
Raven:rise of a Fallen soul

in a world where superpowers and divine beasts were the norm, Sam was just an ordinary teenager. But as he turned 15 and awaited his awakening, he fell ill and his hopes of becoming one of the gifted dwindled. His friends, once close and supportive, turned on him and his parents disowned him, leaving him with nothing but a sense of betrayal and despair. It was in this dark moment that he met a mysterious crow, a creature unlike any other he had ever encountered. Little did Sam know, this chance encounter would lead him down a path he never could have imagined, and reveal a destiny he never knew he had.

kh_sammas_sami · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Meeting Max and shopping

Sam arrived in Arcadia, a bustling city known for its opulence and extravagance. The towering buildings and shimmering lights seemed to mock his humble origins, but he pushed aside any feelings of inadequacy. Max had invited him to be his companion and bodyguard for an important party, and he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

As Sam made his way to the designated meeting spot, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The encounter with the peacemakers was still fresh in his mind, reminding him of the dangers that awaited him in this new city. But he pushed those thoughts aside, focusing instead on the potential that lay ahead.

Max was waiting for him at a luxurious hotel lobby, dressed in a sleek suit that exuded confidence. His charismatic smile welcomed Sam, and they exchanged a firm handshake.

"Sam, my friend, it's great to see you!" Max greeted him warmly. "I hope your journey went smoothly."

Sam nodded, his gaze taking in the grandeur of the hotel lobby. "It's quite different from what I'm used to, but I'm excited to be here."

Max chuckled. "Don't worry, Sam. You'll get used to it in no time. Now, before we head out, I couldn't help but notice that your attire could use a little upgrade."

Sam looked down at his worn-out clothes, realizing that Max was right. He hadn't given much thought to his appearance, always focusing on honing his powers rather than his wardrobe.

"I suppose you're right," Sam admitted, a touch of self-consciousness creeping in. "I haven't really paid attention to my clothes."

Max grinned mischievously. "Well, that's about to change. We're going to embark on a shopping spree, my friend. I know a fantastic boutique where we can find the perfect ensemble for you."

Sam couldn't help but feel a mixture of gratitude and apprehension. He had never been one for fashion or luxurious items, but he understood the importance of presenting oneself appropriately at such events.

They ventured into the bustling streets of Arcadia, weaving through the crowd as Max led the way. The boutique they arrived at was renowned for its high-quality and elegant clothing.

As they entered, a sales associate greeted them with a warm smile. Max quickly explained their mission, emphasizing the need for a sophisticated yet understated outfit for Sam.

The sales associate, skilled in her craft, began bringing forth a selection of suits, taking into account Sam's unique features. They considered various styles, colors, and fabrics until they settled on a tailored dark navy suit that accentuated Sam's lean physique. The shirt was a crisp white, and the tie added a touch of sophistication.

Sam stood before the mirror, stunned by the transformation. The suit fit him perfectly, and he couldn't help but feel a newfound confidence radiating from within. The green of his eyes seemed to shine brighter against the dark backdrop of the suit, giving him an air of mystery.

Max beamed with satisfaction. "Now that's what I'm talking about! You look like a true gentleman, Sam. No one will suspect what lies beneath."

Sam smiled gratefully, appreciating Max's assistance. "Thank you, Max. I can't express how much I appreciate your help."

Max waved it off with a grin. "It's the least I can do, my friend. Besides, you're about to step into a world where appearances matter. Now, let's head back to the hotel. We have some preparations to make before the party."

As they walked back to the hotel, Sam couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

sam was neglected for a long time so he finds small things important

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