
Rain of Sins

What exactly is a Quirk? Such a simple question should have an equally simple answer, unfortunately for Izuku, he forgot the very basic lesson of "Look before you Leap" and was woefully unprepared for just how deep the rabbit hole went. Now, with the butterfly effect in full swing, everyone will learn just how much one question can change everything... "I'm not a Villain! I'm a Geneticist!" This is a story of failure, loss, and sacrifice, when the world spins into chaos as one man struggles to find the invisible line between trying to understand the science behind quirks, and playing God.

Z75 · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Dark Revival: Ch 1

New Arc, new story. Kind of. If this were a normal story, this would be "book 2", and is now 100% completely canon divergent. Welcome to the Rain Of Sins, AKA Zack's writing, where everything goes wrong for everyone, because unlike mainstream media I believe struggling to overcome challenges is crucial in character growth.

And I'm not talking about the kid friendly "just believe in yourself, the magic of self acceptance will win the day" kind of struggle, where the main obstacle is yourself and not what you're facing. (Although that can be pretty good if used properly too)

No, I'm talking about Rocky getting the absolute fuckign shit beat out of him, absolutely getting wrecked, and still forcing himself to keep getting back up no matter how how much be bleeds, or how many times he gets fucking destroyed.

I'm talking about the last Emperor of the Byzantines, Constantine XI Palaiologos, who looked at the burning city of Constantinople, said his famous last words "The city is fallen and I am still alive", tore off his crown, and charged the Ottoman army with the last of his soldiers.

(Okay, maybe not exactly like that last one, because he died. But still. Holy FUCK dude, that's as badass as you can get.)

-Rain of Sins-

-Arc Start: Dark Revival-

-Dark Revival: Ch 1-

Pawn Log 0: The Shadow King, All for One.

I've had suspicions and theories about Ujiko's employer for a long time, and with my research I had assumed, correctly might I add, that I might very well be dealing with a surviving Quirk warlord. That alone would have been cause for concern, having both the strength to thrive during the quirk collapse, as well as the two centuries since then to further amass resources, is a terrifying combination.

However, after being brought into the "inner circle", I have found that the reality of the situation is far graver than even my worst case scenario predictions.

During my research one thing has made itself incredibly clear to me- Quirks control their user just as much, if not more, than the user controls the quirk.

A less educated person might even go as far as to say quirks desire to be used.

Nature does not have instruction manuals, instead Quirks come with an ingrained instinctual drive. This modifies behavior on a baseline level, and can range from something as simple as craving to eat far past what the normal human body would find comfortable or healthy, all the way up to what was observed in Toga Himiko- where the influence of her quirk has resulted in obsessive tendencies, and eventually a complete willingness to break the societal laws to satiate her desires.

Quirks change their user, imprinting intense instincts and urges during the most important developmental stages for children.

All for One is a quirk designed specifically to take from others. It's an endless vacuum, and I dread to imagine how such a thing would warp someone's psyche.

What would the mental effect be of a quirk that's entire purpose is to take endlessly? To steal power from others to empower itself. To sacrifice the "All" for the sake of the "One"?

The quirk All for One is designed to do one thing and one thing only: it takes. If I wanted to be melodramatic, I would call it the literal manifestation of insatiable hunger. From what little I have seen, over the past centuries it has gorged itself on quirks to the point of obscenity, to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if the man could survive a nuclear blast.

This, perhaps, worries me even more than his unbelievable power. Because if he's given in completely to his quirk, and as far gone as I fear he is, it makes him almost entirely unpredictable in the long term.

The man has revealed no long term goal. Even Tomura, sick and delusional as he is, has a goal of tearing down Hero society. It's childish and not thought out, but it is a goal.

Ujiko says that immortality has put All for One on a fundamentally different timeline than the rest of us, and that his goal is so methodically planned out for his next great rise, that it's incomprehensible to us "mortals".

I don't buy it. I don't think he has goals, the same way he doesn't have morals, I think he only has wants.

Power for the sake of power, wealth for the sake of wealth. His manipulation and rampant greed is a clear sign that his quirk has influenced his personality, and considering he's been indulging his quirk for centuries to the point he's forsaken his own name in lieu of his quirk's… I have to question just how much of the original man is left.

He finds me useful, for now, so I'm in no immediate danger. He is so blinded by the power of quirks, and his own God complex, that he apparently doesn't see any threat in my work- even applauding the giant monster I dropped on an abandoned city as "good entertainment". That will almost certainly change the moment he catches onto Project Kronos and Entropy.

If mass producing portable quirks to distribute doesn't earn his ire, working on something to erase them outright most certainly will.

I've been in talks with Ujiko to have more resources transferred under my control, and while he's been happy to comply so far, I'm going to start pushing my luck. I don't want to upset him, the doctor is one of my greatest friends, but he'll forgive me when AfO tosses us aside and I pull him onto my emergency raft.

Effective immediately, all available resources will be devoted to the E.K.R. Projects. Everything else is getting side lined, and the Nomu operation will be stripped to the bone- only propped up as a cover to hide our other activities.

Unlike All for One, I do have a goal, I have a dream. A dream of a world of equality, where the wealth of quirks is shared amongst all, where hard work is what society values, a world where there isn't rampant discrimination against quirkless, mutants, and those born with "bad" quirks.

A world that will never produce another me.

And from what I can tell, that world cannot exist as long as the self proclaimed "Shadow King" lurks in the background.

-Rain of Sins-

The attack on the coronation was over. Rescue crews swarmed the edges of Tokyo, families mourned the fallen Heroes, officials wondered what they could have done better, and people took time to sit in silence and calm down from the chaos.

But for Izuku, 21 Hours, 37 minutes, and 20 some odd seconds after the coronation attack, he was in even more danger than he had been during the worst of the fight with Endeavor. He hadn't even had time to heal properly!

His right eye's vision was fuzzy, his tail hadn't been replaced, his movement was still delayed thanks to damage to his spine, and even after re-breaking his leg and setting it straight it was giving him a limp.

Endeavor had been dealt with (finally), and he really should be finishing up with that, but he'd been forced to tip far too much of his hand during the attack, and now people were having questions he really didn't need them asking.

This was bad. Very bad. Not terrible , nothing was going wrong at the moment, but the situation had the potential to slip into "catastrophic" territory at any moment.

"What, uh, should I ask what's going on Boss?" Kuin asked hesitantly.

"A lot of things!" Izuku said as he shoved another vial into a foam filled case, locked it, and then threw it on top of a rapidly growing pile.

"I can see that…" She trailed off as she watched the giant computer on his desk print off page after page after page of documents and wipe the data from the drive immediately after.

"We need to hide and cover up everything even slightly problematic, in case of a surprise inspection while I'm away! We need every mention of project Rapture, and especially Entropy's permanent variation, erased from the computers in case he starts snooping around digitally! And that's not even to mention what we'll have to do if he starts-

The scientist grabbed two important looking vials from his desk and pocketed them as he began muttering to himself in an incomprehensible ramble that he hadn't slipped into in a long time.

"I'm sorry, I must be missing something." Kuin pinched her nose to ground her thoughts. "You made a godzilla knockoff that took on All Might, you destroyed Endeavor, you're rebuilding your army of Crows that held off an entire legion of top Heroes, and we're synthesizing enough Entropy to suppress the quirks of the entire Tokyo area." She walked forward, into the middle of his vision. "What in the world could possibly have you panicking?"

Izuku blinked, his eyes focusing back into reality, then he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her close.

"All. For. One."

Each word had the weight of a continent behind it, whispered as though it was blasphemy and being overheard might draw attention of forces far greater than himself.

Kuin stared at him in wide eyed shock.

"Who?" She whispered back, completely lost.

"Ujiko's employer, the man behind the Villain Factory you were made to pedal trigger for. He's demanded I report to him immediately, he has no idea about the Rapture project, the Kronos project, or the Entropy project's real goal, and would almost certainly be against all of them. And now that I've had a moment to sit down and think since Endeavor's mostly dealt with, I have realized just how much I've relied on Ujiko's judgment and how few people I have personally vetted in this lab."

The sound of footsteps outside had Izuku snapping his head towards the door, but after a few seconds they passed.

"I have realized how few people I can be completely sure are loyal entirely to me and not compromised by someone higher on the chain of command."

"I-I'm not compromised." Kuin squeaked, her face reddening as she realized how close she was to him, their noses almost touching.

"I know, you haven't even had the chance to meet him, let alone be swayed. I don't even think he knows of you yet." Izuku leaned in ever so slightly closer, which at this distance might as well have been a mile. "Listen very carefully. I have been summoned to meet All for One, I will delay as long as possible to help here, but while I'm gone I need yo-u t-to t-o-o-"

Izuku stumbled back as he gagged and broke into a coughing fit.

"Boss?" Kuin caught him by the shoulder to steady him. "What's wrong?"

Izuku sputtered as if he was drowning, and ripped off his mask to show a river of black goo spilling out of his mouth and nose with every cough.


Without the rebreather to inhibit it, the goo exploded into a black web that wrapped around his entire form, encased him in a full layer, and swirled in on itself like water down a drain, until it was completely gone.


-Rain of Sins-

Izuku gasped for breath as he was spat out onto the floor of a dark room, free from the horrible goop.

He glanced around as he scrambled to his feet to find himself surrounded by countless terminals that stood out ominously in the pitch black darkness. The only things somewhat lit enough to see well was a circle in the middle of the room that he was standing in, and a dark metal throne that had countless wires and tubes of life support systems built into it.

A throne that sat empty.

"The Sovereign of Sin." A voice echoed from the cold darkness behind him that made his skin crawl. "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"I prefer Prometheus, sir." Izuku said, fighting his instinct to whirl around. "And it's only been a little over a week since the last time we talked."

"Ah, but that's how we're different." All for One chuckled and slowly began walking towards his throne, taking a wide circle around Izuku, like a shark. "Time is different for an immortal like me, it's a resource I have an unlimited amount of. Days, weeks, months, they all blur together for me. When you're like me you stop separating things by time, and start separating things by what changes." 

All for One slowly came into Izuku's vision, wearing the same kind of crisp black suit he always did, but this time he wore a dark helmet that completely enveloped his head.

"From a decade ago to two days ago, things had been stagnant. It was the era of the Symbol of Peace. Pick any day of any week and you would find the same thing, All Might reigned supreme, crime stuck to the shadows, Japan's economy was booming thanks to the explosion of the Hero sector, the HPSC was keeping their heads down after 'killing' me so no one would strip them of their power, and I was recovering."

The Villain sat down onto his throne with the grace of a king, and propped the edge of his chin up with a fist..

"But yesterday things changed." He held up his hand and began counting on his fingers. "All Might was publicly humbled, wounded terribly in his greatest fight since he faced me. Endeavor, the only Hero to even approach him in power level, was made an example of and permanently put out of commission. Dozens of Heroes were killed by an army of artificial monsters no one, not even I, had ever seen before. The HPSC publicly deployed forces with military equipment they were never given. And the League of Villains, my pet project for the past year, was completely wiped to the last man.

"In one day, an era ended. Just like that." All for One snapped his fingers, and even the simple action had Izuku's ears ringing. "Now things have changed, Japan is divided, my arch rival crippled, and a large swath of my plans are ruined. So, to me, it has been a very long time since we last spoke, Sovereign."

"The world around us isn't the only thing that seems to have changed." Izuku gestured towards the Villain's helmet in a pitifully weak attempt to change the topic.

"Oh, yes. I still have to thank Ujiko for this piece of magic. Why, it almost reminds me of some old technology I saw warlords hoarding during the Quirk Collapse." He tapped on the black metal in thought. "Your research into genetics and biology has accelerated Ujiko's recovery program for me exponentially. I'm two years ahead of where I should be, and have been able to spend much more time out of my chair, and on my own two feet. You never quite realize how much you enjoy eating solid food until almost nine years without it."

All for One sighed dramatically.

"But once I had the taste of freedom I wanted more, NEEDED more! And so Ujiko devised this contraption for me, a portable life support system that I can take anywhere I go, and helps cover up the worst of my scars. With this and my recovery, I dare say I can spend more time off my chair than All Might can spend using his quirk." All for One smiled and Izuku could feel the malevolent grin through the mask. "Ironic, isn't it?"

"Yes sir. I can see the amusement."

"Indeed, but enough about me, do you know why you're here today?"

"I don't suppose you want me to break out Tomura?"

"No. He has failed, and he refuses to learn from his failures. Let him stew in his own misery and think about his mistakes. He will either break in the depths of Tartarus, or be forged into the weapon I have been molding him to be."


"Effective." All for One corrected. "But we're here to talk about you, not Tomura. Or more specifically-" He lifted his hand into the air, and with a flick of his wrist he was holding a vial of black liquid Izuku was almost certain he hadn't had before. "These projects of yours."

All for One held the vial of Entropy up and swirled it around, then brought his other hand up to read a sheet of paper that he absolutely hadn't had a second before.

"Entropy, Kronos, Rapture. Just from the overview they sound fascinating, but the fact I was never told about any of them really serves to highlight their most problematic qualities."

Izuku swallowed nervously, his mind running at full capacity to come up with a plan, but seemingly only able to spin in circles. This could be very bad.

"So I don't waste your time with redundant information, could you summarize what you already know?"

"Enough to know that a chess piece has severely overestimated how much independence it really has, and that your answers will determine how many people leave this room at the end of our discussion."

A physical weight pressed down on Izuku, holding him in place, and keeping his legs from moving. Instinctively he sent a message of his coordinates to prepare for a warp, but something in the very air around him blocked it.


All for One lowered the vial of Entropy to Izuku's eye level, and with a start Izuku realized it wasn't a vial of Entropy anymore, in its place was a black wooden horse.

"The knight is a very unique piece, one of the most interesting pieces on the board in my opinion. It moves in a pattern that is unpredictable to inexperienced players, and can leap over the enemy line to strike at the most valuable targets. They require brains and elegance to use properly, but in the right hands they are a reaper of death."

He placed the knight down on his armrest, next to an overturned rook, a bishop that was cracked in half, and a pawn that was suspended in puppet strings- as if it wasn't affected by gravity.

"But they are not a necessary piece, knights can be sacrificed for the greater plan, they can be… expendable. You do not need one to win the game."

"Well…" Izuku took a breath to steady himself. "Then I guess I'll have to convince you otherwise."

All for One hummed, and looked him over for a few seconds. 

"You're confident."

"I'm terrified."

"Another point to your intelligence- a dangerous thing to have so much of."

"I find that it's far more dangerous to have too little than too much."

"Only because you have not lived long enough to choke on the weight of your own mistakes." All for One waved him off dismissively. "Enough stalling for more time to think. Your projects, explain them as blunt as you can, I have other things to do today and don't have time to deal with flowery language and double meanings.."

Izuku opened his mouth to object but winced and just jumped to the point. "Entropy is exactly what you've seen, it is a program to develop quirk suppressants. It is most effective on emitter quirks and almost completely ineffective on mutants for obvious reasons. I have managed to make a liquid and gas form of the chemical, and it has proven to be very useful against Heroes. The stronger the quirk, and the more well trained it is, the more Entropy it takes to achieve worthwhile results."

"Have you attempted a permanent erasure of quirks?"

"Brief attempts at such a thing have found no results, so we have mainly been focusing on making the current suppressant more effective."

"So you have ."

"Briefly, yes sir." Izuku winced. Every instinct warned him to lie or deflect, but lying to the monster in front of him would do nothing but make the situation worse.

"Hmm." All for One lifted the page again and skimmed over it with whatever he used to substitute his eyes. "What of the other ones?" 

"Rapture at its most basic form is my continuation of Ujiko's Nomu project. Its purpose is to make creatures that could fight pro Heroes in my stead, and eventually make something strong enough to fight someone on the level of All Might."

"You've both failed miserably at that." All for One snorted in brief amusement. "He's a husk of what he once was, and both of your 'masterpieces' couldn't even win against him in the equivalent of a wheelchair. The Nomu at the USJ thrown through the roof, and your giant lizard blown in half."

"Yes sir." Izuku grit his teeth and kept quiet, biding his time.

"I started the Nomu program to fully test and document how people react to powerful quirks being injected into them, and see if there were any… echoes . That eventually morphed into seeing if I was in any danger from holding so many, then over time Ujiko gradually changed it into the soldier creation you currently know it as. Your Rapture project is completely diverged from every reason I started the Nomu program for."

"I was not made aware of that, sir."

"Which is why I suppose you can't be held completely accountable for that, but you can be held entirely accountable for never telling me about it." All for One tossed the paper. "I've mostly made up my mind, but go ahead and tell me anyway about the third one, it's the only one I havn;t seen used and the name sounds interesting if nothing else." 

All for One leaned back in his chair, and cracked his neck, completely unconcerned that he had just told the S ranked villain across from him that he was going to kill him. As if Izuku was so far beneath him that the very concept of "threat" didn't even register.

The paper fluttered down lazily and slid next to Izuku's feet. Izuku's knees buckled, and he struggled to remain standing as his stomach dropped out from under him.

It was one of the ones he'd been printing off from his computer to hide, so he could wipe it all from the database's memory, explaining in detail the numerous failed attempts to develop a portable way to permanently erase quirks from a person's genome.

The vials in his coat pocket suddenly felt heavier as he realized his backup plan was now his only plan. But he hadn't finished that plan! 

The original draft could almost certainly cripple All for One, but could was not would and even if it did, crippled was not dead . That draft also included a finished Rapture (that he didn't have) to throw at All for One to finish him off. So he either needed to learn how to conjure a monster twice as powerful as Charybdis from thin air in the next 30 seconds, or get really creative in the same amount of time.

"...Kronos is my quirk development program. It's what I used to create the amalgam quirks Ujiko and I told you about. The ones that I make by fusing pieces of several different quirks together."

"That's a strange name for a quirk program. Kronos is a latin root word for time."

"It was in reference to the quirk doomsday clock Ujiko theorized about, the ultimate aim was to artificially create something on par of a quirk singularity that was built to be controllable." 

Izuku reached into his coat and pulled out two vials. They were full of living meat that pulsed against the glass, the flesh had no nerves, no brain, its entire purpose was to hold a quirk so that the DNA could be extracted, refined, and then turned into something that would give someone a quirk. The original plan had been to use those somethings instead of this, but he was going to have to cut corners if he wanted to survive the next hour.

"I have some samples I made specifically for you, and I would like you to at least look at what I can offer before casting judgment."

"Bibery." All for One accused in an approving tone. "Always a good fall back, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Let's see what tribute you bring, young Sovereign, but know I am hard to impress."

Sweat dripped down Izuku's neck, his hands shook, and his fingers felt like they were freezing even in his thick gloves, and the twin vials felt like lead in his hands- only distinguishable by the blue or red marks on either's lid.

This was it. Blue vial then red, and All for One would fall, he would never pose a major threat to anyone ever again. Hell it might even kill him! The only problem is that he'd be less than ten feet away from All for One when he realized the betrayal, in arms reach of a Villain who could flatten mountains.

All he had to do was sacrifice himself and Japan would be saved. He just had to stand in front of the bullies and take the beating, just like he had done as a kid.

All for One perked up, sitting straighter as his danger sense quirk began ringing in the back of his head.

But Izuku wasn't the same person he had been on the playground, the same kid who willingly took abuse and mistook it as friendship.

He was a monster who had wreaked havoc hunting down his Mother's killer.

He was a scientist who would make the choice with the greatest probability of success.

He was Izuku Midorya, and he wasn't going to die just yet.

"For you, my liege." Izuku bowed in fake respect, and held out the red marked vial.

All for One hesitated in confusion as his danger sense quirk suddenly cut off, and relaxed back into his throne. With a wave of his hand the vial floated to him. He grabbed the vial and turned it over in his hand, running his thumb over the glass, caressing the quirk inside.

'RESTORE' The quirk whispered to him. 'REBUILD'

"What is this?" He asked in confusion. "This doesn't taste like what your amalgam quirk smells like it would."

"Taste?" Izuku questioned before shaking his head and shoving the thought aside. "That's because it's not fully an amalgam quirk. It's a more streamlined version of a normal healing quirk, I edited it so that it should be able to recognize what you're missing and work to rebuild, rather than just heal the wound."

All for One paused, turning the worlds over in his head for a moment, and then ravenously descending on the power with his quirk. The quirk was ripped from the vial like meat from a rib and devoured by All for One- the quirk, not the man, though the distinction didn't really matter after all these years.

The villain seized up and began convulsing, the vial dropped to the floor and shattered into pieces. Smoke rose from his clothes as his body began to heat up. Lighting sparked in his hands, flames danced around him and then froze into obsidian that dissolved into sand that melted into glass. 

The building shook as his power flared, and Izuku was released from his hold just in time to dive out of the way of a large piece of ceiling as it crashed down.

Then, all at once, it stopped.

The Villain took deep ragged breaths as he collected himself. Slowly he reached a hand up to his mask, gripped it firmly, and then with a flash of light it exploded, sending shrapnel bouncing around the room.

All for One rose from his half melted throne and looked down on Izuku with a full head of snowy white hair and glowing red eyes.

"And another point to your intelligence." The man smiled from ear to ear. "Such a dangerous, dangerous thing to have so much of."

All for One opened his arms and the world around them shook as he descended the stairs, fully healed.

"What a dangerous little chess piece you are. How unpredictable." He stopped at the foot of the stairs and loomed over Izuku. "I don't suppose your second gift would happen to be as generous as the first?"

"I would hope you think so, or else nothing would be able to impress you." Izuku held out the blue tipped vial. "I present immortality in a jar."

The flesh inside it sung to All for One, its quirk beckoned for him to take it, shining brightly in his mind from its sheer power. He reached out to the bloated quirk.

So this was one of the 'amalgam' quirks that Ujiko had been talking about? It swelled with power to the point that the poor thing looked unhealthy.


He turned the vial over in thought and reached for his other healing quirks he had collected over the many years.


They sung to him in harmony.

'PRESERVE, MAINTAIN, SEW BACK TOGETHER' The amalgam quirk chanted through a rotten windpipe.

"The amalgam name fits better than you realize." He chuckled in amusement, never taking his eyes off the vial. "But you realize that I am already immortal, right?"

"Immortal age wise, not physically, as All Might proved." Izuku nodded at the vial. "This would be true immortality, for all intents and purposes. Any damage taken would instantly repair no matter what. It would take vaporizing you down to the atomic level to do you in, and anything less than that would just be shrugged off."


All for One grinned and shattered the vial in his hand, letting All for One surge forth and consume the bloated quirk.

A sensation gripped his body. He could feel it in his bones and muscles, like he had been pulled together more firmly, and he knew instinctively that he could take the same punch that had done him in all those years ago, and shrug it off like nothing.

All for One laughed, a small chuckle that rapidly devolved into a gut wrenching guffaw that shook his entire frame.

"NOW THIS IS A BRIBE!" He placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder in an iron grip, crossing the distance faster than Izuku's twice enhanced mind could even process. "Consider me impressed little Sovereign, and your transgressions made up for." He let go, the force of which caused Izuku to stumble.

"Run back to your petite projects, and your misplaced hopes that you think will one day be able to challenge me somehow. The stench of overgrown ambition and overconfident rebellion are ruining my moment of glory."

He smirked at Izuku's shocked expression.

"What? You think I couldn't tell you're not loyal? You've proven more useful than you are dangerous right now, but after what you've just given me, you're even more unnecessary than ever."

Izuku's response was a wave of gray foam erupting from the ground and encircling him.

The sandy foam strained in place, as if some invisible force was physically grabbing it and holding it in place.

"I look forward to when you next overstep, and what surprises you bring to beg as tribute."

Glowing green eyes locked gazes with hellish crimson in a staring contest neither were willing to back down from.

All for One let go and the Sovereign of Sins disappeared.

"Oh young Midoriya-" All for One smiled as he turned his hand around to look at with his own eyes . "You are so completely out of your depth."

He chuckled and sat back down on his throne.

"There's a difference between intelligence and wisdom, you know? Intelligence is, at its core, being able to take information and make the best guess. Wisdom is having been through a similar situation before and already knowing that the seemingly best paths are the ones with the greatest pitfalls."

He picked up the knight piece from the floor and marveled at it with his eyes.

"Intelligence without wisdom… such a dangerous thing to have so much of."

-Rain of Sins-

All for One, the greatest Villain in history restored to his full power, a nightmare scenario for Japan. It was one of the last things Izuku wanted, and one of the most inconvenient for his plans.

But it bought him time. All for One might have an unlimited amount of it, but Izuku needed every last scrap he could get if he was going to pull this off. Not to mention, even though his original plan had to be sacrificed, it was still a ticking time bomb coded into All for One's very DNA.

"KUIN!" He shouted as he strode through his lab. "Get Yuyara and Ujiko on the phone, tell them I need to meet with them! Figure out where Dabi and Stain's group scurried off to! And stop deleting stuff off the computers that's useless now! And tell every lab department that's not part of EKR that they're on holiday for the foreseeable future. We're not just diverting resources to Rapture, we're finishing the next three stages at the same time! I need multiple, fully functioning, combat capable, results and I need them now ."

The Sovereign of Sin stepped up to his desk, and the blood vials he had plugged into his computer.

Shoto's quirk, which could be separated and distilled into [Energy Creation] and [Energy Nullification].

Tomura's quirk, [Decay].

Momo's quirk [Creation].

And a quirk donated by Ujiko from his storage warehouse, [Energy Manipulation].

Izuku had originally wanted that gravity girl's quirk as well for this, but he had to work with what he had.

Creation and destruction of matter, creation and destruction of energy. Reality itself as a weapon to mold and use. A spearhead sharp enough to pierce the serpent's hide.

Because in chess, any piece could checkmate the King. Even a Knight.

-Chapter End-

What? You thought the story might slow down after dealing with Endi? Nope! (Okay maybe slightly for a little bit, just to you know, like calm down after the chaos)

Turns out AfO is not a fan of Izuku doing dangerous shit behind his back, especially when it deals with the removal of quirks. But luckily Izuku has mastered just the technique he needed to escape: "a semi-thought-out deathly dangerous gambit done while completely in over his head."

Hey, it worked for the entrance exam, it'll work here.


*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Regardless, it's time for new factions to enter the fray, for plotlines to come together, and for the weird, almost immersion confusing, bit at the very beginning of the story about the super soldier serum Izuku finished, to finally come all the way back around and slide seamlessly into the greater plot with a bunch of foreshadowing that's been acting as bread crumb trails.

*Sips Hot Chocolate*

Join the discord and get access to a bunch of memes for absolutely free! (and hentai, there is a lot of hentai. People posted so much in the "off topic" channel I eventually just caved and gave them their own chat.)


Shout out to my good friends who help me write these chapters, participate in polls, and give background character ideas, so deserve to get their name signed in the credits.

MidnightHydro! (The Mighty!), Eternal Guard (The Emboldened!), Helios (The Heroic!), thegodfather (The Great!), and 0RB! (The 0pulant!)

Nvsoulsborne, ShelDrake, Tom Tat, Gage Donaldson, The Brandonator, and Nuckles222!

Alex Estrugo, Blue_port, David Phan, Eledu, Elenium935, Jac, Jaydon Adams, jordan arrow, Max Buckner, phil, Quan Perryman, WiseKitsune, Spam2Spam, Gavin, GrimDeathKnight, Hamza Abdallah, Indie, Aswin Suthan, and wGLeblanc!

I love you glorious bastards! Y'all are great!