

Ray is a guy who did not believe in love. He used to be an artiste and Ray is an extrovert. He believed in love when he met her. It is not only love that Ray did not believe in, he did not believe in fate or destiny. A leak from the book She shifted on her seat to face him. " I wanted to learn how to make some dishes so I decided to go to Ashley because she is a very good cook. That's why I decided to sleep over. We were making dinner and at a point Ashley stopped me from doing anything because I'm not so good. She asked me to just watch her cook...", Ray cuts in. "Aren't you learning? She should have let you fo it!", He said trying to curry favour with Dorris. " You think so too. Then she asked me to take down a pot of soup from the stove. And I did......", Dorris paused. "Go on", Ray told her. She pouted then. "I did threw it down but that's because it is hot", Dorris said like a cute baby admitting a mistake. " You didn't use a glove or a rag?", he asked her. "I didn't know I'm suppose to use it", Dorris replied. Ray almost laughed. Like seriously? " I think I need to scold Ashley. Isn't she suppose to tell you?", he asked. "She tried to... But ot was too late. I spilled her soup", Dorris responded. . Will you leave me because of this?", she asked. " I won't leave you for any reason. I will be in charge of the kitchen. Just stick to the bedroom. Haven't you heard?", he asked. "What?", she asked him, using the back of her hand to clean her tears. " The way to a man's heart is no longer the stomach. It's three inches below the belly button.", Ray said and winked. Dorris blushed. "I will rather you learn how to handle my little long man down there than handling the kitchen", Ray added shamelessly. Dorris had turned pink. " What are you saying such vulgar words for?", she asked him. "Dorris, did you know?", he asked. " What?", she asked. "You're pretty when you are blushing and when acting cute, you usually turn me on. My little long man is fully awake now. You have to put him to sleep", he told her. Dorris swallowed and blushed. Ray added. " Since I will be handling the kitchen now, you have to be more pro- active in the bedroom now. Yes or yes?", he asked her.

Beckylove_01 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

chapter 87 __ cute Raymond

Over this four years so many things happened. One of this things is that Murray still hadn't woke up from coma and everyone had lost hope. But Dorris didn't give up on him. Mr Dalton is already thinking of stopping the life machine and allowing the young man to rest in peace so Dorris could continue her life and stop holding unto rays of hope. Dorris is always visiting the hospital. She will take her boy along with her to the hospital. Dorris will read newspaper to him as if trying to tell him everything that is happening in the country. She will make the little boy speak to him. As he grew, little Ray knew the man on bed as his father. Of course he will always question his mom.

"Why is dad just sleeping?", he asked.

" Don't worry. Dad will wake up soon", Dorris assured her son.

"Mom, you can never sleep for so long like this and leave little Ray", the little boy said, pouting.

Dorris heart melts.

She pinched his cheeks.

" awn! You're so cute, Raymond", she said.

Of Course the little guy was glad to get a compliment from his mom.

He even gave her a cuter smile as a reward for complimenting him.

Over this years too, Dorris had been managing the company well. With the help of Jerome( Ray's PA.), she did a great job. No one expected such an outcome from her management, even Ray's father was glad and satisfied with her. Dorris was referred to as President Dalton at the company and everyone know her to be a cold woman. She believes in getting work done quickly. Hardly will she smile. People who knew her when she is still an artiste wondered if they are the same person. Dorris achieved a lot of things over this years and she was well known nationally and internationally as a business woman who managed to get past all business man and make her business grow. Dorris was a great strategist and the company is able to benefit from this.

Her dream is to be well know across cities, not as a business woman but as an artiste. Her dream crumbled but she did not allow herself to be crumbled with it. Now, when she look at her son, she will always be grateful that she chose to leave the entertainment industry. She knew that if she was still at the agency, she wouldn't have time for her son and family. Though this is not a nice situation but she is kind of happy to have left the entertainment industry.

People kind of heard the rumors that Dorris gave birth to Ray's child but no one knew the fact. Only those that are close relatives knew of Raymond's existence. Dorris made sure to make Raymond live a low key life. She didn't want him to live a complicated life but she knew that sooner or later she would have to tell everyone of his existence. So when Mr Dalton told her to let Raymond go public, she didn't argue with him. They both decided to call the media on his forth birthday and announced him as the heir of the Dalton family.

Of course necessary security measures  were carried out. Mr Dalton had hired a lot of bodyguards. Some are to work in the shadow while some will have to follow the boy around always.

That is the kind of lifestyle Dorris lived for the past years. Bodyguards are always with her.

Mrs Dalton on the other hand is her grandson hand and leg. She is always pampering the boy to no end. And when she heard that they are going to throw a big party for him on his birthday, she was more than excited. Dorris wanted to hire an event planner but the old woman did not allow her to.

"Don't worry. Leave it to me. Every woman is an event planner if they really feel like planning it",  Mrs Dalton said.

" Mom, wouldn't it be too stressful for you? I will be too busy to help you out", she told the grandma.

"Just do your thing, Dorris. I am fine. When it comes to my grandson, I can not be stressed", Ray mum said.

Dorris smiled.

" suit yourself then", She said.

"Don't worry leave ot to me",  the woman was very excited. She is already imagining the day.

" I will make sure my grandson birthday will be the talk of the town. I am so excited, I can't wait.", the old woman was saying.

Dorris just shook her head.


Hurry up with my make up please. Raymond birthday party is starting I can't afford to miss it!

Who else is coming to the birthday party. A surprise present for DORRAY fans😘😘😘😘