
Ramesses the Ultimate

Hardship of reality, fulfillment of VR gaming, and a future that holds no hope. Join our MC in a battle against reality, Virtual gaming and a future that combines both. Our protagonist traveled to the future to escape the present. But it was not the future that was supposed to be, how will he adapt to changes and how will he handle the future that he was destined. Did humanity finally found the holy grail of evolution? How will this change the course of humanity? Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental

Bragz · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"Shaia, time for breakfast now". Without warning Claire entered the room, and they are still naked but fortunately they were under the blanket because the aircondition was on and the room was cold.

"Mom, you should knock first". Shaia embarrassed and startled said as she was covering herself with the blanket while Ram was now sat up back into the head rail of the bed.

"I knocked you know, also lock the door next time". Claire smiled while turning off the aircondition and opening the blinds of the window. The underwear and clothes was everywhere and the both of them finally realize what happened.

"Mom, get out now, we will get down soon". Shaia hastily pulled her mother outside the room and sighed as he closed the door.

Her mother always stayed at the guess house with Shaia when she is present, and even now she was there to cook them breakfast. After the three of them ate and some teasing from her mother, Shaia showed her work and other stuff inside the villa.

They then go out for a date. They did not think of the game for now and it was also some kind of break.


In game, the peace period ended and it was the first day of war times. The first few weeks will be the period of chaos, guilds will likely try the system and measure each of their strengths. And as predicted Ram's Seraphim got full three challenges from those bullies.

"Boss what should we do?" Ram's vice guild master said with determined look. He was a tanker like Shaia, and Shaia was her idol too, he knows about Shaia and her master, and He was very happy with it, he does not harbor any jealousy and even enjoy teasing them sometimes.

"Bran. There is nothing to ask. Hahahaha"..When Ram said that Bran started to laugh also.

On the screen three different guilds challenged them."Limelayt" "DrakunisC" "Isaw You 3", and There is even some provocations message, and even some warning from them.

It was a faction member guild under one of the famous names. Because the original Drakunis is Rank 4 it could not challenge guild under it, so they used another guild to challenge.

"That naming sense is yuck" one member of the Leaf guild said.

Ram was shocked when he saw the bet options given to them. It was almost all what they have and even bet the guild itself.

"Ahahahahahaha" Ram laughed like a demon, he got three fish in one bait. The members felt elated, it was the first time they saw their master like that.

Ram checked everything in the bet. And look at his officers. "Tonight we will take three guilds as vassals"

The officers cheered and after a few minutes Ram announced the schedule of the fight and even told what best it had. The members got angry but they got elated also. They can finally take revenge.

That night they finally finished preparing everything and when the time came they were teleported into a grass land, hills and some trees. The time and weather are all random also that is why it was nighttime.

"OH! Night huh" Ram said as he looked at the sky and moon on top of the huge trunk. The base will change size every level but it will change the entire structure every rank so their base was in its 3rd evolution.

It was composed of 3 huge trunks in a triangle formation and in the center was the floating trunk house secured with vines and the vines was also the road to the center. The base was spectacular to look at.

The battle was only 1 hr but the area was also small just enough for the players to traverse from end to end in 10 minutes. The castle is located on the map immediately but the players locations will be updated every 5 minutes just like the event.

Ram's team did not move and just stay put in their base, they have the authority to defend, and if they are not touched when the time ends they will win. So somehow the challenger must move. The opponent also must damage at least more 10 % from structures, players or both, to be able to win the game, so just attacking with intention to damage slightly to win will not be enough.

LimeLayt who is level 40 which is still rank IV marched with their base trebuchet, rams and ladders. Each guild will have those and it will depend on them if they level it, there are requirements and prerequisite for everything, but it could not be over leveled. Rank 1 guild can only upgrade walls, rams, etc up to level 10 until the rank up.

Stones was hurled by the second into the air; some even flaming. The trebuchet started to shoot stones to the walls, the players started to shoot spells and arrows, tankers started to climb the walls with ladder and some are fighting inside.

Shouting echoed in the area, it was chaos many were injured and even some lay on the ground dead slowly turning into golden light.

"Hahaha 30 minutes, and this will be over. We can now have a vassal and the boss will be proud of us" The man in black armor was in the very back watching the base being hammered.

After 20 minutes too little have changed, and his men is dwindling. He was now starting to get worried, as time was running out. Restless and in panick, he was walking around pondeing of something.

"What are you doing?CHARGE ALL" The man in black armor became impatient and even charged himself.

He climbed the ladders but when he arrived all his men are on the floor and some already teleported. He got wild, but he was shot in the body, he became slow, and he started panicking.

"Damn you lucky bastard." The black armored man who was a swordsman swung his sword but it hit nothing, he was getting slower and slower. When he noticed it he was the only man left. The last shot hit him, and he saw Ram on top of one of the huge trunk with a blood-red rifle, and he vanished in the spot.

The Leaf guild cheered and none of them got killed, some got wounded but the potion was very effective. There is limit of use of potion, but they have the best quality and did not need to use many to heal huge injuries.

It was the same for all other Seraphim guilds and they finally felt the satisfaction from the tireless effort and practice they made. Their smiles and confident was off the charts that evening, and it was after all just the first match.

The second battle started as soon as the break finished. It was the same result but the enemy started to retreat and the Leaf members started to pursue, and they defeated the last man. They have to pursue if they wanted to save time because the game will not end if there is still a survivor.

The last guild who saw the first and second battle was now regretting their decision. But they still give their all, still they failed.

All three battles did not even took three hours; with three new vassals, they were elated and finally fullfilled the revenge but Ram was not yet finished and his vengeance was just starting.

Vassals must contribute depending on their resources to the victor, and if they miss a tribute they will automatically become rebels. They Leaf guild will be able to challenge them again and if they loose the guild will be theirs and all the members will be kicked out and all their points will be taken.

If Leaf is defeated by some other guild the vassalage will vanish, and they would be free, so the enemy will have to wait for the whole month for someone to defeat Leaf guild, and they did not worry.

They could also challenge leaf again the next day or any day; insite rebellion and become rebels and if they win they escaped from vassalage but if they lose the guild will be confiscated, and they will all be kicked out.


The second day, different guild challenged them but it was the same three factions. Also, they did not bet the guilds now and was a bit cautious.

"DrakunisB" "Isaw You 2" "iwillBELATe". The same factions but the best this time did not involve the guilds.

Seraphim Round Table

"Guys, As predicted they did not use the guilds as bets. Let us proceed to the next phase" Ram said with a smile why telling them the instructions.

The Leaf guild was teleported again and now it was a dessert. the blazing sun and dry humidity was harsh but It did not matter as they practiced inside harsher environment and this was like normal to them. They did not wait and immediately deployed all siege equipments, their secret weapon could finally shine in the battle field. Max level; with max capacity and possible units, the siege weapons are deployed.

The enemies saw them because the dessert was wide and changed tactics, they were the one on defensive mode even they are the challengers.

"Mhh..these guild is very unpredictable" Their GM said.

The siege begun and it was chaotic the walls are not that high and thick and it had already many holes and cracks. The inside was full of battle, and the scene was the perfect scenario for their tactics.

Because he could not see the overall battle, Ram instructed to group themselves into 6 when entering the base, and he will only interfere for bigger instructions, and let the group leaders have an experience of leading. It seems to be effective and gradually they penetrated the enemies base.

The base crumbled in less than 30 minutes, and they got the guild this time. Winning the battle is one thing but destroying the base and taking their flag is also considered taking the guild as vassal even without the bet.

The second and third battle ended the same and even faster on the last. They cheered as they now got another three vassals.

The same with other Seraphim guild all their attacks succeed. It gained commotion in the two huge guilds Drakunis and Isaw You. And the unknown guild LimeLayt was now all depressed. Drakunis have 34 guilds all in all, and they lost 2 in two days.

Though there are no rankings yet, Drakunis and Isaw You are the two top huge and active guilds in the region. Each guild have 200 or more bases under them. , but they already lost some bases to Seraphim factions, which has only six bases.

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