
Re: Destiny

when romance, action, adventure, r18, yandere, and family betrayal are put together ___________________________________________________- synopsis 2: As the law of absurdity dictates, people are born different, may it be horns, facial features, BloodLines, or abilities. however, dí lún(Dylan) had the worst "luck" of them all; getting his trust broken by his friends/family, he tried moving on in life by moving out on his own but he was a kid(10-year-old) what could he know. kind of a spoiler later he makes a new friend unknown to him, won't tell you their gender/or personality ________________________________________________________- now what you expect me to do/ know I shall not know because this stuff is new to me the only reason I could have written this is that the stories/novels I read are not to my taste or are just too bland and I just wanted people with the same taste as me to have something they can enjoy now the character development will be slow I think because I'm new to this don't worry about the world-building I will try to make it decent, oh and I will try my absolute best to write well so you readers can understand it. nowhere are the credits first my inspiration goes out to Ru_ri they did a pretty good job on the "My family are yandere's" before it got rebooted and if you are reading this part my story will have some of the same elements, Sorry Ru_ri no offense but I took some of your ideas and added them to mine, one thing I Will was not good at writing light smut, aka fan service I also haven't written, or imagined written R-18 stuff but I swear on my word I will try. English is one of the four languages that I learned in school but I promise there will be errors in my writings sorry in advance. cover, not mine so *Credits* to the artist my upload schedule will be messed up because of collage

KiyoshiTsuki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


"so where have you been"

"um, Wraith I can explain"

" uh-huh go on"

"so you see when I landed through the portal, I somehow landed on Zayne, then it went down from there he wanted to use me as a punching bag, so I said no it was pointless but he insisted so I just dodged all of his attacks and I will say they were close calls, then we got surrounded by Beasts and I knew I was outmatched but for I could escape Zayne just left me there so I had to fight my way out then when I got to the mansion I heard you and the drama so I just climbed the mansion and slept up there but thankfully Sloth helped me heal, then now I've been training all night, sorry for not being back on time.


"new training, try and run, and if you survive ill leave you alone for now"

"umm, it was Zayne's fault"

"ill deal with him later, run"

'hmm, nope'

she dashed at him with intent to kill him



"I'm not fighting you," Dylan said before a roundhouse kick to her jaw which was multiplied because of his passive by her anger towards him and caught her off guard, then Dylan ran towards Sloth and hid behind her

"SLoth help me please"

"stay at arm's length and you'll be fine" sloth said before grabbing him into an embrace

"Wait Sloth how is he allowed in your radius," Pride asked

"that's personal information right there"

Wrath was getting so mad because Dylan was protected, and they were ignoring her

Dylan activated Shadows Cloak and walked behind Lust's Back into her shadow

"oh, that's a neat skill boy"

"Lust, sorry I'm kinda immune to your luring smell"

[system alert, NEW PASSIVE ILLUSION STEPS ( (passive) learned how to walk and run without making a sound)


on the way to the forest, he smacked everyone and stole food from Gluttony, and stole a bracelet from Greed

"ok everyone let's make a deal if anyone of you cant find me in thirty minutes I get to keep the bracelet from Greed and I get out of training for a week"

"boy you're going to regret your words and what if we catch you"

"ill let you decide my punishment later then"

the second Dylan entered the forest he lost track of them but I'm confident in my skills

"The only person I have to worry about now is Sloth"



"what about me?"

"so I guess I'm caught then just tag me"

"no, I have a proposal for you"


"I want you to lay down on my lap"


"then I guess I have to tag and alert everyone"


Dylan laid on her lap reluctantly

"so why are you obsessed with me"

"as I said earlier you are like me"

'sniff sniff '

"Sloth what's that smell"

"don't know what you mean"

"it right here"

Dylan rolled over and saw juices leaking out of her breasts

"um, why are you lactating"

"oh, it's normal for me, well do you want some"

'shit this might escalate if I do this'

"you took too long"

Sloth proceeded to lift the failed escaped Dylan to her breast

'God help me I don't need this shit'

"it's not going to suck its self"

"this embarrassing"

'gulp' 'gulp'

"see it's not that hard"

after another minute of this that breast was out so he was done

"well I'm not doing that again"

"five more minutes "

'time to stalk them'

"oh sloth what does this bracelet do"

"oh um, it the key to Greed's key to his vault of treasures"


Dylan was in the process of sneaking up on envy

"hey, envy do you know where greed is"



"you won't hit me"


they were all there in an instant

Dylan kept dodging all of their attacks

'tap tap'

"huh oh it's you sloth"


"I'm out"

"but Greed if you want your bracelet back or key should I say, I want something from your vault"


"Something tells me it will be worth it"

"what are you wanting ill get it"

"no ill go with you to find something I want"

"fine but if you take anything important your good as dead"

right now Greed was leading the way but since Greed was constantly watching him he couldn't touch anything

"Greed why are there so many turns and routes just to get to the vault"

"can never be so sure"

"yeah-yeah, so when will we be there"

"were right here so shut up"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

KiyoshiTsukicreators' thoughts