
Raising Warmth And Fixing The Other 27 EMOTIONS

Main Character: Uri OC: Key, Kyle, Scarlet, Pikki, Banana, Angel, Auntie 1, Cheiba, Gharu... Summary Key only sister was met with unfortunate event. That particular day changed about everything with Uri. From her being as a cheerly bubbly kid into a stranger and it makes the brother determine to find its cure. However, everything didn't go as it planned because Uri went missing. Where could she go?

Daio_Qiz · Teen
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2 Chs

A normal day

"Wooyayyyy!" Uri(11) shouts. Exhaling and breathing in the greenly woods fills with fresh air.

"This is so refreshing!" She enjoys being there. "Bro, where are we at?"

Key(17) smiles.

"We're at the peak of Kiltz Mountain. This is where you can see the best of Kira town. He rubs the back of his head right after she shows a scowling face as to say, "Why didn't you before?"

He grins. "It's off limit but I got your back. Let's enjoy it." He reassures her and open his arm widely to enjoy it.

She nods and hopes off the Cloud and runs around there.

A while after. "Bzzt."

"There is sound of… birds?" Key still playing with a green leave on his face.


He smashes the leave to other side and sits up immediately. "Uri!!"

As Key is rushed with bad feeling, he quickly scans the scene, "Uri, no, no, where, are, you?" Feeling anxious creeping in his bone, he quickly gets up on his feet and follows the map in his hand.

(Steps, steps)

"Huff, huff."

(Hurry, hurry)

"Bzzt, bzzt."

"I don't think I have heard this sound." He reminds himself and quickly searches the woods.

"This is, this is," he runs there!

"Uri! Get away from that!"

(No way, no way…)

"This has to be a joke, right?"

Uri puzzles. "It's so beautiful though? He wants to give me a gift." She watches the fluorescent rainbow flying very close to her face.

"No! Don't ever…" Scwanenfeldii's playing on the surface of mountain lake of unaware the scenes that's about to unfold.


Grief, despair, sadness conquers his face as he shouts. When he examines it closer, it is indeed an invisible bat. And, his sister already fell when the stones makes contact with her.

"This is Bi stone ahhhhh!" Key frustratedly grab his bangs.

"Why you!"

The rare Bi stone carries by the bat held a curse and a disability.

"No time to mopping around!"

"I need to get out from here fast and report to authority." He wipes his tears.

And leave.


(SKY Southern East Mi City)

"What do you mean by that?! There is no medical records for this?!"

Dr. Dianne answers, "This bat appears once in 1000 years." She meets eye to eye with the black haired boy, eyes tranquil. "Mostly…"


"Every patient refuse to disclose the information."

Key upsets at the reveal. "Why though?" His eyes change, fiery and focus back to the woman in front of him.

"Cure is better well known to the world!" He yells.

Dianne glares.

"This is a world of surprise. You will know it later. There will be always a cure."

Key still doesn't get it. "Still!" He bites his tongue. "It's better than late."

"Still better than never." She adds more which make Key goes tch'.

"Mr. Key." A male nurse calls him out. You can visit your sister now."

Key grits his teeth. "I swear. I'll get the cure."

The doc smiles and watches him leave the room. "The cure is quite… lovely… honestly."

She says quietly and leans back on the comfy chair.


"Uri!" He holds her hand. "Bro will find you a cure asap. For now, I really hope you'll wake up soon."

Even though the world is advancing, medicine does not seem to get better. Key has wondered this many times as he has asked his friends.

He's with low combat skill, has not gotten to wield on sky weapons yet. That only leaves him to master in a very code-ish subject. But, to think he forgets to bring a shield.

He sighs. "What a rookie mistake."

He scribbles on the air and searched for the bat and the Bi stone info.

"It differs to every person." Key ponders a bit.

"So, that's why there's no a specific cure to it.

"But, why?"

"His sister?"

He shakes his hair. "I'm glad my sister's still breathing... Thank God."

No there's no SKY Message. Nope I don't want any character to text. Everyone has to be sociable.

The only SOS is their mount.

Everything's registered on the mount.

Daio_Qizcreators' thoughts