
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

The 15th.1

Infront of me was chaos. Human bodies are being feasted by monsters right infront of my eyes while blood sprays out from their bodies like a fountain. The creatures that toss and juggles them gave me the feeling of fear and despair with each passing second.

"Kaak Klak! Kaka kalak~ka~kaaa!" ???

Sounds of bones hitting each other is suddenly heard from behind them. All of the creatures then stop at what they were doing and prostrate themselves while making way for that being to come near me.

The being then walks slow and elegantly straight at me while holding a head of one of my comrades on its hand whilst still having its spine attached to it.

"W-w-hat the hell are you!?" ???


"Abade come on we're gonna be late!!" ??

"And who's fault is that I wonder?" Abade.

"Hey its not my fault! I just needed my beauty sleep" ??

Not your fault!? I literally tried to wake you 3 whole times and you keep knocking me out with your pillow you lazy idiot!

"Yeah yeah, shut up Kana. Lets just hope they haven't left without us" Abade.

My name is Abade Canaraste, I am an F-Rank adventurer just like my little sister infront of me who is dashing her way through the street in a hurry with her blue robes.

"You do realize we don't actually need to attend right? The quest did said that anyone below E-Rank won't get that big of a penalty" Abade.

"Yeah, but Come on! I don't want to lose my credibility points that I worked hard for the past week!" Kana.

"Why do I have to also come with you again?" Abade.

"So you can be my meat shield why I cast spells from behind" Kana.

"Just because I have the Warrior class doesn't mean you can just say things to me like that(─_─|||)" Abade.

We then arrive at the guild after a few minutes later. Kana quickly goes to the receptionist and begins to ask him where all the other Adventurers are. After both of them were done talking she heads back to me.

"So..... They're not here yet" Kana.

".... What?" Abade.

"Apparently it was rescheduled to be a bit later in the morning but don't worry! Now we won't need to worry about losing our credibility score!" Kana.

"So me running as fast as I can while wearing this heavy armor making me nearly tired to death is all for nothing?" Abade.

"Of course not! Just like I said, we won't need to-"

"Shh~sh~sh~sh, you know what? Next time I'll launch you off the bed instead of waking you up normally" Abade.

"You should be grateful because now we won't need to wait anymore!" Kana.

"Yes, I should be grateful because now I am so tired that I doubt I'll even last a few seconds fighting a goblin!" Abade.

"Will you two-"

Something then quickly pressed against the top of our heads.

"Not make a fucking scene every fucking day!" ???

The thing that pressed against our heads was apparently fists of a large man hitting both of our heads in unison.

"Sheesh, do you two really have to make a ruckus everytime you both arrive in the guild?" ???

"S-sorry, Mr.Jugo" Kana and Abade.

Infront of us is a bald man with a very thick and large crimson beard with blue black eyes. He was wearing light armor made of Bronzanite which only covers some parts of his chest and back while also wearing strong bronzanite gloves with small serrations covering the part that is used to punch.

The man's name is Jugo Erset, an F-Rank Adventurer just like us.

*Rings of bells*

I look to my right from where the rings of bells came from to see a blonde man wearing silver armor with a group of adventurer behind him entering through the front door.

Aaaah... I haven't even manage to rest my body and the captain's already here....

"Hm? Where are the others?" Captain.

"Ah, Silvaly! Early as always aren't you?" Jugo.

"Of course I'm early, I said yesterday that we will all be starting the Labryinth investigation in the morning" Silvaly.

"Yeah about that..... No one other than me and these 2 brats are here" Jugo.

"You're kidding?" Silvaly.

"Do you see anyone else around other than us?" Jugo.

The captain then touches his forehead with his palm with a face showing utter disappointment, I heard that he was short tempered and easily disappointed but he doesn't has to go so far as show that kind of reaction just because most of the people are late.

"I expected this to happen from the Heritos's party but the Erica's party?" Silvaly.

"Oi, oi! Where the others at!?" ???

As soon as the captain said that Heritos barges into the guild with his party carrying large weapons with them. Its kinda ironic that the lazy and drunkards are the ones entering first before the diligent and tidy ones.

"Right behind you-you muscle headed prick" ???

And here comes Erica and her party.

"Oh? What's this? The fancy pants came last~♪" Heritos.

Just by looking at erica's face I can already tell that she really wants to stick her staff up his ass.

"Ahem, alright now that everybody's here we can start the scouting of the Labryinth" Silvaly.


After a few hours of walking we finally arrived at the Devil's Labryinth. The Labryinth's got its name not because its own by the devil or The Beast Of Hell itself but its because its where its army came from.

Infront of us is a large cave that would probably fit 7 whole houses top on each other, From the cavern I can see a very wide stairway leading downwards.

We all then descend down into the labryinth using the stairs leading down. The light coming from the 1st Sun started to dwindle the deeper we go.

"Hey Kana, what do you think?" Abade.

"About what?" Kana.

"The reason Adventurers are not coming back after entering the labryinth" Abade.

"Its probably because they're greedy or they just got killed off by the rumored Skeletal Giant" Kana.

"Greed I can understand but what's a Skeletal Giant?" Abade.

"You know.... A giant skeleton thing? Basically its a huge skeleton" Kana.

We kept talking to each other while going down the stairs until suddenly the whole group infront stopped making us hit the Adventurers infront of us.

I then hear the captain talking something about there are less monsters than usual and lots of stains of blood that looks like something was dragged deeper into the labryinth.

When the captain resume are journey below we begin to see more pools of blood and drag marks made by the stain, hell there's even an Orc's head put on a wooden pike. The deeper we descend through the floors of the Labryinth the more gore-ish the looks and smell becomes.

At the 8th floor we found lots of Arachnos and Red Fourmi Corpses which aren't very easy to beat for the average F-Rank Adventurer, so far we haven't even fought a single monsters since all that we could manage to find were corpses of monsters. We did found a pack of Small Gray Kopishes but they all ran away when they saw us.

So far its been smooth sailing without trouble of needing to fight whatsoever.

"Oi! Ya sure this is the Devil's Labryinth!? This looks more like a playground for newbies if ya ask me!" Heritos.

"For once I agree with the muscle brained idiot, this Labryinth really doesn't come as close as my expectations perceives it" Erica.

"You're right..... There hasn't really been anything that poses a great threat to us till now. Everything are just.... Dead" Silvaly.

Soon after I smelled powerful disgusting stench appears as we entered the 14th floor making me nauseous, what the is this smell!?

The others quickly realise this too and started to complain as to what and where the smell is coming from. As we venture further throughout the 14th floor thr smell becomes more and more disgusting and somewhat identifiable.

"Burned bodies" Heritos.

"What?" Erica.

"Its the smell of a burned raw monster meat, and if I'm correct since were this floor were supposed to be filled with goblins and orcs it should be the smell of either of those two" Heritos.

"Lets just hope it is, I heard there's a variant Hobgoblin and a Teraorc living here" Silvaly.

So there's orcs here....

I look to my sister.

"What?" Kana.

"Oh nothing, I just thought you look similar to an Orc" Abade.

"Say that again and I'll-"

"Unsheath your weapons! We have company!" Silavly.

I unseath my longsword and readied my shield. I look infront of me to see fat ugly Orcs carrying clubs the size of my arm. Erica's and her party begins to chant their magic while Heritos and Silvally's party charges at the Orcs, And of course I follow suit.

I charge into the orcs with my sword and shield and I swing my sword onto one of the orc's belly. From the swing sword blood can be seen to splurt out of its belly however I then saw a glimpse of a large object coming from right beside me, it was the Orc's club.

I quickly try to block it with my shield only to break my arm and get myself launch as soon as it hit my shield. I got launch far away and I can feel the pain from broken arm throbbing immensely.

"Eugh..." Abade.

I force myself to get up using only my right arm trying to push my body of the ground, Shit! Who'd known that doing push ups were actually useful!!

I look infront of me to see the Orc standing infront of me with its club on its left hand.

"Help! Please!!!" Abade.

As I plead for help from the other Adventurers a ball of fire hits the head of the orc infront of me from behind.

"Get away from my brother you pig!!" Kana.


Humming in my humble abode while stitching things together is truly entertaining!

"Gaaa...." ???

"Hm? What is it Joseph?" ???

"Gaaaaaa...." Joseph.

"A large party of Adventurers!? How many!!?" ???

"Ga.. gaga...." Joseph.

"16 you say! How marvelous! How splendid!!! Rally the servants Joseph because today we have more test subjects!" ???


"Retreat! There's too many of them!" Silvaly.

I force myself to run away as fast as I could which caused my broken arm to twitch and throb even more giving an insane amount pain every time the iron of my armor shakes and touches my arm.

Agghhhhhh!!! It feels like I'm about to pass out.

Suddenly somthing touch my shoulder which then make sounds of crackling bones. I look to my left to see a man no wait a Skeleton!

"Clak! Kaaak klakk kaaklaaa! (Aha! Good day to you young man!)" Skeleton.

The skeleton was wearing a tophat and a suit that looked like a noble would wear with a round golden hand watch hanging on his vest pocket. In instinct I swing my longsword at it aiming for its neck.

"Kaa!! (OH!)" Skeleton.

It dodge it by doing a back step and leaving a darkgreen vial in his place. My sword then shatters the vial making its contents splash out everywhere, however that what should have happen. Instead it all sticks onto my longsword's blade like sludge.

What the hell is thi-

Suddenly the blade of my sword shatters and it begins to rust.

"Kaakaa!! Klak kaa..... Klack kak kak kaaa!(You Fool! How could you swing your impudent sword to someone who have just greeted you!)" Skeleton.

"M-my longsword..." Abade.

"Kaaak klakka kaka(It is but a small price to pay)" Skeleton.