
Raymond Black

life is often unsatifactory. Here i write my story of how i got the oppurtunity to grab life by the balls Diclaimer I only own my own characters everything else is owned by DC and CW respectively I am of the Anti-Harem Sect English is not my ntive tongue but i think im pretty good. Enjoy the story or dont. Shoutout to all the authors who inspiered me to try this. Somenonebody, TomVanDyke, Daoist_Over_God,DemonicPanda,Soulcrystal and godfreyngsze. PinkBunny i also thank you for your part in introducing me to 'Les than Zero'

AsuraGodking · TV
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12 Chs


----2 Weeks Later----


It's been 2 weeks since my training began. I've since been doing research on the area as well as the the criminal underworld . According to the Library and city official records we have an influx of orphaned children since the wars started.

I'm reminded that we're currently living the post baby boom era. There have been many children that have been born without their fathers due to World War 2 as well as the Korean War. And the ongoing Vietnam war didn't really give the populace much time to fill the ranks.

Starling City had children between the ages of 16 - 24 all either enlisting or trying to fill the working class black hole that was essentially fueling the crime rate increase. Without many men to uphold the law , there was a sharp increase in crime that was practically ravaging the Glades and surrounding areas .

While the young children between the ages of 6-14 starved due to overflowing orphanages. I was yet again reminded how lucky I was that I got William.....so far.

But this also had positive effects on the population as far as i could see. Due to stay at home moms still trying to help out with otherwise known as male occupations . This caused children from all types of backgrounds to interact and wisen up at an earlier age. This was the niche that I was to use.


On a particularly moonlit night there was a young man nearing his 30's who seemed to be continuously looking over his shoulder constantly. After suspiciously combing the area with a quick look around he ducked into an alley connected to the next block.

He cautiously popped his head out before running to a phone booth and quickly dialing a number.

Man: Hey its me. I think I'm being followed. I might need your help.

? : Have you seen anyone?

Man: Well... No but I feel like there's eyes on me.

? : Your being paranoid. Take a break, don't go to the safe house just go straight home and spend some time with your family.

Man:.....but what if they follow me there?!

? : I assure you theres no one following you. And even if there was we have the cops in our back pocket and if it's someone else just kill them.

? : OK fine I'll go home.

The man then hung up with a sullen face and worked his way home. "Hey honey, I'll be down for dinner in a minute. Just wanna go to the study quickly."

The man quickly ran up the stairs into his study and locked the door behind him and sat down on the chair behind his oak wood desk. *sigh* 'I really hope I'm just being paranoid'

*ring ring ring ring* The phone on the table rang.

Man: Hello?

? : Hi George

George : Who is this?!

? : No need to know who I am. Just follow my instructions and Mary and the kids will live a happy stress free life.

George : I don't who the fuck you are but don't fucking threaten my wife and kids.

Just as George ended that sentence a bullet zipped past his head shaving off a bit of his hair. George slowly turned his head towards the window with a terrified expression. the man on the phone then said.

? : I don't make threats George. I simply give incentive.

George: What do you want?

? : I don't want much George. I just want your cooperation. I'm starting a small business that might turn into an enterprise and for that I need a man with your expertise and connections. if you follow all my directions and directives he may become a very very wealthy and powerful man but if you disobey or try to plot against me in any way, you will be eliminated. and don't think that Kevin or his goons can help you out.

? : That look on your face tell me your still unconvinced. So tell you what I'll give you 10 minutes to call Kevin.

George immediately ducked down to floor with the phone and slowly reached out into the right hand side of the desk draw to get his gun. He then pulled out the magazine to check if it was loaded. All bullets accounted for he then slowly began to dial Kevin's number while looking towards the windows.

George: Ke....

Kevin : Shut up Shut up! I don't know what the fuck you did but you better do whatever the fuck that guy says. I just got a call from the boss and he says that guys not to be fucked with. Just take my advice and do what he says if you wanna live. I gotta go. Don't involve us in this shit.

George : What the fuck is going on?! You guys are gonna just leave me in the cold after all we've been through?!

Kevin : Listen, I'm trying to help you here. I don't know what's going on. The boss just told me a few minutes ago to expect your call and tell you to do whatever that guy says. I don't know what's going an I can't explain much. If I'm not wrong that guy gave you 10 minutes to make this call right?

George : Yeah.... How did you know.

Kevin : This is some confusing shit. But just do what he asks and stay low. Bye...

George slowly put down the telephone with an ashen face.

*Ring ring ring ring*

Not even 5 seconds after George put down the phone it started ringing again, he instinctively knew who it was and he dreaded what was to come next. He slowly extended his hand with a pale face to pick up the phone.

George : He he hello?

? : How was your phone call? Fruitful I hope.

George : I'll do it. I'll do whatever you want just please leave my family out of this.

? : Georgey you need to relax. I told this was a proposition of sorts. I wanna make you a rich man. I just needed you to know what happen if you betrayed or even tried to betray me. OK? Im a nice guy you know.

'Why is he so damn cheerful. Nice?! Nice guy my ass. Almost shot my ear clean off and still has the balls to say his nice. This bastard must be a psychopath.'

George: OK what do you need from a guy like me.

? : You deal in fencing stolen items correct?

George: Yes

? : OK then. There's gonna be an influx of stolen items being sold in the next couple of years. And everything stolen from the Glades right up to the end of Starling City will be fenced by you. You've still got contacts in Central City and Gotham right?

George: Yeah I do. But how will you do that?

? : You let me worry about that. You'll charge 20% off every deal you make and 10% comes to me. Theres a bank account number in your left jacket pocket. That's the account you send it to.

George reached into his left jackt pocket to find what the man said was true. There was a card with an account number on it and a Swiss bank name. But George just couldn't understand. When? How?

? : George?

George : Yes yes. Sorry sir I was just lost in my thought for bit. What if they don't agree to the 20%?

? : Trust me. I can be very pursuasive. And don't call me sir. Just call me Big D. Theirs a number at the back of the card. Call it in emergencies only. We will have no further contact. Now go downstairs and enjoy your dinner. Mary had to go to 3 different supermarkets just to get all the ingredients for today's meatloaf. Goodbye George.

George just sat there with a dazed facial expression. 'Did I just get a new boss?'

Sorry I made you wait so long. Got a work contract I been gunning for.

AsuraGodkingcreators' thoughts