
Rainbow in the Dark

Adonis Castellan lives in a post Apocalyptic world where most humans have retreated underground and select others are left to master unique weapons that will allow them to destroy the invaders known as viruses. Adonis however has a few complaints. The first, everyone insists on using his codename rather than his real one, the second no one wants to explain the origins of his existence, the third "why has he been given the most powerful weapon?"

pyritenemo000 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

chapter 2

Doyle had vanished somewhere, maybe to inform the Superior of his new recruit. Sitting on the stool that slightly wobbled and reminded him of the old chairs used by students at school the brief time he was at a school.

"Here, have something to drink," Berthier remarked placing a cup and a pen down on the table. Looking at her he could see her black dress had large yellow flowers he'd never seen before.

Vince stared at it looking back and forth between it and the contract paper.

It was a white mug filled with dark liquid, he could see steam rising from it and it smelled nice.

"It's tea. It's not going to harm you," Doyle said suddenly standing over him. He was also holding a mug, Vince suspected from the fragrance, he had the same 'tea'.

"Don't you have Tea?" Doyle asked in an almost sardonic tone.

Vince stared at him trying to control his anger, "it's the underground, there probably is tea but it might be expensive since it's imported from the surface instead of made in the Underground–" he started to voice his reasoning for treating the 'harmless' cup of tea like it was poisonous.

"-Surely you know this Mr. Doyle? Weren't you raised in the Underground?" He asked.

Doyle regarded this.

"I was…" his face darkened. "....when I was thirteen I was brought here," he sipped his tea and seemed to close off the subject. ".. It isn't something you completely pretend isn't there, but life in the Underground, details of it can be forgotten," he remarked after a moment.

Vince blinked, Genevieve had said that the age to be drafted for this 'service' was 18, at least. He couldn't imagine catching the government's eye and being pulled in so early. And Doyle looked– actually he wasn't sure how old Doyle was. But the way he spoke, he sounded as if he hadn't been in the Underground in decades.. it must have been awkward adjusting to it all over again even if it was for a day or two.

He read the last few lines in relative silence. Signing his name after memorizing critical information he felt could be used later.

"What do I do now?"

"I'll take you to your quarters and tomorrow you should get your stuff, anything of special order coming in for you?" Doyle asked.

"No… oh wait! there's a birthday present! a box I was told to get!" Vince recalled. The box he ordered… and the much smaller box that ultimately became a farewell present.

"I can have it redirected here," Berthier said speed writing away with her left hand while her right accepted the form he signed. He wished he could multitask like that.

The second box .. a bunch of printed copies of the pictures Genevieve took of him with the other kids, from their birthday parties.

"stay here. showers are built in the room, bathrooms are down the hall to the left. they are marked bathrooms if you get lost," he was shown to his room which looked like a more barren version of the one he had back in the orphanage. The bed had a colorful yet quilt which he guessed was there to make it look almost welcoming.

He changed into some simple grey pajamas he found in the closet.

"I was up all night last night, I don't think I've managed to stay awake for so long"He mumbled feeling somewhat tired now. 'must've been how nervous I was'


"Hello Adonis Castellan my name is Fiona McCarthy, this is my coworker Weiss Carroll," Vince couldn't bring himself to trust them even though at first impression McCarthy she seemed rather nice. Her dirty blonde hair had what Vince guessed to be dyed streaks of purple on the left side of her head. Her face had round eyeglasses which called attention to her brown eyes. She was dressed nicely, a dark brown skirt with a white flower with large petals and a top in a lighter shade of brown. Her black stockings and low heeled shoes seemed to make her legs look long although Vince guessed that she was at least five inches shorter than Doyle. Weiss looked to be about as tall as Doyle though.

in addition, Weiss, Vince noticed, had dark brown almost black hair that seemed semi wavy pulled back into a low ponytail. His white lab coat was over a T-shirt and dark grey pants. The T-shirt had some character he'd never seen before. it was a large cat head with a eerily wide grin.

"We're scientists part of the team in charge of studying Viruses, as part of our assignment we'll also be monitoring you, particularly your physical and mental health as well as any abilities you may have," McCarthy responded

"So you're saying that there is more than the known type of viruses?" Vince asked

McCarthy blinked owlishly. "We didn't want the citizens to panic more than necessary, it's bad enough many of them contributed to this global project of going underground."

"There are seven major viruses-- of which three of the major ones are known to the public."

Weiss seemed to be listening for a heartbeat with his stethoscope while Fiona spoke.

"Isn't this withholding information from the very people you want to protect?" Vince couldn't help but ask.

McCarthy paused tilting her head.

"Sometimes it's better not to know." Weiss added darkly.

"If the public knows too much there will be rumors, chaos, and after a certain point it won't be taken seriously."

"We can't have another incident like that," Fiona's face darkened. Vince looked puzzled.

"We would like to run tests to see if the type of Umbra Virus you come from is in our lists, it would be quite an experience to discover which virus is capable of reproduction," McCarthy explained brightening.

"that's a terrifying thought I never put into perspective," Vince commented.

"it happens," McCarthy hummed.

Vince could understand their motives to an extent. That didn't mean he liked them.

When the tests were over and he was deemed a mostly normal boy, save for the irregular positions of the colors of his irises he was instructed to wait in his room. He'd been doing an exercise called jumping jacks, and he seemed to be enjoying the task.

Around the number thirty-one Doyle knocked on the door.

"I think it's time you saw what the surface- the Aboveground is like," Doyle remarked.

Under his arm was a white box.

"You're a beginner and technically not an official member yet, you need to undergo training to be suited to join but a quick visit should help open your eyes to the seriousness of the situation." he sat the box on the bed. "Get changed into that I'll be waiting outside your room."

"understood," Vince commented.

he opened the box and found a neat dark green, military jacket, tie, white dress shirt, cap, and slacks. in a separate compartment was a pair of boots.

When he put on the clothes after a quick shower in the connected bathroom he found Doyle standing outside with his eyes closed.

"Why aren't you wearing the -"

"the caps right here I just worried I'd lose it," Vince explained gesturing to his side where the cap was held in place by a strap so it rested against his thigh.

Doyle nodded like he approved of this use.

"My unit is a set of twelve as yours will be when you inevitably join one," Doyle explained as they walked upstairs. several other people passed them scientists, secretaries, men in dark colored suits, and some people obviously in military uniform. A few were in what Vince understood to be camouflage, they guarded select doorways, had guns, and watched him like a hawk making him nervous.

"Should I be here?" Vince wondered. He felt confused. He had no idea what he was supposed to do on the battlefield, surely the adults knew that right?

"Hey! What am I going to do if I'm targeted? Do I stand there and let them come at me?" Vince poked Doyle as hard in the shoulder as he could without appearing too invasive.

"Don't worry about it, someone will be assigned to guard and watch your behavior," Doyle said absently.

"I have no battle experience! I don't even have a weapon!" Vince protested.

"Oh for fucks sake–! Here!" Doyle snapped as he handed him a short sword. The name in calligraphy on the handle reading Carnwennan. "quit whining and observe," he remarked hotly.

"Okay." Vince nodded meekly. 'i kinda regret complaining now. I've never cut something living before. what if I mess up and endanger--

"hey Vince," a voice said ripping him from his thoughts.

"what? I mean Yes?" Vince snapped to attention.

"you will be fine," Doyle reassured.

Apologies for the delay in updates. I wasn't doing too well a while back. I had to put the story on hold due to health reasons. I've recovered and will do my best to resume updates again! thanks for sticking around patiently!

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