

"Goodness, being the strongest is not as I expected at all. Everything and everyone are too weak and terrified. "My students are scared of me as well?" "Even powerful magic beasts die before I touch them!" "Hmm? Oh, he has the protagonist star but he is too hidden and might not shine. Hehehe, I'll groom this one and make him into the strongest too" Realizing that being the strongest comes with not only power and authority but extremely loneliness and unbearable boredom, vee fakes his death and travel to a far away land to live as a commoner. But just a few years after his retirement, his planet was invaded by a strong force that seek to conquer their home. But vee decides not to act this time and rather watch from the sideline while secretly helping someone else to become the main character in the darkest moment of their planet.

Vee_High · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Alex's awakening

It only stops after turning as bright as a light bulb.

"Age seventeen. Fire element. Talent: mid-grade" The lazy voice of the woman caused the boy to open his eyes with a jolt. He stared at the awakening stone that was slowly becoming dim after he removed his hand but it could not be mistaken, the red glow was still present.

He had awakened!

The boy beamed with a foolish and prideful smile as he gazed at the other kids staring at him with an envious gaze. He puffed out his chest and walked down the platform with bold steps befitting his dressing pattern, he had only looked timid and sloppy earlier because he was nervous. But now that he had successfully awakened the powerful fire element, one could literally smell his arrogance meters away.

"Next!" The purple-haired woman called out after the boy walked down. A young girl who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old and dressed in a plain blue gown with a crystal necklace around her neck, she had crimson hair that was shaped into a bum; her face radiated with innocence that would make one want to protect her.

Similar to the first kid, the girl climbed up the side steps and nervously stood before the awakening stone.

"Place your hand on it," the woman supervising their awakening said the same line again which the girl followed. She closed her eyes while placing her right hand on the cold surface of the awakening stone.

A few seconds later the awakening stone lit up with a dazzling golden light that made some people squint their eyes.

"Age 14, light element, talent grade: high" the lazy voice of the woman drifted into everyone's ears as they all stared at the young girl with shocked eyes.

The girl slowly opened her eyes after hearing the result of her awakening, and a slight smile formed on her face.

Unlike the previous kid, she did not display arrogance after successfully awakening but kept a relieved look on her face while retaining her gentle looks as she went back to her seat.


"Age 18, earth element, talent grade: low"


"Age 12, wind element, talent grade: mid!"

"Age 16, Ice element, talent grade: high!"

The scene showed a young kid with long blonde hair standing before the awakening stone with a confident smirk on his face, one could tell at a glance that he was a child with a strong backing. The awakening stone in front of him was currently filled with light blue while the temperature of the surroundings dropped continuously.


But the purple-haired woman was just too lazy to care about him.

"Age 15, wind element, talent grade: mid!"


The turn of a tall beautiful girl with long red hair came after a lot of people had awakened. She looked neither arrogant nor friendly as she kept a cold expression on her face while gracefully moving to the front.

Without waiting for the purple-haired woman to speak, she calmly placed a hand on the awakening stone while staring at it with expressionless eyes; or maybe her eyes were just unable to express her emotions.

A few seconds later, the awakening stone suddenly lit up with a red glow that did not stop turning brighter until it was as blinding as a small sun. But that was not all, the kids in front suddenly felt the temperature soar higher that they began to sweat heavily.


Flames suddenly gushed out from the awakening stone and enveloped the girl before scattering into sparks while the awakening stone started to dim.

"Age 15, fire element, talent grade: peak"

The purple-haired woman voiced out, her tone finally displaying a trait of interest as she stared at the red-haired girl who retracted her hand and walked down the stage in a stoic manner.

"Peak grade talent, goodness!" Alex could not help but exclaimed softly from where he sat while staring at the girl going to her seat.

He had already been stunned by the appearance of a high-grade talent but now a peak-grade talent even appeared, he was already feeling small and reluctant to walk up.

"Will I be able to compete with these people?" Alex muttered to himself, oblivion of Vee who was giving him a mischievous smile.

And so the awakening continued as more and more high-grade talents, peak-grade talents, and rare elements appeared. The place suddenly went into an uproar that the kids forgot for a moment the feeling of having their eardrums exploding with noise, this was because someone had awakened a cosmos element!

"Age 18, curse element, talent grade: low"

The voice of the woman showed how complicated she felt about the results that she announced. She didn't know how to feel towards the kid who awakened a cosmos element but had a low talent.

But the kids were not thinking of any of this, all they knew was that there was someone who awakened a cosmos element in their batch but they were quickly silenced by the woman so they could continue the awakening.

"Age 17, water element, talent grade: high"


The awakening continued for hours as hundreds of students came up one after the other and finally, it was Alex's turn.

" Next!" The soft voice of the woman traveled across the hall and entered Alex's ears but Alex felt his heart jump when she said those words, he felt like she had screamed his name which had frightened him slightly.

He slowly stood up and began to walk forward as everyone stared at him. Alex suddenly realized why many kids had been so nervous when it came to their turn, it was not all because of their awakening but the feeling of having everyone staring at them and the silence that enveloped the place when they walked in front was very uncomfortable.

Alex suddenly felt like he was walking up to an arena or battlefield instead of the high platform he had been staring at from the back and instead of awakening, he was going to fight a dreadful opponent which was the cause for the silence.


Alex gulped a mouthful of saliva and forced himself to move up the platform without stumping over his own foot as it would be too embarrassing, he would just stay on the floor and pretend to have passed out if he really did stumble and fall.

Climbing up the stage and standing before the pillar, Alex Stared at the awakening stone like he was staring at a terrifying foe.

"Place your hand on it, take a deep breath, and try not to shake too much"

The words of the woman startled Alex once more and he shakily placed a hand on the awakening stone, feeling the coolness of the awakening stone with his fingers calmed him down a bit. Alex closed his eyes to feel the change in the awakening stone with his hand.

A few seconds later, Alex felt the cooling sensation of the awakening stone turn more chilling and his entire body became cool.

Not waiting for the woman's voice to announce his results, Alex's eyes opened with a jolt and he stared at the awakening stone.

His eyes widened when he saw the awakening stone slowly forming frost that ran down the pillar and had already frozen the ground around him, he was even standing on ice without realizing it.

The kids staring from their seats all gasped in shock as well and those who sat in front received the full brute of the biting coldness, they were already shivering uncontrollably.

The woman who was closer to Alex was unsurprisingly not affected, the only change was her stunned expression as she stared at the ice that was spreading towards her direction.

She was about to tell Alex to retract his hand so that the ice could disappear and announce his results when another shocking scene unfolded.

All the frost that had already spread completely disappeared along with the chilling coldness that followed in split seconds, what followed was a blinding holy light that filled everyone who saw it with warmth and peace while those who were within the range of its hallow felt a pleasant feeling in their bodies that made them almost cry out in pleasure; the holy light made them feel like they were melting in a sea of chocolate.

This time, the purple-haired woman was no longer able to contain herself and her eyes bulged out in shock as she stared at the holy light inside the awakening stone.

She was so shocked that she forgot to call out Alex's results and only reacted when the kids started exclaiming at the sudden change of elements during Alex's awakening.

Some were evening wondering if Alex had failed his awakening; hold daring of them.

"Age 15, elements: ice element and healing element, talent grade: peak for both elements," the woman said after quickly regaining her composure and trying to sound like it was no big deal though she could not help but turn to Alex who was staring at her with a startled and unsure expression on his face.