

Ray is a guy who did not believe in love. He used to be an artiste and Ray is an extrovert. He believed in love when he met her. It is not only love that Ray did not believe in, he did not believe in fate or destiny. A leak from the book She shifted on her seat to face him. " I wanted to learn how to make some dishes so I decided to go to Ashley because she is a very good cook. That's why I decided to sleep over. We were making dinner and at a point Ashley stopped me from doing anything because I'm not so good. She asked me to just watch her cook...", Ray cuts in. "Aren't you learning? She should have let you fo it!", He said trying to curry favour with Dorris. " You think so too. Then she asked me to take down a pot of soup from the stove. And I did......", Dorris paused. "Go on", Ray told her. She pouted then. "I did threw it down but that's because it is hot", Dorris said like a cute baby admitting a mistake. " You didn't use a glove or a rag?", he asked her. "I didn't know I'm suppose to use it", Dorris replied. Ray almost laughed. Like seriously? " I think I need to scold Ashley. Isn't she suppose to tell you?", he asked. "She tried to... But ot was too late. I spilled her soup", Dorris responded. . Will you leave me because of this?", she asked. " I won't leave you for any reason. I will be in charge of the kitchen. Just stick to the bedroom. Haven't you heard?", he asked. "What?", she asked him, using the back of her hand to clean her tears. " The way to a man's heart is no longer the stomach. It's three inches below the belly button.", Ray said and winked. Dorris blushed. "I will rather you learn how to handle my little long man down there than handling the kitchen", Ray added shamelessly. Dorris had turned pink. " What are you saying such vulgar words for?", she asked him. "Dorris, did you know?", he asked. " What?", she asked. "You're pretty when you are blushing and when acting cute, you usually turn me on. My little long man is fully awake now. You have to put him to sleep", he told her. Dorris swallowed and blushed. Ray added. " Since I will be handling the kitchen now, you have to be more pro- active in the bedroom now. Yes or yes?", he asked her.

Beckylove_01 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 88__ handsome and charismatic

It's the day and trust me the weather is so good. The day is bright and clear.

Little Ray was still sleeping when his mom entered his bedroom.

Watching him, she felt complicated emotion. She is happy to see him and also celebrate his birthday with him. She also felt sorry for him, after all, his father is in coma. She is also sad because whenever she remembered Ray's expression when he found out she was pregnant, she wondered how nice it will be if he were alive to see this day. Only if he will just come back to them so that their family can be complete again. She missed him too much.

Dorris held back all the emotions. Today is for her son. He is going to be the main character today. She will only think of her son today. No sad moments today. No shedding of tears today. Just happiness. Extreme happiness. Overflowing happiness. Happiness everywhere.

Dorris walked closer to his bed.

"Raymond,  happy birthday",  she said gently. The little boy just rolled over to face her. That way she could see his cute lips and some drool...

Aiya, he is one hell if a drooler.

" My boy, c'mon wake up", she said and peck his lips.

The boy opened his eyes.

"Mummy", he called.

" Happy birthday my boy", hearing that, he stop rubbing his sleepy face and jumped up.

"Is it tomorrow already?",  he asked.

" It's today boy.", Dorris responded, he gaze full of love for her son.

Raymond jumped down from his bed and rushed into his bedroom.

"Mummy, hurry. Come and wash me clean before the guests start coming. Isabelle can't see me with drool all over my face"

Dorris chuckled.

"Okay son",  she said and followed him into the bathroom.

While bathing fir him she was singing a short song she composed for him.

🎶Happy birthday my little Ray.

Ray of hope for mom

You're gonna shine

Shine shine shine

You're you're a hope of joy

You're You're mom's hope of joy

You're the ray of lights I'm holding to

You're gonna be great my boy🎵🎶

" mom, is it true that you used to be an artiste?", he asked her.

"Yes",  Dorris replied. Well she didn't want to recall those memories because there is Murray in all of those memories.

" Really?", the boy asked, excited.

"Really. Even your dad. He is a well known artiste. He is rich, charismatic and popular among girls. How will I not fall for him but to be sincere, he chased me",  Dorris said,  arrogance in her tone.

" Really? Then why has he been sleeping? Could it be that he was under a spell? Only a princess kiss will be able to wake him up? Mum, should we get a princess to kiss him?", The little boy asked.

Dorris scoffed.

"I've raised you for years and this us how you want to pay me back? Get a princess to kiss your dad. I'm a princess myself. No one is kissing my husband. He is for me alone. He is my personal belonging. Well now that you have mention it, I will have to give him a kiss tomorrow when I visits the hospital",  Dorris more like a jealous wife than a mother said.

The little boy pouted.

He just couldn't understand grown-ups. They're so complicated.

He can't believe his mother just scolded him for giving a suggestion. After all, that's what usually happen in fairy tales!

Mrs Dalton walked into her grandson room. She came very early that day. Dorris and her son came out of the bathroom.

" Hi, granny", he greeted.

Mrs Dalton rushed to him wanting to hold him. She hold him and kissed his cheeks.

"I've never seen a child as cute as my grandson. So  so cute",  the woman said placing kisses all over his face.

" I'm handsome not cute", the boy said when his granny put him down.

"What?",  Dorris asked.

" Well, uncle harry said I have to grow as handsome and charismatic as my father. Mom, you said this morning that my dad is handsome and charismatic, you didn't call him cute yet you always call me cute and you never told me that I'm handsome. From now on use Handsome for me instead of cute"

Mrs Dalton swallowed an invisible lump. While Dorris scoffed inside.

'Son,  your dad is so cute to me. Only me know how cute he could be. I think it's only meant for me to see though'

"Okay, Raymond. Mom will call you handsome. Okay, my handsome boy?",  she asked him.

"Okay mum",  he said.

" Stay with grandma. I will ask someone to send your breakfast upstairs. Granny will dress you up. Be good okay", Dorris said and walk out of the room.

The party will be held at an amusement park. A whole amusement park was booked for the birthday.The amusement park had been decorated and Dorris invited  a lot of child celebrity. She invited Ray's entertainment main band too to entertain everybody. They could play around the amusement park too and enjoy themselves. They are many things to eat and drink. Louis invited a caterer and Mrs Dalton invited another caterer.

People started arriving.....


Where are you guys? I'm in the front of the ferris wheel. I'm wearing a polka dot dress matched with a purple pumps. My hair is tied into a pony tail.

You've seen me?

If you are still not at the amusement park yet. Hurry or they might finish serving the food before you arrive.


Please ignore all the typos. I'm sorry but it's not edited.