
Chapter 13, The Thief

"Ugh... Where.. am I?"

Waking up on a warm and comfy bed, I feel my back stinging with pain. How did I get here?

I look around to see that I'm in some sort of a noble's bedroom. Beside the bed I'm on was a wooden table with all kinds of vials each with its own different colour.

Did the noble save me?

Well thinking about what I've done to save him from that huge monster this much should be expected.

"Haa~a! What comfy bed this is! Much better than the pile of clothes I'm used to sleep on" I exclaim while rubbing the moving my body around the bed, feeling the comfiness it presents.

Though... Isn't it rather cold here?

"Well I guess it's a cold nig-"

As I was about to finish my comment, I look at the mirror present on the desk filled with cosmetics infront of me, I'm naked. Realizing that I myself am naked, my mind shuts down and begins to wander off to 1 explanation as to why I am.

D-did he perhaps! No... Nobles have their dignity! So they shouldn't... But then again some of them are piggy bastards!

No, no no no, I heard the noble in Galan is a kind person so I should be safe right?


"Good Morning Madam!" Said a voice coming from the door.

I immediately look to where it came only to see a skeleton accompanied by a naked slender pale man covered in stitches crawling besides it.

The skeleton was wearing a worn-out black suit with gray string stitches visible on it.

It casually walks up to me with its pride displayed on its tophat and its ominous green flames scorching brightly from its hollow eye sockets. Any sane person would immediately runaway or prepare themselves for battle after witnessing the undead, and of course I choose the 1st option.


Well if I remember correctly... This skeleton was exactly the one that blew the giant monster into bits with a single fireball so...

Since I'm not dumb I immediately move get off the bed only to fall down onto the floor.

"M-madam!?" The skeleton said in panic.

"M-my legs, why can't I move my legs!" I exclaim fearfully.

My legs are there but I-I can't move them moreso even feel them!

"M-madam, your lower nerves are still healing! Please do not take drastic actions such as that!" The skeleton explained worriedly as it crouches down infront of me, offering his hand.

Wait a second... I just realize this but....

"Y-you can talk!?"

"Well yes madam, I thought yo-"

I quickly grab a vial above me on top of one of the tables and smashed it onto the skeleton- No, the Lich's skull.

"I see... So you are still in distraught it seems, however I cease to understand on what you were trying to accomplish by smashing your medicine onto my skull"

"I was trying to crack it"

"A human skull cannot be fractured that easily, and if I were you I would cover myself up" He said calmly as his cold hands touches and scans my back which of course made me jump as I try struggle to move his arm away from me.

"Get-Of me-"

"It seems the Life potion is still working, albeit slowly, you should be able to get back on your feet in about 5 hours or so"


"I am simply telling you when you will be able to walk once again, however I do not instantly trying to run due to your still healing body"

Wait, so he's the one that put me here?

Why would a lich be- Wait! Doesn't that also means he's the one who undressed me like this!?

He lifts me up and gently puts me back on the bed. A-are skeletons really like this?

I remembered my mother used to tell me that The Undead such as Zombies and Skeletons were nothing more but corpses possessed by evil spirits which hungers for souls that came from the far away land called The Blight Lands created by Null, The Beast of Death.

The Blight Lands is a place where Evil Spirits and Undead are born, the is literally supposed to be where Monsters, Demons, elves, and the like go when they pass on, and from there they will either go to Merphius or Lysnylia.

The only way to go there without dying first is to go through the Labryinth when it reaches its 24th encirclement year around Seralia which will grant us access to haunted land, but then again no one other than Exorcists ever tried to go in there, and many of them never even came back.

He walks up to the curtains that were radiating light through its small thin line of stripes. He spreads them wide open them, illuminating the room with the blinding light of the 1st Sun, making me squint my eyes from its sudden appearance.

Damn it's bright, wait... Wouldn't he get burn from this?

I look to where he was and my eyes slowly widen as I witness the skeleton bathing in sunlight looking oddly majestic, unharmed by it in the slightest.

"What the hell is wrong with this city"

I muttered.

First, I got chased around by Cute but actually savage rabbits trying to eat me alive, Second, I found out that this city is a ghost town, Third, I nearly got killed by an Ugly Giant Monster, and now I'm finally seeing a skeleton survive the thing that should've killed it for sure.


I look to the bright blue skies, admiring its beauty once more after 3 years of living gloomily underground within the Labryinth.

"Aah... It truly is beautiful...Hm?"

As I was admiring its beauty I see a Black silhouette flapping its wings over to me from far away, AHA!! Has she finally return!?

The Black Bird swoops into the room, showing off its red tipped black feathers as it glides and lands on my shoulder.

After taking over Galan for its resources I decided to do a bit of hunting using Williams as a catapult and the flesh slabs as the ammunition, and the result of my hunting was this Blood Raven hanging on my shoulder.

And of course, Vilna here is an Undead too.

"AhaHa! Vilna, Have you found anything useful regarding the Assassins Guild?"

"Kawk! Kawk!"

"I see... So they come from the western cities"

So their base are located on western side of this kingdom I see, Which city could it be however?

I pull out a map from my suit and observe the numerous cities located to the west from here. Any of these cities could be it yet... I do not feel the want to scour every city just to search for those ruffians, especially not in my current form that is.

"Are you looking for the Assassins Guild?"

I look at back her in disbelief of how calm she is now, wasn't she scared for dear life?

"If you're looking for them I... I might be able to help-"

"REALLY!!?" I instinctly walk uo to her with my Green Flames burning so wild that it came out of my jaws!

"F-for a price of course!"

"Name your price and I shall give it to you!"

OhoHo! It is a good thing that I have Galan all to myself! There's no price I couldn't possibly pay!

"You are a... Lich right?" She asked with stars in her eyes.

"Nay, I am but a Greater Skeleton"

"Wait... Then why do you have a wendigo servant?"

"*Gasp* How could you possibly know that Williams is my servant!?" I exclaimed.

"Considering he's been following you like a loyal dog and has yet to try to kill me as we speak... It's pretty damn obvious ಠ_ಠ"

Hmm... What she is quite true but!

"Let us cut to the chase! What is it that you want?"

"Well... Before I thought you were a Lich in which you would have been useful for me but it seems you're not so..."

"I may not be a Lich Madam, but I managed to take over this town using an army composed of a 100 Undead Rabbits"



"So... YOU'RE THE ONE WHO CREATED THOSE BASTARDS!!!?" She suddenly shouted making me take a step back in fear.

"Do you have any idea for how long those bastards have been chasing me around this town!? 3 hours! 3 whole goddamn hours!"

"I-i see... But tell me... What is that you want?"

"Considering how you can create those so called rabbits, I want you to help me"


"You see, I'm a Thief, and us thieves love making money so I want you to help me make some using your talents"