
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Day 29.1

As I escape the Sludge Slime I climb back up the stairs with all my strength in order to get as far away from it as possible.

I continue to climb and climb again forgetting everything else but my survival until I finally felt so tired that I needed to rest.

Ha....ha....ha... For something so slow that thing is really powerful. I begin to cough repeatedly telling me that I'm still poisoned and not cured from the poison yet, well that is to be expected since the skills that I got only makes me able to resist it rather than cure it.

For now I need to rest and wait for the poison lay off. I think I'm safe here since I doubt that thing would have the will to go this far up since its so slow, if that is the power of a Mage-Tank then I bet Rusdy would be that much or more powerful like that someday.

My eyes were heavy, my vision was getting blurry, and my whole body was limp. I touch my forehead to receive a warm sensation meaning I'm really sick. Out of all the things I've been through sickness was something new to me ever since I reincarnated onto this world.

My eyes and mouth begin to burn up making me sweat and just really want to sleep to just not feel this awful feeling. I wish could just sleep peacefully but I can't since I don't want to accidentally fall off these stairs when I do it.

I increase the mana output for [Truant] in order to get rid of this feeling. I started to feel better but I feel a lot more sleepy because of it. My eyes were as heavy as an anvil trying to put me to sleep, I guess a little nap wouldn't hurt...

I stop resisting and close my eyes and soon after I fall asleep.


I open my eyes to found myself resting on a hospital bed.

"Awake? Neo.

I look to the right to see Neo sitting on a chair reading a book while holding a cup hot chocolate. Seeing him this early made look the same as a surprised pikachu face.

"My my, aren't you surprised to see me?" Neo.

He close the book and the cup chocolate evaporates into nothingness.

Of course I am, you usually visit me every 5 to 6 days or so. What are you doing here in my mind anyways?

"Does paying a visit to a sick friend not come to mind?" Neo.

I doubt that's what you're here for.

"Nope, I am literally paying you a visit because you are sick. Be grateful since not many people get this kind of treatment from me" Neo.

So you're seriously came here just to pay me a visit?

"If I am not, why would I even bother to come visit your mind?" Neo.

I guess you have point there.

"So how is your life in the 17th floor going for you?" Neo.

Terrible, terrifying, and confusing, I mean like its not even a floor! There are only stairs and more stairs here and they all go so deep down.

"Well that is to be expected, you underestimated that floor for not being able to meet monsters as frequent as you always do on other floors resulting to you letting your guard down. The first rule for a monster living in a Labryinth or dungeon is to always be vigilant" Neo.

So there are rules now? But I suppose you're right, the wraith that I fought did seem weak to me so I thought all of the monsters there were weak. I hate myself now for underestimating others.

"Pride is a normal sin to have for every creature so do not worry about such a thing, what you are suppose to be worrying about now is the fact about how you are going out of that floor" Neo.

Wait what? What do you mean?

He opens the palm of his hand and dusts of light begins to form into a small wall with tiny faces sticking out of it.

"Do you perhaps remember the screaming walls of faces that you pass 2 days ago?" Neo.

Um yes?

He opens the palm of his other hand and another dusts of light begins to form into the Rancu Nesa wraith I killed. I now can clearly see what its body looks like, its body was covered in faces screaming at each other and small long chains bind to small sickles were protruding out from the bottom of its body.

"And the Rancu Nesa you killed yesterday?" Neo.

Wait, I've been running away from that slime for a day? But yes I do remember that wraith I killed.

"Now I want you to piece together both piece of these information and reach the conclusion" Neo.

He then slaps both of his hands together making question mark form dust splashing everywhere.

The conclusion? What does he mean by conclusion? What does the screaming walls have to do with that wraith I've killed?

Wait, can I use the system lady inside here?

"Yes, you can" Neo.

Rancu Nesa.

[Rancu Nesa]

[An undead possessing a spiritual body invisible to the living.

An undead that will kill a creature in order to bind their souls into an animate objects, the reason the undead does this is to make their victims also turn into a Rancu Nesa after the it ascends or descends into to the afterlife.

The Rancu Nesa is an undead belonging to the Undead spirit familia making them close relatives to Wraiths]

Wait.... Do you mean that the screaming faces on the walls had already turned into wraiths?

"Correct" Neo.

Suddenly the hospital room I'm in begin to shake violently as if an earthquake have just occurred. All of the objects within the room falls off creating destructive sounds. The walls and ceiling begins to rip open.

"Well anyways good bye!" Neo.

He disappears and darkness fills my vision...


I wake up however this time I don't feel as if I just run a marathon after waking up from a dream visit. I look at my body and see that I'm not even covered in sweat as I usually does and instead I feel refreshed. I get myself up and feel something touching my right hand, a piece of paper.

I pick it up and it says "Try not to get killed" on the paper. Yeah I will, but I can't guarantee that.

I move around and I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my body. I checked my status and see normal on my status meaning that the poison I got is gone, I wonder if he did that for me?

Okay enough of that, now how do I take that slime down?

I know that the core is its weakness but I don't exactly know how to hit it without getting poisoned. Light Arrows can't exactly pierce its body deep enough so Light Arrow is out.

FireBall can't exactly effect it since its body is liquid, moreover its very thick. Lets see what I have in storage rift....

Oh? this might work.