

A boy and his family and friends introduced to war, and now with an awakened soul the fate of the universe is now in his hands. Chapters will be released every Wednesday

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40 Chs

A Will to Live

As a child, Frisk didn't always act like herself. Her parents, Francis & Iska Reyoni, lived on a coast far west of Gershire called West Pideton. It was a town with a small population, no one had developed a soul trait, and the area was very known for monsters to lurk, abduct, and kill people over the years. Society was small and there was no small government or town leader which meant there were also no laws. There was little to no transportation of resources for the people, which meant that the people had to travel for food and townsfolk got their water from the freshwater ocean on the small beach right off the cliffside. The people who resided in West Pideton had no future. They were deranged and pitiful, and had very little respect for one another, except for very few such as Francis and Iska. Francis would regularly walk down south toward Pideton, a City-District built for the business industry, in search of any job he could find to earn Yuo even resorting to stealing if he had to. Iska would take care of their little hut, cleaning, washing, picking small berries from a garden nearby, and refilling their water. A nice little couple, until Iska found out that she was pregnant. It scared her and she started to become delusional, wondering how she's gonna care for her, Francis, and her newborn baby. Francis was barely making enough Yuo to provide for the both of them so how was he gonna care for the child? She began to think about Francis' reaction to the news, creating different reenactments and thinking of solutions. She came to the conclusion of breaking the news to Francis straight up no matter his reaction. Francis returned on a Thursday night to see Iska sitting on a stool waiting for his arrival.

"Is something the matter Iska?" Francis asked concerned. She sat in silence, Francis could tell she wanted to shout something out at him but wondered what was holding her back.

"There's something I need to tell you..." She muttered.

"What is it?" Francis asked again.

"Francis... I-... I'M PREGNANT!" Iska slowly shouted. He was shocked at this statement. "I'm scared... and I don't know what I should do!" she cried out. "I already understand that finding a job and providing food for the both of us is already a struggle, and I don't wanna be any more of a burden with this baby! The baby will just be an extra mouth to feed and a bigger responsibility to care for! We'll just be holding you back..." Iska dropped down to her knees and began wailing. Francis stood above her in silence.

"It will be okay Iska... I'll provide for both of you" Francis reassured her. An ounce of Determination began to develop within Francis, as his desire to provide grew slightly stronger. He smiled as he picked Iska up from the floor and hugged her. Iska gave Francis a future, this baby developed a newer mindset inside of him, A will to live. At the time of confession, Iska was already 14 weeks pregnant, meaning Francis still had time. Every day Francis would come home later, sometimes being lucky, earning extra Yuo, and sometimes earning nothing at all. He became more and more exhausted from working and searching that bruises developed on his legs. Iska started planning for their baby but also grew exhausted from stress and starvation. The couple had to save up most of Francis' earnings for the baby which barely left them enough to buy food for themselves. Weeks had passed of this continuous cycle until the final weeks of the pregnancy drew near. Francis barely getting an hour of sleep, left early in the morning for work, hours passed and the moon arose. Francis never returned home. This worried Iska, was he out late again, had Francis abandoned them, did he find someone else? So many thoughts raced through her head. A few hours became days, days became weeks, then finally someone in the town spoke up. Francis' decaying body had been found by some trees near the road he usually took to Pideton. All of the skin on his face and chest had been ripped away, exposing his chewed-up ribs and decaying organs. a week after, Iska's newborn daughter was born. The baby didn't cry upon exiting the womb, which surprised Iska. She named the baby Frisk, a combination of both her and Francis' names, which helped her remember her husband every time she stated it. Frisk was frail and weak, her bones almost poking out of her skin. Iska didn't think she was gonna make it however, Frisk was born with something special... A partially developed soul. Determination, but only an ounce. No one in West Pideton was impressed because she couldn't do anything with barely a fraction of a soul. In 1996, the first baby with a soul in West Pideton was born.

Frisk and her Iska lived off of the savings Francis made while working. At 13 Frisk went around West Pideton and Pideton selling herself to anyone who would pay a reasonable amount of Yuo, to provide for her and her mother. Frisk was miserable she had long hair, never smiled, and always wore clothes that were worn out and dirty, she was still a frail little girl. She'd always come home late after leaving people's houses. There was a spot by her hut near some trees where she lay and gaze at the stars.