
Quarter-Finals, Pt 1

Pilot: Raijin

Role: Electronic Warfare


Kamikage Customworks “Tsunami” Covert Combat Frame [B]

Kamikage Customworks “Shuriken” ESP Mk9 ElectroStun Pistol [B]

Hermes Aerospace “Skymirror” EWar Suite (SM) [A]

Raijin’s light blue Tsunami hovered up in the trees, mostly hidden within the thick canopy of the forest itself. Although the copious amount of leaves and branches obscured her sensors, she could still “see” relatively cleanly.

Well, better than the rest of her team anyway.

The trees themselves hindered all their sensors to a great degree. It wasn’t just the density of the carbon atoms scattered everywhere, but also because biological signal scramblers had been grown within the trees themselves.

And on top of that, their enemy was using a heavy dampening field to obscure themselves.