
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
59 Chs

Day 33

Ah! I-i can stand! I can stand!!

After my daily routine of healing myself everyday I manage to make my legs and feet work again. Although its still kinda painful everytime I take a step its still better than nothing.

However I don't think I should push my self too far so that would mean back to sitting idly on the ground while resting my body to the wall. Only a few more days then I should be able to walk normally again or even run if possible.

Thinking about it makes me excited but also ironically not since that mean I'll be needing to go back to hunting monsters that are literally hard for me to catch in this floor.


Ah, I really should just get food out before I heal myself since I'll need to wait for me to atleast have 6 MP. As I waited for my MP to refill I activate skill store and dive into the endless sea of information, good thing this thing doesn't use mana.

Lets see what kind of new skill should I get....

As my eyes are sparkling with stars of excitement I dive deeper and deeper into the endless sea while also checking and reading the skills that peak my interest.


As I am diving throughout the endless sea of information within my mind the ground around me begins to shake with small quakes as if someone or something large is moving around near my burrow.

I force myself to get up and move to where the entrance hole of my burrow is and look through it only see a monster I've never seen before in this floor.

The monster infront of me has the body of a gray skinned rhino with tusks and potruding both the upper part of its nose and the sides of its mouth like an elephant. Its skinned looked thicker and stronger than that of a normal rhino with some part of its shoulders having tiny spikes of bones protruding out of them.

Its eyes were fixed of the grass it is eating infront of it and not paying any attention to anything but that grass whatsoever.

As the grass on the dirt it was eating were all gone it continues to eat the dirt the same as it was eating the grass.

I don't really get how fantasy worlds normal biology usually work since I've never been a fan of fantasy but more of a science-fiction kind.

Oh well, everything in this world is different from the things there is on earth so I shouldn't be too surprise about it.

I sit down back on the floor and rest my legs from the pain I got by forcing them to stand for a bit too long, I guess bites from multiple lizards and brown apes can almost turn someone disabled.

I checked my status to see that 1/3 of of my mana has been restored and so I cast [Storage Rift] and put my hand inside the rift in order to bring out food but somehow I can't find any.

Maybe they are deeper in.

I enlarge the rift and put both of my hands inside trying to find the food that I've been storing however I still can't find any, did I.... Ate them all?

Thinking about it, I have been keep using my zombie arm food supply ever since I've entered the 17th Floor. Well it running out was expected however this isn't a good time for me to run out right now!

Since I'm out of food I'm going to need to hunt monsters meaning I have to find, chase, and of course fight them. My legs and my right fore arm that got torn off haven't exactly fully healed yet. Even though I can stand I can't even walk properly and I can only use 1 arm to fight.

If I'm going to hunt I'm going to need to use magic but even I did use my magic to fight I'll be screwed when my mana runs out. Is there anything elee I can do in order for me to not starve to death?

Thinking deeply about any sort of ways of How I can not starve something curious crosses my mind, How did I manage to survive fighting a 100 monsters?

When I was fighting around 8 of them I was already badly wounded and at that time..... I blacked out. After I was badly wounded and was laying on the ground with monsters coming at me from all sides of the forest I blinked and after I open back my eyes I was standing in a mountain pile of monster corpses that I didn't remembered killing.

When I looked at my left hand it was drenched in blood and gore as if I just had a bath made of blood as the water and Organs as the soap. Within my mouth then I felt something wet and juicy and when spit it out it was meat. At the span of a few minutes I didn't feel pain whatsoever even after I noticed that my right forearm was torn off and my whole body ravaged by wounds.

Instead what I felt was pleasure and a cold chill coming down my spine.

I don't remember even killing a hundred since I only killed around 8 before I blinked and blacked out, so if it wasn't me who killed them who was?

Although I acquired the [One Against a Hundred] Title that still doesn't mean I killed them all since when Sol saved me by killing the Giga Haunt I also received exp because I leveled up when He killed it so maybe just maybe... The same works with titles.

However wouldn't really make sense now that I think about it because its called [One Against a Hundred] meaning it was one thing and one thing only that fought a hundred, but how did I killed them all?

After a few minutes laster I decided to just give up on thinking about it and go back to searching a way for me not to starve. I wonder if I can kill that Rhino monster outside if its still there that is. I force my legs to stand up and look through the hole to see that the Rhino monster is still there and now it is..... Stuck.....

Y-you've got to be kidding me.

Its head was literally stuck in the ground and its unable to take it out no wait its not even trying to take it out rather its just going deeper in!

What is it doing?

It keeps getting its head deeper and deeper underground as if its..... Wait, is it eating the dirt below!?

I know it eats dirt but to do something as reckless like this is... Well stupid. Does it not even care about its surroundings!? like what would happen when maybe something is going to attack it while its not looking!!?

Wait a second.... Appraisal!



Lv: 16/40

HP: 128/128

MP: 14/14

Atk: 75

Def: 151

Mgc: 12

Spd: 39


[Dashing Charge Lv3] [Hard Leather Skin Lv5] [Berserk Lv2] [Hunger Resistance Lv1] [Thirst Resistance Lv2] [Quad Horn-Tusk Lv6]


[Dirt Eater] [Berserker] [Glutton] [Survivor Of the 36th Moon] [Grass Glutton] [Desperate Eater] [Diet Changed]


Ok.... Maybe it doesn't really need to care about itself getting attacked. Its been a while since I found a monster with that many skills and that many titles moreover that big of a stat. His Defense stat is literally 151! Forget me using magic I doubt that even when I'm fully healed my slashing attacks wouldn't even do a thing to it!

Oh well, while its still here I might as well read and see what its skills and titles are. Lets see what [Berserk] does?


[After the user receives enough damage the skill will activate and increase the user's overall power in every stat in exchange of going berserk and not being able to think straight and carefully. The affect will end after the user manages to calm down. Once the skill ends it will only be usable again after 3 days]

Ok, I thought it would just make it mad but apparently it also increases its stat which is not good for me. Hm? What's this?

[Survivor Of the 36th Moon]

[Creatures that are able to survive the mighty 36th wave of the Moon are branded with this title as a medal of honor]

Alright but what is the 36th Wave of The Moon?


And just when I ask one of the important part you ignore me.... Great.

I then begin to read and see what every single one of its skills and titles are giving me some information about it. Apparently Strorhinus aren't exactly monster per se but more of a wild beast that are passive to everything unless provoked.

Well, me worrying about myself getting found out by it and killed is out of the table then. However since I'm going to starve to death I'm going to need to provoke it so I guess my worry is back to the table then.

Lets see then.... How do I kill it without it killing me. Its skin is already as hard as it is because of its high defense moreover its also passively reinforced by the [Hard Leather Skin] Skill. Light Arrows won't do much since it probably won't be able to pass through its hard skin And I don't know if Fireball will do much, actually I might just set the forest on fire if the seeds of fire spreads.

Hmm..... Oh wait didn't [Holy Magic] Leveled up?

[Holy magic Lv2: Heal, Blessed Barrier, Smite]

O-oh!? Am I going be able to smite people like Zeus now!?

I try to cast smite and a random loud Jolt of white light appears infront of me scaring the hell out of me. After the jolt of white light disappears it left the ground burnt. Yeah..... I'm going to be more like harry potter than zeus now that I think about it.

Suddenly a loud thumping and rustling sound came from outside the burrow, Even though looking through the hole might get spotted and killed my curiosity got the better of me. I look from inside through my burrow's entrance hole to see the Strorhinus feet going in a panic as it thrashes them all around.

Seeing it doing that I made a sigh of relief since it wasn't anything bad.... Wait I did just scared it didn't I?

Realizing that my relieve was cut short and what takes its place now is panic and anxiety which can only be describe by the following sentence.


After a few minutes of me agonizingly screaming in panic and anxiety in my mind I manage to calm myself down. Alright, lets not cast it indoors this time. I point my index finger to the tree by the side of the Strorhinus and cast Smite conjuring the Jolt of White Light to appear followed by a loud thundering sound which again causes the Strorhinus to panic.

The tree falls down next to the Strorhinus creating a loud timber sound as it hits the ground. Holy shit its that powerful!!?

Thank god holy magic doesn't harm people who possess it. When I look at the bark of the tree all I can see is that it was scorched to as black as ash with tiny seeds of fire on it, I'm pretty sure those aren't able to set the tree on fire.

If Smite has that much fire power to bring down a tree then it should be able to at least harm it. I look at the Strorhinus who still has its head inside the ground. The best thing of casting Smite is it just appear and disappears instantly as soon as it smites.

I point my finger to its neck and cast Smite making an explosion of white light appear on it. It then groans in pain as its neck was scorch and pulls out its head in which it now looking around searching for the culprit who attacked it.

Instead of hiding I have an idea and I cast Mirage making a mirage of a Brown ape behind him. It then finds the Brown ape mirage and charges at it with its tusk and horns completely dissipating the mirage into a blur and into nothing.

As it was confused as to what just happpened I took the opportunity and I point my finger to its ass and cast Smite which then scorches its ass turning it as black as its scorched neck. It immediately turns around to see where the attack came from only to see nothing there.

I try to cast Smite again by pointing my finger at the right side of its face but nothing happened, shit I'm out mana.

It then begins searche around it in order to find who Smited its ass, Shit! If he finds my burrow then I'm screwed!

I cover the hole to my burrow with dirt from inside as silently and as little possible in order to let air flow inside, I'm not going relive myself suffocating inside my burrow. I'm kinda amazed that I don't feel disgusted anymore whenever I dug a burrow or even grab dirt with my hands.

As it comes closer and closer to my burrow I slowly and silently get myself down from within my burrow trying to get found, I am really starting to regret ever pissing it off. The stomp of its feet becomes louder and louder until it is finally right behind me making me so tense that I don't even dare move a muscle.

It then begins to sniff around as if it was trying to find the scent of the creature that pissed it off however seconds later it stops, I swear its as if that thing is the T-Rex and I'm one of those paleontologist from Jurassic Park that somehow got lucky.

I loosen up and released all the tense that I had just piled up moments ago. Yeah..... Maybe I'll try to kill something that I can actually kill this time.


From above the ground within the City of Galan's Adventureres Guild a 3 party combination of around 15-18 adventurers are gathered for a deep scouting of The Devil's Labryinth.

"Alright, we are all gathered here due to a quest that came directly from the GuildMaster to scout the Devil's Labryinth" Party leader1.

"Oi, if the Guildmaster only want people to scout the place why not just send like 3 or 6 people than wastin ma time here" Party Leader2.

"For once agree with the barbaric muscle brain. Why does it even have to be around 12-17 people?" Party Leader3.

"Wat'cha say about me fancy pants!?" Party Leader2.

"Simply the truth" Party leader3.

The 2 party leaders then begin to quarrel with each other calling by calling names, curses, and threats. Soon after the party members follow suit with their leaders making the unusually quite atmosphere of the adventurers guild back to life by being very loud and vulgar.

"Ya wanna figh-"

"Alright that's enough!" Party Leader1.

The atmosphere that was loud and lively instantly tone down back to tense and quite.

"I'm okay with you guys doing this if it is any other quest but this is serious!!" Party Leader1.

"How the hell can a scoutin mission be serious?" Party Leader2.

"I agree" Party Leader3.

"Have none of you really not notice that there has been frequent cases of Adventureres not returning after going in the Labryinth?" Party Leader1.

"Well its a Labryinth whadaya expect!? Everythin there can kill anybody faster than a normal dungeon!" Party Leader2.

"Moreover that place is the strongest labryinth so even if people were to manage to come back alive they would probably be either nearly dead or have severe trauma issues" Party Leader3.

"I know, but haven't you two realize the incline of numbers if adventurers not coming back for the past 10 days?" Party Leader1.

"Hmm, that is quite true.... But isn't most of the Adventureres that didn't came back are newbies? Newbie adventurers do tend to bite more then they can chew" Party Leader3.

"Even if that's true we still need to do this quest since it came straight from the GuildMaster which we can't really refuse whatsoever" Party Leader1.

"Aight, so when we leavin?" Party Leader2.

"Tommorow morning we all will gather here again, do not be late" Party Leader1.