
Re: Destiny

when romance, action, adventure, r18, yandere, and family betrayal are put together ___________________________________________________- synopsis 2: As the law of absurdity dictates, people are born different, may it be horns, facial features, BloodLines, or abilities. however, dí lún(Dylan) had the worst "luck" of them all; getting his trust broken by his friends/family, he tried moving on in life by moving out on his own but he was a kid(10-year-old) what could he know. kind of a spoiler later he makes a new friend unknown to him, won't tell you their gender/or personality ________________________________________________________- now what you expect me to do/ know I shall not know because this stuff is new to me the only reason I could have written this is that the stories/novels I read are not to my taste or are just too bland and I just wanted people with the same taste as me to have something they can enjoy now the character development will be slow I think because I'm new to this don't worry about the world-building I will try to make it decent, oh and I will try my absolute best to write well so you readers can understand it. nowhere are the credits first my inspiration goes out to Ru_ri they did a pretty good job on the "My family are yandere's" before it got rebooted and if you are reading this part my story will have some of the same elements, Sorry Ru_ri no offense but I took some of your ideas and added them to mine, one thing I Will was not good at writing light smut, aka fan service I also haven't written, or imagined written R-18 stuff but I swear on my word I will try. English is one of the four languages that I learned in school but I promise there will be errors in my writings sorry in advance. cover, not mine so *Credits* to the artist my upload schedule will be messed up because of collage

KiyoshiTsuki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


just classifying this each sin has different measures to complete the pact to have anyone embody them and for our MC wrath's measures he will have to slit his wrist and drain his blood in cup and wrath would have to do the same and when filled they switch cups then proceed to drink each other blood and if a drop is spilled or spit out then the process with have severe consequences for the embodiment also the required amount is random people have died because of the fact it is random

"wait, so those are the requirements?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't lie and I cannot since this is a contract"

Dylan then proceeded to bite his wrist but for some reason, Wrath stopped him midway



"you can't just randomly attack me"


bam Dylan saw the attack coming but couldn't react in time to counter and was swept to the floor

"you can't counter raw skill with those eyes"


wrath bit into his wrist and started sucking in his blood, the pain Dylan was feeling was not bad and it was an addicting sensation of being on the verge of death. since wrath was laying on him to prevent him from running her neck was exposed to him, so Dylan took a shot at it and bit into the veins next to the carotid arteries, and for somehow, someway her blood was sweet and it had this burning after effect like carbonated drinks that streamed down his throat like water. After the required amount was reached Dylan hadn't known this but he was in a trance and kept sucking, but Wrath, on the other hand, was just going to get up until she realized she couldn't so she tried to move and shove Dylan off but when she did that she caused Dylan to cough and stop momentarily but he eventually continued so Wrath just relaxed on Dylan's chest and for Wrath, this was a new experience for her because she supposed to always be angered or annoyed but when she laid on his chest and felt his heartbeat she was feeling a different feeling pulse through her was it love she thought but she immediately crossed that off because no one wants her she is 'Wrath' her whole life has been bloodshed, whether it's her dead embodiment or someone else's blood its always been just her but not anymore she will see to it that he doesn't leave her.


"I'm finished," Dylan said weakly before passing out

while he was passed out the sins were surprised the mortal actually completed the requirements because it is one of the hardest ones out of them

Pride eyes wrath and the mortal on her back with disdain

"heh, what jealous Pride were coming for you" is what Wrath said before they all got teleported out.

the supposed dead Dylan back on the mortal plane just woke up with Wrath

Dylan was momentarily surprised that he's alive but he's got some things to handle


"hey Beast or so-called deadman look behind you"

the beast turned around in an instant because of the familiar voice


the beast didn't see the attack coming and was sent back into the trees 'bam'

Dylan teleported to Kali and chopped her neck and instantly knocked her out

"Dylan you are too strong for the realm let me take you to my realm to face people who are equally powerful and skilled"

"oh and before we do anything, Wrath should I give you one of my eyes for yours how about it"

'thump thump'

"wait really you want to do it"

"Yeah I'm positive I'm mean look at those golden eyes of yours I would cherish it "

Wrath didn't give another thought and immediately ripped out her Right eye which shocked Dylan with her quick decision but instead of doing it himself he walked straight up to wrath

"hey since I'm new to this kind of thing *scratches head* could you do it?"

' he wants me to do it?!'

Wrath did this quick and precise movements and ripped out his Right eye and just watched the blood trickle down his face

"well it stung but other than that I'm fine"

"Dylan, the portal will be up in a minute"

my chapters r going to be decent sized but I've been working on grammar and punctual sentences, so it's going to be a day or so until another one

KiyoshiTsukicreators' thoughts