
Random Craft System

A man transmigrated into a cultivation world with a crafting system, but his system seems to be random, too random maybe.

SizzlingCoal · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


"That was a little too intense," he said lying down on his bed.

He planned the rest of the day hopefully for resting, laying down he picked up the [SPEAR OF THE GROUND ELEMENTAL] inspecting it.

[SPEAR OF THE GROUND ELEMENTAL: Has the power to control the earth element, can only be used by one having earth element Qi]

"This should probably work with my elemental Qi," Frank murmured to himself as he contemplated the [SPEAR OF THE GROUND ELEMENTAL]. With a sense of anticipation, he infused his elemental Qi into the spear, channeling his energy into the ancient artifact.

As he did so, Frank felt a subtle yet unmistakable magnetic connection between the spear and the earth beneath him. The ground seemed to respond to his Qi, resonating with the power of the elemental spear in his grasp. However, Frank hesitated, mindful of the potential consequences of wielding such power within the confines of his home.

Deciding it was best to test the spear's abilities outside, Frank refrained from further experimentation indoors. With caution guiding his actions, he resolved to explore the capabilities of the [SPEAR OF THE GROUND ELEMENTAL] in a more suitable environment.

Inspecting the surface of the spear, Frank noticed an unknown inscription etched into its surface. The cryptic symbols piqued his curiosity, hinting at the ancient origins and mysterious powers of the artifact he now held in his hands. With each passing moment, Frank's excitement grew, eager to unravel the secrets that lay hidden within the enigmatic depths of the spear.

He wore the dimensional ring on his finger and activated its ability, holding all the important items he had in his hands, he stored them in the dimensional ring one at a time, Everything except the elemental beast egg could be stored inside. This dimensional ring was a 100-meter square, which was enormous for this time period, but he didn't know its value in the future where he got it from.

It was almost night so he decided to sleep, relieving all his mental exhaustion. The drop of the time angel had sent him forward for ten hours but when he returned, ten hours had passed in his time.

Waking from his slumber at the sound of a persistent knocking on his door, Frank groggily made his way towards the entrance, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. With each step, he felt the remnants of exhaustion clinging to him, reminding him of the long day he had endured.

Opening the door, he was greeted by the sight of a fellow disciple standing before him, their expression expectant and eager. As Frank took in their presence, he couldn't help but wonder what had brought them to his doorstep at this hour.

"Good morning," Frank greeted them, his voice still tinged with drowsiness. "Is there something I can help you with?" he inquired, curious to know the reason for their visit.

"The sect elders have ordered a meeting at the sect hall," he said leaving immediately.

"Ok," Frank said closing the door in confusion.

Preparing himself he walked towards the sect hall,

On his way to the hall, he saw many fellow disciples who had cultivated with him previously in the demonic rat training ground. He could figure out what this meeting was about, probably to ban using the collective cultivation technique.

He entered the humongous hall which looked like a lecture hall back on earth, seeing an empty hall he sat down to wait for the meeting to start. Not even one percent of the hall was filled, only some of the area in front of the stage was filled after about half an hour.

Soon an old-looking, long-bearded man walked onto the stage, he looked like the headmaster of harry potter. coughing in his fist he spoke.

"So previously almost all you disciples discovered a new cultivation technique, this technique is brilliant but like all bright thing create shadows this technique has a drawback, so we as the elders had decided to ban the technique," he said in a calm voice but everyone could hear him loud and clear.

"So previously, almost all of you disciples discovered a new method to cultivate," the elder began, his voice calm yet commanding, resonating throughout the hall with clarity. "This technique is brilliant, but like all bright things, it casts shadows. As such, we, the elders, have decided to ban the technique."

The announcement sent shockwaves through the gathered disciples, their hopes and aspirations dashed in an instant. For many of the poor outer sect disciples, the ban felt like a devastating blow, as the newfound technique offered them a glimmer of hope for advancement in their cultivation journey. With the ban in place, their dreams of progress and success were suddenly extinguished, leaving them feeling lost and disillusioned.

As murmurs of discontent rippled through the hall, the reality of the situation began to sink in. Without access to the banned technique, many disciples faced an uncertain future, unsure of how to continue their cultivation journey without the promising method that had been taken away from them.

A disciple asked the elder what the drawbacks of the technique were, and the elder answered by stating all the drawbacks of the technique, Frank already knew the drawbacks and how to neglect them, not wanting to look suspicious he sat quite thinking of other solutions.

Looking around he saw that many disciples were heartbroken, they had to work in life-threatening situations to buy a low-class cultivation technique from the sect while the rich disciples had to do nothing, their families provided them with all the resources. Seeing the disciple pondering for a solution Frank stood up and asked the elder.

Sir, if you could provide us with an empty place to practice and improve the cultivation technique could work best for both the sect and us"

Thinking while rubbing his beard he replied.

"How could some of the disciples dying be helpful for the sect?"

"Isn't sending us out of the life-threatening mission the same, at least we could die trying something which we truly want, isn't this the same as oppressing us poor outer sect disciples from progressing faster" replied Frank answering his question, this answer turned all the disciple's heads, all the disciples could feel the spirit in his voice, all of them couldn't voice their opinion until Franks answer broke the dam.

Everyone started answering with random answers, some logical, some not, trying to voice their opinion. The elder was visibly annoyed but being a sensible old man held back, Frank almost felt like a novel and manga's young master tantrum about to erupt but to his surprise, the old man held on.

"We could potentially consider your suggestion, but it comes with a caveat," the elder continued, his gaze settling on Frank with a weighty significance. "In the event of a disaster, someone will need to be held accountable."

As the elder's words hung in the air, the gravity of the situation became apparent to Frank. He faced a pivotal choice: either step forward and shoulder the responsibility, risking the consequences of any potential failures, or allow the cultivation technique to be lost, relinquishing the opportunity for progress and advancement.

After a moment of contemplation, Frank made his decision. Despite his reservations and the weight of the burden before him, he rose from his seat, determined to take a stand. To his relief, he found that he was not alone, as one other disciples also stood up, his resolve echoing Franks.

Frank couldn't help but feel a wave of relief wash over him as he settled back into his seat. Glancing at the disciple who had also stood up, he couldn't help but be struck by his impressive appearance. With long brown hair, piercing black eyes, and a handsome face that seemed to exude strength and determination, the disciple bore an uncanny resemblance to the heroes of legends.

Despite his outward appearance, the disciple was known for his humility and perseverance. Despite lacking notable talents in cultivation, he had earned the respect and admiration of his peers through his unwavering dedication and indomitable will. As the oldest disciple in the outer sect, he had weathered countless challenges and obstacles on his journey, never faltering in his pursuit of improvement and growth.

"Why would you willingly step forward to take responsibility for others, knowing that you may face severe punishment?" the elder inquired, his tone laced with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

The volunteer disciple met the elder's gaze with unwavering determination, his conviction shining through in his response. "I want to make something of my life," he explained. "While I may not possess the innate talent to reach the heights of a third-rank cultivator, I believe that even the smallest of actions can make a difference. Like the young man who spoke yesterday, I too aspire to help those in need."

His words resonated with Frank, reaffirming his own belief in the power of compassion and altruism. Despite the potential consequences he faced, the volunteer's selflessness and sense of duty stirred something within Frank, reminding him of the importance of standing up for what is right and making a positive impact on the world.

As the elder contemplated the volunteer's response, Frank couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the disciple's courage and resolve. In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, it was individuals like him who embodied the true spirit of cultivation, forging their own paths and striving to make a difference, no matter the cost.

Frank was impressed with the disciple's resolve but the cringe suddenly hit him in the face like a brick.

'Is that how I sounded yesterday, yikes" not wanting to seem disgusted, he remained a neutral facial expression.

With the weight of authority in his voice, the elder issued his decree to the newly appointed leader of the demonic rat hunting ground. The disciple, now tasked with a position of leadership and responsibility, listened intently to the elder's command, his expression one of solemn determination.

"As my authority as a sect elder, I promote you to the leader of the demonic rat hunting ground," declared the elder, bestowing upon the disciple a position of honor and trust. "You shall have the authority to request and map out a permanent training area for practicing and improving the cultivation technique."

The disciple nodded in acknowledgment, fully understanding the gravity of the responsibility entrusted to him. With a sense of purpose burning within him, he accepted the elder's command, ready to embrace his newfound role as a leader and guide for his fellow disciples.

The disciples started leaving the hall slowly, all the disciples were excited about their future. Frank stood outside the hall hoping to meet the assigned leader, he had a general idea of how to make the training ground more efficient and safe, because he gained enlightenment about the technique from the page of enlightenment.