
Random Writing Practice

This is a Random Writing Practice book. You should expect some short stories of various qualities. All these are practices so please don't expect to much. I get the prompts from a Twitch Streamer friend called Okami_Eevee.

Kurama199 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Random Chapter XII

Oneliner: "The grief has gravity. It pulls me down.

Genre: Fantasy

Today was another beautiful sunny and cloudless day in the village Telupia. The temperature has reached its peak at 36°C. The day seemed to be a perfect day to go swimming. However, Alessandro was a different case: he seemed to not pay attention to nature, society, or anything in general.

Telupia's streets were full of people franticly running around in search of a cold spell. Somewhere amid this big crowd of people was Alessandro. He was wearing a light set of Paladin armor, a white sword and shield "Why are all these people so happy about a warm summer day? It's hardly any different to other summer days." He was about to make his way towards the Adventurer's guild.

"Hey, Sandro..." when someone yelled out to him. "Oh... please don't." He facepalmed and silently prayed to the goddess. Unfortunately, his prayers went nowhere. "Hey, Sandro, wait up." A middle-aged person with black hair stepped next to him and gave a slight tap on Alessandro's shoulder. "Sometimes, I ask myself how you survive summer days like these, Andrew."

Andrew was wearing a long black coat. Beneath it, he was wearing a grey shirt and black trousers with a leather belt where several vials of all kinds of colors were attached. "Well, you see, I'd rather save me some mana and silver coins for a cold spell so... I create my own." Andrew was cockily waving around a stack of papers with the cold spell emblem on them.

Alessandro pinched the bridge of his nose and thought about how Andrew is going to ask again. "So... Sandro? You wanna party up today?" Alessandro started walking and answered without even batting an eye: "No, thank you, Andrew:" They both finally arrived at a big wooden building with a few blackboards on the outside walls.

"You still stuck up with that incident? Come on, you gotta get over-" Alessandro turned around, grabbed the collar of Andrew's coat, lifted him up, and smashed him into the wall. That caught the attention of quite a few adventurers "Don't you dare tell me to get over it. Those party members were like a family to me. Their deaths are entirely my fault. I told them the dungeon wouldn't be trapped. I should've been the one to die, not them."

Alessandro was in tears and slowly let Andrew down again. "I'm sorry... I lost my cool. The grief has gravity. It's pulling me down. I never wanted all that to happen. I... The only thing left of them are ashes, bones, or a disgusting liquefied puddle." Alessandro went into the building, asked the receptionist to pick a challenging quest, and started walking towards it. "I'll never, ever, will party up with someone again." He told Andrew, who was so shocked he didn't move an inch the entire time.