

A group of travelers make their way around outer realms, escaping enemies and making tales with no set goal. But what if their journey opens new mysteries of their pasts? it may not be just fun adventures and dramatic combat.

YoungByrd · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Fearsome Morning

Night had fallen by the time Vajor finished the quarterstaff. Shaping the wood to fit Agerg's specifications and applying an enchantment to it so it wouldn't be broken in the same fashion in the future. He was currently leaning over a small trinket he'd been working on. A small metal pendant he was putting the finishing touches on, the purple crystal in its center was the same shade as Sarale's eyes.

Lendral sat across from him reading a book in silence. They had swapped rooms for the night, Aktlass having taken the room with Karma since Sarale was still sleeping and couldn't keep watch over her friend. Sarale shifts under her furs and whimpers in her sleep, the effects of yet another nightmare. Vajor and Lendral both look up and over at her, before exchanging knowing looks.


"She's done this for as long as I've known her. Sometimes she even wakes up screaming."

Vajor's ears twitch at the sound of her fending off whatever was tormenting her. His eyes drifted back to her sleeping form. The spirits that hovered around her were different from before, an elderly woman sat on the bed beside her, resting her hand on Sarale's chest as if trying to comfort her to no avail.

VAJOR:(Looks at Sarale)

" 'At almost sounds like ya like 'er, laddie."


"We weren't always so estranged. Would it surprise you to find out we used to be friends once?"

VAJOR:(looks at Lendal)

"She's easy ta make friends wit'. so no, It wouldn't."


"She reminded me of that the other day. She helped me realize I was being manipulated by my older sister, Patrice. Told me she'd help me lessen my sentences in exchange for the information she needs and even, (Looks at Vajor) made me promise to pay you back for the damage done to your shop."

Vajor smiles before hovering over the pendant again.


"She's a good woman."


"She is… she used to wake up half the temple with her nightmares. Screaming so loudly we all thought a banshee was after us. It wasn't until recently she stopped sleeping and started going into her trances instead."



She shifts swatting at some invisible force, the woman from before having moved a few feet away, its eyes wide with fear.

Vajor looks up at her and sets the trinket down with a yawn.


"Only goin' inta trances doesn't seem all ta healthy if ya ask me, fey ancestry or not."

He stands stretching his back and approaches Sarale's bed sitting on the edge and taking her hand.


"It's alright dove, I'm 'ere."

He says brushing the frosty locks from her face with a smile.

She turns into his touch, her brows furrowing before finally relaxing with a soft sigh of relief. He slips under the covers next to her and wraps her in his arms, curling his tail up and around her legs, protectively. She shifts closer, nuzzling into his chest while never fully rousing from her slumber. Vajor chuckles and quietly calls over his shoulder.


"take tha other bed, Lendral. I'll sleep 'ere tanight."

Lendral nods, blowing out the candle and crawls into the other bed, after making sure the curtains were drawn.


The next morning Sarale rouses to a feeling of warmth surrounding her and a soft snore somewhere near her head. She blinks the sleep from her eyes and is met by a wall of soft pinkish brown fur. Her eyes widening as she looks up to see Vajor's face inches from hers, his glasses slightly skewed on his freckled nose. She would have giggled, had her heart not kicked into overdrive.

She tries to slip from his arms and he grumbles in his sleep, pulling her closer and making her squeak in surprise. Her mind was racing for a way to escape when Karma's words came to mind. Sarale looks up at his face once again and slips her arms up to remove his glasses, quietly thanking the gods that the room was dark. Her face glowing crimson as she snuggles closer and smiles to herself. She could enjoy this, couldn't she? Even if for just a little while longer. Vajor sighs in his sleep as she tucks her head under his chin and closes her eyes. She wouldn't fall back to sleep, but she would indulge in his comfort till either he woke or someone came to fetch them.

The sun was now peaking through the curtains. She could hear thumping outside the door as if someone was storming down the hall, then a grunt, a crash and a hollow groan from the stairs.

Vajor's ear twitches at the sound and Lendral sits up straight in bed looking towards the door. Sarale tries to get out of Vajor's grasp and he complains in his sleep as she shakes him.


"wake up. Somethings happening."

He blinks awake and looks around. The room is blurry with sleep and a lack of glasses.



She offers him his glasses and he takes them with a sleepily grumbled.


"Thanks, dove."

He sits up and watches her go to the door and step out into the hallway, Lendral hot on her heels. He yawns and follows after them towering over them as he stretches. The soft fluff of peachy hair on his head is wild from sleep.


"what's going on?"



Aktlass rushes past with obvious rage on his face. He jumps down the stairs and vanishes behind the flooring. Karma rushes out to them with a worn out panic.


"Guys! Guys! Oh thank the stars. help me stop him! he's about to kill that idiot!"

Sarale rushes past Karma and down the stairs.


"the actual fuck is happening?!"

Vajor followed after her, ready to hold Aktlass down if things got out of control. His sleepy face is now fully awake.

KARMA:(to Lendral)

"explain later! help, Please!"

Lendral shows his bound hands.

LENDRAL:(sarcastic panic)

"how exactly am I supposed to help?"

Everyone makes it downstairs and sees Aktlass boxing a half drunk goliath with a bounty hunters tag on his belt like Aktlass. Aktlass sends him across the room and the fight begins. The Goliath stumbles and rights himself before hitting the ground. He squared up and took a swing at Aktlass, undershooting in his drunken state. When he realizes he misses, he squints his eyes.


"oi, when there get to be two of yas?"

Then he raises the bottle in his hand to throw it at Aktlass and it flies from his hand, smashing against the wall behind him. He turns and looks at it dumbfounded


"Huh?"*looks forward*

Aktlass instantly rushes forward and throws a left hook and a right uppercut into the goliath's face and jaw, forcing him to stumble back a few more feet.

The Goliath charges forward and throws a right hook at Aktlass slamming his large fist into Aktlass' jaw and a second swing up and into Aktlass' gut, knocking the air from his lungs.


"Yer not tha only one wit fists big guy,"

he slurs as he sways on his feet drunkenly. Aktlass steps back and grabs the goliath's head and slams his own into his nose. He stumbles back a bit before stepping forward again to spin down to the floor and tripping the goliath, sending him to his behind on the floor. The Goliath shakes his head and blinks as his eyes water from the headbutt. He pushes up on his elbows and looks at Aktlass, raising his leg to kick. The room spins around him and he kicks at the air just next to Aktlass' head. He flails around a moment till he's on his hands and knees and goes to tackle Aktlass to the ground ready to pin him.

Aktlass quickly gets to one knee and catches the goliath and yanking him forward to pull him back into a grapple, wrapping his arms under the goliath's arms and locking his claws behind his head. He squeezes and pulls back on the goliath's body forcing his head forward making him groan in pain until he starts to scream from the agony.

Sarale rushes into the room and spies what's happening.



She raises her hand towards the men and an arc of divine light shoots from her palm




Aktlass is weightless as he levitates into the air, his grip on the Goliath failing as they both fall back to the ground. Aktlass lands on his feet with the goliath now standing and stumbling in front of him in a hiccup fit.



Sarale misty steps forward to break up the brawl. Vajor sees her spell fail in her panic and rushes forward to help, grabbing the Goliath and shoving him across the room to topple over a chair and onto his face in an undignified manner. He then positions himself between Aktlass and the Goliath and Sarale does the same.


"ya don' wanna do this friend. 'E ain' worth it."

Aktlass Glares at Vajor for a moment with a hiss before he relaxes and drops into a crouch with hi head low and his hand over his head as he sighs. Sarale sighs her shoulders relaxing as she approaches Aktlass.


"Easy big guy."

She crouches in front of him and places her hands on either side of his head.

SARALE"I swear I've healed more concussions in the past twenty-four hours than I have in my entire life."

Vajor relaxes and approaches the goliath, lifting him to his feet and dragging him from the room. Aktlass watches him take the goliath away and rumbles with a harsh hiss in his throat as he cringes in annoyance.


"I should have broken his hands first..."

SARALE:(Sighs)"No, you shouldn't have. Now will you please tell me what happened? This isn't like you."

Aktlass looks Sarale in the eyes quietly before speaking. His gaze seemed to fill with concern.


"... he knows Karma..."


"Okay? And? There has to be more to it than that for you to react like this. (Smiles) talk to me Aktlass. Help me understand."

Karma says as they step down the stairs with Lendral.


"He's a colleague from the ports… He's a former gladiator... like me."


"And what exactly did he do to make Aktlass react so harshly?"


"... you already know my habits... Most of us sleepwalk from those nightmares. so we know each other and often had a habit of confiding in each other for support... he uh... kind of treats me like his family. He's a roughhouser and... he did something Aktlass really didn't like..."

Sarale's expression goes blank as she looks back at Aktlass. Her voice is a quiet growl.


"what did he do exactly?"

Aktlass stops hissing and shrinks back holding his stomach as it tightens under his skin, his scales rising and shivering as he goes pale.


"... he... ripped their belt to see them."

Sarale stares at him blankly before turning on her heels and marching out of the room, silently.

The barkeep sinks down behind the bar and peeks over the edge, his eyes wide in terror. And Lendral steps aside as she passes him and Karma, heading in the direction Vajor had dragged the Goliath.


"S-s-s-sara… S-Sara! Sara no!! Don't! Please! Don't!"

Karma rushes to Sarale and grabs her hand. Sarale stumbles the moment Karma touches her hand. Her eyes going wide and her chest heaving. Visions of Karma's past flashing before her eyes as if she herself had lived them. The fear Karma felt toward Sarale at that very moment, filling Sarale's mind with distorted images of herself as a monstrous looking demon. She jerks her hand away looking up at Karma as if she'd just been burnt by their touch alone. Her eyes filling with tears.


"Ir abelas."

[Translation](I'm sorry)

She says shaking her head before storming out of the inn, running as fast as she can. Karma rushes after Sarale, shoving Lendral out of the way.



Vajor's ears twitch as he exits the room he just left the now passed out Goliath in. He rushes down the stairs upon hearing his name being shouted and looks around seeing everyone's terrified expressions. His brows furrow when he notices Karma and Sarale missing.



He charges out of the building after them, following the sound of Karma's voice as he rushes to catch up. Lendral looks at Aktlass, pale faced and then back at the door, his fear of Sarale keeping him firmly rooted in place. The barkeep looks at the two men.



Lendral jerks from his trance and rushes out of the building, following after Vajor. Aktlass jerks and stands to race after Lendral.

Karma Does their best to race after Sarale, keeping the distance as close as they possibly can.


"Sara!! Sarale!!!"

Sarale dips down an abandoned looking side street and slows to a fast walk, tears blurring her vision. She trembles as she comes to a stop and falls to her knees, curling in on herself and sobbing as she wraps herself in a hug. Karma calls from the entrance of the street, out of breath and worried sick about her friend.


"Sarale!! Sarale... haa~. Don't do that."

Sarale doesn't respond and she curls further in on herself. Her forehead nearly touched the dirt path that made up the road. Her body trembling and shaking like a leaf in a hurricane as quiet sobs wracked her body.

Vajor follows the sound of Karma's shouts to the street and stops next to them. His ears falling to his shoulders when his eyes land on Sarale. He himself looks like he might cry and his tail hangs limp behind him, the tuft of dusty rose fur at the tip brushing against the ground. He looks at Karma, his voice soft.


"wha' 'appened?"


"I... I think I scared her... I don't know what to do. I can't help her right now and it's frustrating... but I know you can make her feel better... so Please...?"

Vajor nods as he walks towards Sarale, his voice calm and low.


"aye, dove. Mind if I join ya?"

When she doesn't respond he kneels down next to her, his hand hovering just above her back before gently resting his hand on her. She flinches at the contact and he sighs.


"ya know dove. Ya got a lotta people worried 'bout ya. So why doncha tell me wha's gotcha so upset?"

Sarale trembles under his touch and he sits, pulling her against his chest.


"sh~ sh~ i's alright dove. I gotcha. I'm 'ere. I ain' goin' nowhere."

She lets herself be held, slowly turning into him and crying quietly.


"ir abelas,"(I'm sorry).


"Ya got notin' ta be sorry fer dove. So why doncha talk ta me? Jus' breathe an' tell me wha's wrong."

She shakes her head turning into his chest and hiding her face. Her voice muffled against his chest.


"... I'm a monster."

He shakes his head.


"no yer not, an' I don' wanna 'ear another lick o' 'at, do ya understand? Yer jus' scared, but 'at's why ya 'ave friends. So we can 'elp. Would ya let us 'elp? Would let me 'elp?"

The expression in her eyes shattering his heart as he pulls her into him tighter. He wraps her in a tight and comforting hold.


"we're all worried sick, dove."

She shakes her head against his chest, clutching his shirt like a scared child, but his calming voice easing the trembling to a slight shiver


"I can't. I just can't."


"Shh~ i's okay. Nothin' ya say or do is gunna stop us from caring' 'boing ya, dove. Poor Karma ran all tha way 'ere cause they were worried 'bout ya."

Sarale opens her mouth to speak when Karma interrupts calling to them from their spot on the Main Street.



Karma calls nervously. They step closer to peak past Vajor to see Sarale look over her shoulder to see them. Karma couldn't bring themselves to speak to her seeing the look in her eyes and they bow their heads when Aktlass walks next to them and places his hand on their shoulder. Aktlass waits in silence by them.

Sarale turns back into Vajor's chest trying to hide her shame and anxiety from her friends. Lendral slides to a stop next to Aktlass and Karma, his eyes widening at Sarale's state. He swallows nervously as he approaches, moved by some unexplainable force. Once he's standing in front of Vajor he takes a knee



She pushes closer to Vajor and he runs her back gently.


"shh~ i's alright dove. 'E jus' wants ta 'elp."

She clutches his shirt and buries her face like a frightened child and all at once Lendral is reminded of when she would have these fits at the temple. Vajor taking the place of Sardan.

LENDRAL:(Calm imitation)

"Sara, look at me, please? That's it snowdrop."

Her eyes widen as she turns to look at him trembling in Vajor's arms.


"That's right. I haven't forgotten that little nickname. This is only a paper tiger, right?"

She studies him, her brows furrowing, and gives a slight nod.


"Do you remember the words?" She takes a shuddered breath and nods again, "then say them for me."

SARALE: (Shuttering sigh)

"I belong, my company is welcomed, I am loved, I am calm, undistort the distortion, I am not a monster."

Lendral takes her hand and repeats the words with Sarale until she calms down.


"you are safe and secure, I invite light and peace into this moment."

Lendral places both his palms on her head and she closes her eyes as he casts calm on her. She sighs when he pulls away and gives him a tired smile.


"thank you Lendral."


"Don't mention it. No really don't. I have a reputation to uphold for being a bitch remember?"

She and Vajor both chuckle and she pulls a dagger from her boot. Lendral watches her, but doesn't feel threatened as she reaches for Lendral's hands, cutting the rope that binds him.


"I think you've earned it."

He rubs his wrist as the rope falls away and nods at her appreciatively.


"You have my thanks."

She just nods as she goes to stand. Vajor helped and never left her side l, his large hand resting on her back. Sarale chews her lip as she looks at Karma and Aktlass.


"I'm sorry, I frightened you, can you forgive me?"


"d-don't apologize! I uh... I shouldn't have grabbed you in that state. That was on me, but I just didn't want you to kill the guy over something so dumb."


"I overreacted because I was tired and agitated. I was overwhelmed on my own, so it's nothing to concern yourself with."


"Neither of you did anything wrong, Aktlass you were protecting Karma, Karma was trying to protect an old friend, and I need to learn to control my temper."

LENDRAL:(Groan & Stretch)

"You've always been passionate about protecting your friend Sarale. I don't think that will ever change."

Karma smiles and wipes their eyes while Aktlass shrugs and starts walking back. Vajor keeps his hand on Sarale's back and guides her gently, his attention focused entirely on Sarale and making sure she doesn't trip or run into anything. She watches the ground, squinting as she tries her best to keep the sun from her eyes now that they've stepped out of the dark side street.

Lendral follows by spying the expression on Aktlass' face and swallowing nervously.


"so~ uh. Aktlass, where are you going?"


"the inn, where else?"

LENDRAL:(Scratches head nervously)

"You look like you're going to murder someone.."


"I'm just gonna wake the bastard to talk."



Karma decides to walk after them when they notice the men talking and recognizes the tone in Aktlass's response to Lendral's question.


"Aktlass... Aktlass! What are you gonna do to him?"


"I just wanna talk to him."




"I'm just gonna talk."

Karma rushes ahead to walk in front of Aktlass.


"Aktlass no. No no no."

Aktlass waves his hands to shoo Karma away.


"I'm just gonna talk to him."




"Just one more good sock to the face. It won't hurt him."

Aktlass cracks his knuckles and neck as his steps get heavy.


"Aktlass, do you really think that's wise? Isn't that what got us in this situation to begin with?"


"This and that are two different things."


"How so?"


"You were mad. I'm confused."


"I'm still mad, I won't lie. I'd like nothing more than to remove his manhood and shove it down his own throat for not understanding consent, but two wrongs don't make a right."


"That's not why."

Aktlass sounded unconvinced of his own words.


"h-h-hang on! hang on! hang on! Aktlass, I told you! It's not like that! That's just how he is! He knows what I look like already I told you! He wasn't gonna do anything!"




"HEY!! DON'T use that tone with me! look! I know that glutton better than anybody from that gladiator tribunal area at the ports of Ahsaa! He's not a bad person and he doesn't mean any harm to anyone! He's a big fat baby when he's not drunk! He only drinks to hide that! do not hurt him. Is that clear?!"

Sarale and Vajor both stop and look in the direction of Karma and Aktlass. Sarale smirked and shook her head.


"and there it is."


"What's 'at dove?"


"Karma's hit their limit. Aktlass is walking in thin ice. They're comrades from the trials."

She shrugs and Lendral quirks a brow staying silent.


"I understand that you are too fucking lenient with them. over half of them hate you and the other half are after your head because of someone else's orders."


"we can trust him!"



Aktlass storms off to the inn and busts through the door to head to the goliath's room.

Sarale sighs as she outstretches her hand.


"Here we go again. Tarosa."


Aktlass feels weightless for a moment, but due to her inability to see the spell falters and fails.


"Vajor, a little help?"


"On it,"

Lendral takes Vajor's place to guide Sarale to the inn as Vajor rushes forward and attempts to grapple Aktlass, wrapping his arms around Aktlass' to try and stop him. Aktlass forces his way out of Vajor's grip and continues on to the stairs. The other guests, barmaids, and the bartender are watching in silence making way for him to pass. The bartender slowly sinks back behind the counter then looks at the party.


"... wha' in blazes is happin' now?"

Lendral guides Sarale into the building and she blinks at the sudden change in lighting. Her vision finally clearing,


"He's still angry about the goliath."


"ah. well, make sure he take's 'em out side this time. Hm?"

He raises a glass and starts cleaning it.


"aye we will. 'opefully it won't get 'at bad this time."


"Oh I don' care for that. just don' be bustin' up me inn. I'll forgive em. fer dat railing fer now."


"Thank you kindly for your understanding, sir dwarf."

She, Vajor, and Lendral disappear up the stairs after Aktlass.

Aktlass stood by the goliaths door and bangs on it and hears him tumble about in his room with a few bottles crashing before opening the door.


"Yeah! yeah! I said I'll pay! I'm sorry! I- (pauses and sees Aktlass) Oh... the big guy from this morning. y'know you really gave me one hell of a beating this mornin'."


"Oh good, you remember. Look. I only came to 'ask' you to apologize to my friend for your 'stumble'. I'll apologize for beating the shit out of you for it."

The goliath looks at Aktlass as if he asked a dumb question. he steps out of his room and stands just short of a foot in front of Aktlass with his arms folded.


"I don't do requests unless you pay me... Ootashi."

Aktlass starts to rumble and hiss with a flicking tongue when Karma steps between them and force them apart in a two armed length.


"Okay~. hahey~. Tunda! how you doin' it's been a while! I see you got a... pretty good hang over there. you good?"

the goliath looks down at Karma for a moment then smiles happily.


"Karma~! good to see you, little brother!"

The Goliath, Tunda, gives Karma a gentle bear hug with a pat on the back. Aktlass only watches with a suspicious look. Sarale and Lendral exchange suspicious looks, while Vajor stands behind them and crosses his arms with a frown. The goliath, Tunda, lets go of Karma and tussles their curly hair behind their head just under their horns making Karma giggle happily.


"good to see you out and about. you look like you're doing well on your own."


"eh. bumpy road, but jobs get done no problem. I see you found a new big friend."


"uh! don't worry! he's just really uh... we went through a good lot with others from the coliseums. those uh... reunions didn't go so well. hehe."


"... I see how it is. sorry ta hear that."

Tunda looks around to find the rest of the group at the stairs with the same expressions as Aktlass.


"... friends of yours too?"


"Oh yeah!! that's Sarale, a paladin. That's Vajor, he was a blacksmith before he joined us as a barbarian, and that guy is Lendral, he's also a paladin... and I'm guessing you already know Aktlass."


"oh... well nice to meet ya all... Aktlass, huh. some kind of alias?"


"... A name for friends..."


"oh well excuse me."


"Now, now, boys. we're all friendly here, right?"


"No offense, little brother, but bounty hunters tend to be in constant competition with each other. can't really blame me for not liking the infamous half-orc mutant."


"hey now!"


"Hey. That's what our world calls him. It's not my fault and I ain't his friend. Just sayin'. Anyway, Imma go pay my tab off and be on my way. I was only here for a night's break before I go find a new job to do. It was good seein' ya, little brother." Tunda tussles Karma's curls again before walking off to the stair to pass the others. "pardon me, good company. Oh! here!"

Tunda tosses a now pocketed belt to Karma past the railings.


"That's for the belt. sorry about that!"


"Not a problem. You got a shit habit about pants-ing people though."


"I know I know. I'm sorry. You know me."


"yeah. be careful."


"... you too."

Tunda leaves to the barkeep and pays his tab before leaving the inn. Karma looks down at the belt once they know he is gone and checks for the mana in it.


"'beware the hunters'..."

Sarale approaches Karma and rests a hand on their shoulder.


"What's that supposed to mean?"

KARMA:(heavy sigh)

"... just means we should start packing too. Fucker is still way too damn soft for his own good."

Sarale sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. Before she heads to the room she and Vajor had shared with Lendral.


"you're right, we should head out too. Hopefully nobody's stolen our horses. That'll definitely give us an advantage on these 'hunters'."

Vajor's tail swishes behind his legs.


"if they 'ave, want me ta pummel 'em fer ya?"


"you should already know what her answer will be."

Sarale gives Lendral a look before glancing at Vajor.


"No, that won't be necessary. We should hurry though, you've all done enough damage to the inn and that warning sounded ominous."


"HEY!! I didn't take part in any fights. I simply bet on them."


"Aye, but it was fun."

Sarale rolls her eyes as she passes by Karma to get her possessions. Vajor followed behind her and Lendral on their heels.


"meet back here in ten."

She gives Karma a knowing look as she disappears into her room. Vajor and Lendral on her tail. Aktlass and Karma stand in the hall for a while before Aktlass goes to the room they shared and packs their things, wielding his cursed ax, letting the dark fog escape the head. He drags their things out and gives Karma their stuff. Karma makes sure their scimitar is ready to draw when they get down stairs. Sarale, Vajor, and Lendral appear not long after Aktlass does. All three are ready for a fight.


"Let's go."