
Re: Demon, Everything wants to kill me

Died and reincarnated as..... a Demon. Well I'm doomed.

MettaLord · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 12, Vanquished!

"Bah! What was it!? Uh um... O'flame of the lord please- No that's not it! What was the chant again!?" I panic as I fuel the mana sprayer with mana.

Although that monster is not technically undead due to its still living flesh and the vessel's soul still encased within it, I cannot take any chances of using Ghost Flame only to deplete my limited mana!

If only I had crafted more mana rejuvenating potions then testing it would not be a problem!

Continuing to panic I witness Williams desperately trying rip open the monster's face apart with his sharp and sinister long white nails that has digged in deep into its cheeks.

P-perhaps Williams is capable enough to kill it on his own! Yes! I should take my leave and-...

I then notice something odd... No... In my situation it could only be describe as terrifying. The monster's whole body suddenly begins bulge all over. Its massive arms enlarges and bulkens, small spikes of bones begins to sprout out like beanstalks from its back piercing Williams like a skewer and hitting the ceiling.

Its mouth widens as it roars angrily towards me, making small pebble sized debris rain down from the cracked ceiling caused by its spikes thrusting against it.

"Dear oh dear! That monster will bring this manor down with it before it could even manage to destroy my body!" I shouted.

Agh! Forget it! I do not care if it doesn't work!

"Feast your soul on these Green fla-"

"Oiii! You pile of shit!"

As I was about to spray Green Flames all over the monster I was cut of by a voice of a woman. I quickly look around the monster and see legs covered in black clothing just behind its legs, a human survivor?

No! That's impossible! Roberto had told me that there were none left in the city!

Unless... She isn't from the city...

"HYAA!" The woman shouted as she unsheathe her silver sword and dagger, slashing the monster's back with grace and technique, is she an adventurer perhaps?

Wait, this is no time to be thinking and wondering! If she is willing to help me get rid of that abomination then I should use this to my advantage!

"Borrow me some time my aider! I need to chant a spell!" I said as I frantically try to remember the accursed Fire ball spell  chant taught by my mentors.

Ugh...! What was it! What was it!!?

As I struggle to remember the chant I see the woman moving backwards as the abomination lets go of Williams and turn its back on me towards the woman.

"I'm starting to regret this..." She sighs as she immediately runs away with the abomination chasing her behind her back.

"...." When I said to her borrow me some time, I did not think she would ran away with the monster...

Wait! Perhaps she did this to erase the anxiety wallowing within me! What an Ingenious idea!

With the monster gone and away from my sight I feel calmness wash over me, Now... To remember the chant.


"Haa.. haa... Come on you big pile of shit!" I shouted out loud as I run through the corridors with ragged breath.

I am starting to regret this decision! Who knew that pissing off a monster the size of a boulder is a good idea! Well not me that's for fucking sure!

While running as fast as I can I glance out to the windows I'm passing to make sure that they were there.

Outside and far below the windows I can see Hundreds of rabbits with colours ranging from brown to white looking at me with their dead hollow black eyes, sitting down on the manor's courtyard nibbling on god knows what.

As long as those little bastards are present this should work.

I quickly look behind me only to see the monster....

Wh-what the!? isn't it bigger!?

The monster that I thought was just around as big as a boulder now has its body covering the whole hallway, wrecking havoc on everything near it as it chases after me with a angry grin on its disgusting face.

Just looking at its grotesque appearance makes me want to throw up.

It opened its mouth and long red tendrils are shot out with sharp bone like serrations covering them whole.


One of it managed to graze and tore open my side, making blood spew out and great pain pulsing everytime I move and run.

I hope this works, actually.. will they even managed to?

No, they should be able to, what else could have caused this city to be so empty yet so full of those little bastard.

I continue to run until I finally reach my destination, the manor's large decorative front window.

I look back and throw 7 knives, each tied by a rope which were intertwined with each other. I dash to my left, shattering through the window as I throw a grappling hook hook up all the way to the manor's rooftop while in the air.

I cast Gravana on my other rope that were tied to the knives with all my mana, making it descend at incredible speed. While hanging tight on my rope, I witness spectacle unfolding Infront of me.

The rope tied to the knives that had digged deep into the monster's grotesque body were now being pulled down, dragging the monster with it and crashing it out of the window with its ever growing boulder sized body. Its eyes in shock and its smile faded as it falls down to where the hundreds of murderous rabbits await its arrival on the ground.


As it came crashing down, the rabbits launch themselves into the monster's body, nibbling it, ripping it, devouring it from both the outside and the inside as some of them force they way in through its mouth.

"Thank god I threw my hook on time, or else I'll be... that..." I said while still hanging on the rope.

"Well at least it's dead no-"

"It's not dead YET! Madam!" Someone shouted.

I look back to the window to see a skeleton dressed in tatters carrying a large silver machinery with a pipe extending forwards, W-what the hell is it with this city!!?

The skeleton splashes itself with some kind of light blue liquid and the silver machine begins to glow red, emitting a burning heat into the air turning my vision hazy. Soon after, I hear the skeleton chanting and as it continues to do so, the heat emitted by silver machine became more and more intense.

"Fireball!" It shouted, as the machine forms a massive orb of fire which is 6 times bigger than the original size of the orb of the Fireball spell.

Yep... I'm fucked aren't I?

However, rather than aiming it at me it aimed it at the grotesque monster on the ground that's trying to get rid of the rabbits inside it.

"Goodbye Joseph, You will be missed..." The skeleton said as he shot the fire ball at the struggling monster, Creating a massive explosion, blowing me away back into the manor, hitting my back violently against the wall.


Joseph my Zombie servant, you will greatly be missed... Anyway now I shall return to my research!

"*Cough* Agh...." The woman groaned in pain as she continues to spit out coughs of blood out of her mouth, Blast! I've forgotten about my saviour! And now she's dying!

Her violent crash onto the wall must've broken her back somehow! Worse case scenario would be her spine is dislocated! It seems my useless Life Potions will finally be put to good use!

I rustle my bag grab a vial filled with white liquid. I open the vial's plug with my skeletal thumb and splash all over her back and thus.... Nothing happened.

Hm? Why isn't it healing- Ahaha! Right! I must take her clothes off first in order for the potion to work!