
Back at retake

"Seldom at the den, isn't it?', Chris was slacking on his day off," Gotten busier?".

He just had to point it out since whenever he's back, he never gets a sight of Jay. Enjoying her solitary company is usual but not leaving her sanctuary, her room. Since the last encounter with Ace, things had changed for her. She awaits his company now.

Coincidentally, they're all present at the dining table that specific morning. After the incident last time, Arthur and Jay had been avoiding each other like strangers. Chris could get chills from the heavy tension in the atmosphere.

A fourth person from the box covered up the awkward silence," The murders taking place in the city, which had gone under covers for a while, has charged up again to the citizens terror. The authorities claim it to be the work of a serial sociopath. Victims being only girls of younger age. It is requested that.......".

Arthur grabbed his jacket from the couch and stormed out from the room without any word. Chris studied him confused. Jay wasn't least bothered. She was intact on her silence as she took a sip from the glass, her eyes occasionally sneaking glances from the Television and with an expressionless face accordingly. It was normal but unlikely. But a huge mess in her head!

All girls might die …...but she won't!

Because their death ...….is what keeping her alive.

Because she can't control it herself .... this even Ace can't.

That boy, seems like he won't stop until he has turned the whole world upside down for her. Jay has seen that rage in his eyes.

Chris spoke," The scene doesn't look so good, you understand what I mean Jay?".

Jay placed her glass down finally and announced while rising," Gonna be out for a while".

Chris sighed at his try coz mere words never reach her. He just added," Don't take too late".

But Jay was already out, no doubt she didn't hear it.


Jay was wearing an out of the blue surprised face. No reaction, but a 'trying to study' face with the ice tea smoothie in the air right before her face.

Ace was resting his chin on his fist with a pouty smile and an extra smooth lightened up eyes. He was holding the glass with a lazy expression on him. The cap and the apron revealed his position as an employee in the café.

"Miss, my hand's aching. I'll let you check me out later okay?", he sneered.

Jay chose to ignore it, "You here?", she asked.

Ace grinned and handed her over the drink," You, ought to look up ahead and around when you walk", he wiped his hand with a tissue," I spotted you since you're crossing ...…unlike your poor vision up until now ...…Miss", he added naughtily.

"You've been working here", it sounded more like an exclamation," For living?".

Ace leaned over more and whispered," One of them, yes. Best one for publicizing".

Jay kept her glance low and moved her eyes around the café. That's when it struck her that the whole arena was occupied with girls .... young girls. All their eyes and giggles directed at Ace. He is baiting himself as a source of attraction.

Meeting one of the elderly women passing by, he received a wink and offered a smirk in return. Hiding his lips, he said," Ain't I a model figure?".

Jay rolled her eyes and scoffed," What a trap!".

But things started invading her mind. This is Ace's den for preying his victims? That's why they always seem to know him. This is like a light source for moths, which kills them in the end. He hypnotizes them. Jay being immune to it, Ace always had an attractive aura. She has even admitted to that. In addition to those blue eyes, they seem in perfect collaboration. He stares deep in to other's soul, making them fall for him at once. He can be innocent, childish, intimidating, rude and fucking insanely sexy at all the same time.

"Take a seat, gimme one", Ace directed her at an isolated corner, something she would prefer," My shift is almost over. Protect yourself till then", and he let her have a mp3 player with headphones.

Jay willfully accepted it, since all the chatters were shriveling up her head. The cornered seat was by the glass window, where she liked. Covering her ears with bass, she sat leaning behind comfortably with eyes shut and hands resting down, taking occasional sips from the glass and bearing the obvious sharp gaze of a pair of dark and blue eyes burning on to her the whole time.

She pretended not to care

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