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Two friends, Kyle and Jake, find themselves entangled in an extraordinary adventure that blurs the lines between reality and the digital world. After a dare leads them into a forbidden forest, they encounter a series of events that are anything but normal. Chased by a monstrous entity, they seek refuge in a mysterious cave adorned with glowing jades, where Kyle interacts with an ancient stone that inexplicably grants him access to a "System" in his mind. As they escape the forest, Kyle discovers that the System provides him with quests, levels, and abilities akin to a role-playing game. However, the game-like elements have real-world consequences, and the danger is far from over. The beast that pursued them has vanished, but the sense of dread remains, especially when they return home to find their room ransacked and a new quest awaiting them. With the System's notifications guiding them, and the line between game and reality fading, Kyle and Jake must navigate a world where mythical creatures come to life, and every decision can be the difference between leveling up or game over. As they embark on quests to gain experience and unlock abilities, Kyle has to become a ultimate God. But the true question remains: Can they survive long enough to find out?

Danespl · Fantasy
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7 Chs

incoming threat

The morning light filtered through the blinds, casting a lattice of shadows across the room where Kyle, Jake, and Lila had spent the night. The urgency of the system's notification still hung heavy in the air, a stark contrast to the calm that surrounded them.

Kyle stood by the window, his gaze lost in the cityscape. The chaos of the night before seemed like a distant nightmare, yet the echo of his new ability, 'Echo Pulse,' was a constant reminder that it was all too real.

"Alright, let's get to it," Jake said, breaking the silence. He had always been the one to take charge when things got tough. "We need a plan. Lila, what do we know about this incoming threat?"

Lila, who had been rummaging through a stack of old maps and books, looked up. "Not much. The Mild doesn't send threats; it sends certainties. If the system has warned us, it means the danger is imminent."

Kyle's hand instinctively went to his temple, feeling the phantom sensation of the system's alert. "We use my Echo Pulse to scan for anything unusual. It's the best lead we have."

Jake nodded in agreement. "Do it."

Kyle closed his eyes, focusing on the energy coursing through him. He whispered the command, and a silent wave of sound radiated from him, invisible to the eye but clear in his mind's eye. The apartment was still, save for the three of them, but beyond the walls, the pulse picked up a faint, rhythmic thumping.

"There's something out there," Kyle said, his voice low. "It's not human, and it's getting closer."

Lila's eyes narrowed. "We need to see it before it sees us. Let's go."

They moved quickly, gathering their meager belongings and heading for the roof. The city was waking up, unaware of the creatures that lurked in its shadows. As they reached the rooftop, the thumping grew louder, more insistent.

Then, without warning, a creature leaped from the building across the street. It was a grotesque mix of shadow and sinew, its eyes burning with a malevolent light. The beast landed with a snarl, its gaze fixed on Lila.

"Protect Lila!" Kyle shouted, stepping forward. The system had been clear, and he knew what he had to do.

The creature charged, but Kyle was ready. He activated his Echo Pulse again, this time directing it at the beast. The pulse hit, and the creature stumbled, disoriented by the sudden assault on its senses.

Jake leaped into action, wielding a makeshift weapon he had grabbed from the apartment. He struck the creature, driving it back, while Lila used the distraction to land a series of precise blows.

The fight was fierce but brief. With a final, pained howl, the creature dissolved into the Mild, leaving behind only a trace of its existence.

Breathing heavily, Kyle looked at his companions. "Is it over?"

"For now," Lila said, her eyes scanning the horizon. "But this is just the beginning. The Mild is testing us, seeing how we respond to its challenges."

Jake put a hand on Kyle's shoulder. "We did it, man. We protected Lila and completed the quest."

A new system notification appeared before Kyle, confirming their success and the rewards they had earned. But more than the experience points or the mystery box, it was the realization that they were capable of facing the dangers of the Mild that filled Kyle with confidence.

"We'll take it one quest at a time," Kyle said, determination in his voice. "Together, we'll uncover the secrets of this system and the Stone Hubs. And we'll survive."

As they descended back into the apartment, the mystery box opened, revealing a small, gleaming stone. It pulsed with energy, a tangible piece of the Mild that they had yet to understand.

The journey was far from over, but with each other and their growing abilities, they were ready to face whatever the Mild threw at them.

Try to keep up with power stones, Lot of fun is soon going to pop up, Like it ? Add to library!

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