
Random Poetry

Author: Arosecj
Realistic Fiction
Ongoing · 35.2K Views
  • 18 Chs
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What is Random Poetry

Read ‘Random Poetry’ Online for Free, written by the author Arosecj, This book is a Realistic Fiction Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: I often have flashes of inspiration that form poetry. So no consistent updates,just sporadic bits of fun


I often have flashes of inspiration that form poetry. So no consistent updates,just sporadic bits of fun

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Honestly same though, Check out my "Lethargic Poetry" to see what goes on in my mind and then call a mental hospital because something is obviously wrong with me.


I rarely come across poetry that is so relatable. I have been strugguling to cope with my emotions lately and thought that no one else felt my pain. When I read your poems, it was like putting everything I've ever felt into words. Overall, I think you are a brilliant writer and I hope you continue to make amazing poems. Good Luck!


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