

“The cosmos is also within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” -Carl Sagan


Freya’s eyes blinked slowly as she woke in a light haze. Though the lights around the room were relatively low, they were still bright enough to leave her somewhat disconcerted. And as she regained consciousness, she realized that for the second time in her whole life, she was lying comfortably in a skin-tight medical suit inside of a regeneration pod.

She turned her head slightly to the side and looked at the small medical status display set into the inside of the cocoon-like bed.

Condition: Conscious, Stable

Affliction: None Detected

A.Metabolics: 99%

BPM: 63

She chuckled lightly to herself at the very sight of her simplified readouts. It was exactly like the first time she saw it, only this time an entire lifetime had passed since then.