

Rainbow,A Beautiful,cute,smart & intelligent school girl. An Eyesore To Girls her Age &womenfolk at large & a whore as d society regarded & tagged her,No one knows her Background but purity & innocence is an understatement for her when met individually.

DaoistHJPLFK · Fantasy
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3 Chs


She giggled and looked down at the soft rose petals spread on the soft bed that were romancing her her pair of delicate feet as she slowly danced to pitter-patter of the rain falling outside in the Man's embrace though the man stood unmoving and just kept his gaze on her and just watch her being mischievous.

All of a sudden she jumped down the bed and the man to follow suit.

"Catch me" she giggled

The man just took a step at a time as though uninterested in her little game as she ran here and there causing the man to take a step and then retreat following her movements.

The man was about to catch her but she fled and made her way to the balcony, again the man tailed.

He found holding the railings and gazing up the sky with her eyes shut, and the rain falling on her face, he sighed tiredly as he went and stood behind her.

Soon she felt his presence behind her and she turned around just to have him crash his lips on her.....

And she jolted awake sweating profusely as if she had a nightmare.

"Dreamt of me?" She looked to her side just to find the same man in her dreams wiping the beads of perspiration on her forehead with a towel and then passed her a bottle of water to drink. 'Why was he in my dream?'she asked internally chewing on her lower lip with creased brows as she gave him a passing glance.

After taking a sip, she dropped the bottle on the side table, she took a deep breath and she heard him ask another question.

"Scared?" He asked with raised brows but didn't bother to take her reply as he said. "I can give you a hug" he said with a slight smirk on his Handsome face but he ended up earning a glare instead.

"Go take a bath and come over to the dining for breakfast" he said only this time seriously.

On her way to the dinning, she heard some noise and followed the source to see what was happening only to see that the door to find the door to the suite open and no one around to keep her from escaping, she briskly walked around to see if anybody was in sight but saw no one.

She went back to the small sitting room to see the door still invitingly open but she wasn't a fool to flee...at least not through this door.

She ran to the room and to the balcony, she looked to her side towards the next room's balcony and without thinking twice jumped and landed on the floor, she didn't rejoice instantly as she knew she still had a long way to run.

Ooops, sorry dear readers,this chapter should be the beginning of this book but i made a blunder cause i was soooo nervous.

Pls forgive me as this is my first book ever.

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