
Raven: The Rising Darkness

"You are a daughter of a demon. He created you." "No, you are wrong. He didn't create me, he's just the reason that I got created." "yeah, for full fill his wish of destroying​ the world." "No.. noooo.. that won't be happen."

Lee_AD · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Help me Mother.


A little girl in blue short clothes with her cloak hood on ran faster as she could, she was crying so badly, her face was all wet and her eyes had gone red too. She reaches an old tree and set near a huge root that grows out of the ground. she cried a lot, but then she looked up as white flower petals start falling on her. She stopped crying but the tears were still on her face, when she looked up and a petal landed on her nose, she focused her sight on it and looked extremely funny yet so cute. Her eyes feel a bit pain cause of the angle she was looking so she shacked her head and the petal fall away. With her watery eyes, she saw a shadow of a lady, and it was clear by the movement of that shadow that the person is the one showering all the flowers on her.

"I don't need you, and your flowers."

The little girl said before waving the magic with her hand and turning all the flowers into black ashes.

Just after using those black powers the ring on her finger grow some tentacles and wrapped around her arm, they were squeezing her arm so badly but she didn't even let it show that it is hurting her. That woman came forward, she wore white clothes and had long hair.

"I said leave, I don't. need you, you are the reason this is happening to me"

The little girl turns her face towards the lady.

"Why did you keep me alive, you must save everyone from the demon, then why you slept with him, why did you let me be born, I'm a monster, why didn't you correct the only mistake of your life by killing me."


"Let me tell you one thing very clearly girl, my daughter is not a monster and never was, doesn't matter if her Fa.., that person is a demon and besides my daughter never was my mistake, she's a gift, the precious gift one can ever get. She. is my hope, hope that the world will be safe, hope that the prophecy could be changed. She is a warrior, who will defeat that bloody demon who cheated and who cause my daughter to suffer her life like this."

Her painful voice with such powerful words to inspire her daughter and overcome the worldly emotions She did move the little one.


"Hy, are you ok? Don't tell me you don't like flowers." Her voice made me back to reality.

"It's not like that I just, remind my mum."

"Do you recall her? Are you getting your memories back?"

"No, I meant was, she might also be like this, use such methods to cheer me."

"You'll remember one day. Come this way."

"Tory and I use to come here when we feel low."

I looked around, it's an old park on a little mountain. There is a huge old tree on the side. A water fountain in the middle and some pairs of sitters were around too. The 1st whole green place I'd seen on Earth. When I turn my face in the right direction the beautiful view of the sea comes, a calming view with a peaceful place.

"But why it's this empty, where is public."

"Umm because it's a kind of remote area, I mean this place is out of the city so no one comes here besides look at your left side those huge trees block others' sight to this place. They think there might be some dangerous animals from the forest, so they never tried to come here."

"So how did you find this place?"

"On that was just a coincidence." She seems to hide something.

"Yeah, we just happen to find it." He covered her.

As no one come here, I could use this place, although I just have to summon Mother, I can't take the risk, like if something happens again like the library scene, that would be a huge mess.

"come here, sit with us."

She extends her hand to me.

"Here try this, you'll like it."

He gave me something on a plate, and this thing is also in my cause of the knowledge I got. And I guess it is a pastry. I held the spoon very curiously but took just a little piece of it. I was curious to taste it yet I was worried.

"Will I like it?" I asked.

"You can't say before you try," Tim replied.

The time I pick up the spoon in slow motion near my mouth, a sweet and very delicious smell enters my nose, and I immediately ate it.

"How's it, It's chocolate flavour, do you like it." she seems very confident in it.

"It's good, I like it."


My head starts aching. I have to do something.

The time I spent with them was good but the whole time he cause my head to ache.

We went back home after 2 hours. When we arrived home there was a box in front of the door, it was a parcel for Tory but it was without any name. We went inside the house and as soon as she opened the packing of that parcel a note dropped on the floor. She was looking so worried when she picked up that paper. Her facial expression just changed in a second. She held my hand and took me near the entrance, a little away from Tim.

"Please Raven make my brother sleep I need to go somewhere really urgent." she looked so freaked.

"Is it something concerning?"

"No it's just one of his friends who is transferring to another country, and I've to go see him off, but he'll be pretty sad if he comes to know." Why I'm feeling that she is lying, but I've to trust what she said maybe that's the truth.

"Okay, I'll make sure he sleeps well until you come back, but when will you come."

"maybe 2 hours or more, I'll be at home before night falls." and she left. I was looking at her back until she turns to the other way.

"Where did she go?"

"Just close your eyes, Tim." I put my hand on his face the blue aura came out of my body I blow a breath on him and he fall asleep, I hold him before his head could hit on the table. I picked him up and lay him on Tory's bed.

I've to see where is she going.


"Don't call my name you monster I'm not gonna listen to you."

He's calling my name out of dreams, he's really trying to contact me, I need to talk to Mother Azar, but not here.

"While he is sleeping..."

I raise my hand and close my eyes.

"Azarath, Matrion, Zinthos"

I chanted...

A portal opened, and I went through it. I am in the same park, I can summon her here. I sat in the air and closed my eyes "Azarath, Matrion, Zinthos" I started.



"Listen to me..."


The weather is getting cold, I can hear thunder sounds too. Am I doing this 'again'

I took a deep breath.


"Mother, I need your help, please."

I try to focus too hard but I can't find her.

"Raven, Raven, I'm here."

I can barely hear her voice.

"Help me Mother."