
Raven: The Rising Darkness

"You are a daughter of a demon. He created you." "No, you are wrong. He didn't create me, he's just the reason that I got created." "yeah, for full fill his wish of destroying​ the world." "No.. noooo.. that won't be happen."

Lee_AD · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A call from Father

I was so tired that I fall asleep as soon as the soft surface of the bedsheet touched my skin, and I felt like my this sleep would be like I closed my eyes now and just in a second when I'll open them, it will be morning, I simply mean my sleep was to deep this time.

But then I feel my eyes not sleepy anymore so I open my eyes thinking, maybe it's morning already, but all my eyes could see at that time was total darkness just like I saw it while hanging in mid-air this night, but this place seems different, this place is huge, huge than that.

Where am I? What is this place? I tried to find a hard surface with my hand waiving around, but there was nothing except emptiness so I started walking in no direction.

Then all of sudden I saw a lady from behind, her long black hair and her white cloak were fluttering in the air, a tear from my eyes fall behind me as I run towards her. I slowed down and was just about to touch her when she turned her face, "Mom" my voice was filled with pain, tears in my eyes dropped when I saw her face. Her face was looking so pale, I can feel the vibes of fear coming from her, but she wasn't afraid for herself she was afraid for me. I tried to touch her face the time I saw a tear in her eyes, but she turned into ashes and disappeared right in front of my eyes. "NEVER GIVE UP" her last words enter my ears. My eyes were wide open as I was so shocked by what just happened. I was breaking down from inside, it puts me in a lost-mind position. No emotions were on my face, I suddenly lost the will to stand and dropped on my knees. My heart skipped a beat and I just screamed as louder as I could.

"Raven..." I got silent and stopped crying suddenly as I heard this voice. The only thing my mind saying was 'This can't be.'

"Raven..." I stand up and I turned around and the scene was the same as my home planet, where people were walking around, the happy and very peaceful view changed just in the blink of an eye. I saw them dying by the dark powers, the destroyed planet.

"Raven..." he screams.

"Breathing heavily" I opened my eyes, I was sweating.

"Rachel, Rachel. Are you ok? What happened? Tory questioned in a worried tone.

I looked at her face. She looks and feels so worried, but why? I mean why would she be so worried about someone she meet just 3 days ago?

"It was just a dream"

"You mean a nightmare," Tim said.

"yes, but pretty real."

"Hy, It was just a dream, not gonna be real, not gonna happen."

"yeah, 'cause it's already happened before," I whispered.



"Look at yourself, it's like you got a sweat bath. Ok, go get fresh, don't forget we're going on shopping today."

Then they both went outside and I, to the bathroom.

"Tim, Did you see it?" They are far enough from me, but I can still hear them. I need a little peace to think. I looked at my hand, and the blue and dark mist appeared, I touched the wall and now I can't hear them.

Tim & Tory~

"Did you see that?"

"Are you talking about that dark aura, yeah isn't that cool she had powers."

"I already know, but I'm not talking about that. What I am saying is she was looking so pale and so freaked out, she might've remembered a flash of her past."

"Ok, wait; you said you already know, when? How? And why you didn't tell me?"

"I was there at a corner of the road when she healed you, I saw it, the black aura and I heard everyone too."

"You said you were there, then why didn't you come to help me? Wait don't tell me they found you again."

"Please forget about it, we were talking about Rachel, she seemed so upset, we should do something to cheer her up, after all, she saved both of us."

"Yeah, What do you think?"

"I think we can go to...


Was it him? no, no, no it can't be him he can't find me here. but what if he did locate me I have to do something. I was repeating that thing in my mind and they are just stressing me out and...

"Hy look who came, a monster, hahaha"

"I'm not. a monster."

"Oh really, haha did no one tell you that your father is a demon, a monster, and you are too like him? You shouldn't stay here, you little unholy bloody monster. This place is only for the holy priest"

"I didn't do anything, why do you all people hate me this much."

"Because look at yourself, you were never one of us, I don't understand why they are still keeping you while you have to be dead right after you were born. You. will destroy. this whole universe, but still no one is doing anything, so sad, isn't it."

"I'm not a monster, I will never do anything that could be a harm to this world." ..Screams..

"oh come on you little freak, you will, you will destroy everything, including us."


My home, it's like this cause of; "me", Is this is what gonna happen with the whole world, and it'll all be cause of; "me"

I closed my watery eyes.


I turned off the shower, and opened my eyes, "I need your help."

I wore the clothes Tory left for me. I set on mah' bed and thinkin' I can't say no to the shopping thing, she would be sad, but I also need to summon her.

"Knock knock, are you ready?" She came inside.

"You are ready. Let's go." She held my hand and forced me out with her, she didn't even listen to me.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll know soon."

"And where is Tim?"

"You'll know soon."


"come on, just walk a little more and, stop, don't open your eyes until the song ends."

"Say, go through the darkest of days

Heaven's a heartbreak away

Never let you go, never let me down

Oh, it's been a hell of a ride

Driving the edge of a knife

Never let you go, never let me down

Don't you give up, nah-nah-nah

I won't give up, nah-nah-nah

Let me love you

Let me love you"

I heard it, every single word hits harder. And the music stops... "Open your eyes, Rachel."


✨✨ Flower rain, reminds me of my mom, she use to do it whenever I got upset.



I looked at Tory and Tim, doesn't matter who you are emotions and feelings are all the same, their smile gave me a smile and relieve my stress.
