
Random Dark Souls Bullshittery

Dark Souls is a relatively dark game, but the community is fantasizing about licking Priscilla's feet. Random guy with absolutely nothing to do with his life woke up in Dark Souls and does things.

kawaya · Video Games
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8 Chs

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds

Since I can make missiles using sorcery, what is stopping me from making nuclear bombs? This world is broken anyways, a few kilometers of ruined landscape won't be an issue, right?

When creating Soul Missiles, I just had unstable soul power be trapped in a cone. Then when it hits stuff, it explodes. Simple as that. It only has the explosion intensity of a grenade, minus the shrapnel that makes a grenade dangerous in the first place. Overall, exploding soul missiles is not very good right now.

So, instead of making a new ingenious idea that does not involve explosions, I ended up experimenting to create a nuke. Well, the closest one I can get to, anyways. The bad thing about nukes isn't the explosion, it's the radiation afterwards that renders the impact site uninhabitable. But the explosions are cool.

So, while Aristia, Oscar, and Solaire are resting in the bonfire, I stood on Solaire's previous platform, pondering how to continue. In this world, a nuke might just be a weapon that no one can ever match.

Sitting down, rod in my lap, I started to think.

How does nukes work, exactly?

There are two types of nuclear bombs: Fission and Fusion.

When nukes are mentioned, uranium is sure to be included in the conversation. A radioactive element that can be used in curing cancer, generating power, and of course, comically large fireworks (aka bombs).

You can convert a tiny amount of mass into a lot of energy. A way of doing that is via nuclear fission. In a terribly oversimplified version, dropkick big atomic nuclei, convert them to smaller nuclei. The process of doing so gives you a shit ton of energy.

It's how nuclear reactors work.

Nuclear Fusion is pretty much the opposite, combining nuclei. Still generates energy though. It's how the sun works.

Anyways, the problem is how do I replicate that with sorcery?

With Soul Missiles, I just create small compressed orbs that instantly expands on contact. Soul power is unstable in on itself, and compressing them in a small orb just multiplies the effect.

Put those orbs inside a cone, then there you have it, magic missiles.

Since soul power is basically just inherently explosive, compressing it does wonders to its effect.

"Time for some experiment."

- - - -

"What have I done?"

Muttered I, gaze fixated onto my greatest creation of yet. A simple Soul Missile hovered in front of me, seemingly weak and pitiful.

But sensing it only showed me a bottomless hole, a tear in reality. And that's when I realized, I made it.

An actual nuke. I fucking made one.

Tearing away my eyes from the hovering missile, I looked at my surroundings. Where could I test this? Not anywhere near, certainly. My gaze eventually settled on the far away mountains.

Excitement filled my heart as I aim my rod far away. The first nuke to detonate in this world. It's finally happening.

And with a deep breath, the bird left the nest.

It started slow, but slowly gained speed. In the span of 5 seconds, it broke the sound barrier and even kept going faster. A sonic boom, and the missile was not seen anymore.

I put effort into calculating the distance. I think it's far enough. Hopefully.

The missile went several times faster than sound, gaining distance quickly. It went over a mountain, and another. And after passing the seventh, it dropped. A weapon of mass destruction, at this moment, made its landing.

Next thing I knew, everything was white. From the distance I saw, a cloud arising from below. It was all silent, as if the world went to a still. Seconds passed and a change occurred.

I was thrown off the ground. A rumbling so strong it was as if the earth was splitting apart. The ground screams for salvation as the wave of ruination travels through its body.

It took a few seconds for the rumble to stop. I stood up, face pale. As I raised my face I saw, a power rivalling the gods themselves. The first nuclear explosion in this world. I did it. I've done it.

I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.

- - - -

"What in the actual fuck was that?" Aristia immediately pinned me to the wall when I went back to the shrine.

They also felt the explosion, definitely. We're only like, within a hundred meters away at that time.

"It's a nuke." I replied, calming my still beating heart.

"The 'nuke' you have been mentioning. Is it that?" Oscar shakily asked, a trembling finger pointing at the far away mountain range.

Well, not a mountain range anymore. The explosion was so strong an entire mountain was demolished. The surroundings mountains also took huge damages, losing almost half their body. Dark clouds still surrounded the area, with a mushroom cloud slowly losing shape.

"It is. My greatest weapon." I answered his question.

"That is simply... shocking." Solaire still doesn't seem to completely comprehend what happened. "A spell like that exists?"

"Well, I just made it. An hour of trials and errors." I spun my staff.

Now, I have a nuke. No one in this world can possibly even rival me. Not to mention that nuke barely made a dent in my reserves. Hell, I didn't even feel any drain. That meant I can make more. A thousand more. Minimum.

Holy fuck I just realized that.

"This power is simply unimaginable." Oscar mumbled.

I know, Oscar. Bullshit magic inspired by 23rd century technology discovered in 21st century. It's really unimaginable. Just wait 'till you learn about anti-matter bombs.

Hmm, that sounds cool. I should make one soon.

Anyways, we need to continue our progression.

- - - -

"Arthur, deal with the boar. Oscar, crossbows. Solaire, help me with the hollows." Aristia commanded, brandishing her new Claymore. On her left hand, pyromancy flame burned.

She's somehow one-handing a sword I can barely lift. Something inside me burns.

"Understood." With a mock salute, I formed a Soul Lance that shot towards the armored boar.

It tried to rush me, but the Soul Lance found its way faster. Despite the armor, the lance pierced through it like butter. With a miserable scream, the boar turned to mist.

"Nice job." Aristia flashed me a thumbs up before stabbing a hollow.

Since my job is done, I just watched them deal with the remaining hollows. Oh yeah, the gate is still open. A hollow will close it once we get close.

Now where is that cunt... found you.

"Soul Bolt."

A magic arrow to the head, and the hollow is dead.

"Oh, forgot about that. Nice!" Aristia smiled.

Well, that's weird. She was irritated at me earlier. Wonder what happened. Am I dense? I don't think so. Women are just weird.

Minutes later, the hollows are done. We grouped together, discussing something.

"Kill the black knight?" Aristia raised.

Killing the black knight will be easy for me, but that's because I'm broken as fuck. For the others, it's definitely a challenge. Erm, I still have barrier yeah?

"I can create a barrier around everyone." I demonstrated, creating transparent bubbles over everyone.

Aristia poked the barrier, while Solaire considered. Oscar just stood there. After some seconds, Solaire agreed and we all started climbing the tower leading to the black knight.

"I'll leave the fighting to you?" I asked the tree, twirling my rod.

"Eh, sure." Aristia replied, and the two nodded.

Welp, that's nice. Eventually, we reached the top of the tower where a black knight stood with a greatsword. The three immediately charged in while I wait on the side. Controlling the barriers to follow their body is easy.

Everyone has a slight amount of soul power in them. That, I can sense. Then, have the barriers connect to their reserve through magic fuckery. That way, I only have to supply the soul power to have the barrier keep its shape while it's anchored to the person's reserves.

While the trio attacked the black knight, I tried to cast a Soul Bolt without a catalyst. No-catalyst casting is quite overdue now, isn't it?

From what I learned from the blacksmith guy at New Londo Ruins, catalysts are made of special materials that can conduct soul power with ease. Apparently, getting soul power out of your body is hard, that's why catalysts are used. Transfer of soul power with physical contact, then the catalyst will release the soul power which the user can control to do some spell.

First time I tried, there's a little bit of resistance on my skin. Just a little though, like a cloth trying to stop water from flowing. It started out rough, but releasing soul power eventually got easier.

Then, manipulating the released soul power, I formed a Soul Bolt on my hand.

"Damn, I'm so good." I made a few more.

After playing with Soul Bolts for 3 more minutes, the three finished off the black knight. Slightly tired, but still able to carry on.

"Let's go?" I asked, the trio nodded.

We continued our way, down the tower and into the huge gate. Aristia nabbed the halberd and the Basement Key. She tried to use the halberd but kept stumbling. In the end, we just left it there.

Before entering the parish, I formed several Soul Bolts to revolve around me, just like Homing Soulmass. I would've used Soul Missiles but one might explode near me.

So, before someone says that I pulled Homing Soul Bolts out of my arse, I will explain. I mentioned earlier that everyone has soul power in them, undead included. By locking to them, you can make guided Soul Bolts. Simple and basic eh?

"But how does it automatically fire?" you might ask. Well, think of a magnet.

Yes, it works like that. Undead soul power is "negative" and mine is "positive". When my soul power detects an Undead soul power, it will be attracted towards it.

Anyways, we entered the parish only to be greeted with three undead knights. Which all got stabbed in the head, twice, with magical arrows.

Walking forward, a tower knight entered our vision. It stood before the altar, facing us. It's dressed in black heavy armor with a mace as a weapon. It also has a huge shield, so the three can't possibly rush in and take care of it.

So, what to do?

I cannot use Soul Missiles, I might damage the body of the firekeeper on the altar. Soul Bolts might as well be normal arrows with that shield. Hmmm, ideas....

"Arthur, can you make a rope with your soul power?" Aristia asked suddenly.

Ropes? I think I can. I should try.

Holding my hand out, I formed a long rope with soul power. I compressed the soul power, fully solidifying it.

"Tug on it." Aristia tried, and the rope seemed to be as good as a normal one, if not better because of it being made from my soul power.

Wait. Since it's my soul power, can't I control it?

I tried, and the rope responds to my control. A floating blue rope, holy fuck.

"Well, sometimes, creativity is important." Aristia flicked her hair.

Arrogant fuck. I'll spank you later on.

Anyways, since I can control the rope, let's try to go for more. First, increase the girth. What's the size of an octopus tentacle? Second, longer.

Then done. Magic tentacles.

I made three more, and now I have four magic tentacles slithering around me. Aristia seemed to be having PTSD while Oscar and Solaire looked in wonder.

"That's an ingenuous of using sorcery." Solaire commented, patting my head in the process.

God I love her pats.

"This will surely help with climbing." That's actually a good idea Oscar. I originally made it 'cause it sounds cool.

"Anyways, I gotta deal with the tower knight."

I elongated the tentacles and increased the girth to that of my thigh. Then, the tentacles rushed towards the idle tower knight. It slithered around it, grabbing its arms and legs.

It tried to tug, but to no avail. If the strength of the tentacles relied on my physical body, I might panic. But it just happens to be relying on my soul power, which we all know is just outright broken.

With the tower knight restrained, I made another tentacle that has quadruple the size of the others. Then, stabbed the tower knight at its chest.

Dropping the corpse, I dissipated the tentacles. Then, with a stride, headed towards the altar to get the firekeeper's soul.

"Arthur, watch out!" Aristia exclaimed.

Turning around, my face was greeted with a Great Heavy Soul Arrow.


im tempted to make a copy paste of 15k words to see the rankings. but then ill be a normie so ill just write normal chapters. we're at 10k words anyways. and i write 2k words/chapters so only 3 more chapters

btw thanks for the collections and power stones. each one makes me smile. ill probably write a new story at 15k words, but i wont drop this dw.

if you have any questions(for some reason), dm me:


kawayacreators' thoughts