

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

Leppo · Others
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40 Chs

Everywhere & Nowhere

An astral projection of Frisk's soul had appeared in a dark room, so dark no light could reach the back of the room. 2 buttons had appeared before her: 'Continue', and 'Surrender'. There was a small fade on the wall behind the buttons, where Frisk could see the outside world. Everyone worried about her, Khila trying to protect her, Jason and Trey fighting for her. Normally she would've felt warm inside happy that people care for her, but she just couldn't feel anything. Her heart was just as cold and empty as the room was, she could feel the darkness. She felt as she once did before when she was younger, cold, empty, alone. She wanted to reach out and tap the 'Continue' button, but she couldn't find the motivation. It was like... something was refusing, something didn't want her to continue, something didn't want her to come back. She could feel the monstrous urges behind her, "Kill, Kill, Kill" it spoke to her. Frisk jolted around only to lock eyes with a child. A little small boy wearing a green and yellow sweatshirt and khaki shorts. "W-what're you doing here?" Frisk spoke. The boy didn't speak a word, only stared at her and smiled. At first glance, the boy seemed to be just an innocent little child but Frisk, she could feel the Spite from him, growing larger and larger from this small child. That's what she decided to call it, Spite. "Boy, what is your name?" Frisk asked. The raw material of the boy's face transmuted into a sinister smile, as his face became disfigured and his mouth poured with a black substance "Chara...!" he shouted. The boy slowly reached his hand out as he placed it on top of the 'Continue' button. She could feel it in her heart, the words 'But it refused'. She saw as the Spite from inside took control of her Soul, the soul of Determination, as her soul revived but not back into Frisk, Chara. Frisk saw how everyone was shocked by his sudden revival. 'Who was he' they asked. Frisk knew she could do something but she also knew she couldn't, She understood they everyone was powerless against Papyrus, she needed the strength from Chara but didn't want any of her peers to get hurt. "What do I do...?" she asked herself. Confused and Frightened at the same, she decided to let it happen as there was nothing else she could do, It all happened too fast. "What is going on," She said. Frisk tried together, she peered out of the small faded 'window' and watched as Chara brutally attacked and defeated Papyrus, at this moment she struggled to get ahold of herself, was she really strong enough to continue? She couldn't protect her students nor her peers, was she able to continue. Suddenly she heard Jason's voice echo through her mind. She looked up to see everyone looking down at her with a concerned expression on their faces from inside a bubble. Gaster, Jason Oconner, Joseph Oconner, Trey Morris, Khila Morris, Nathan Hendu, and the new guy Gabriel Saito. Frisk tapped the 'Continue' button one last time as she then returned back to her original body, almost shedding tears.

"Don't worry guys I'm fine..." Frisk chuckled as she got up.

"Frisk what was that, some kind of transformation?" Trey asked. Frisk shook her head.

"No... way worse" She exclaimed.

"Well, tell us about it" Khila replied.

"It's hard... I can't quite put it into detail, it was like... a new me" She answered.

Everyone looked at her surprised, also not understanding what it meant.

"But it's about that time, we gotta get outta here" Frisk stated, "We'll move to the next nearest city, and go over to a nursing home there" She explained. Everyone nodded, as they followed her down a path of rubble, leading out of the City of Ruins, Gershire.