long disappeared, pulled away by Wang Lin years ago. Upon returning to this familiar place, he didn't hesitate to step into the Thunder Celestial Realm.

The collapse of the Thunder Celestial Realm was too destructive. A lot of the continents were taken by Master Flamespark, and after all the things that happened, very little remained.

The entire Thunder Celestial Realm was in ruin and was filled with desolation. It was extremely unstable here, as if it could collapse on a large scale at any moment.

Looking at everything before him, Wang Lin let out a sigh.

"This place can no longer be used. The Thunder Celestial Realm is unsalvageable." After pondering for a moment, Wang Lin shook his head and withdrew his divine sense, then he turned to leave.

Deep within the Thunder Celestial Realm was Old Ghost Zhan, and his eyes revealed a mysterious light. Although Wang Lin couldn't perceive his presence, he could see Wang Lin.

"To gather the four Celestial Realms… How much does he know… Is he the third one…" Old Ghost Zhan pondered, not stopping Wang Lin from leaving.

The moment Wang Lin walked out from the Thunder Celestial Realm, his eyes shined an undetectable amount. When his divine sense first spread out, he didn't notice Old Ghost Zhan. However, the Heaven Defying Bead inside his body suddenly moved and released a strange power. With this power, Wang Lin suddenly noticed Old Ghost Zhan looking at him from the depths of the Thunder Celestial Realm!

Wang Lin didn't act recklessly but left without revealing any change in his mood.

"So he is still hiding here!!" After leaving the Thunder Celestial Realm, Wang Lin moved at full speed toward the last Celestial Realm, the Brilliant Void's Rain Celestial Realm!

Several days later, Wang Lin stood at the intersection of the four Celestial Realms. In less than half a month, Wang Lin had gone to all four Celestial Realms and gathered enough resources to reform the Celestial Realm.

Looking at the space of the Inner Realm, Wang Lin closed his eyes. A moment later, he suddenly opened his eyes and pointed at the space below him.

"The Wind Celestial Realm continent will act as the root of the new Celestial Realm!"

After he spoke, the Wind Celestial Realm continent flew out from behind Wang Lin toward where he pointed. As it moved, it released a powerful pressure, and celestial energy filled the area.

It was located at the intersection of the four star systems. If it was divided by star system, each star system would occupy more than 20%.

"The new Celestial Realm isn't big, but the dust of the Rain Celestial Realm will help make it expand!" Wang Lin waved his hand and the endless dust he had gathered in the Rain Celestial Realm flew out.

The moment the dust appeared, it fused with the new Celestial Realm. As layers and layers landed, it caused a thick layer of dust to form on the new Celestial Realm.

Just at this moment, Wang Lin raised his right hand and pointed his five fingers at the sky. Then his eyes lit up and a giant palmprint appeared in the sky.

This palmprint was the War Spirit Print!

The moment the print appeared, it slammed down toward the continent with Wang Lin's control. The palmprint was powerful but had no destructive force. Instead, the pressure of the palm was used to condense the dust. As the dust condensed, the continent began to expand!

Thunderous rumbles echoed and the continent expanded a large amount. From afar, it was already incomparably large!

"The Lightning Celestial Realm's silver river will protect the new Celestial Realm. This river will divide the mortals from the celestials so that no cultivator under the Soul Formation stage can enter. This is law!" Wang Lin waved his sleeve and the silver river flew over. It surrounded the entire continent and gave off a burst of silver light.

Under this light, the new Celestial Realm became its own realm!

"Wheel formation, make this new Celestial Realm the core of the formation. Fuse the aura of the Ancient Star System here!" Wang Lin bit the tip of his tongue and spat out essence blood. It sprayed on the new Celestial Realm and the silver river.

When his blood fell, the wheel formation that surrounded the Inner Realm suddenly activated. A giant wheel shadow appeared above the new Celestial Realm. It continued to absorb large amounts of Outer Realm aura and then injected it into the new Celestial Realm.

"This realm has been formed, but it is only rudimentary; however, it is no longer necessary for me to worry about how it will change in the future… Right now the last thing to do is connect the souls of all the cultivation planets in the four star systems to the new Celestial Realm. Then all the mortals that become cultivators will be led to the Celestial Realm once they reach the Soul Formation stage!"

Wang Lin sat above the illusory wheel that floated above the continent.

At the same time, due to Wang Lin's actions during the last half month, all the Inner Realm cultivators knew what was happening. Wang Lin had sent out a message, and under the command of Qin Lin and others, the remaining cultivators scattered across the four star systems. They went to every planet and continent where life could appear.

The formation of the new Celestial Realm was not something Wang Lin could do alone, all he was doing was creating land itself. In fact, Master Hong Shan and others could do this as well, but they still needed to heal after the war. Also, they don't know the secret that this whole place was just a cave, so they couldn't see further.

Only Wang Lin knew everything. He understood the meaning of responsibility, and there was something he needed to do! Wang Lin knew that the war with the Outer Realm was about to come to an end, or it was already over. However, the Inner Realm was about to face an even bigger test.

Either he would pass this test and lead the people out of the cave or he would fail and everyone in the cave would die. All life would be destroyed, and after tens of thousands of years under the Heavenly Dao, new life would appear like a reincarnation cycle.

Perhaps one day, after countless years, there will be any baby named Wang Lin that will be born.

The tens of thousands of remaining Inner Realm cultivators appeared everywhere in the last half month in the four star systems. They each took a part of the soul of a planet and then moved on to another one.

In the last three days of the last month, the tens of thousands of cultivators returned one by one. They offered the parts of the planet souls they had taken, and these souls fused with the new Celestial Realm.

When the last cultivator returned, the new Celestial Realm contained the souls of all the planets in the four star systems that could hold life. Now all the cultivators that appeared would be led to the new Celestial Realm once they reached the Soul Formation stage.

After doing all of this, Wang Lin's divided origin soul returned to his body. He opened his eyes and clasped this hands at the tens of thousands of Inner Realm cultivators looking at him.

"I'm about to go on a trip, and I don't know if I'll survive or not. I'll not hold the title of Lord of the Sealed Realm. Guarding for three years and forming the new Celestial Realm are the last things I'll do. Now I'm going to… Defy the celestials!!

"If I succeed, then the celestials will collapse! If I lose, then I'll die! Situ, if I die, I hope you will tell everyone what I told you. Record it in a jade, place it on every planet, within every treasure, and in this new Celestial Realm. Even if all sentient beings are destroyed, this will be something the heavens can't destroy. Give the future generation a chance of knowing the truth!!" Wang Lin looked up and flew off into the distance.

His back was filled absolute loneliness!

Behind him, the tens of thousands of cultivators, including Qing Lin, Master Hong Shan, Situ Nan, and others, all clasped their hands at Wang Lin.

Chapter 1684 - Celestial Dragon Reveals Dao

Wang Lin didn't understand what a powerful person was when he was young. He only knew that the neighbor's children were stronger than him, so they were powerful people.

Wang Lin only understood what responsibility was a few years ago after more than 2,000 years of cultivation.

The Lord of the Sealed Realm was a powerful person, and being that person came with responsibility. Wang Lin didn't have this title for long, but it had pushed him toward a true sense of maturity for cultivators.

This kind of maturity was a spiritual feeling, a sense of self-empowerment.

Only after understanding responsibility could one truly become powerful! This perhaps seems a bit empty, but the most direct example of a powerful person to Wang Lin was his father.

His father was only a mortal, but to the young Wang Lin, his father was powerful. At the same time, he carried the burden of the family. He was like a mountain that shielded Wang Lin and his mother from the wind and rain.

As long as his father was there, his home was there.

This was a powerful person!

Wang Lin had cultivated for more than 2,000 years. At this moment, he slowly comprehended a lot from his memories of his father.

Things in this world were often like this. To use the smaller things to see the bigger picture.

He had guarded the Inner Realm for three years, created the new Celestial Realm, and killed countless until his hands were dyed red with blood, but he couldn't look back. He could only move forward until he either died or broke the obstacles before him!

He would continue to walk the path toward the future.

His white figure was like a willow leaf floating among the stars. It had no root, but it was not lost. It quickly fluttered as if it was looking for something and was eventually engulfed by the darkness of space, leaving no trace behind.

Wang Lin's original body was sitting in the wheel formation in the Cloud Sea. In the last three days of the third year, he slowly opened his cold eyes.

He turned around and looked into the Inner Realm. In his gaze, his avatar walked closer and closer from the Inner Realm. His steps caused no ripples and didn't cause any rumbles, but every step was extremely heavy.

Wang Lin's avatar arrived next to his original body. He turned his head and looked back toward the Inner Realm like his original body.

This was like a picture. If it could be preserved, it would become a legacy. In this picture, the sea of stars was the background and the wheel formation was the hue. Two identical faces stood there, gazing into the distance.

After a long time, Wang Lin's avatar turned around and stepped toward his original body. A soft light shined as his avatar fused with his original body. Popping sounds echoed as Wang Lin's white hair fluttered, and he stood up. He redirected his cold gaze toward the Outer Realm.

"The last three days, then the four generals of the Ancient Celestial Realm will appear. The final secret of this cave will be revealed… Unfortunately, even now I don't know what that third thing is!" Wang Lin silently pondered.

"However, no matter what, this final battle will be very interesting… Seven-Colored Daoist, Old Ghost Zhan, the four celestial generals that want the Celestial Sovereign to awaken, and finally the cultivator from the Immortal Astral Continent that came from the passage in the Wind Celestial Realm…

"Before all this, let me begin a chaotic prelude for this final battle!" Wang Lin's eyes shined and he stepped off the wheel formation, heading toward the Ancient Star System.

"I'll destroy the Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm!" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with killing intent as he charged into the Ancient Star System. He turned into a ray of light and charged forward while releasing his full cultivation.

He didn't hide his aura or his figure; he directly told the entire Outer Realm that he, Wang Lin, had arrived!

The stars rumbled, and as Wang Lin's divine sense spread out, all the powerful cultivators of various clans were shaken. No matter what they were doing, they all looked up at the sky.

They could clearly feel a shocking killing intent coming from the Inner Realm!

Wang Lin didn't know where the Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm was and he didn't blindly search for it. Instead, he went into the depths of the Ancient Star System. He didn't know where it was, but it didn't matter. In three days, when the Ancient Celestial Realm in the Inner Realm opened and the four generals descended, he would be able to sense the Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm that would open at the same time!

As Wang Lin's divine sense swept across the Ancient Star System, the Sovereign was in his other palace, staring straight ahead. His dried-up right hand clenched in a fist and didn't loosen for a long time.

He silently pondered for a long time, and in the end, he couldn't make up his mind to kill Wang Lin. He feared Wang Lin's bow a lot, and before Wang Lin used up those last two shots, he wouldn't dare to act!

Two years ago, he wanted to launch a sneak attack during the chaos, but he had been detected by Wang Lin. Then he was forced to helplessly retreat when Wang Lin called him out.

"He appeared in the Ancient Star System, why did he come… Is he trying to provoke me so he could lure me out and kill me…" The Sovereign's eyes were filled with suspicion. He couldn't understand why Wang Lin would so arrogantly appear in the Ancient Star System.

"This old man won't get close, I want to see what he can do!" The Sovereign could only suffer silently. His cultivation was heaven-piercing, and if not for his worry about the bow, he would immediately kill Wang Lin.

Also in the Ancient Star System, in the vortex formed by several stars, where seven-colored light shined, was the Seven-Colored Daoist. He had an indifferent gaze as he looked into the distance and revealed a faint smile.

"The Li Guang Bow and arrow are in his hands. Although I told the Sovereign to hand it out, it is still his own fortune. Now that he came here again, what is he going to do… He is very similar to Old Ghost Zhan. If he is not the third, then he is a mysterious existence in his cave world.

"A cultivator like him, if he is not the third one, then it would to be a pity to kill him… However, he has a flaw, and if he doesn't die in the end, he can be used by me." The Seven-Colored Daoist withdrew his gaze.

"The blood formation is complete, so soon I'll know where the third one that had reincarnated countless times is! I have searched for you for countless years. I want to know who the present you is after so many reincarnations!!!"

In the Ancient Star System, on a cultivation planet, sat a woman in white. She was very beautiful but had a cold aura that made her feel like an ice mountain; it was as if she was made of snow. Her eyes were closed, but at this moment, she suddenly opened them.

"It's him!" This woman was the third of the Celestial Sovereign's eight concubines!

She hadn't participated in the war against the Inner Realm. Instead, after leaving the ancient tomb, she remained here, silently waiting for something.

"For him to appear here, what is he going to do…"

Also in the Ancient Star System, there was a huge rift. In this rift, filled with birds and flowers, the seventh concubine sat.

At this moment, the seventh concubine opened her eyes, her gaze revealing a strange light.

"What is he going to do…"

These were not the only people who had guesses about Wang Lin's action. Even people like Dao Master Miao Yin, Devil Master Nine Heaven, and company all awakened from their healing. They looked at the stars with gloomy expressions.

Wang Lin's presence gave them a large amount of pressure because of the bow in his hand.

Almost all third step cultivators locked onto Wang Lin's aura from a distance. They didn't know what Wang Lin was going to do, so they were very serious.

When these third step cultivators' divine senses locked onto Wang Lin, he stopped flying. At this moment, he was already near the center of the Ancient Star System. No matter where he needed to go, he could get there almost instantly.

After he stopped, Wang Lin sat down and closed his eyes. He began to silently cultivate as he waited.

He behavior shocked all the third step cultivators who were observing him.

Time slowly passed. In the blink of an eye, there were only 12 hours left of the last three days of the third year. Once these 12 hours passed, a shocking change would occur in the cave world!

However, at this moment, aside from Wang Lin, no one else knew it was going to happen. Not even the Seven-Colored Daoist and Old Ghost Zhan had control over this matter.

There might be one other person who would have a feeling something was happening. That would be the All-Seer, who was sitting on that piece of rock in the Summoned River that Wang Lin hadn't detected!

The All-Seer's eyes revealed a strange light as he lowered his head and his hands continued to change before him. As he divinated, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he revealed an exhilarated expression.

"Almost there… The last 12 hours…"

Wang Lin's figure remained motionless as he slowly cultivated to maintain his aura at its peak. He also kept the drop of celestial blood fully active.

11 hours, 10 hours, 9 hours… Soon, the three-year period was about to end. When there was only 4 hours left, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes.

When he did this, everyone who was observing him was shocked and had many speculations.

"It's that thing…" Wang Lin turned his head toward the right and gradually revealed a strange expression.

To the right of Wang Lin, in the distant stars, there was a group of hundreds of Ancient Star System cultivators flying over. Their hair was a mess and they had some unknown substance smeared over their faces. They were very colorful and strange.

As they moved forward, they roared loudly at the same time.

"The Celestial Dragon reveals the dao. Believe my words and avoid world destruction disaster. Don't believe me and all will perish… The Celestial Dragon is mighty… The Celestial Dragon is mighty…"

"The Celestial Dragon reveals dao, believe in this apostle. It will take us to the endless Celestial Realm and become immortal…"

As the words spread, thousands more cultivators came after the first few hundred. They all let out the same roars.

Chapter 1685 - A Snake!

There was a giant, spirit stone platform between these two groups of cultivators. The spirit stone platform gave off a powerful aura. It was nearly 10,000 feet wide and looked like a small mountain. Spirit stones of this size were extremely rare.

Wang Lin had cultivated for a long time and had rarely seen spirit stones this large. Although spirit stones were useless to him now, after seeing it, his expression became even more strange.

There was a red dragon coiled on the spirit stone. This dragon was not large; it lazily lied there as the thousands of cultivators carried it. Sometimes it would break off a piece of the spirit stone and throw it into its mouth. It would munch on it before devouring it, revealing a very comfortable expression.

"Celestial Dragon is mighty… Celestial Dragon reveals dao…" The roars from the cultivators made the dragon even more comfortable.

"Hmph, if I hadn't been trapped in that damn place for so many years, this old dragon could have had a better life in the cave world than outside. That damn Vermillion Bird, that damned Celestial Sovereign, and that damned Sovereign… fortunately, I escaped. Now this is my ideal life… How nice and wonderful this life is… I can't help but think of my hometown and sing loudly about it…" The red dragon looked very proud. Its claw broke off another piece of spirit stone and threw it into its mouth.

"Two little dragon girls under the Flying Snow Mountain, do you know of my thoughts for you? Your long whiskers, your wonderful bodies, and your alluring eyes…" The red dragon seemed to be a bit too happy and began to hum.

At the same time, its dragon tail seemed to hit the spirit stone in a rhythm. The thousands of surrounding cultivators could only helplessly look at the dragon. To them, its voice was too mournful and contained no taste at all. Whenever this happened, they could only roar loudly to offset its terrifying voice.

"Celestial Dragon reveals dao… Celestial Dragon is mighty…"

This red dragon was the fire dragon that was almost bled dry by the second generation Vermillion Bird in the Fallen Land. The second generation had given the dragon to Wang Lin, but it escaped. Along with the fact that the ancient tomb was opening, Wang Lin didn't bother with this dragon.

Now, hundreds of years had passed. Just when Wang Lin was about to completely forget about this matter, this pitiful fire dragon appeared in his divine sense.

Just as the those thousands of cultivators came with the dragon, all the divine senses of the third step cultivators that had gathered on Wang Lin moved over following Wang Lin's gaze.

The fire dragon was still munching on the spirit stones and was still singing proudly. However, at this moment, the dragon trembled. The munching and the singing suddenly stopped.

It blinked its eyes and was filled with confusion. However, this was soon replaced with fear, and its body trembled.

"This… Damn their dragon grandmas, why are there so many divine senses here? Why are they all so bored that their divine senses are gathered here!?"

After being startled for a moment, this silly dragon let out a sobbing roar.

"Back up, back up, quickly go back!!" As it roared, the silly dragon trembled. It had already been very careful in developing its own force. It hadn't provoked people it didn't think he could handle, in fear of being caught again. Even though it looked daring, the routes it had taken were carefully selected by him.

It had taken this route more than 10 times and had never encountered any danger. It also had some strange spell to hide its aura, so unless you were deliberately looking for it, this dragon was difficult to find it.

Normally, when it met a cultivator that was weaker than himself, this dragon would display its might and scare that person to obediently become a member of its Celestial Dragon Sect.

However, today it could have never expected that it would rush into a large amount of divine senses halfway through its trip. These divine senses made him tremble; there were many that were strong enough to make him swallow large amounts of dragon saliva.

Its dragon heart pounded rapidly. The red dragon flew off the spirit stone and was about to escape. However, it looked at the panic and confusion of its disciples and struggled a bit before suppressing its fear. It carefully landed back on the spirit stone platform and let out a few dry coughs.

"This Celestial Dragon remembers that there was a pot of pills being refined. We are not going out to play anymore, carry me back to refine those pills!!"

After hearing this, although the surrounding cultivators were still uncertain, they listened the dragon's order. They carried the giant spirit stone platform and slowly retreated.

However, the spirit stone was too large, so its speed was very slow. The red dragon was extremely anxious, and it felt a sense of greed in those divine senses. It was sad to find that as the spirit stone moved back, those divine senses followed and locked onto it.

"Damn it, all of you, hurry up. If you're all too slow, this dragon will devour you all!" After that, it still seemed a bit worried and quickly added something.

"That pot of pills of mine is very precious…"

The dragon was in a tense mood and its heart was pounding. It didn't dare to act too suddenly, because if it suddenly flew away, it would only attract more attention. It could not be impatient, it had to remain calm.

"Celestial Dragon, you're a celestial dragon, you have to calm down… It's not a big deal, you just didn't see them…" The silly dragon encouraged itself and acted like nothing had happened. However, it was really bad at pretending, and as it tried to pretend, it just revealed everything on its face.

After they gradually retreated more than 100,000 feet away, those divine senses all left, much to the joy of the silly dragon.

It seemed that to them, the appearance of the dragon was only an accident. They had no interest toward the dragon, so they all withdrew their divine senses. This was a great surprise for the dragon.

It let out a big breath and made up its mind. After returning home, it wouldn't leave for 10 years and it would never take this route again. This route was simply too terrifying!

The surrounding cultivators were still in shock and didn't know what had happened. It was unknown who had started, but in order to please the fire dragon, they all suddenly began to roar loudly.

"The Celestial Dragon reveals the dao, believe my words and avoid world destruction disaster…"

"The Celestial Dragon reveals dao, believe in this apostle. It will take us to the endless Celestial Realm and become immortal. Celestial Dragon is mighty…"

The moment the chanting started, a powerful divine sense came from behind them. This divine sense contained a powerful pressure and almost scared the fire dragon senseless.

"Mighty… What might!! You all, shut up!!" the dragon roared, almost in tears. It thought it had avoided a calamity, but it didn't expect these people's roars to attract a divine sense that made it tremble.

It had invented those phrases himself, and it always felt comfortable listening to them. However, now those words were sending it to its grave, and this made the fire dragon let out a miserable roar.

After letting out a roar, the fire dragon quickly turned around. It bowed with both hands clasped, with an expression making it seem as if it was about to cry.

"Hehe, hehe… I've disturbed you, I've disturbed you. I'll leave, these little ones don't know what they are talking about. This little dragon isn't mighty at all and is certainly not a celestial. I'm a snake, that's right, just a snake… I just look a bit like a dragon. Hehe, hehe…" The fire dragon shivered and even its words became all jumbled up.

"Hehe, hehe, I won't disturb you fellow seniors gathering here. You are all busy, so no need to pay any attention to me. I'll leave on my own… Don't bother sending me off…" The fire dragon trembled and even abandoned the spirit stone platform as it anxiously escaped.

However, as the fire dragon rapidly retreated, it suddenly stopped. This time it was really about to cry as a white figure with white hair appeared before it. Wang Lin stepped out and looked at the fire dragon with a smile that wasn't a smile.

"It's you!!" The fire dragon saw Wang Lin and was startled. There was a reason the second generation Vermillion Bird had called it a "silly dragon." When the dragon saw Wang Lin, it remembered how weak Wang Lin was and completely forgot about the divine sense that made it tremble.

"Damn it, you also dare to stop this dragon? You drank my blood before. Today, this dragon wants you to pay!" The dragon glared at Wang Lin and opened its mouth. A giant ball of fire shot out and devoured everything before it, including Wang Lin.

However, in the next breath, the giant ball of fire suddenly scattered in all directions. Countless fire seeds scattered and lit up the star system.

When the fire ball stopped, the dragon let out a scream of fear. Its body was suddenly thrown backward and its eyes became filled with fear.

Wang Lin walked out from the fire and all the collapsing fire stopped. It gathered toward Wang Lin and formed a burning flame in his left hand.

"Fire dragon…" Wang Lin still had a smile that wasn't a smile as he looked at the fire dragon.

"I… I'm really just a snake…" The fire dragon trembled and was no longer being silly. It thought about the terrifying aura Wang Lin gave off.

Chapter 1686 - Little Red!

While retreating, the fire dragon let out a howl and used its full power. Fire covered its body and it rapidly retreated.

The way Wang Lin had casually gathered the scattered fire was frightening, and it also clearly felt the fire essence in Wang Lin's body.

It also had a fire essence, but it was obviously a lot weaker compared to Wang Lin's fire essence. As a result, this fire dragon simply didn't have the courage to fight Wang Lin.

Feeling terrified, the fire dragon rapidly retreated. Wang Lin calmly looked at the retreating fire dragon. He squeezed his right hand and crushed the fire in his right hand.

A heat wave spread out from Wang Lin's palm in all directions. Want Lin didn't chase but casually formed a seal.

This seal was given to him by the second generation Vermillion Bird to control this fire dragon!

After this seal appeared, the fire dragon that had retreated far let out a miserable scream. An identical seal appeared between its eyebrows.

This seal was deeply imprinted on its head, engraved in the bones of its soul!

"None of you Vermillion Birds are good people, it's so painful… You said you'd let me go but still left this seal on me…" The fire around the fire dragon collapsed, revealing its body. In a flash, its body expanded to more than 100,000 feet.

Its large dragon body gave off a powerful pressure.

However, at this moment, this pressure couldn't affect Wang Lin at all. The fire dragon's body twisted and the pain from between its eyebrows made it shed dragon tears.

"So painful… I won't run. I surrender, I surrender. You can do as you wish, I won't run anymore…"

Wang Lin dispelled the seal in his right hand and, in the blink of an eye, stood on top of the fire dragon's head. The dragon wanted to struggle, but it remembered the intense pain it had just suffered and shivered in fear. It was too scared to resist, and water vapor filled its eyes and it was filled with grievance.

It looked into the distance where the Celestial Dragon Sect was and even more water vapor gathered in its eyes.

"Come on, my Celestial Dragon Sect… Damn it, I shouldn't have come this way… I should have gone elsewhere…"

Wang Lin sat above the fire dragon's head. Waves of hot energy came from the dragon's head and surrounded him as he looked ahead. Even his vision became distorted from these heat waves.

The divine senses from the third step cultivators of the Ancient Star System were still in the area. They had watched Wang Lin capture this fire dragon, but they weren't surprised. Although this fire dragon was strong, equal to an early stage Nirvana Void cultivator, to them it was simply too weak.

If it was the before Wang Lin knew this was a cave world, he would've still captured this dragon, but he wouldn't have acted so quickly, without wasting time.

This dragon was different from all the demonic beasts Wang Lin had seen before. Not only could it speak, but it was very intelligent; not even the Nether Beast was a match.

It even called itself a "Celestial Dragon" and had created the Celestial Dragon Sect. It had also enslaved cultivators to serve it; this already showed how extraordinary the dragon was!

Most importantly, this dragon's body contained a faint force of the celestial bloodline. This was very weak and was very difficult to notice. However, Wang Lin had the Immortal Celestial Body blood drop, so he was able to faintly see it.

Wang Lin stood above the giant dragon head. His eyes shined as he looked at the fire dragon below him.

There were only three hours left until the end of the three year period. These three hours were enough for Wang Lin to get some information from this dragon.

"The Immortal Astral Continent is your hometown, right…" Wang Lin's divine sense that surrounded the dragon suddenly sent out a message.

The fire dragon was startled. It blinked with its giant, dragon eyes and began to shake its big head.

Wang Lin coldly stare at this dragon as he raised his right hand and the aura of a soul search spell appeared on his palm. He looked at the fire dragon and slowly sent out a message.

"With your intelligence, you know the effect of the spell in my hand. I'll ask you again: are you from the Immortal Astral Continent?"

Horror appeared in the dragon's eyes, but for some reason, it looked at the thousands of Celestial Dragon Sect cultivators in the distance. It clenched its teeth and shook its head.

Wang Lin frowned. He couldn't use the soul search spell right now. This was the Ancient Star System, and there were divine senses of several powerful cultivators here. If he used soul search, it would give them a chance to attack.

As a result, it would affect his plan in three hours.

His eyes became even more cold. Wang Lin scattered the soul search spell and was going to send the dragon into his storage space. He was going to get some answers from it after he dealt with the Ancient Celestial Realm first.

However, just as he was about the scatter his soul search spell, the fire dragon's plead entered his mind.

"This… Can you give me some face… You can see my disciples are looking at me. If you can give me some face and cooperate with me, then I'll cooperate with you and tell you every, OK…"

Wang Lin was startled and revealed a strange expression. He looked at the fire dragon below him, and after a long time, he nodded.

The moment the fire dragon saw Wang Lin agree, it was very happy. It straightened its body and flew out from under Wng Lin.

Its eyes shined brightly and it looked very majestic. Its large, dragon claws pointed at Wang Lin and its mighty voice echoed.

"You said you want to enter my Celestial Dragon Sect. This dragon won't take offense to what you have done and will let you join my Celestial Dragon Sect, er…" As the fire dragon spoke, it paid attention to Wang Lin's expression. When it saw Wang Lin's brow began to wrinkle, it trembled and quickly said,

"Uh… For a powerful person like you to join my Celestial Dragon Sect, it is my luck. Hehe, hehe, you can be the vice sect master…"

After it spoke, the frightened cultivators, shocked by what had happened, were all startled for a moment.

Before those cultivators could react, the fire dragon suddenly turned around toward them and let out a roar.

"OK, all of you, go back. This Celestial Dragon will give some pointers to the new vice sect master and will be busy. I'll be back later, so watch the sect for me!"

Although those cultivators were filled with doubt, they didn't dare to display it. They all revealed expressions of awe toward the fire dragon like and then respectfully left.

After all the cultivators left, the majestic aura of the dragon disappeared. It had an awkward expression and was about to speak when Wang Lin stood back on its head. Wang Lin waved his sleeves and brought the dragon to where he was sitting before.

"Master, this little dragon indeed came from the Immortal Astral Continent. If you have any questions, please ask. This little dragon promises to tell you everything." The fire dragon revealed a flattering expression and quickly sent out a divine sense message.

"How did you enter this place from the Immortal Astral Continent?" Wang Lin sat down on the dragon.

"I followed my former master and a damned fellow. That damned fellow knew Master favored me more and refused to accept it in his heart. So he told Master that the Seven Dao Sect had a treasure and deceived my former master to come here…

"I was faithful to my master and was naturally worried about him, so I came with him…" The fire dragon seemed to be filled with indignation. As it sent out the divine sense messages, it looked into the distance as if it was afraid.

After hearing this, Wang Lin's eyes narrowed. He looked at the fire dragon for a long time until the fire dragon's hairs stood up and it sent out a divine sense message.

"What I'm saying is true, uh… A bit of a lie. I didn't come because I was loyal to my former master, but my former master rode me here…" the fire dragon spoke carefully.

"What is your name?" Wang Lin's mind trembled. He had a faint guess!

"Master, you can call me Little Red, my nickname is Little Red." The dragon waved its big head and sent out a message.

Little Red!! Wang Lin's eyes suddenly shined brightly. He stared at the fire dragon and his mind rumbled. The madman's words echoed in his mind.

"Little Red, Little Red, where are you…"

"Hmph, all of this king's things are with Little Red, go find Little Red for them…"

"Little Red, quickly go find my big brother. Tell him I'm being bullied…"

Not only did the fire dragon feel his hair stand up under Wang Lin's gaze, its heart also pounded. It didn't know if it had offended Wang Lin and was about to send out a message in fear.

"Who is Lian Daofei to you?" Wang Lin slowly send out a message.

After the fire dragon heard "Lian Daofei," it was startled for a moment.

"Ah? You know my master? Lian Daofei was my former master… It's unfortunate that he is dead…"

"Sure enough!" Wang Lin's mind continued to tremble. He no longer asked question and put the fire dragon inside his storage space. He could no longer ask any more questions.

Time was almost up, so he had maintain a peace of mind so he could use his full cultivation. He needed to remain calm!

If he got more information from the fire dragon, it would be very difficult for Wang Lin to stay calm. At this moment, Wang Lin sat there with his eyes closed to calm the waves set off in his heart.

Time passed. As the hearts of the people observing Wang Lin with their divine sense continued to speculate, the last three hours slowly went by!

The moment the last three hours passed, Wang Lin suddenly opened his eyes!

Chapter 1687 - The Ancient Celestial Realm Opens

"Time is up…" Wang Lin's eyes were filled with coldness. He had waited three years for this day!

The three-year period was over! It had also been a full 100 years since the Inner and Outer Realm war had begun!

The four generals of the Inner Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm wouldn't disappoint Wang Lin. The deal they had made with Wang Lin was about to begin! The stars were silent as the last breath passed.

The divine senses surrounding Wang Lin didn't notice the upheaval the Inner and Outer Realms were going through!

The first sign of this upheaval was in the Brilliant Void in the Inner Realm.

In the vast Brilliant Void, there were bursts of colorful lights that lit up the star system. This caused the darkness of space to look like a blooming flower field.

A thunderous rumble rang out among these beautiful lights. This muffled roar echoed across the star system. If this star system was a door, then this muffled roar came from behind the door.

It was as if a giant was bombarding the door like crazy. The giant seemed to want to break open the door and walk out!

As the thunderous rumbles echoed, the muffled roar also came from Summoned River. The muffled rumble was even heard and echoed in the Cloud Sea and Allheaven.

This violent sound appeared during the first breath and reached its peak in the fifth breath. It spread across every inch of the Inner Realm, to every planet, and into the ears of every living creature!

At this instant, the countless living beings in Inner Realm, whether it was the cultivators, mortals, beast, or even vegetation, all trembled and entered a daze.

There was an uninhabited savage planet that had no people but was filled with many fierce beasts. These beasts had lived here for generations; they hunted and killed in the rainforest here.

However, when the thunderous rumble echoed, the planet became silent. All the beasts, whether it was the pouncing tiger or the giant python that had just caught a little beast, trembled. They were terrified as they looked up at the sky in a daze.

The little beast that hadn't died forgot to struggle. It looked up and was stunned.

Rumble, rumble, rumble, rumble!

The sound was heaven-shaking, during the eighth breath, it was almost crazy. It created countless ripples that echoed across the four star systems.

At this moment, it seemed like countless creatures from the Ancient Celestial Realm were roaring. Their roars was this rumble!

On a planet in the Summoned River, inhabited by only a few dozen cultivators. They hadn't gone to the new Celestial Realm but were looking for mortals that could cultivate, searching for seeds for the future of the Inner Realm.

At this moment, their face were all pale and they coughed out blood. They looked at the sky in fear. They didn't know what had happened, but the roar in their ears had entered their minds and made them panic.

"Could it be that the Outer Realm is invading again!?" Everyone was shocked. They were about to fly out, but just as they flew into the sky, a thunderous rumble echoed and they were pressed against the ground by a pressure that descended from the sky.

During the 11th breath, the rumble echoing across the four star systems created a pressure!

This pressure came from the Ancient Celestial Realm. This aura was ancient and shrouded the entire Inner Realm. It seem to be telling the world they had returned!!

On a planet in Allheaven, there was no longer any cultivators left, only mortals. At this moment, the cities that were supposed to be lively became deathly silent.

The elderly man that was selling wine at the edge of the city and the dozen or so people drinking were all frightened when they saw the previously cloudless sky turn dark. A thunderous rumble echoed and all the mortals blacked out.

The mortals that passed out couldn't see the change in the sky. The sky continued to darken until all light was gone and it turned to night!

At this moment, it was the 16th breath since the rumble echoed!

During these 16 breaths of time, the four star systems lost all light. All planets and continents were shrouded in darkness.

During the 17th breath, a thunderous rumble that suppressed all the sound from the previous 16 breaths echoed in the Brilliant Void!

This thunderous rumble sounded like a door breaking! Like the sky collapsing!

As the rumble echoed, a crack appeared in the Brilliant Void, and it soon formed a giant rift!

The moment the rift appeared, roars filled with excitement and madness appeared. The aura of the Ancient Celestial Realm rushed out from this rift and swept across the Brilliant Void.

At the same time, as the roar echoed, hideous gazes appeared inside the rift, and dried-up hands wanted to reach out. It was as if there was group of people behind the rift that were about to go crazy and tear the star system open!

At this moment, a similar rift appeared in the Summoned River, Allheaven, and the Cloud Sea. The four rifts tore open the star system and released the aura of the Ancient Celestial Realm!

The Ancient Celestial Realm was about to awaken!

In the Thunder Celestial Realm in Allheaven, Old Ghost Zhan suddenly stood up and his expression changed. He stepped forward, leaving the Thunder Celestial Realm, and appeared in Allheaven. His eyes revealed a strange gaze as he looked at rift that, and his eyes became cold!

"Ancient Celestial Realm!!"

The rifts in the four star system trembled and spread out like crazy. On the 19th breath, the entire Inner Realm seemed to be split. The four rifts spread until they met at the intersection of the four star systems, which was directly above the new Celestial Realm!

A thunderous rumble echoed when the four rifts overlapped, and a giant cross appeared in the sky. The aura of the Ancient Celestial Realm leaked out and excited roars came from within. All the light in the Inner Realm collapsed!

At this moment, the Inner Realm had no light. The endless light was all sucked away and was changed in a bizarre way. It all gathered outside the four rifts and gave off a dazzling glow!

Thunderous rumbles echoed, causing the silver river around the new Celestial Realm to tremble. Even the new Celestial Realm buzzed. Many Inner Realm cultivators looked up at the sky.

Qing Lin's face turned pale and he charged into the sky.

"This is the aura of the Ancient Celestial Realm. The Ancient Celestial Realm has returned. Master Hong Shan, Master South Cloud, and Qing Shui, come with me to greet the ancient celestials!" Qing Lin flew into the sky and three rays of light followed him. They were Master Hong Shan, Master South Cloud, and Qing Shui!

The four of them flew toward the sky. Below them were the Inner Realm cultivators and a giant statue standing on the highest peak.

This statue had been moved here from planet Suzaku by someone during these past three days so that it could be worshiped by all future generations!

When Qing Lin and company rushed out from the silver river, they looked at the giant, cross-like rift. Even Qing Shui revealed a look of respect.

There was no need to mention Qing Lin and others, they didn't dare to show any sign of disrespect. The ancient celestials were like gods to these old fellows!

Only Situ Nan stared at the sky among the cultivators below. In his mind, Wang Lin's words still echoed. He hadn't told anyone else about this. Looking at the rift, there was not the slightest bit of awe, only a complicated sense of confusion.

The Ancient Celestial Realm, it had been gone for a long time, and now it was descending upon the world once more!

Shocking roars came out from the cross-shaped rift. In the end, the rift was completely ripped open and all the surrounding light gathered to form a block of light. In the blink of an eye, another block of light appeared. Soon, hundreds of blocks of light appeared.

These blocks of light soon formed a giant staircase that floated there!

After the stairs appeared, figures covered in golden light excitedly walked out. Soon, dozens of figures rushed out.

"Finally free!!"

"Now that our cultivation has recovered, us celestials have returned!"

Roars came from these dozens of golden figures. They each had the aura of a third step cultivator! However, these auras were different from that of the cultivators of the cave world!

However, it was very difficult to describe what the exact difference was!

After these dozens of people, there were still more golden figures flying out. Looking from afar, this made for a shocking scene!

Qing Lin and company were the closest. As the golden light filled the sky, they all had solemn expressions. Master Hong Shan and Master South Cloud clasped their hands.

However, compared to them, Qing Lin was the most excited me. He stepped forward and clasped his hands at the golden figures. He spoke with respectful tone.

"The Lord of the Sealed Realm's disciple Qin Lin greets the ancient celestials!"

However, his existence and words didn't catch the attention of any of those ancient celestials. The celestials laughed wildly and directly flew past them. They shot toward the new Celestial Realm!"

"This celestial hasn't devoured Joss Flames in a long time. Although the Joss Flames here aren't strong, they will satisfy me for now!"

"Joss Flames, this place has the aura of Joss Flames!"

"Haha, I didn't expect there to be Joss Flame prepared for us when we awakened. Disciple of the Lord of the Sealed Realm, you're very good!"

These celestials rushed toward the new Celestial Realm. When Qing Lin and company saw this, their minds trembled!

Chapter 1688 - Get Out!

Qing Shui's eye glowed red and killing intense filled his body. His daughter was on the new Celestial Realm, and this new Celestial Realm had been built by them. This was their home!

At this moment, someone had broken the door and was going to destroy his home. It didn't matter who that was; even if they were ancient celestials, he, Qing Shui, was still going to kill!

Qing Shui charged forward.

Master Hong Shan and Master South Cloud were frozen for a moment before their expressions changed greatly. After hesitating for a moment, they clenched their teeth and rushed forward!

Qing Lin was stunned, and his struggle was the most intense. However, he saw the dozens of celestial laughing wildly as they ripped open the silver river. The gap revealed tens of thousands of Inner Realm cultivators who were filled with fear. Qing Lin let out a roar and stepped forward!

"Stop! Fellow ancient celestials, this is my Inner Realm's Celestial Realm…" Qing Lin rushed forward as he roared, but before he could finish speaking, about seven or eight people turned around. Their eyes revealed domineering, golden light and they waved their hands at the four of them.

Thunderous rumbles echoed and a golden storm filled with the power of the celestial bloodline rushed at the four of them. As the storm rumbled, Qing Lin, Master Hong Shan, and Master South Cloud trembled.

"What guts. You dare to stop us celestials from absorbing Joss Flames?" one of the sneered. His words contained endless arrogance and a sense of superiority!

This golden storm contained the celestial bloodline and produced a suppression that was the natural enemy to people of the Inner Realm. This caused Qing Lin, Master Hongshan, and Master South Cloud to retreat in shock.

However, this bloodline force had no effect on Qing Shui; it was as if he didn't notice it at all. He charged through the golden storm, toward the dozens of celestials, filled with shocking killing intent.

However, he was still a bit slow. The dozen of celestials that had come out first had already arrived above the new Celestial Realm. They looked at the tens of thousands of cultivators looking at them in fear and laughed.

A few people immediately released their bloodline suppression so that the cultivators below wouldn't dare to move. Then a few of them descended. One of them grabbed a female cultivator from the Summoned River and was about to inhale.

Once he inhaled, he would be able to turn this female cultivator into Joss Flames and absorb them.

However, just at this moment, an ancient celestial spread out his divine sense while laughing wildly. Just as his divine sense spread out, his laughter stopped and his eyes widened. An unimaginable amount of panic appeared on his face and he let out a scream!!

His scream was mournful. The moment he screamed, everyone else was startled. The celestial that had grabbed the female cultivator subconsciously loosened his grip on her and looked up at the person that had screamed.

"His statue!! There is a statue of him there!!" The mournful scream echoed. The dozens of celestial that had arrived and the dozens that came after all froze for a moment. Their divine senses spread out, and after looking at the distant peak, they all gasped.

The celestial that had grabbed the female cultivator loosened his grasp and his face turned pale.

"It's him!!"

"Why is his statue here?!"

This sudden discovery caused fear to appear on the faces of dozens of celestials. They could not forget the power of that arrow in the Ancient Celestial Realm three years ago!!

It wasn't until this moment that Situ Nan awakened. He raised his head and raised his hand without hesitation and took out a jade. This jade was given to him by Wang Lin when they met on planet Suzaku and Wang Lin told him about the Ancient Celestial Realm. Wang Lin had told him that once the celestials appeared, if they tried to kill the cultivators, crush this jade!

Situ Nan took out the jade and crushed it. Once it was crushed, Wang Lin's aura erupted from this jade!

Those dozens of celestials were very familiar with this aura. The moment this aura appeared, they suddenly looked up at the sky.

The sky distorted and a white figure appeared. This figure was Wang Lin! That jade contained a sliver of his divine sense. Although it was only an illusion, his cold gaze spread out.

"Vermillion Bird, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, White Tiger, is this your so-called agreement?" Wang Lin's eyes stare coldly at the dozens of celestials and then waved his sleeves…

"Get the hell out of here!" he roared.

With that roar, a shocking killing intent spread and triggered the memories of those dozens of celestials. They let out screams and their faces turned pale while they quickly retreated. In the blink of an eye, they left the new Celestial Realm.

Outside the new Celestial Realm, among the dozens of celestials that had come out, there was an old man. He was the Azure Dragon. He had a gloomy expression as he stared at the people that had broken into the new Celestial Realm. He let out a cold snort before taking a step forward and clasping his hands.

"This old man was not strict enough and came a step too late. I hope Fellow Cultivator will forgive us. This old man will give you an explanation! Fortunately, there were no casualties, so, Fellow Cultivator, please don't be anger… Our deal is still on. We from the Ancient Celestial Realm won't kill a single Inner Realm cultivator!"

In the Outer Realm, Wang Lin opened his eyes and revealed a cold gaze. He had long expected this, which was why he had left the jade there. He saw those celestials leave in defeat and was about to speak when he suddenly looked into the distance.

There was no hesitation. Wang Lin stood up and charged off into the distance!

The Ancient Celestial Realm was the original one and was then split in half. Although it had been split between the Inner and Outer Realms, they were still linked. Now that the Inner Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm had opened, the Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm would open as well!

Although there was a formation blocking the upheaval inside the Inner Realm, some of the third step cultivators in the Outer Realm still felt it. In particular, the Sovereign's eyes were flooded with disbelief when he suddenly understood what Wang Lin was going to do!

"Not good!! He is going to use the power of the arrow to destroy the Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm!! He… He is this crazy!! He must have learned about everything, that this place is only a cave world!" The Sovereign's expression changed and then he charged into the stars.

At this moment, not only his, but the expressions of all the third step cultivators who were observing Wang Lin changed. They all understood what Wang Lin was going to do at the same time!

Wang Lin moved at full speed. From his position, he only needed an instant to arrive anywhere in the Ancient Star System. He disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was in a star domain where there were large amounts of spatial rifts!

This star domain right now had countless rifts, and thunderous rumbles came from within them. The moment Wang Lin arrived, the star domain seemed to collapse and a giant gap appeared.

The aura of the Ancient Celestial Realm came from within, and mad laughter followed. Golden figures walked out from the gap!

These figures were also ancient celestials. They were all disciples of the Seven Dao Sect, but they were no longer loyal to the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign but to the concubines! To be more precise, they were loyal to the dao partner the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign had abandoned to save his own life!

Without the order from the Seven-Colored Celestial Sovereign's dao partner, they wouldn't be following the commands the seven concubines. It could be said that this was the root cause of the great war in the cave!

They were the final ace the celestial imperial concubines held. When everyone realized what Wang Lin was going to do, the seventh concubine's expression changed greatly and she rushed toward Wang Lin.

Even the third concubine was shaken and quickly rushed over.

Mad laughter echoed inside the gap as the golden figures flew out. However, everyone that came out immediately saw the white-haired cultivator in white that seemed to be waiting for them with his eyes closed!

They didn't recognize Wang Lin. Although Wang Lin had a cultivation level, they didn't consider him a threat. The laughed wildly and excitement filled their eyes.

"We're finally able to come out!!"

"Since we are here, then the four generals must have come out as well. Kill! Kill them and obtain the dao tome and we can form a new Seven Dao Sect!"

"Not only must we kill them, but we must end all the lives in this cave world. Only then can we reopen this cave!"

The golden celestials flew out as they roared. One of the celestials revealed a cruel expression as he charged at Wang Lin. He was extremely fast, and when he got near Wang Lin, he raised his right hand with a grin.

"You ant cultivator, you have bad luck by being at our door. This celestial will absorb you and turn you into Joss Flames!"

"Ordinary cultivator of the Immortal Astral Continent, common disciple of the Seven Dao Sect, you dare to call yourself a celestial!?" Wang Lin opened his eyes and golden light shined from them.

This golden light was formed by condensing the power of the Immortal Celestial Body blood drop. This light contained extremely pure celestial bloodline!

When he saw the golden light in Wang Lin's eyes, the celestial that had charged forward stopped and his expression changed greatly. He subconsciously retreated in shock and a rumble echoed in his mind.

"Who are you??"

Chapter 1689 - The Power of Two Arrows!!

His answer didn't come in the form of words but Wang Lin's actions!

Wang Lin's eyes were filled with a golden glow, and he raised his left hand. The Li Guang Bow appeared with a rumble and he grabbed it. His right hand grabbed the bowstring and suddenly pulled back.

With a buzz, the Li Guang Bow reached full moon. The arrow that had terrified many people appeared on the bow, and the space around it twisted.

After the arrow appeared, the world changed colors and trembled. The celestial recovered from his shock and looked at the bow. He felt like it was familiar.

"This bow is very familiar… This bow… Li Guang Bow!!!" The moment the celestial recognized this bow, his expression changed greatly. Fear and disbelief filled his eyes as he let out a scream in fear and retreated like crazy.

He knew about this bow and about the power of an arrow from it. It was a powerful treasure that could even shake the hearts of the people from his home on the Immortal Astral Continent. It had terrifying destructive capabilities!

At this moment, he suddenly understood that this person had been sitting here precisely to wait for them to appear. This person had been waiting for the Ancient Celestial Realm to open and use this bow to kill them!

"Who is he?!" The celestial retreated as if he was crazy. The only thought in his mind was escape, escape, escape!

The huge change here caught the attention of all the other celestials. However, when they saw the bow in Wang Lin's hands, felt the trembling of the stars, and were shaken by the ripples from the bow, their expressions all changed!

"Li Guang Bow!"

"It's actually the Li Guang Bow!!"

Alarmed, the celestials that charged out retreated like crazy. They wanted to return to the Ancient Celestial Realm. Encountering someone who had the Li Guang Bow and could draw it as soon as they walked out was a nightmare.

However, even though they moved fast, they weren't fast enough to escape from the Li Guang Bow. The Sovereign wasn't able to and they also weren't qualified!

Wang Lin's right hand pulled the string even more as he let out a roar. At this moment, it was as if Wang Lin was about to break the bow!

He stared at the terrifying and retreating celestials with monstrous killing intent in his eyes. The people he wanted to kill were these disciples of the Seven Dao Sect! These arrogant Seven Dao Sect disciples who saw the people of the cave world as ants!

"You are no different from the people of the Scattered Thunder Clan!" Wang Lin's right hand loosened and a buzz echoed across the entire star system. The bowstring suddenly retracted and sent a powerful force into the arrow!

This howling sound was loud enough to shatter the heavens. The power of the Li Guang Bow caused the heavens and earth to tremble. The world before the arrow collapsed and fragmented as the arrow shot forward.

The celestial that was going to kill Wang Lin had nowhere to dodge. He screamed as his body collapsed as the arrow penetrated him. His origin soul was extinguished!

He was not the first cultivator from the Immortal Astral Continent that Wang Lin had killed, and he wouldn't be the last!

As the arrow shot forward, it expanded until it was tens of thousands of feet long, and it was still expanding! The dozens of celestials that had come out were deathly pale. Compared to the speed of the arrow, they were like babies trying to run away.

With a bang, the three celestials collapsed and then died with miserable screams!

Thunderous rumbles continued to echo as three celestials' bodies trembled and collapsed. Just as their origin souls were about to escape, they disintegrated. They were destroyed by the cave world they felt contempt for!

The arrow gave off a golden light. This golden light lit up the entire star system and continued to spread out. The rumbling sounds continued, and in the blink of an eye, another eight celestials died.

They were still feeling ecstasy while walking out of the Ancient Celestial Realm, but now that ecstasy turned into the reason for their deaths!

The arrow instantly killed all the celestials that had walked out, then it went inside. This caused a thunderous rumble to echo inside the gap and triggered a violent collapse.

The impact of the collapse spread out in all directions as a shockwave. This shockwave was powerful enough to change the trajectory of cultivation planets but wasn't enough to move Wang Lin's ancient god body!

Wang Lin's hair fluttered quickly, and the shockwaves caused his clothes to flap loudly. However, his eyes were firm, just like his body!

He was going to kill, and this arrow wasn't going to kill enough!

Wang Lin didn't know how many people were inside the Ancient Celestial Realm or how many of them were powerful, but he understood that just the Li Guang Bow might not be enough to destroy them all. However, he could destroy the opening to the Ancient Celestial Realm so that they would never be able to come out again!

After the first arrow was shot, the Sovereign's body suddenly stopped millions of kilometers away. He stared ahead and his eyes were filled with joy!

"This is good for me too. I calculated that he only had the power for two shots. Now he has wasted one, and if he uses another, he will for sure die! Wang Lin, ah, Wang Lin, if you really fire the bow twice and I don't kill you today, I will no longer call myself 'Sovereign.' I'll take on your family name instead!" The Sovereign laughed as he rushed forward.

Just as he took a few steps, he laughed like crazy again. He was releasing the resentment he had felt for the last three years!

"The second shot, he indeed released the second shot. Wang Lin, you are dead! I'll first seal the Ancient Star System so you can't leave, then I'll slowly kill you!" Without hesitation, the Sovereign waved his hand and his powerful cultivation spread out. This seal wouldn't prevent people from coming in, but it would prevent them from leaving!

After doing all of this, the Sovereign disappeared as he rushed forward.

At the same time, the seventh concubine was deathly pale. She staggered back and her eyes were filled with monstrous resentment. As she stared straight ahead, it was as if she was going to break her teeth from clenching them so hard.

"Wang Lin, I'm going to kill you!!"

Dao Master Miao Yin and Devil Master Nine Heaven were rushing through the star system. Their hatred for Wang Lin was no weaker than the Sovereign and the seventh concubine's. Although they were injured, that didn't still their killing intent. At this moment, they were rushing toward Wang Lin, who they had locked onto!

"With all these people wanting to kill you, I don't believe you can come out alive!" Dao Master Miao Yin smiled.

"This old man is going to extract a sliver of your soul and use it to light the Heaven Lantern for 10,000 years. Only by listening to his suffering for 10,000 years can my hatred be extinguished!" Hatred filled Devil Master Nine Heaven's eyes.

Wang Lin indeed drew the bow a second time. This was the first time he had drawn it twice. This time, his forehead was covered in sweat. The drop of golden celestial blood between his eyebrows rapidly dimmed as he drew the bow completely open to a full moon. The arrow that was shot into the Ancient Celestial Realm had reappeared on the bow!

This arrow was stained with blood and gave off the a strong, bloody smell!

Before him, the hole to the Ancient Celestial Realm has mostly collapsed after the first arrow. The Ancient Celestial Realm that was revealed was also a mess.

There were countless fragments floating inside the rift. That arrow just now had shocking power!

At the moment the bow was drawn, two auras came from inside the rift. Both auras were as powerful as the Sovereign's and quickly spread from the rift.

Wang Lin's eyes revealed killing intent and he loosened his right hand. The bowstring buzzed and a second arrow shot out! The moment the second arrow shot out, the golden light in Wang Lin's eyes faded and the golden light in his left eye dissipated completely.

As for his right eye, there was still some left, but that soon disappeared. It was unknown whether Wang Lin had hidden it or if it had also disappeared like his left eye.

As the arrow got close to the Ancient Celestial Realm, a powerful suction force came from the tip of the arrow. As it rushed into the Ancient Celestial Realm, it pulled the gap. When the arrow completely entered, the gap to the Ancient Celestial Realm collapsed!

This collapse destroyed the gap, preventing the celestials of the Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm from coming out. This also destroyed the passage and blocked all chance of them coming out!

Only the muffled rumbles continued to come from where the opening had collapsed. The two powerful auras were blocked and unable to come out anymore.

The muffled rumbles seemed to become more and more distant. Wang Lin couldn't see the power of those two shots from the Li Guang Bow, but for the people inside the Ancient Celestial Realm, it was their nightmare!

The Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm and the Inner Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm were connected in a mysterious way. The four generals all had solemn expressions with a hint of terror as they looked at the churning sky before them. The sky was like a mirror, revealing a blurry yet shocking scene of what was happening inside the Outer Realm's Ancient Celestial Realm!

"This child… This child… It's best we don't mess with him…" After a long time, the Azure Dragon general took a deep breath and dread filled his eyes.

The Black Tortoise general silently pondered for a moment before he said, "He definitely doesn't only have two shots left. He is not a fool and his mind is as cunning as a devil's. How could he let others see his bottom line so easily? I guess he has at least three more shots!"

The four of them looked at each other and all nodded.

After Wang Lin shot twice, a laugh echoed across the Ancient Star System. The Sovereign appeared, filled with killing intent as he walked toward Wang Lin.