

The fantasy world was a game launched by the world's top gaming company ZEON, two years ago. It's a creation that made the perception of human change. After the launch of the game in December 2018, it had swept the whole world with its marvelousness. Because of the reality like game surroundings and the AI NPC that has the highest intelligence, it was flooded with half of the people around the world in less than two years. Watch as how Taylor one of the heroes that created a guild that is topmost, no actually he helped in the creation of the guild or maybe he just joined the guild... Well, fate Twist's a lot... So see for yourself how Taylor's fate takes a turn... Because of his Past and Future... ***** 7 chapters/week upon 1000 readers adding my book, it 10 chapters/week. Every chapter contains about 1000 to 1500 words. Respect readers suggestions, join my discord server, Discord link: https://discord.gg/cUSeDeP Support me at Patreon, for advance chapters, Patreon link, https://www.patreon.com/thefallendream I don't own the cover pic... I just remodeled it...

thefallendream · Games
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167 Chs


Taylor laid down on the bed in his room as he opened his eyes. Then he saw Edward sitting by his bedside on a chair and looking into his mobile.

'Why is this guy still here?'

Taylor recollected everything that happend before.

'Damn, these memories, am I gonna feel this shit pain every time I unlock new memory. It's tiring'

'I will never believe that higher existence'

Taylor clenched his fists tight.

Sensing something Edward peeled away from his mobile and looked toward the bed, seeing that Taylor has woken up he said with a happy smile contracting his words,

"Boss, you scared the shit out of everyone. What was that shout? It knocked us out for ten whole minutes."

Hearing that Taylor was tongue-tied for words.

'What am I to say you, that, I travelled back in time'

"I will say it, but it has to be a secret"

Edward got closer to Taylor and said,

"Don't worry boss, you can say anything to me, I won't say to anyone even if you said, you are a gay"

Taylor knocked his fist on Edwards's head,

"Actually fatty, I travelled back in time, 100 years from the future. I passed out while recovering my memories."

Edward nodded his head with a serious understanding expression,

"That's a great relief boss when we heard about your dreams both our families believed that you were a reincarnation of someone from the past."

Hearing Edwards's serious words, why Taylor doesn't know instead of feeling relief, he felt sour. He looked at his room ceiling,

'Damn, everyone thought me as a weirdo'

As Taylor again turned his vision to Edward, Edward asked with an energetic smile,

"Boss, how was I in the future?"

'Did this guy really believe me'

Taylor said with a sad look,

"Sorry to say this fatty, but you died as a virgin"

Hearing that Edward reciprocate the sour look Taylor had, still, building up the courage he asked,

"Do I have a girlfriend?"

Taylor got out of his bed and kept both his hands on Edwards's shoulder and said,

"Somethings are better not knowing them"

However, hearing Taylor's word Edward understood what it means.

Actually, Edward didn't believe Taylor's story of 'I'm from future', he just asked for fun. Because coming from the future is an unrealistic thing.

Edward just wants to know how a person who can't even cultivate, a day before has now gotten the power to knock people that have cultivated for several years, with a single shout. But hearing Taylors words, Edward understood that Taylor won't say anything about it.

Taylor then said to Edward as he treated his fatigued body,

"Don't say a word about this to anyone."

Edward nodded hearing that,

'Even if I said, no one will believe me. They will think of me as a weirdo too'

Taylor said to Edward that he is from the future because of three reasons,

One, he believed Edward in both timelines.

Two, he will be with Edward everywhere he goes and he doesn't want him to be in the dark. That will distance them, even if he didn't believe, he would stay silent and won't pry for an answer every time something happens.

Three, he wants a backup for his stories, and Edward is a person that Taylor knows who can formulate countless lies.

If he flips out like today, Edward will back him up with lies and others won't think him as an oddity.

But the real reason deep in his heart, he wants someone to share his burden. He still doesn't know why he's back, however, the memories he got are burdening him a lot.

'Remembering things you want to forget is tiring'


A growling sound came from Taylor's stomach,

"Damn, I'm hungry."

"Of course, you are, you didn't eat for a day."

Came a voice as his mother open the door and entered the room.

"Come down, everyone is there for dinner."

However, Taylor who was from the future seeing his mother alive again felt the longing feeling he suppressed burst out. He rushed out and hugged her tightly so that this dream doesn't fade away.

Because for Taylor everything that is happening until now was like a dream come true. A person getting a second chance to make all his wrongs; right is a fantasy.


In the dining table that could accommodate eight people, six chairs are taken up. The table is filled with several delicious dishes.

The individuals in the dining table are Taylor and his family of four, Edward and then finally a fat old man, none other than Edward's grandfather, Frankston. He came on the invite of Taylor's grandfather on notice of Taylor knocking them out. They already discussed for an hour and came empty-handed. And the only person that knew everything is now silent after waking up.

While they were dining Taylor kept his mouth shut so that he doesn't show any peculiarity suddenly, selling him out. Because he already gave away himself with weird action of crying into his mother bosom after only being a day away in another world, according to them.

Nevertheless, the connections he has are not good.

Edward breaks the silent atmosphere with a question to Taylor,

"Boss, since we are both dead what is our next plan?"

Only a single thought came to his mind,

'I'm locked'

'I should have heard to my mother's words when I was a kid'

''':: Tay, you should only make friends with good people::"'

Taylor knows that even if he answers this question, Edwards's next question will be checkmate.

"Fatty, I'm not dead yet in the Fantasy World"

Edward made a betrayed look, yes, he was really betrayed by the Gods he prayed for Taylor's death.

"So boss, how did you escape that wolf?"

Upon this question, everyone in the table looked towards Taylor, they have also entered the Fantasy World. They are powerful cultivators, however even they can't face a level 8 Dark Wolf alone. They are still at level 5, and so when they heard from Edwards's mouth before a day, that,

'We are level 6 but was chased by a level 8 beast and died. '

That statement stunned them.

'How are these kids levelling up faster than us?'.

Was the question in everyone's heads.

Even in that situation, Taylor survived, so something must have happened was everyone's thought.

Under everyone's gaze, Taylor turned to Edward who was sitting beside him and told in a sharp tone,

"I will tell you later"

But his mother asked,

"Why, can't you explain what happened before us?"

Taylor's stared Edward with anger seething in his eyes,

'You achieved your goal. Mr.Blackbelly'

Taylor lied through his teeth, with an unfazed look, to everyone,

"When I was chased by that level 8 Dark wolf I stumbled upon a secret cave and the wolf didn't chase me into the cave. So I stayed in there to be safe. But as it roamed around the cave vicinity I can't log out all this time. It got fed up and left today, so I logged out."

After hearing the whole thing, all of them showed different expression, finally, it was his mother,

"We will give you our Fantasy world ID, send us a friend request after going to the Fantasy World. By adding us, you can share your location with us. We will come and fetch you from that cave."

Taylor aggrieved,

'Fatty, this is why you don't get a girlfriend'

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