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Two friends, Kyle and Jake, find themselves entangled in an extraordinary adventure that blurs the lines between reality and the digital world. After a dare leads them into a forbidden forest, they encounter a series of events that are anything but normal. Chased by a monstrous entity, they seek refuge in a mysterious cave adorned with glowing jades, where Kyle interacts with an ancient stone that inexplicably grants him access to a "System" in his mind. As they escape the forest, Kyle discovers that the System provides him with quests, levels, and abilities akin to a role-playing game. However, the game-like elements have real-world consequences, and the danger is far from over. The beast that pursued them has vanished, but the sense of dread remains, especially when they return home to find their room ransacked and a new quest awaiting them. With the System's notifications guiding them, and the line between game and reality fading, Kyle and Jake must navigate a world where mythical creatures come to life, and every decision can be the difference between leveling up or game over. As they embark on quests to gain experience and unlock abilities, Kyle has to become a ultimate God. But the true question remains: Can they survive long enough to find out?

Danespl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

A New person

The night was a cloak of darkness, pierced only by the occasional streetlight that flickered as if in warning. Jake and Kyle's breaths came in ragged gasps, their feet pounding against the pavement in a desperate rhythm. The roar behind them was a constant reminder of the terror they had just escaped, and the fear that it might not be over.

Kyle's mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, the system messages that had appeared in his head were impossible to ignore. He had always been a skeptic, but the reality of the situation was undeniable. The Stone Hubs, the quests, the abilities—it was all too real, and it was all happening to him.

As they rounded a corner, Jake suddenly pulled Kyle into the shadows. "Wait," he hissed, his eyes scanning the darkened street. "I think we lost it... for now."

Kyle nodded, trying to catch his breath. "This is insane, Jake. Since when did our lives become a... a game?"

Before Jake could answer, a soft voice cut through the silence. "You two look like you're running from something more fearsome than debt collectors."

Startled, they turned to see a woman leaning against the wall, her features obscured by the dim light. She was dressed in a long coat, and her eyes held a knowing glint.

"Who are you?" Kyle asked, wary.

"Name's Lila," she said with a smirk. "And I know a thing or two about running from beasts. Come with me if you want to stay alive."

Without waiting for a response, Lila turned and started walking briskly down the alley. Jake and Kyle exchanged a glance before following her. They had no other choice.

Lila led them through a maze of alleys and backstreets until they arrived at a nondescript door. She punched in a code, and the door swung open, revealing a cozy apartment lit by the warm glow of lamps.

"Make yourselves at home," Lila said, locking the door behind them. "You're safe here... for now."

Kyle sank into a chair, his mind still racing. "How do you know about the beast?" he asked.

Lila poured herself a drink and leaned against the counter. "Let's just say I've had my own encounters with the creatures of the Mild. But enough about me. You two have bigger problems."

Jake, who had been pacing, stopped and looked at her. "We need to figure out what's going on. This system in Kyle's head, the quests, the Stone Hubs—it's like we're stuck in some twisted game."

Lila nodded. "And the only way out is to play along. You need to complete your quests, gain experience, and level up. Only then can you hope to understand what's happening."

Kyle felt a surge of energy, a newfound determination. "Then that's what we'll do. But first, I need to find out what this new ability of mine is."


[**System Notification: New Ability Unlocked - 'Echo Pulse'.**]

[*Echo Pulse: A weak yet potent ability that allows the user to send out a sonic pulse to detect nearby entities and objects. Range: 10 meters. Cooldown: 5 minutes.*]


Kyle's eyes widened. "Echo Pulse," he murmured. "That could come in handy."

Lila raised an eyebrow. "Not bad for a beginner. But remember, every ability has its limits. Use it wisely."

As the night wore on, they discussed strategies and shared stories. Lila's knowledge of the Mild and its creatures was invaluable, and she agreed to help them navigate this new reality.

The next morning, Kyle awoke with a sense of purpose. He would use his Echo Pulse to find the blue chip, complete the quest, and gain the experience they needed. With Lila's help, they would unravel the mysteries of the system and the Stone Hubs.

But as they prepared to search the apartment, a new message appeared before Kyle:


[**Urgent Quest: Protect Lila from the incoming threat. Accept/Decline? Rewards: 500 Exp and a 'Mystery Box'.**]


Kyle's heart raced. "Lila, we've got company," he said, his voice steady despite the fear.

Lila nodded, her expression turning serious. 

Intriguing, isn't, we'll try to keep up with your power stones

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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