Anime fan and a major fantasy writer. Enjoys watching anime abridgements.
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ah tips you say? you are welcome to share your opinions in the book review or comment section. however I do not mind looking into your offer and will respond when I am able
Спасибо за комплимент и за прочтение! Для ответа я использую переводчик, поэтому прошу прощения за возможные ошибки, но также спасибо за комментарии!
mood. but understandable
... something, everything is wrong.
Apologies for the late response Thank you so much for reading! I have many social media but my most active ones aside from discord are my Tumblr and Twitter The Tumblr handle for this story is @the11starsshinebright My Twitter (although not organized) is @circus_dececember.
hold up what
my deepest apologies for not replying right away, thank you for taking time to read this book. Your insight is valued and I hope I improve with future chapters.
A genuinely interesting story. Though I only read two chapters, the characters and plot are interesting and the writing style is good. There is an occasional minor spelling error but that's rare. I'm curious about the future chapters and it mixes comedy really well.
To start with, the story IS interesting it's just not a genre I have a real interest in. But in the end the world building is intriguing, if not as detailed as I would like to be able to grasp everything happening. Another negative point is the grammar and spelling. The spelling errors aren't too many to become annoying but there are moments where it's off putting. The same with that last paragraph at the end of the first chapter which is odd and doesn't fit with the start of the story. In addition while It's not a big thing, but the "add to Library" thing at the end of each chapter is also off-putting and normally the recurring request wouldn't be the problem, but it's not put with the author notes/thought so I was admittedly confused at it's appearance at the end of the chapters the first few times. The story is interesting and otherwise well written save for some description details. but has a few of drawbacks that may need to be double checked.