
Raven: The Rising Darkness

"You are a daughter of a demon. He created you." "No, you are wrong. He didn't create me, he's just the reason that I got created." "yeah, for full fill his wish of destroying​ the world." "No.. noooo.. that won't be happen."

Lee_AD · Fantasy
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6 Chs

It's Earth

No..mom.. mom.. noooo....

Father please stop this.. noooo....

Raven.. Raven.. wake up.. wake up Raven...

Raven's pov..

(breathing heavily) "Mother Azar that.. that was...

"You have to leave, leave from here." She cut me in and ordered.

"But what about Azarath​.." I questioned.

"There is no; Azarath. Look; it is no longer our home but just a destroyed planet. You has saved once but now, I've to go and you have to leave too. The mungs of Azarath will protect you and by that ring I'll guide you whenever you need my child."She replied.

"But where should I go? you know my destiny, he'll find me no matter wherever​, I go." I questioned again.

"You are the last Azarathian, you have to live on. Go to Earth, it's protected by magic, only portals can help him come in (only Azarathian people can open the portals​) be prepared for what you are destined, I'm sorry my child we won't be with you, you have to go through alone, and be strong don't let him in. Remember; only you, can end this." mother Azar said in a disapparing low voice.

I saw that mother is disappearing right in front of me and then I saw a book it's my book of Azarath, kinda spell book. I picked up the book ad made it disappear "Azarath, metrion, Zinthos" I chanted. And I opened a portal.

I was going in the direction of it, I looked at my destroyed house for last time. I never cried but there's a tear who wants to came out but I heard those words from the disappearing voice " Be strong.. Be strong" in my mind so I wiped out the tear and enters into the portal.

The other side, yeah it's Earth I guess. It's too different. The air, too polluted. Way more noisy. How peope live here.

I don't know about Humans, anything. I decided to wonder around to see how Earth looks like.

I put on my cloak hood.

According to the sun's direction it's going to be evening soon.

I'm walking on the way, "why are they looking at me like they've never seen a girl." I said as I was giving other's a What are you looking at? look.

"We never seen someone in such a costume without any Carnival on the road wondering around." A black hair kid with red and blue colored cloths on speaks from mine behind while looking at me like I'm an alien, well I am. I just ignored him and walked away.

I saw some book on the other side, I love reading when there is nothing good to do. So I decided to just walk over there, but in the mid road I saw something coming at me.

I don't know what it was but it was about to hit me. Suddenly a figure came running from nowhere and throw me out of the road. "aouch.. What the heck.." I fell on the other side of road on my butt.

I turns around and saw people were gathering on a spot. "What is it now? Why are they gathering on a place?" I murmured.

I step forward quickly thinking of if something has happens to the one who pushed me out. And I saw that the black haired boy was unconsciously laid on the road, was bleeding from his forehead and nose.

I was shocked my hand automatically comes together on my mouth. And my mind was repeating only one word "No" again and again.

I didn't think of anything and made my way to him by pushing people little away and I just ran to him, I hold his face with my hands "Azarath, Matrion, Zinthos" I Chanted. The black aura of mine came out don't know how as I was trying to heal a human for the first time.

He opened his eyes and because I was looking at him from front of him, he could possibly seen my face for few seconds before I got up and ran away, cause people were calling me something wi..witch yes witch I guess.

I don't know what it meant but I can feel it wasn't a good word. I ran from there as fast as I can, and I feel like people will staring at me if I kept looking like Azarathian.

Then I guess I have to look alike them, oh okay; cloths. I've walked for half an hour and finally saw some clothes, and I was going in the direction when I saw a girl was coming towards me, she collided with me and without saying anything she ran into a narrow​ alley.

I was bit confused and was lookin' at her while some other people came to me and was askin' if I've seen a girl running from here. I didn't speak but I show them don't know why the wrong way in the right side with my finger, then I crossed the road, this time carefully, and go to the cloth house.

It is my first time seeing that food, books, cloths also have their own separate houses. I tried to touch the cloths but there was something glass like thing between me and the clothes. I've seen mirror made of glass but a transparent glass!

I was about to break the glass but an old man came and stopped me, he said " Hy little lady I guess you want some clothes right, you should go inside instead of breaking the glass. You kids don't understand how costly they are."

He leads me inside whispered in a women's​ ear "she seems to be a fool but I think she is cosplayer, show her some clothes I guess she's sort of money." I guess he was thinking that I haven't listened him but come on men you don't know who I am. Wait, what he was talking about? What is money?

Well she showed me some clothes and suggested me to try them on. She showed me a tiny little room called changing room.

I wear the clothes, was looking good but I guess they wasn't​ matching with my taste, it was a jump​suit they called with short pants. Like I've seen the same type of suit on a kid earlier. But it's okay. I'm feeling a bit hungry, Earth's air made me hungry, normally I can resist my hunger as long as I want, but I can't control it now. And the aura it's first time I feel my demon.

This Earth seems to be strange already.

Let's​ go to eat something first. I just came out from the mini house don't know why 4 men gathered around me. They were asking for money and I don't even know what money is. One of them put his hand on my shoulder, and I just don't like when someone touch me. I was almost about to throw him away but the same girl I was collided with came, holds mine hand and ran, like; she made me ran.

I didn't say anything and ran with her cause I realized that if I do hit him that time it might be a trouble and I guess I have to hide my powers also until I don't really need them, kinda pretend like a normal human. She made me ran for so long and my hunger crossed the level, my tummy was making weird sounds. Then she said, "looks like someone is hungry, let me take you somewhere. But first remove this. (While removing something from my clothes) if you wanna steal anything again remember to remove it's tag, silly girl. Otherwise you'll be in trouble." While walking she thank me for savin' her earlier and told me her name which was Tory.

She have taken me to a none so crowdy place. Where some people on counters giving food to others.

I was wondering if people here will also ask for money. But no she said it's free for the people like us. I wonder what did she mean by people like us? She took food, we set on the chairs. I started eating the food and it was very good, I looked at her very impressively​, she said "I guess you like it" then a kid join us, he set on the chair next to mine and was talking to Tory. It seems that he is Tory's brother, Tory addressed him by Tim. Then the Tim boy mentioned the road scene of earlier and I noticed that he has the same aura and emotions. "Well sis., who is she? Your new friend or something?" He asked his sister. And I turn my face other side a bit. Then he get up and tried to see my face from other side but I turn my face again.

"you look so familiar. Can you just show me your face." He finally seen my face and recognized. "It's you.." before he could say anything else I don't know how I did, but I just did it. I made him not to speak, like his voice gone for few seconds. I was so shocked and just walked outside.

By Miss Lee_AD

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