
Rain of Sins

What exactly is a Quirk? Such a simple question should have an equally simple answer, unfortunately for Izuku, he forgot the very basic lesson of "Look before you Leap" and was woefully unprepared for just how deep the rabbit hole went. Now, with the butterfly effect in full swing, everyone will learn just how much one question can change everything... "I'm not a Villain! I'm a Geneticist!" This is a story of failure, loss, and sacrifice, when the world spins into chaos as one man struggles to find the invisible line between trying to understand the science behind quirks, and playing God.

Z75 · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Interlude 2 (outline)


It's me, the author! Wow! I know, I know, hold your applause!

This isn't a "chapter", it's another outline. Specifically the rough outline of all the arc's so far, that I use as my blueprint as I write.

I have the whole fic planned out all the way to the end, specifically to try to avoid writer's block, and this is the document I used.

Last time I did this, a few arcs ago, I had a generally positive response, and several people asked if I could continue to do it, so they can use it as a recap, and not have to reread the entire fic if they come back after taking a break for a few months

So, uh, here it is!

I will warn, however, this is the ROUGH draft. Things change between this and the final product, so don't be like the comments on the last one were some guy complained I was "misremembering my own fic".

This is the outline for if you're interested to see if anything changed between the planning phase and actually writing it.

Buuut, it also covers all the basic gists of the plot, all the highlights, and it leads to the same big plot crescendos, so meh, it works fine as a "review" if you want to do that.

() Arc

Big Junk


(Down the Rabbit Hole)

Starts with izuku walking down the street immediately after All Might shot down his dream

-Stumbles upon the Sludge vil attack

-Sees Hero's not doing anything because their quirks "aren't the right kind"

-confronted by Bakugo

-Realization "It all boils down to quirks, but what are quirks"

-Starts looking for what Quirks are, can't find answers

-Looks for people, stumbles on an old record of Dr Ujiko's work on quirks but can't find anything else on the man

-Literally runs into Kurogiri at the market (Misty Boy was looking for some cleaning supplies), and drops his phone & book on the ground

-Kurogiri sees Deku was looking up information on Dr Ujiko and was carrying an advanced quirk theory book, thinks he's one of the doctor's assistants who doesn't know the route to the new lab, gives him directions.

-Deku goes to lab, finds it's walled off, but is determined to get in (I'll never be a hero if I can't even get over a wall)

-Knocks on big door

-DrUjiko answers thinking it's Kurogiri again

-Moment of awkward silence (Confused for Dr, scared shitless for deku)

-Ujiko goes to close door. "WAIT!". More silence. "I-I-I-I wa-w" "Spit it out boy!" "WHAT IS A QUIRK!?"

-Dek explains situation

-Ujiko "Hrmm"s in understanding, closes door. Moment passes, reopens door, tells Dek to come in (Wants to turn him over to AFO, figures he's with the police or something)

-Izuku overhears two assistants arguing over a theory, Ujiko is going to tell them they're both wrong but Deku beats him to the punch.

-Ujiko is intrigued, askes Dek about human abilities & quirks (Resilient and stuff),gives Deku a quick quiz, Dek passes (barely, but that's very good 'cuz all of Ujiko's assistants failed) tells Dek to meet him back here in 3 days time (Searches for info on him in the meantime)

-"B-But wait, wh-what's a quirk?" "I'll tell you when I think you deserve it"

-Deku goes home, reflects on life. Thinks a bit about All Might "I need to stop running away" "No one believes in me" etc

-mom knocks on door

-Talk with mother, she says she wants to know what's going on

-explains his desire to know what quirks really are

-Mother says sorry for all those years ago, and that she'll support him 100% in everything, gives him an old photo of their family

-Deku looks at AM poster, has realization


-"Time to get to work"

-Time skip

-Ujiko is frustrated "This kid had no real records" (was really suspicious) "But it's because he's done nothing in his life" (no criminal record, no job, no scholarships)

-Decides to see where it goes, "Even if he is with the cops, it's not like some kid could do anything, we're standing in the middle of a facility full of Nomu"

-Izuku goes back to lab

-Ujiko Izuku a "simple written exam"

-goes in depth on not just genetics but biology in general and even chemistry (something Izuku is less prepared for)

-the Dr does this not to actually test him, but to monitor his brainwaves and scan him for any trackers/ tracking quirks (Lot's of thinking = Lot's of brain activity)

-Ujiko thoroughly questions him about his intentions while the paper is scanned and graded (with a Nomu that has a lie detector quirk is hidden nearby)

-Izuku tells him about being quirkless and no one believing in him

-Ujiko has flashback to no one believing his singularity theory

-Test is graded, He barely passes by a single point

-Ujiko is surprised, he had thought Deku would fail completely, decides to do something unexpected

-"Why are you acting all moppy?" "I-I d-did terrible on th-the test" "So? Real life isn't like that nonsense they teach you in school. It's either you succeed and get the job done or you don't, no in between. And you passed, doesn't matter by how much" "It doesn't matter that no one believed in you, you can still do great things" "E-Even though I don't have a quirk?" "Of course" "r-really" "Young Mr Midoria, do you know why it doesn't matter if you have a quirk?" "It's because what quirks are, what quirks truly are, is clay"

-Quirks are clay that we scientists must shape to create our art!

(A Slippery Slope)

-Izuku is hired on by Dr Ujiko as an assistant (compromise to being official successor), it pays very well

-Izuku explains how well job pays to his mom, they no longer have to worry about bills

-She agrees to let Izuku keep job and accepts slipping grades "As long as you don't fail any classes!"

Dr intermission

-At meeting argues with Tomura "my creations are for OfA, not you. He is a genius of unrivaled potential, a man with power unmatched. You are nothing but a spoiled brat!" "How dare you" "Go ahead, kill me and you'll never get a single piece of my research!"

-AfO sends Tomura off to calm down, has chat with Ujiko (the Dr doesn't think Tomura is worthy of being his successor)

-AfO admits Tomura has a long way to go "But he has potential, and that's what matters most in the long run"

-small speech on how people always choose what's best in the moment and lose in the long run

-Ujiko doesn't seem convinced, "If you can't believe in him, trust in my judgement"

-Dr says he'll trust in AfO, but that until Tomura grows into this "potential" he doesn't want anything to do with him.

-"Of course, you and your art will be kept far away from the conflict and heros, only your finished pieces will be put on display for the world to see"

-AfO ends call, Ujiko thinks about how Izuku said he wanted to be a hero

-"Poor kid just wanted to help people, although perhaps it's for the best he wasn't be able to be one. If I teach him well, and he learns as fast as he seems to, then he'll be a vital component to creating my magnumompusnusmus "

int end

-Ujiko's giving Dek a tour of the facility

-Dr tells Izuku the Nomu are made of vat-grown human bodies "They can't think a thought on their own"

-Izuku asks what they'll be used for 'Think Ujiko, you're a genius capable of stringing different quirks into a giant super beast, you can find a perfectly reasonable explanation for having living weapons being produced in an underground bunker, en' mass!'

-Dr explains the Nomu are planned to be used to do "menial labor", things like debris clearing, construction work, firefighting, and rescue work

-Izuku starts being taught in the lab, often learning hands on while helping operate on the Nomu.

-Yuyara gives him one of those lab mask things (IMPORTANT! DON'T FORGET! NEEDED LATER!)

-Small time skip (2 weeks)

-Bakugo notices something weird about Deku, he'd been acting really strange here recently, so Bakugo trailed him after school one day

-He went home, dropped off his bag and then went to some "weird ass building in the rats ass of fucking nowhere"

-This continued for a week and Bakugo decides to corner Deku and make him spill

-Izuku heads to Lab, gets caught out by Bakugo

-Bakugo demands answers, Izuku refuses to give them

-Bakugo's about to attack Izuku "Who do you fucking think you are, you quirkless nobody" , before "And who do you think you are?" Ujiko comes out of nowhere

-"All your racket is disturbing my and my workers' research, You're on my property, now scram"

-Bakugo tells him to scram while using some explosions, the Dr observes this

-"If you really think you can intimidate me with some sparkling sweat you have another thing coming, all I have to do is drop a bottle of baby powder on your head and you'll be more useless than a lifeguard at the olympics"

-"If that is what the gen of heroes is like, then I'm glad I don't have anything to do with them"

-Izuku thanks Ujiko profusely

-Dr says he was just tired of all the noise

-Quick flashback of people laughing at his Quirk Singularity theory

-"Besides I don't much care for bullies, they're just cowards too afraid to actually be a villain"

-Time skip

-Izuku finds Ujiko working on high end "It's my latest masterpiece, er… well it will be when it's finished", explains it's many different quirks and how difficult it is to get them all to collaborate

-"They have to all be in the same field of quirk, being able to have super strength and shock absorption works because they both improve physical characteristics, but if you wanted to have him turn into a puddle and shoot lightning well… that's a lot more difficult"

-Helps Ujiko with high end, "What about things that aren't exactly quirks, like engineering him to have denser muscle mass, denser bones, claws, or leather skin, there are plenty of ways to make something strong without a quirk" (Looked all this up 'cuz he was quirkless)

-Ujiko just stares at Izuku for a few moments, then goes to sit down and pinches the bridge of his nose. "That… that would work. That would- why didn't I think of that before? I-I've been working on my creations for decades, I was stuck on trying to string quirks together for years, and all this time I could have just- I could've..."

-Stands Up "You" he points at Izuku "Follow" drags Izuku to an empty room with a desk, sits him down "Stay here, don't move"

-Comes back with a cart full of books and a tablet

-"There are 300 books on this cart, and another 500 on the tablet, read them and report back to me next monday, you're getting a raise, no scratch that, your getting a promotion."

-"B-but I've only been here for t-two m-months!" "Exactly, and you're already more competent than literally every other person I have in this building!"

-"Now if you'll excuse me I need to set up an industry wide meeting, where I yell at everyone for failing to realise something so simple for so long"

-dek start's reading

-Pulls out unsuspecting cardboard box from bottom

-Contains a bunch of classified files dug up by All For one and given to Ujiko for research

-Skims past CIA files detailing the Silver Order (Old Quirkless extremist group)(Reference to other Fic)

-finds a pre-quirk binder full of experimental government files from the cold war

-Starts reading up on the "Super soldier" theory

-Starts working on non-quirk "Boosters"

-Dek gets a meeting with Doc

-"And stop stuttering, it's pissing me off. If you're going to be a true man of science you need to present your art to the world with a clear, confident voice! So no more stuttering!" "Oh! And remember, the best way to impress someone is to make your statement big, loud, and most importantly, memorable!"

-Izuku coins idea of super soldier stuff to Ujiko with small presentation (Theories, examples, speculation, etc), "Now this is why I took you on"

-Ujiko approves of it and gives Dek a section of the lab (And several assistants) to work with (Doesn't know he wants to use it on himself? [rehash later?])

-Time Skip to day before entrance exam

-Dek holds up finished product "It's so small, but holds so much hope"

(maybe add below, check how long 'till deadline)

-Serum takes 12 hours to activate

-Wakes up and feels sore, but good

-Taller, buffer (To the level he was in canon),

- Much stronger, faster reflexes, better vision, etc

-"Time to do this!"

-Yuyara funds empty room, realises what happened

(A Test of Strength, not of Character)

-Goes to take entrance exam, calls into lab saying he won't be able to go in today

-Takes deep breath to calm himself

-Doesn't fall over, doesn't meet Uru

-Dek & Bak see eachother? If so, Bak ignores him

-Gets written exam, asks "Am I missing the second part of this?"

-Physical test starts, ignore Ida

-Runs into three pointer, has realization "I don't know how to fight…"

-Fight thing. AKA Izuku dodging and running from the robot's attacks

-Sees a hatch on back of head, jumps and gets it off, pulls out all wires


-manages to Hotwire rocket launcher


-zero pointer pops up, "Only way I'm getting in is if I do something really impressive in the next three minutes" "remember, the best way to impress someone is to make your statement big, loud, and most importantly, memorable!"

-Uses RL and robot generators to make a really big bomb, blows the base out of a skyscraper and drops it on Zpt

-Stands on top of Zpt to make sure judges knew it was him

-feels surprisingly confident

-goes back to Lab

-Yuyara warns Ujiko, but Ujiko misses point, add comedy

-"So what did you do with your day off?" "You'll see"

-Fails Entry exam

-All Might starts talks with Nezu "Give the kid another shot", is caught up in political tape

-Dek finds charity booth at mall

-Meets Flora (quirkless and took entrance exam year prior)

-"No matter what happens, you gotta keep moving forward. You'll never help anyone just by sitting still" "Besides, there's still a lot of people you can help even without becoming a pro!" Gives flyer to Dek about quirkless children orphanage

-Izuku goes back to lab and sits at work station, thinking about what Flora said

-"What are you doing kid? Advancements aren't made by slacking off!"

-Ujiko learns Izuku took UA entrance exam (and that he wanted to surprise him when he passed using his research)

-Gulps at very precarious situation, mind flying at ways he may have to remove the boy, before Izuku assures him he doesn't want to be a hero.

-Cheers Dek up

-"Lets just put it behind us"

-Ujiko & Deku double down working on High end

-"You coming Kid?" "Yea, just let me do something first real quick!' Sits' down and writes a huge check to the orphanage.

Time skip

Bakugo intermission (First day of school)

-Bak & Momo introduced to one another

-Bicker, rivalry, etc (Bak forms rivalry with Momo, because Izuku isn't there in this timeline)

[WTF, IBARBAAAVABABAB, Gotta do something with her- throw at Shoto for now, #no one likes talking, maybe can eventually help deal with Father's expectations? But not 'till after tournament, for obvious reasons]

-Bak do be smug, What could possibly stop him now?

-Dr Ujiko presents Anti-AM Nomu (significantly stronger than he was in canon) to All for One, as well as his new successor (Izuku finally accepting)

(Breaking Point)

-Dek goes back to researching what quirks are

-Ujiko puts Dek on researching ways to give Nomu quirks after they're already made "It's the main reason this lab was built after all"

-All For One contacts Dr Ujiko

-Izuku comes home to find Ujiko at table with his Mom


-Class elected Momo as rep, but tied for assistant

-Media fiasco, Bakugo gets pissed when someone spills his food, launches big explosion in air to get attention

-"Hey you idiots! Your at UA, the top hero school in the fucking country, get it together or else I'll kill you all before any intruders ever get to you!"

-He's elected assistant rep afterwords, starts butting heads with Momo almost immediately

-AM is called in for a meeting with Nuzu about finding a successor

-Forced to miss the USJ

-Nighteye corners AM to talk

-Tells him he needs to pick a successor, tells him about Miro (Who he's been molding into the perfect vessel for AFO since he had the vision)

-AM says he'll think about it (Has flashback to Izuku) let's slip he's meeting Nez about it

-NE insists he tags along.

-Villains attack USJ as in canon but Nomu isn't with them at first


-Dek & Yuyara tell Ujiko about test results "giving them new quirks is surprisingly easy, it's having them not tear themselves apart form quirk rejection that's the real problem"

-Kurogiri "gets the coordinates wrong", warps himself, Izuku, and Nomu into USJ mid attack

-Mist warps students

-Bakugo winds up with Momo in Rain segment, his sweat gets washed away before he can build up any decent sized explosions.

-Warps Izuku away for "safety", Izuku winds up in mountain zone

-Runs into Yuga Aoyama "I-i wasn't hi-hiding! I was just, uh, w-waiting to a-ambush you!", Yuga misses laser.

-Recap of how quirked people are more resilient

-They fight, Izuku throws sand, tackles him off side of mountain

-Dek lands a foot from water, giant electricity surge, morbid reflection

-Yuga gets up first (Resilient), prepares to blast Izuku

-Criminal known as Devin knocks him out and saves Deku

-Small Devin backstory (Gets Izuku to re-evaluate what a Villain is)

-All for One segment, watches from hacked cameras, is amused at first, very intrigued with Izuku. He went ahead with the plan because he was convinced the boy will survive. Is impressed enough, and calls someone to set up "Phase two"

-Devin says he'll scout ahead, is immediately knocked out by All Might

-A M goes to knock out Deku, Nomu abandons Tomuta's orders to save him

-Students approach group "Stop villains!"

-Izuku snaps, "I'M NOT A VILLAIN! I'M A GENETICIST!" "Then why are you with them!?" 'how do I put all this into words?' "I'm lost!"

-Wind from AM and Nomu fight prevents students (and Tomura) from attacking

-Big fight, Kourgiri warps him away just as All Might punches away Nomu

-Izuku is warped to All For One, he introduces himself as Kurogigi and Dr Ujiko's employer

-"He has potential"

-Scene change to Aizawa, Nezu, and All Might going over what happened at the USJ.

-Frog girl lost an arm to Tomera, Denki nearly drowned, and Kota (who Aizawa hadn't finished filing the expulsion form for) had been beaten to near death by a gang and was in the ER.

-Mineta had his face dissolved "He got in on a technicality, multiple teachers told me he should be disqualified, but the next person in line wasn't any better, I had hoped putting him under Aizawa would help build his character… It's my fault he was in such a situation to begin with"

-Izuku walks home

-Thinks about nomus, and if he could give himself a quirk

-finds building on fire

-Endeavor chased down a slippery villain and set the building on fire, villain damaged building support and the whole place collapsed

-Firemen say no survivors

-Izuku sits on the ground watching the fire be put out for a long time, eventually goes back to the lab, doesn't know what to do.

(Trial of Fools)

-Students interviewed, tell of the "Lost Scientist"

=Bakugo intermission

-Class gets first test back, everyone crows around Momo expecting her to have the highest grade "I-I will admit a 97 is quite impressive from a certain standpoint bu-" "Ha! Only a 97? Please, and here I was thinking you were something special, ms class rep" Bakugo holds up perfect 100 "Back off ya damn extras! I ain't tutoring any of your asses, now get off!"

-Momo and Bakugo have "argument"

-"Why do all the extras suddenly care so much about grades, they didn't when we were taking the damn thing." "Everyone's trying to forget about what happened, or well… most of them anyway"

-Overhear mina whispering about the "Lost Scientist"

-"A guy who wasn't supposed to be there, and was completely useless? Ha! Reminds me of Deku" "Who's that?" "A quirkless nerd back in middle school, he tried to get into UA, failed the entrance exam so hard!" "He was quirkless but still took the entrance exam?" "Yea, I know it's hilarious, right!" "I think it's rather inspiring." Bakugo visibly pauses, looks away "Oh please, I bet that idiot

-Cut to Dek (No more stutter)

-Lab Coat stained black and gray with ash and soot, washing it hadn't gotten any of it out

-Completely comatose, room in disarray, dead eyes, continuously working on a project


-Questions are much harsher, revolving around Mineta and his injury "Will he be replaced?" "Will his family be reimbursed" etc

-Eraser takes all of the blame

-UA takes major public image damage

-All for One gets in contact with Stain separate from the League of Villains, tells him he has damning evidence of certain heros, but really just does this to get Izuku to meet him. He also purposefully keeps Dr Ujiko busy and away from Midoriya

-Tells Stain to go to x place. "It's a lab run by an acquaintance of mine, they will supply you with better equipment."

-Izuku is comatose, sitting in one place, not leaving his work station.

-Stain runs into Izuku

-"What a waste of space, just a puppet moving in a pattern." "Please, you're just a Villain, you're going to be caught by some random Hero and forgotten by the end of the year." "Tch, over my dead body, the only Hero who I'll let capture me is AllMight! He's the only true Hero out there!"

-They have argument over Allmight being a 'true hero'

-"You're wrong no matter what you say, no matter how good your arguments are." "And why's that?" "Because you're stuck here in this room on your own accord, practically a walking dead man. If you truly believed your ideals you would go out and prove them."

"Ideals? IDEALS!?" Izuku marches up to Stain and gets in his face "IDEALS DON'T GET YOU ANYTHING!"

"... you don't have any ideals? Impossible," Stain scoffed. "No one without an ideal can have that much fire in their voice."

"...I lost all mine…"

"Well," Stain turns and leaves. "Then I'd suggest you get new ones."

-starts moving again

-Ujiko talks to Izuku, visibly worried about him, reveals he's actually breaking his master's orders and skipping a bunch of things he's supposed to be doing right now.

-cheers Dek up, "This was in the mail for you kid" pulls out a picture of Flora smiling with a bunch of children. Written on the attached note-'We were able to buy all the kids new sets of clothes, and buy good quality beds for all of them! Thank You Izuku!" with 'You're our Hero!' scribbled in crayon.

-Iz rubs his eyes and blinks to stifle tears.

-Ujiko carefully hugs him with one arm, but coughs awkwardly, not good with emotions, and gives him a batch of Trigger for him to research "The stuff has been popping up everywhere, but it's been abnormally hard for us to get ahold of any, I figured you'd be excited to get a chance to research it. Ya know, to distract ya'."

"Distract me?"

"Yeah," Ujiko sighed, suddenly seeming his real age for a brief moment. "I know it's not healthy, but it's what's always worked for me."

-HPSC talks with End, wants to rebrand him to be the new number one.

-Needs a new name to cement his position, and to also try to cut ties from all his past scandals


-Nez pushes the fact that there were no casualties at the USH as proof they shouldn't be scared by the villains

-Butts heads with the HSPC

-Training thing w/ building

-Jiro gets taken out by a trap.

-Shoto breaks into the main structure, Momo breaks off to deal with him

-They;re a roughly even match but Momo "wins" by not fighting, she detonates the supports and traps Shoto in an unimportant wing of the facility. She is swiftly apprehended by him.

-Ida fights Ochako, Ochako loses, but immediately afterwards, Ida falls into a pit trap and gets stuck.

-Bak uber-ultra-explodes Aoyama

-Defence Wins

-Momo and Bak big fight

-Bak has meeting with Aizawa. "I understand what it's like to be in those split second situations, and that when going up against Villains holding your punches will get you killed. I understand these things, and it was because of I stood up for you that you still got credit for that exercise. However." "This is a continuation of a pattern observed throughout your stay here, a pattern of extreme competitiveness. I encourage competition, it helps you grow, but if this continues at the level it's at- at the level where it endangers your fellow classmates, then I'll have to treat you like a danger to the class. Do you understand?"

Bakugo nodded, but he wasn't listening, his mind was off chasing someone else.

-Dek recruits stain to his attack

-It's revealed Dek is working on his own version of a Nomu, not ones that use quirks- things that are now possible to suppress or even potentially erase, but completely by genetic design.

-Talks about how he might even be able to mass produce them, since they wouldn't have to go through the quirk injection process.

-Blueprints flash on screen, revealing a creature with large black wings and a skull for a face.

-Funeral :(


-The little mouse chuckled to himself as he placed down his half full tea cup. Really, it'd take more than some broken noses and a big lizard to make him call off the festival, and with the ramped up security, nothing was messing with UA's big event!

-brief cut to AFO scene

-brief cut to PSC scene

-brief cut to Gentlescene

-Resume with Izuku infiltrating

-Bak stands in the hallway to catch Mo and apologize.

-"Then prove it." "Huh?" She grabbed his gauntleted arm and pulled it between them. "Let me redesign these, all they're good for right now is a giant deadly blast, they have no versatility. Let me adjust your fighting style in general to something more useful, rely less on brute forcing things and get to the point you're more likely to capture a criminal than kill them. And most importantly you have to stop treating people like they're disposable."

"Do that… start becoming the person I thought you were…" She looked him dead in the eye. "Then I'll forgive you."

-"Friends?" "No." Momo crossed her arms. "We can be 'friends' when you're a better person.

Bak winced and hung his head.

"But until then…"

Bak looked up to see her smiling weakly at him.

"I guess we can go back to being rivals, if you want."

-AfO & Ujiko help Izuku "Sneak in" as a Jr doctor to help with wounded students

-Dek's worried and nervous (He has garbage experience with Heroes, and is worried students will recognize him from USJ)

-Ujiko isn't a huge fan of the idea but follows his master's wishes

-Has Izuku start on his own Nomu in earnest for a personal bodyguard

-"We wouldn't be able to get it done in time Dr, but don't worry, I think I have an idea"

-Calls Stain

-Shoto corners Bakugo "I will win"

-Izuku gives Stain a way into the stadium unnoticed

-Gentle looks out over the stadium from a tall building, talks to Labrava about the enhanced security

-Nighteye scans arena 'it's similar, but it's not the same as the one in the vision'

-Tells Miro he has to win, or at least make one hell of an impression, hopes to impress All Might.

-Dek sees Shoto in Tournament, tries to snap himself out of his thoughts

-'He's not his Father, it's wrong to think like that


-Bak flies ahead w/ explosions, Momo lags behind, and Bak is worried when he looks back and can't see her, but grins when he sees momo quickly catching up on a motorcycle of all things.

-Bak's view goes white, his ears ring, and he's blasted face first into the ground, making a crater. Momo zooms by, smirking at him, and tossing a long green tube off her shoulder.

-"She shot me with a flashbang rocket…* He blinks a few times, shaking his head as other racers pass by him "SHE. SHOT. ME WITH A ROCKET!" Bak grins ferally "Oh, it is fucking ON!"

-Momo looks behind her when she hears a huge explosion, sees Bak roceting towards her, "You are going DOWN Momo!" "Keep telling yourself that! You've still gotta catch me first!"

-RESULTS: Momo1, Bak2, Shot3, Ida4, Ibara5, Mei6, Ayo 7th

-Momo comes in for a checkup (To get more calories)

-Talks to Dek

-Tells her how to better use her quirk via just common sense, also Improved staff thing, carbon based material is stronger, and faster to make than steel, takes less resources because it's a simpler chemical structure)

-Dek takes blood sample of everyone he checks up on (Momo, Tetsutetsu & Kirishima, tail guy, Zappy dude and copycat blond most importantly)

-Has convo with stain while they're alone

-"Why'd you wind up working for my boss anyway? I mean, he's involved in a bunch of Villainy things? And your goal is to strengthen Heroes in the long run? Hell, the only reason I bother with him is that he gives us money and research materials."

"It's a bet." Stain scoffed as he cleaned his blades. "He's willingly giving me access to materials because he thinks that my goal is futile, that I'll never be able to make the change I seek, and that all I'll ever do is kill off Heroes- something that's inherently beneficial to him."

-2nd round exists.

-During it, Izuku sets up a device underneath the stands.

-Momo panics as she realizes, no one worth their salt is going to partner with her.

-Jumps in fright when Bak taps her shoulder. "W-Wait you're willing to help!?" "Pssh, this is a team game, I can't have you get fucking eliminated yet, I gotta fight you in the finals," he grins "So I can beat you fair and square, and prove I'm better than you to the whole fucking world!"

-Momo sighs, but can't help smiling

"What happened to the whole 'not looking down on other people'?"

Bakugo fumbles and begins stumbling for an answer.

Seeing the bewildered and sheepish expression on Bak, momo cracks up.

+scene change

-Dek overhears convo about "Damn rookie heroes and their big ego, skipping out on their guard shifts."

-"Hmmm… sounds like Stain's been busy." goes back to organizing the blood samples he had hidden in his coat.

"But as nature's power over civilization wanes, industrialization will pave the way to the future, and it will be up to the major players to decide who will lead the way, and who will fall to obscurity."

(Where did this quote come from, and why is this here? Maybe I put it in wrong document? Might leave it, it's kinda funny)

-Bak catches Shoto in hall before his fight with Momo, "You're right, I won't beat you, Momo'll take you out long before I get the chance"

-Momo fights Icyhot, epic fight, refuses to give up even when she's at disadvantage, uses trickery, flashbangs, emits smoke, gets right next to him, he freezes her hands, she uses Dek's advice and is smart or spomething, shoots beam out of her shoulder and pushes him off the edge

-Ice panics, his fire explodes and sends Momo flying off with severe burns.

-Momo hits the wall before ice hits the grass, crowd cheers.

-Momo's wheeled into hospital

-'He did this to an innocent girl? He's no better than his father after all'

'A bully and the son of a killer, both fighting over the title of top hero in training… ironic'

-Dek runs into Stain in the back halls, turns his nose up at the dead body on the floor

-They talk about Bakugo, Shoto, and Endeavor.

-"I figured out how you kept finding me," Stain tosses him a couple of chips, doesn't know there's more "Have you're damn trackers back"

-"...It shouldn't be long now, the final match is starting." "And you're sure you have everything in place?" "Yeah, they haven't even realized their systems are compromised, yet. I'll trigger the broadcast to begin during the victory ceremony, and our little gift to Endeavor won't be far behind."

(Burning Blood)

-Ibara catches shoto in tunnel before th last round, tells shoto to let go of his anger, Shoto yells at her "You damn superstitious fool! You're so caught up in your own head that you're blind to the real world! 'Let go of my anger'? Is that a fucking joke! No one does that, it's fantasy nonsense!"

Ibara steps back, an obvious expression of hurt on her face "Shoto, no, I'm trying to help you. If I can do it, then surely-"

"You can do it," Shoto marches up to her. "Because you've never felt real hate!"

-SHoves past her, and knocks her to the ground

-Bakugo fights Toderoki in finals, makes it as drawn out and brutal as possible, closecombat punches and kicks, breaks Ice's nose with his knee.

-"You'll Use your fire to burn someone as nice as her to a crisp, but suddenly I'm not worthy!? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?"

-"You're a real son of a bitch, aren't you!?" "Don't talk about my mother that way!" "tch,Make me!"

-Sends glacier at Bak, he rases his hand and fires off "super blast"

-Crowd goes absolutely wild. "Damn bloodthirsty bastards…"

-After thoughly beating Tod, Bak flips off Endeavor and walks off the arena

-Gets scolded by recov girl like Izuku was (hand thing)

-No one wants to get on podium. Bak forfeits, Momo hurt, Ibara missing, and Shoto mental

-Before AM can give speech, the stadium lights flicker, and static comes over the speakers, before the stadium screen flickers on and it turns to understandable audio.

-Stain speech

-Screen goes to static again, interrupting Stain, before recovering to an even clearer level than what blood had. It reveals Gentle

"Not only have I outmaneuvered the Heroes, I have also managed to outdo them at their own Job!" Gentle spins a metal block on his finger. "Can you believe it? A bomb, slipped through security, planted under the stands, and set to go off- only to be foiled by I Gentle Criminal!"


-Izuku sighs, punches the wall in frustration. "Of course the virus didn't work! Nothing easy ever works! There's a reason Ujiko's constantly micromanaging all his labs!" "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."

-Gasious Entropy explodes from the vents

-Tomura's bomb goes off, no one is killed but it causes mayhem.

-Stain is forced to abort his chase of Gentle as other Heroes close in.

-Endeavor rounds the corner ahead of Stain, cutting him off, but then the floor gives out beneath him, dropping him into darkness.

-Stain jumps over the hole, noting the Entropy gas wafting out of it.

-Other Heroes continue chase, didn't see Endeavor fall.

- "Sir this is Bravo two, we're into the system, and are close to cutting off the video." "Belay that order Bravo two, keep that screen up, don't let Nezu take it down. Keep that video running as long as possible."


"For peace in our time."

""Sir, yes sir!""

"Sir, this is Bravo one. I have a visual and a clear shot, but it won't last long. Requesting permission to fire."

"A clear shot on who?"

"The PSC's top priority target."


"Take him out."

-Stain rases swords to block bullet, but nothing comes

-Nighteye kneels over, blood pooling from his chest.

-Miruko comes and chases Stain off

-"If you can't catch the mustache clown then you don't have a chance at catching me, and if you can't catch me then you have no chance in Hell at catching the Spook!"

"Wait, Spook? Wha- WAIT THERE'S A THIRD!?" Turns around just in time to hear an explosion.

-Multiple bombs go off throught the storage district, breaking lots of things and being scary, but not hurting anyone,. Weiss watches the scene from a distance, frown on his face.

-Heores scatter all over the festival, organized security completely breaks down.

[NOTE: This part went through three different variations, and for whatever reason I sketched it out on another document, and I have no idea where it went, so I'll try to summarize here.]

[Version 1]

-Aoy, Min, and Tsu run down hallway to get equipment.

-Aoy opens locker


-Comes to, to see Izu walking down hallway, head flares up with memories.

-AfO manipulates Izu slightly, so he is infuriated with Ayo, believes he's part of the reason it took so long to get out of the USJ. If he had been able to get out faster, he could have saved his mom.

-Ayo later gets all memories of being a traitor back from the power of blunt force trauma.

[Ver 2]

-Iz fights End under the coliseum, with an army of Nomu.

-Both hurt very bad (needs to be bad enough for Izuku to do something stupid)

-Endeavor gets desperate and lights a gas line on fire.

-*Insert Megumin scream here* "EXPLOOOSION!"

-Dust settles, and All Might come sin, drawn by the "EXPLOOOSION!"

-Jeremy fights AM, holding him in a stalemate util Iz can get away.

-Ayo, Tsu, and Min run down the hallways

-Run into Tomura and some crooks


-Tsu is crippled and can't use her legs

-AYo and Min get Tom on the backfoot, he blabs about Ayo being a spy, freaking him out long enough to get away.

-Gentle and La Brava come barreling down the corridor with a few Heroes on their tale.

-Ayo thinks to himself, realizes it's only a matter of time before the real truth is revealed and those same Heroes come for him.

-Ayo uses surprise to knock out the Heroes

-Talk with Gentle, wants to go with.

-Mineta tag along with Ayo, two get into a fight about it.

[Ver 3]

-Same verse, same as the first (but not the first, just the one before this, so the second, but that doesn't rime)

-AM holds up the building with Mirio, occupying him.

-Iz is really badly injured, allows for one more "face off" with End. Pen the new name the HSPC wanted him to change to.

-Doc swoops in to saves Iz. Bring Jeremy to hold off End

-Last thing Iz sees befor portal closes, is End with both hands clasped around Jeremy's thoat, using a jet of blue fire to decapitate him.

[Ver 3.5]

-End is much more injured, barely able to walk, still able to have "face off" with Iz, but more believable

-would have to find reason Jeremy doesn't show up

(Dominos and Butterflies)