
Raven: The Rising Darkness

"You are a daughter of a demon. He created you." "No, you are wrong. He didn't create me, he's just the reason that I got created." "yeah, for full fill his wish of destroying​ the world." "No.. noooo.. that won't be happen."

Lee_AD · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Dream

Tim and Tory also came out. "What happened" Tory says in worried tone.

"Is that was you? Awesome, how did you do that?" Tim exclaimed.

"What?" Tory got confused.

"What are you talking about? Look it's getting late and I'm tired also so I have to find a place for spend a night." I changed the line.

"Wait, you don't have anywhere to go to? I mean, you don't have any home?" Tory questioned she looked at her brother and again turned​ at me. Umm I guess I have to make up a story now.

"umm, I don't know, like; I forget my past. I don't know/remember anything and I have nowhere to go to." This is perfect I don't have to give answers of much questions now.

"So you have.." Tim was saying something and I cut in..

"Yeah I have no home, no family, no friends nothing.

" Who said you don't have one, you have us, your family."

Humans are so quick to make any relation, no wonder people here are surrounded by the emotions. But I don't have any choice for now.

"You can come with us at our place."

"Yeah, although our place isn't big enough but we can manage, isn't it." Both says with a smile on their faces.

Like, There's no better option then this, so I agreed. So they were talking me towards their house.

While walking Tory asks for my name.

"Hey she has forgotten everything, so how she suppose to remember her name." Tim looked at Tory.

"Why not we gave you a name." He glared at me.

"Oh no I've already named myself." I replied.

"What is it?" Both asked.

"It's Rachel, Rachel Roth." I answered.

"Well it's a nice name."

"And here we are, home sweet home"

"It's your home."

"Let's get inside."

Tory opened the door, we step inside. Is small but it's warm then outside. "It's my first time entering into someone's house. It's beautiful."

"You like it."


"Well there are only 2 rooms here. And here is my room you can sleep here I'll sleep on the couch in sister's room."Tim showed me his room, he gave me a smile and he picked some of his stuff and stepped out of the room.

"If you need anything you can call me anytime." Tory said to me with a smile and closed the door.

Well Tim is just a kid but he already so mature. Hmm the difficulties of life made a kid goes mature before age. I sighed and I feel my head is aching again. I guess I need to meditate. "Azarath Matrion Zinthos" I started as I sit in the air.

The meditation made me calm.

I wasn't that sleepy, I was thinking what to do. So I go out cuz I suddenly wants to look the land from the sky. I close my eyes and my clothes changed into my blue dress again. I jumped​ a bit and fly higher. I watched​ the whole city from the sky and the City in the night with lights was looking so beautiful. I've never seen something like that before I closed my eyes and saw Azarath, shining lights in the night. Although I never loved lights but I can't deny that it's beautiful. There was a tear in my eye when I opened my eyes. I think my tear fell down on someone, I guess that person has seen me, so I fly back to home.

I laid on bed and fall asleep.



"Where am I?"

"It's a what, a Circus." I read it on the board . There is an entrance. I walked inside the big tent. In the center of it three people were doing some kind of stunts. 2 adults and one minor aged kid. The 1 man hold the trapeze and swing it then he hold the woman and that both were swinging forward and return and at one point "Dick, catch" they call the kid. But the kid didn't move on time and the flyers fell down on the ground, and the kid called Dick screams "Mom__Dad. Noooooooo"



I woke up suddenly and I found myself screaming like that kid. I was breathing heavily.

I heard the voice of door opening. "Are you ok? I hear your scream." It was Tory.

"It's.. umm, just a dream. I'm sorry I disturb your sleep."

"No it's ok, it's already 8 of morning. There is washroom go get fresh yourself and come for breakfast." She closed the door.

I took shower and brush my teeth. As soon as I step out of the room the awesome smell of meat took my heart off. We eat the food, I glared at them and smiled a bit. It's first time I'm having food with human like family.

We're done eating Tory washed the dishes. "So let's go." Tory..

"Would you like to come with us." Tim..

"Umm, maybe next time can you tell me where can get books, umm without that piece of paper, money, yeah, without money."

"Okay, it's in the way let's go." Tory..

On the way "Why you want books? I mean not much people like books." Tim..

"But I love, books are the only thing I feel connected with." I sighed. "Cause I've been with book only since childhood." I murmured.

"Here it is the library, let me walk you inside." Tory..

"No it's okay, I'll see myself​. Go for work or you'll be late."

"Yeah", "Bye" Both smiled at me and walked away.