
Ragnarok Chronicles: I'm The Reincarnated Hero Of Asgard

Three highschool students suddenly found themselves caught in the middle of the Ragnarok. And turns out that they are the Reincarnated Souls of legendary heroes, the only hope to save the world. You will find the System in used in this story for the protagonists so they can learn their power quicker. This is the story of Zero to Hero. So they will not become OP too soon. I want to highlight their journey to become stronger. I don't know if there will be Harem, but its not something impossible in the future. Its based on the direction of the story. If its necessary than Harem will be there. :) Give this a try, maybe you will like it. :) Update schedule: 2 - 4 chapters a day. --- In a world gripped by unnatural disasters and a relentless cold, Erik's life takes an unexpected turn. As earthquakes shatter cities and blizzards blanket the lands, fear and confusion spread like wildfire. While the world speculates about global warming or divine punishment, Erik can't shake the feeling that something far more sinister is unfolding. During a history lesson, his teacher's ominous warnings about divine retribution become disturbingly real when a bone-chilling of wolves' howl reverberates through the school. The Fenrir Wolves attacking earth. With his heart pounding and his mind racing, Erik discovers that he is not an ordinary teenager. He is the reincarnation of Sigurd, a legendary warrior from Norse mythology. Erik's closest friends, Liam and Mia, are also revealed to be reincarnations of ancient heroes—Beowulf, the great hero with unparalleled strength, and Brynhildr, the fierce Valkyrie with celestial powers. As the world teeters on the brink of Ragnarok, the trio is thrust into a desperate struggle for survival. They then taken to Asgard, the realm of the gods. Erik, Liam, and Mia must quickly adapt to their newfound powers and uncover the secrets of their past lives. Under the guidance of Thor and the other gods, they embark on a perilous quest to preventing the apocalypse. Each step of their journey brings them closer to unlocking their true potential and understanding the grave responsibility they bear. As the forces of chaos gather strength, Erik and his friends must confront their deepest fears and stand united against the encroaching darkness. The fate of the world rests in the hands of these modern-day heroes, and failure is not an option. Will Erik, Liam, and Mia rise to the challenge and save the world from certain destruction? Or will they succumb to the overwhelming forces of Ragnarok? ---

Diyen_Pi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
104 Chs


The howl continued to echo, a deep, resonant sound that seemed to shake the foundations of the school. It was so loud that the windows rattled and the students jumped at every reverberation. The room immediately filled with the low murmur of anxious whispers and the occasional gasp of fear.Erik's heart raced as he glanced around the room, his anxiety growing with each passing second. The howl's ferocity suggested something of immense size and power far beyond anything they could imagine. He suddenly remember his dreams and the strange happenings in the world.Mrs. Blackwell struggled to maintain control, her face now a mask of panic. But she keep silent, not saying anything to keep them calm or giving instruction whatsoever.The students huddled closer together with eyes wide with fear. Some were clutching their heads, others were covering their ears, trying to block out the terrifying sound.Erik could see the fear reflected in their faces and it mirrored his own growing dread.The howl seemed to draw closer, its intensity increasing with each passing moment. The once-faint tremors in the building now felt like violent shudders. Erik could feel the vibrations in his chest, the sound so overwhelming that it was almost unbearable. He could barely focus on anything but the primal noise outside.A few students began to cry. Erik noticed a couple of them clinging to each other for comfort, their faces pale and eyes wide with terror. The room was a whirlwind of fear and confusion.As the howl reached a deafening crescendo, the classroom door burst open, and one of the male teacher rushed in, his face ashen."Everyone, listen up!" he shouted, trying to be heard over the howl. "We need to get to the basement. It's the safest place until we know what's going on. Move quickly and stay together!"The students scrambled to their feet, their fear driving them to act quickly. Erik's mind raced as he grabbed his backpack and followed the crowd toward the door. The howl outside seemed to grow even louder, a monstrous roar that felt like it was right on top of them.As they moved down the hall the sound of their footsteps mingling with the relentless howl.Erik scanned the crowd frantically, searching for Liam and Mia. His heart pounded with each passing second. Are they okay? Where are they?,The howl outside was deafening making it difficult to hear anything over the cacophony. There is definitiely more than one of that creatures. Whatever it is.Erik's breaths came in ragged gasps as he pushed through the panicked throng.

He tried to spot Liam and Mia through the shifting mass of students but the crowd surged around him, blocking his view.

The hallway was a frenzy of panicked crowd with students jostling and bumping into each other as they rushed toward the basement. The principal led the way with face that set in a grim expression as he urged everyone to keep moving.The noise and the pressure of the crowd were overwhelming, and Erik felt himself being pushed along with the flow.He stumbled as someone accidentally elbowed him, nearly losing his balance. But he managd to pushed forward after overpowering the student.The howl seemed to grow louder, more menacing, as if... as if it was closing in on them.The chaos of the hallway reached a fever pitch as the students neared the basement door. Just as they were about to reach safety a deafening boom shook the entire building, followed by a violent crashing sound and the unmistakable vibrations of a wall being demolished.BOOM!BOOM!BOOM!The noise was so loud it nearly drowned out the howl that had been echoing through the school. The floor beneath Erik's feet trembled and the force of the impact sent a wave of more panic through the crowd. The students' cries of fear mingled with the sound of rubble falling, adding to the cacophony of terror.Stronger students shoved their way forward, pushing aside those who were slower or weaker. The crowd's momentum became a crushing force, and Erik found himself swept along.He saw a few students fall. Erik's instincts drove him to reach out to one of them, a smaller girl who had been trampled in the rush. He tried to maneuver through the chaos to offer aid but the crowd was too dense, and the pushing and shoving made it impossible for him to get close."Help! Somebody help!" the girl's voice cried out, but Erik could do nothing but reach out helplessly.The crowd's force pushed him away, and he was carried further from the fallen student. He felt a surge of frustration and helplessness as he was buffeted by the crowd.In the midst of the turmoil, Erik's thoughts were consumed by worry for Liam and Mia. He hoped they were safe and that they had managed to avoid being caught in the crush of panic.Erik's breaths came in ragged gasps as he was pushed closer to the basement door, still desperately searching for a glimpse of his friends.Finally the crowd reached the basement entrance, and Erik was thrust into the dimly lit space where the students huddled together, their faces etched with fear.Erik stumbled inside, his mind racing with worry and his heart heavy with the weight of uncertainty.As the basement door began to close, Erik's eyes caught a glimpse of a girl trapped outside. Panic surged through Erik as he saw her helplessly reaching out, her pleas barely audible over the cacophony.Without a second thought, Erik pushed through the crowd, ignoring the desperate shouts from everyone around him, urging him to stay back.He barreled past them with pounding heart as he fought his way back toward the door."Let me through! I have to help her!" Erik shouted, though his voice was nearly lost in the noise.He reached the door just in time to see it begin to close, the gap shrinking rapidly. With a final burst of strength he managed to wedge his body through the narrowing space and stumbled into the hallway.The girl, a young student he vaguely recognized, was standing by the door, her eyes wide with terror. Erik moved quickly, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her. As he helped her to her feet, a deep, rumbling crash echoed from behind them.When he turned his head, Erik saw a wall shatter into rubble and through the debris, he glimpsed the snout of a massive black wolf. Its eyes glowed with a cold fierce light, and its enormous jaws gaped open as if ready to consume everything in its path. The sight was enough to freeze Erik's blood in his veins."Run!" Erik shouted, his voice urgent and raw.He pushed the girl toward the door. The girl scrambled toward the entrance, her movements frantic as she tried to get through the narrowing slit.Erik's heart ached as he saw her finally slip through, disappearing into the relative safety of the basement. As he turned to follow, he realized the door was closing fast, the gap shrinking rapidly. He lunged forward but it was too late-the door slammed shut with a heavy thud, trapping him outside."Great, now see where is your heroic act get you?" Erik cursed himself inside his mind. He turned his head and see the giant wolf approaching.---