
Rangers Lifes

Normal people may never seen it, but i did. Normal people may never heard it, but i did. Ghost, Goblins, Beast, Dragon. you see them as story and tale. where brave men and women fight for honor and glory. but mine will not be as grand. because i am a Ranger. We who live in the shadow, Who hear the wishper We who live Between death, and return to tell the tale as a report. *** *** *** i'm not native english writer, so please forgive me for any grammatical error. and do kindly put the correction on comment, so i can edit it later

Northsouth · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Now What

For William, it was just like he is blink his eyes for a second. what he see when he open his eyes is a wide dark room with small windows on the wall. right know he is standing right in the middle of the room, right under the only lamp on the room.

"Where are we , Rich?" asked William

"right now, we are in Ranger's Headquarter in Jakarta City. it is really far away from your orphanage. about half day ride with common train." said Richard as he walk to one side of the wall.

soon, a double door open up for Richard and someone dressed in black suit welcome him with a smile.

"Welcome back Rich. i see that you bring someone with you." said the black suited man.

"please take him to his room and prepare him. i will take him to training. and please send message to Major Game, i will halt my field work for few years." Richard said as he leave William and black suited man behind.

"what should i do, mister? mister Richard brought me here, and i don't know where i am right now. i am scared, mister" William said as his eyes turn wet and squated in his place.

"not working boy. come with me, quickly, we need to prepare a lot of stuff." said black suited man as he walk away.

"tch! no fun! have to find a new target later." said William as he run chasing the black suited man.


the black suited man take me to a room. he said that this will my room in the future. how far in the future? i don't know.

in that, will be, my room, he told me to pack some clothes if, i find any, from the closet and then leave me. being a good and bored kid with nothing better to do, i check every closet for clothes that i can pack. and when i say every, i mean like every single one of almost tens lot of closet. i don't know whoever live here. did they open an orphanage here way back in the past?

then after literally throwing open every closet and wardrobe and any place you can keep clothes, for about three hour, the black suited man come back with a big bag the size of me. and i think i am about 100 cm tall, more or less. he then filled the bag with the clothes that i set aside to pack, including pants, underwear, and any other clothing from my size to one that is way too big for me.

"hey sir, some of that clothes is too big for me. and that long pants you just put inside is almost as tall as me. there is no way i can wear that!" i said as i also point some of the clothes that will not fit my size, which is about half of it.

"you will need it boy. trust me. or you really don't need it now, you will need it in the future"

"and you can call me Billy. like Rich did." said Billy

"now then, you come with me and we will have a good bath, after that we will have some nice food for you." said Billy. this time he offer his hand to hold me. which i accept just to make him think that i am such an innocent boy.

"and don't think of doing your curse on me boy. your toy will not work for me. not now at least." Billy added as he walk us out of (my) room to the bathroom.

Billy do me a bath, nice and thorough bath, with all the detail of my body perfectly cleaned. after that, he give me a warm t-shirt and pants, underwear included, and take me to the dining room. there i find that the table is already prepared with all sort of food. sushi, fried chicken, salad, steak, soto, friend noodles, any kind of food that you can imagine, maybe just ten percent is ready on the table. the table just as big and it won't fit to any kind of food imaginable.

on the other side of the table, i see Rich already sitting and ready to eat. his plates still face down but he is literally waiting for me to sit, starring at me so intense, so we can eat. now i am a bit scared of him. so i just be a good boy and sit down, while Billy put a piece of cloth on my lap and push my chair a bit, just the right distance between me and the table.

"i see that you are already well prepared, very big thanks to my friend here i guess." said Richard as he smile to Billy.

"thank you Rich, all just to be your help" said Billy as he bow a little.

what are you Billy, a butler?

"so, William. let's eat and then i will tell you what you want to ask and my plan for you." said Richard


Richard clap his hand twice, loudly. with each clap, i see a bit of smoke spread out from his hand to the wall surrounding us. the suddenly, the plate flipped on itself. spoon for eat lifted itself to the plate, as glass was somehow filled with water. then any utensil on each food stand up ready.

"sushi please, just two of it, any kind is fine. and steak after that with salad. and also, a spoon of ice cream for dessert." said Richard, to eating utensil!!!

and it do as he said!


a chopsticks literally fly to put two pieces of sushi to his plate. and as he eat it quickly, a fork fly to his plate with steak stabbed on it while a bowl of fresh salad fly to him together with a spoon, ready to put some salad on his plate.

"you not eating? all this is delicious, you know." said Richard as he put a slice of meat to hia mouth.

"no, sorry. i am full with watching you. thank you" i said sarcastically.

"suit yourself then." another slice of meat in Richard's mouth.

"OF COURSE NOT, CRAZY! I WANT TO EAT! I AM FAMISHED! BUT YOU JUST CALL A FOOD AND THEY COME TO YOU! YOU THINK ANY NORMAL PERSON CAN TAKE THAT??" i shouted at Richard. this is magic. all my life i thought cursing people is already magical.

"well, you're not normal. so what's the problem?" Richard said again. another slice of meat inside his mouth.

"oh, yeah? I'm not normal?" well of course i am not. like any kid can do curse anyway.

"just tell what you want to eat, boy. it will be delivered to your plate." said Billy from behind me. he is still here?!

"ah okay. so i want four pieces of sushi and then something sweet to drink? after that i want a bowl of soto, and just sweet tea. no dessert." i said

and the food DO FLY TO MY PLATE!!