
Rampager Insanity Of A Vampire

What will happen when mortals unintentionally create a synthetic vampire? One which is invulnerable to half of the vampire's shortcomings? But there is a subtle issue with it, insanity, chaos, mentally unstable and beast behind it. Ready to be unleashed. "Praises of humans I yearn not for... But immortality shall I seek~*

Nkosi_Yusuf_Jatau · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 8

Were all those students who the school announced either eluded, dropped out or were abducted used for the test?

Who is Chris Cooper?_

His brow scrunched up as he subconsciously closed his eyes.

_Sigh, guess I will have to think of that later. The more time I waste the higher the chance of me not seeing my parents increase._ With such thoughts he stood up, prompting Jayden whose mental state has been stretched to its limit to take a step back subconsciously.

Noah didn't spare him a gaze as his eyes swept across Bernard and the great before he finally asked, "Where is she?"

Jayden knew who he was talking of, lowering his head he answered, "When the chaos descended, we weren't together. I suspect she was in her dorm back then so I can't say for sure if she is alive or dead."

Hearing such a response, Noah didn't respond as he stretched his body with pain on his face as he listened to the cracking sound made by his broken bones.

_Why don't I utilize a car? I am so injured and won't be able to withstand another beast but the thing is the noise of the car will lure some beasts for sure._ Feeling a little bit anxious, Noah decides to take the risk.

Turning around, he made up his mind to find a bike. Although the school park is a bit far from his current location most people won't dare go that far and Noah was sure his former self won't too.

But here he is, with his axe he turns to go.


Hearing a female's voice calling him. Noah halted his footsteps and turned around. He saw a female maybe aged 20 or so dressed in a pair of short jean trousers which exposed her smooth white legs and an oversized shirt.

Her hair was tied into a bundle and she wore a baseball cap which didn't fall off despite the storm.

"Yes…?" Noah said with a stiff look. To him all girls are the same so there is no need to be friendly with any of them.

With an apprehensive look, she bites her pink lips for a moment before saying, "My name is Layla. I want to strike a deal with you."

"Not interested." Saying so, Noah turned around to leave. Layla was dumbfounded for some seconds before calling him.

"Hey, I can give you $500,000 if you take me with you!"

"Like I said, not interested," Noah said coldly while thinking inwardly, _Like hell will I take a burden with me to slow me down and as for the money. As long as I am strong enough to hunt beasts, it won't be an issue to make more. I can even dominate the whole earth._

By now, the girl was already desperate. She dashed over and blocked Noah from leaving as she said, "I know you think I will be a burden to you but I swear I won't. You know my father right?

Patriarch of this house of Lucas. He will reward you handsomely. You can even request our help on some matters in the future…" Taking a deep breath, she shot Jayden a look filled with hatred and added, "Besides, I will rather die than stay a day in that group."

Noah halt his action as he reckoned _She might be right. I need to start building my connections with some people if I truly want to be big. But bringing a burden with me is not a nice thing._

Not minding her last statement as it was not his business if Jayden and the rest choose to treat the girls as their bitches he coldly looked at the girl with his dim purple eyes and said.

"Okay, this deal is done, just that. I won't be bringing you alone." With a smirk, his eyes looked at the six boys as he said.

''Y'all will be coming with me. Protect the girls. Just don't risk your lives. I will be at the front while you all should think of the position you wanna be in. Two at the back, two at the left and right."


The ladies were moved to tears and couldn't help but thank you so much for saving them from the hands of the lecherous Jayden and his gang.

"Thank you so much, Noah."

"You truly don't know what you have done for us…"

"I promise when we get back safely I will tell my dad to give you a reasonable reward."

With a gracious smile Noah said, "Ah, you don't have to thank me you know?

After all, we are doing it for the greater good."

Hearing such words was enough to move them to tears even Jayden saw Noah in a new light.

Unknown to them, _I will be utilizing them as a decoy. If a powerful beast shows up. I will abandon them and use them as a distraction or bait and run away._ Noah coldly speculated while maintaining his cordial smile.

They never knew, a fiend was never to be trusted.

Without further ado, Noah organized for the girls to be in the centre while the boys guards them.

_Heading straight for the academy school gate will be hard. What if we go directly to the academy cafeteria and get fed properly._

Thinking so he told everyone his plan to which they instantly agree.

Who won't?

Some of them didn't even get the chance to eat when the events took place.

While moving forward Noah kept slaying any zombie he finds around him while leaving weak ones for the boys to kill as it won't fetch him much exp.

"Look! We've finally reached the cafeteria." One of the girls let out excitedly. Without pausing for anyone she dash out of the group and went directly to the restaurant.

"Ashley stop and come back here!" It seems Layla knows the girl as she tried calling her back but just like a bull on steroids, Ashley didn't stop.

_Not bad. I can use her to know what is inside there. I'm sure such a place won't be empty._ Noah thought coldly as he watch Ashley push open the door.

Right then she unexpectedly ceased moving which disturbed the others.

Just when they wanted to call her an alarming phenomenon took place right in their face.

Ashley's head, hands and legs split apart from her body and fall off leaving blood gushing out from the place it was supposed to be.

One of the girls couldn't hold it anymore as she puke her guts out. No one saw what or how Ashley died, well no one except Noah.

_I don't think I can fight that beast. It has super speed non which makes it hard for me._

Name: Noah Oscar

Race: Unknown

Class: Non

Level: 3

EXP: 80/600

Health: 50/50

Strength: 20

Speed: 19 +3

Endurance: 13 +2

Stamina: 18

[8 stats left unused]


Berserk state- When activated, All host speed, endurance, strength and mental state will be instantly doubled.

_Great, 8 unused stats. Let's put five into speed and two into stamina then leave the last one for emergency_ thinking so he didn't waste time putting them all.

Name: Noah Oscar

Race: Unknown

Class: Non

Level: 3

EXP: 80/600

Health: 50/50

Strength: 20

Speed: 19 +5

Endurance: 13

Stamina: 18 +2

[1 stat left unused]


Berserk state- When activated, All host speed, endurance, strength and mental state will be instantly doubled.

As soon as he put the stats, Noah felt his body becoming lighter and everyone's movements moving in slow motion.

"Okay, everyone. Stay here while I go check in there." Noah announced but just when he was about to move, he felt someone grabbed his shirt.

Turning around he could see Layla holding him.

"Please don't go, let's turn around and go another way. It won't be good if you die and leave us." She pleaded to which the others, even Jayden subconsciously agreed.

Noah looked at them and shake his head before saying.

"Don't worry, I will be back." Saying so he gently pushed Layla's hand aside and move towards the restaurant.

Looking at the open door and Ashley's corpse, he gripped his axe tightly and move forward.

As soon as he crosses the door, he felt a chill on his neck and without wasting time he squats down and rolls aside.


Just then he felt another chill on his back and instinctively swing his axe backwards with full force.


Feeling the repulsive force from the opponent even after that kick, Noah turn around and manage to get a glimpse of it's true appearance.