

Rainbow,A Beautiful,cute,smart & intelligent school girl. An Eyesore To Girls her Age &womenfolk at large & a whore as d society regarded & tagged her,No one knows her Background but purity & innocence is an understatement for her when met individually.

DaoistHJPLFK · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Pretty little Bitch

Evelyn Grabbed a burger and a soft drink while Rainbow only took a soft drink,Rainbow paid the bill and they about to leave the cafe when someone called out to Rainbow from behind.

"Hey bitch"

Both the girls had a hint of who that person was,Evelyn narrowed her eyes about to lash out at the person but Rainbow calmly stopped her.

"Don't talk and keep walking"

"Do you expect me to keep mum when someone calls you filthy names?".Evelyn asked absolutely pissed off.

" just don't ruin your Good morning "Rainbow said with a slight smirk on her face and they kept walking as though they had no idea that they were the ones being addressed.

Suddenly they were being cornered by a group of Guys. " How dare you ignore me you Bitch?"James growled out angrily.

Evelyn was about to retort when Rainbow held stopped her,reluctantly, she stopped and rolled her eyes 'Not Aggaiiin' she complained in her mind.

"James pls,let's not ruin this morning,let's stop this already, such a sweet morning,don't you agree,let's not ruin it for the sake of it pls,i'm begging you with folded hands" Rainbow said calmly.

"She's such a pretty little bitch don't you agree Guys?" James asked as he eyed Rainbow up and doww and then he roared out in laughter and his companions followed suit.

"See who's talking, you james Alexander,your Mother a bitch, your father a womanizer and you not less but even more a womanizer,clinging to every woman you see,changing women like undies and you actually dared to point at someone?, Anyways i don't blame you rather i had blame your parents who didn't have time to inflict manners in you as dey were busy bitching and womanizi..." James caught her through"Hey shut up...." "You shut up,Shhhhh" Evelyn shushed him her index on her lip as she said so. "How dare you,who do you think you are?do you think you can control just anybody?Huh?"Evelyn asked but before she could say more Rainbow grabbed her and left the cafe leaving Evelyn to grit her teeth hard.

" what are you doing Rainbow ".

" i'm stopping you from offending him anymore,he insulted me not you,yet i didn't react the way you did....."

"Ofcourse you won't react Cause you don't care for yourself,but i do care,i care so don't stop me from doing the honours Rainbow, ok?". She asked with folded hands "what do i do with you Evelyn?". Rainbow lamented and they continued towards the class in silence with both seeping their drinks ever so slowly until they sighted a few girls walking their way.

"Oh my God,can't it all be just peaceful for once?we just dealt with some problems and these bunch of trash are here again" Emlyn complained sorrowfully.