
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

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Chapter 6: Exam and Chibi Bijuu

"Time sure fly faster than I thought. According to the system, the announcement for the [Genin Fighter] will be three days from now on. I wonder who will get into rank this time." Zokuto who was sitting at the edge of the cliff of the big hole, looked at the bright sky, while contemplating about the Genin Fighter Rank.



At this time, a kid tried to sneak a kick to Zokuto from the back. However, he missed his target, instead, he got kicked on his stomach.

"Sensei. That's hurt."

Zokuto looked at the kid who was holding his stomach in pain. "Kubo, what do you think you are doing?"

"Haha...Nothing. Just wanted to surprise you, sensei." Kubo stood up and tried to act as if nothing happened. 'I thought I could land a kick on him, and make him fall from the cliff.'

"So, you want to kick me and make me fall from the cliff huh." Zokuto smirked when he saw the look on Kubo's face.

"Ah! You can read my mind? Gahack!!"

Another kick landed on Kubo's stomach.

"I can tell just by looking at your face...and you just admitted it." Zokuto smiled in amusement.

"Hahaha. Kubo, you got kicked again."

"Kara!! If you laugh again, I will kick you down the cliff." Kubo yelled at Kara in annoyance, while still holding on to his stomach.

Kara's eyes become sharp as she said to Kubo, "Huuh? As if you can beat me. Instead, let me give you some beating. How dare you try to attack sensei."

"Alright you two. Stop arguing. Kara, go to Jun and Mirin. Tell them to meet me in the training ground."

"Yes sensei." Kara then run away to find the those two kids.

"Kubo let's go." Zokuto grabbed Kubo and jumped down the cliff.

"Hold on sensei. I need to tell you, i'm afraid of height...Gyaaaa!!!!"

Kubo's scream followed him as he and Zokuto fall down. As they swiftly approached the ground, a chakra hand came out of Zokuto's body and grabbed the cliff wall. With the help of the chakra hand, it slowed down their fall, and causing them to be suspended about a meter away from the ground. Zokuto then stepped on the ground, while letting go of Kubo.

"Hahaha. That's what you get for trying to sneak attack your own sensei." Zokuto laughed while looking at the green faced Kubo.

"Damn you sensei! Next time! Next time, I will certaintly kick you down the cliff." Kubo showed an indignant face as he made his declaration.

Zokuto was amused with Kubo, and thought to himself, 'This kid really is persistant.' From the moment he accepted these kids as his disciple, Kubo has been trying to make him fall down the cliff. This is the twentieth times he have done so. Well, he failed each and every tries.

"Rather than that, you should be ready for the Genin exam." Zokuto reminded the boy, before he walked towards the village.

After staying in the village for some times, Zokuto decided to teach ninjutsu to some kids in the village. Although teaching them will cut his training times, he still thinks that it's a matter of his contribution to the village. He didn't want to idly stay there doing nothing.

He did not try to teach any adult. The reason is that he is not sure whether those adult will listen to his teaching. Furthermore, those adults are busy with their own work. It understandable that they have less time to spend for such training.

As for these kids, Zokuto saw that many of them are interested in learning ninjutsu. At first, there are just small number of kids attended his training, as they barely knows him. However, once one of them showed some progress, it made the whole village becomes aware that there is someone in their village, who was capable of teaching ninjutsu.

The villagers then send their kids to Zokuto's training ground, to learn ninjutsu from him. This caused his place to be crowded by kids. Everyday, there will be some kids coming and ask him about ninjutsu.

To ease things up Zokuto made a learning schedule for the kids, and requested the Village leader to help him construct an academy. The academy is not only for learning ninjutsu, but also kenjutsu and taijutsu. He requested some of the elite villagers that proficient in kendo and Taijutsu to become teachers in the academy.

The request was approved, and a ninja academy called Tonika Academy was built inside the village. In the academy, Zokuto's was scheduled to teach ninjutsu on every second, fourth, and sixth days of the week.

Zokuto's way of teaching is very simple. First, he help these kids feel and regulate chakra energy in their bodies, by injecting and regulating his own chakras into their bodies. Doing so helped those kids to slowly control, and regulate their own chakra energy.

Secondly, he taught them how to do wall climbing and water-walk as soon as they are able to control their chakra. Finally, he taught them the shadow clone jutsu and kawarimi.

The reason he put the shadow clone and kawarimi lesson for the last is because he wanted to make sure that those kids have sufficient amount of chakra energy.

To stay not being submerged on top of a body of water, and be able to walk on it, one needed to constantly use chakra energy to maintain such a state. If said person has little amount of chakra energy, the will swiftly deplete their energy supply and quickly got submerged in to the water.

It's the same with walking vertically on a wall or on a tree. One need a very good control on their chakra energy, while having enough energy supply for such activity.

By performing this two task repeatedly, it will help to slowly increase those kids chakra capacity and sharpening their energy control. By having more chakra and good control, it will help them to easily learn the shadow clone, and kawarimi jutsu.

After almost a year teaching those kids, Zokuto decided that it is time to let the kids have the Genin examination. He knows that those kids will be excited to participate.

As for why he wanted to organise such exam, it was because there are many kids, and he is the only one to teach them ninjutsu. The exam will let some kids to graduate as Genin, and the graduated Genin can then help him to teach ninjutsu to the next batch of kids.


In the training ground, 35 kids are waiting for Zokuto to start the exam.

"Okay kids. Let me explain the exam rule first." Zokuto spoke in a loud voice.

'You are also just a kid' thought the kids and snickered as they looked at Zokuto.

" There are three stage of the examination. First, I want you to walk on the water over there until you reach the other side, near the cliff. Second, I need you to climb the cliff. For your safety, I already asked your parent and some volunteer to tie a rope on your waist. When climbing, you are not allowed to use any tool, only use your own chakra energy. At the top of the cliff is your final test. You will perform a shadow clone with whatever left of your chakra."

"The exam deadline will be at the sunset. With that I will be waiting for you guys on top of the cliff."

Zokuto stopped for a moment. After that he announced, "The exam start now!"

After that, Zokuto quickly crossed the water and climbed the wall easily. He then waited on top of the wall.

"This test is harder than I thought." Kubo looked at the high wall and felt the chill run on his back. He still remembered when Zokuto suddenly grabbed him and jumped down the cliff. Just the thought caused him to felt weak on his feet.

"Are you giving up already? Look at sensei. He is younger than us but he just crossed the water and climbed over the wall with ease." Kara pointed on top of the cliff, admiring Zokuto who is standing at the top.

"Who said I give up. I just want to scare you guys. Ha..ha" Kubo tried to laugh it off.

"Your knees are shaking. You are afraid, right?"

"Who said I'm afraid. I'm just checking the easiest way to climb it."

"I will be going. Jun is already crossing the water." While the two arguing, Mirin started to move. She performing some hand seal and started walking on the water.

"Wait for me." Kubo and Kara hurried performed some hands seal, and then followed Mirin.


At the sunset.

With the motivation to compete against each other, encouragement from their parent (who have parent), and the attraction of becoming a genin, all 35 kids managed to do the water walk, and wall climbing. However, when its time to perform the shadow clone, not everyone were able to do it, as they exhausted their chakra energy in the previous tasks.

"Alright everyone. It's time to announce the examination result."

Everyone stood up straight. Some of them are excited, some nervous, and some felt sad with their own performance.

"As I see it, you all did very well. Although some of you failed to create a shadow clone." Several kids flinched hearing that.

"All of you are now Genin."


Silence. It was silence for some time. After a moment, a kid asked "Does it mean..."

"All of you passed." said Zokuto with smile.

Yeah!! Horrah!!!

The kids was invigorated with happiness, and screamed excitedly.

After, they calmed down, Zokuto announced their reward.

"Now, I will call each of you to receive a head band. Remember, this head band symbolize that you are now a Genin of this village."

After that, from his system inventory, he took out some head band and delivered it to everyone of the new Genin. The kids took their own head band and showed it to their parent excitedly.

"Tomorrow, remember to gather in the training ground. I will announce your three-man teams."

"Yes sensei!"

"Okay then. Dismiss."

Zokuto left the excited Genin and jumped down the cliff.

Night at his house, Zokuto was meditating on the floor. His consciousness entered the space where Kurama stayed. Inside the space, there are five beasts, who is currently playing cards.

"You done with the exams?" Kurama said lazily.

"More or less, but yeah, I'm done." Zokuto replied. "You guys are still playing cards? Are not you bored?"

"At least you know that we are bored." Nero, the Fenrir commented. He was a seven tailed Bijuu who got the form of a hell hound.

"Zokuto-kun, I'm bored. I want to go out, please." Saya spoke up. She is another Fox type Bijuu, and also got nine tails like Kyuubi.

"Alright. I was about to go out of the village. I will let you all out once I go there." Zokuto answered. He then looked at the other two Bijuu. "What about you two?"

"Nah, I'm good. Let me just take a rest here." said the black panther, Mora. This one got six tail.

"You sure are lazy. Aren't panther suppose to be the fastest out of all the tiger?" Gurr, the thunder bird looked contemptuously at Mora. This Bijuu was a seven tailed Bijuu.

"Being fast, and going out is two different thing." Mora spoke up, wanting to show his point.

"Whatever. Zokuto, I want to go out too." said the thunder bird, Gurr.

"Okay then." Zokuto then walked out of his house, and headed out.

After leaving the village, he moved away for about five kilometer away from the village perimeter, before he stopped. With the help of the system, he released all the bijuu out of his body.

Five gargantuan beast stood out infront of Zokuto. Just by standing near these Bijuus, one will involuntarily shudder from the intimidating pressure. Just the bijuu chakra that leaked out of them already can instill fear.

"Hei Zokuto, why did you let me out? I already said, I wanted to rest." Mora grunted in dissatisfaction.

"Stop complaining. Just take it as a chance to breath in some good air." Nero advised the black panther Bijuu.

"Now that you all are out, can you guys control your chakra from leaking uncontrollably? Also, I suggest for you all transform into a smaller form. That way, it can be convenient for you and me." said Zokuto.

"Zokuto-kun is right. Especially for you Kurama. All the shinobi already knows you as the violent Kyuubi. Unless you can change your chakra nature, they will always recognize you the moment they saw you." Saya made her point, agreeing to Zokuto.

Kurama just grunted but he still complied and transformed himself. He compressed his chakra body, and made it turn smaller and smaller, until he is as small as a pet cat. His form is a fox with orange furs.

"Wow, Kurama. You look so cute!" Saya's eyes brightened when he saw the chibi Kurama. She approached the fox, wanting to touch it.

"Don't touch me!!" shouted the mini Kyuubi.

"Aww, too bad. Oh well, let me try that too."

Saya then followed Kurama, and transformed into a fox cub. The others also followed suit. Even the lazy Mora also turned into a little black cat.

Zokuto smiled seeing those chibis monsters. 'If only I have my handset, this would be a great scene to have some selfie photo.' he thought in his mind.