
Random Writing Practice

This is a Random Writing Practice book. You should expect some short stories of various qualities. All these are practices so please don't expect to much. I get the prompts from a Twitch Streamer friend called Okami_Eevee.

Kurama199 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Random Chapter X

Oneliner: "It's so way comfy up here."

Genre: Children

                                                         It's' so way comfy up here.

By Kurama199

Sam Squirrel was walking over the field.

"Meow, meow," called Cathy Cat, "Will you play with me?"

Sam happily played with Cathy.

"Sweet, sweet," called Betty Bird, "Will you sing with me?"

Sam happily sang with Betty.

"Croak, Croak," called Freddy Frog, "Will you jump with me?"

Sam happily jumped with Freddy.

The moon has risen.

"Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo," called Ollie Owl, "Will you hoot with me?"

Sam happily hooted with Ollie.

"Hurry, hurry," called the moon, "Your mother will worry."

Sam dashed back home.

"I'm sorry, mother," Sam said.

Sandy Squirrel gently hugged Sam.

"I'm glad you are home," Sandy whispered.