
Ramesses the Ultimate

Hardship of reality, fulfillment of VR gaming, and a future that holds no hope. Join our MC in a battle against reality, Virtual gaming and a future that combines both. Our protagonist traveled to the future to escape the present. But it was not the future that was supposed to be, how will he adapt to changes and how will he handle the future that he was destined. Did humanity finally found the holy grail of evolution? How will this change the course of humanity? Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

Bragz · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Crown Pendant

The week ended and some more guilds bullying happened but it did not matter to them; these guilds were laughing thinking the small guilds were now crying of fear. but they did not know Ram's guilds was ignited and brought out their rage by doing their best.

The second week was surprising, The legendary items was starting to appear from Seraphim Faction, even those who are new members caught up and made legendary items.

The members were also taught of the process on how to get their class advancement and many of them got theirs, some even have the same grade with the guild masters, and they became vice guild masters and officers.

No negative feeling was created because all of them have the same opportunity and the masters already warned about the possibility of everyone not getting the same, so they were satisfied. They could not ask for more in this very happy guild.

During the fourth week, they started to teach the members about hunting after they settled their classes. Many have none or less experience, but they did well and practice every day.

They applied the routine for most of them. Half hunting and Half crafting then during free time and weekends it's their choices. They will adapt this for now because many are students and the rests are regular workers. Some even become full time gamers now because they are making money from real trading.

The respect and loyalty grew by the day for the members; not one single members was planing to move out, they love the guild, and they will not benefit the high grade Skill scrolls from Ram.

They did not yet open their guild shop for public in preparation for the upcoming guild battle. The first month after the peace will be the most chaotic month, and they need all the resources they have.

Their vlog company was was getting bigger and their fame was increasing, despite the success Ram was still not complacent and plan to reinvest his wealth. It was not enough for him at the moment, and besides; he was satisfied by his income alone inside the game. Should his business goes downward, he still has back up and a bit of savings.


Inside the game, Ram and Shaia was talking about something inside the inn.

"Ram are you sure of your plans?". Shaia asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"I am decided but I need a large amount for this and this might take long so wish me luck in the future". Ram confidently said.

"Ram, those industries are difficult and even my relatives gave up on it and reshaped the business of my father." Shaia worriedly said.

"No, actually when I discovered what your father plan for his company I thought it was amazing."

Shaia's father dreamt of something unique, it was to make a space laboratory. It's goal was to discover new ways of creating objects within a no gravity area, the research might lead to new methods of creating things.

It might discover something but investors are not willing to cover for something that has no exact conclusion or income. Her father, Gador was a space exploration enthusiast but it was unfortunate that he have to pass away, ending his dream and the company he built.

After arguing for a while Shaia finally agreed and hope for the best to Ram.

"Shaia, here wear this, it's not your birthday yet but it's my gift in game". Ram gave a necklace with a small crown pendant. "I know you love stories of knights, kings, and medieval ages, so I gave you this. Haha" Ram was a bit embarassed as he did not know if Shaia would like it.

Shaia did not speak but just embrace Ram after wearing the necklace, she then looks at Ram in the eyes then kissed him. They were passionate with every kiss they have but this was different.

Ram braved it that night and lifted Shaia into that bed and made his way between Shaia's legs. Shaia did not oppose but she said something. "Ram, wait my mother will call me for dinner". Shaia said embarrassed and hated to cut the moment.

"Oh! I forgot, we still did not have dinner". Ram laughed and said. They were so busy last month before the tournament and also during tournament that they did not have time to be alone. The inn they rented is always the group. This was the first time they were alone again, but he failed. He could only sigh.

"Ram, log in back around 11". Shaia said then log out quickly without even letting Ram react. Ram was shock and froze in place. It was the moment he was waiting for, so he logged out and prepared everything.

He happily made dinner and ate heartily. Then he prepared the settings. 30 minutes before 11, he was already in and waiting for Shaia. He was looking outside from the window and the moon was very bright, the loud crickets was cheering and it was very peaceful.

"Ram". Ram heard Shaia and looked at the bed, she was there illuminated by the moonlight sitting at the edge of the bed. Ram approached then whispers in her ear even though the rooms in game are all sound proof. "Did you activate your settings?". Shaia then nodded and smiled embarrassed. Then they activated a setting that would give a realistic effect to clothes.

The capsule has the pleasure mode where you will be assisted to have the maximum pleasure during a sexual activity inside the game. You must be naked inside the capsule for the equipment that will be used in real time. It will imitate and synchronize all that is happening inside the game, but it will not be 100%, the capsule can only do so much.

Ram started to kiss Shaia and he slowly goes down in the neck and slowly work his way down while removing the buttons one by one from Shaia shirt. Shaia was so elated that she gave a low moan.

Ram was below now and started to remove her pants and underwear. Ram then ate the pizza, and Shaia was stiff. Even though it was in VR, the realism was still unbelievable, and she could feel Ram's tongue. She wrapped her legs into Ram's neck while he grabbed Ram's hair to guide Ram where are the perfect spots. The moan gradually getting louder and Shaia's body was a bit twitching from pleasure.

Ram could not take it anymore and stood up. Shaia stroked his abs and then grabbed the raging bear and guided it into her abyss.

"ahhh mhhh Ram, mhhh ahhh". Shaia from time to time was calling Ram and could not understand her feelings.

"Ram ah. I am hmmmh, I am almost.." Shaia was moaning and wanted to say something but Ram became wild and knew what was going on. He put force into his strokes while doing his fastest. Ram was elated by Shaia's moaning and name-calling, he could not take it anymore and release the energy ball inside.

The raging bear twitched inside the abyss after spewing all the accumulated rage from the moment. The two of them was panting heavily but with a satisfied face.


In-game the legendary item stocks are also increasing by the day. New members came also by the day because of the recent success of the Pangea Ultima marketing. If the trend of legendary items will improve they might equip all the members with legendary items.

The guild was also stocking up on guild points and materials but did not use yet to upgrade, they control the guild level base on the current average, on a good note, they can control also the flow of members and can teach them properly by batch not making confusions.

The peace months were about to end, and Seraphim's guild will now start to practice group synchronization. It will prepare them for the coming battle and familiarize themselves with the effects of different skills in battle. They started with hard mode dungeons as a faction party until the end of the month and then try the hell mode which is designed exactly for faction.

Phoenix Cave dungeon (Hell)

It was a volcano themed dungeon and the heat was severe, It practiced the concentration of the members and measure their determination. All of them was passionate, and respected their leaders that is why no one ever complained.

They group up into guild parties that is composed of 50 players instead of the usual faction party for hell. Faction party can go up to 500, but they tried first how far could they get if it was the minimum number of party. It did not get to far, so they shifted into faction party but minimize the number to 100 first, and they all entered the dungeon.

It was a success then they can last longer and if they practice more they could get far. So they maintained the number to 100. It does not matter if they failed or not but their goal was to practice under immense pressure and chaos. You can only have 3/3 tries of every dungeon, so they must use them well.

Other guild go to dungeon to get loots, but they were different, they are born crafters, and they don't need extra loots.

Seraphim limits their players to use only the epic equipments until they finish a hell mode with only 100 people. , so they were in intense pressure, even, so they strive with their best. After a week a group finally made it and finished a hell mode with only 100 people and under epic equipments. After that day the other groups also finished the dungeons.

They then equipped the all legendary equipment to all members of Seraphim but turn off the auras. They then started to enter Hell mode and it was like a breeze to them now, they then swapped dungeons and experience all other strategies.

During the last days before the peace end. They organize a 50 player dungeon party for Hell mode, it was the worst they could imagine, but they will try. They will have a few days to finish the task and practice with all they have.

A guild population capacity grew per level and it adds 10/level and leaf is level 35 giving it 360 players: Leaf(35), Crown(35), Luna(35), Viking(35), SOL(35), Golden Lotus(35). As planned they all have level 35 guild, they decided to stop at level 35 because it was the average level for now. And those higher level will sure charge at them. Ranker guilds are on the 41-45, so they won't be involved in the bait.